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Experiencing extreme fatigue. Sleep for more hours yet not feeling refreshed. Need advise? Have numbness and tingling in toes. Reason? What is the difference between the medicine Telista and Telista AM? Suffering from shivering with high fever, headache. Diabetic, high BP and uric acid, under medication. Suggest? Got bruising after a fall. Applying arnica gel. What should be done? Child getting rashes in the same spot. Skin has tuned white. Rash is bigger than pimples. What could it be? How long does it take to come out of withdrawal symptoms from Ritalin? Very fatigued and drowsy. Sleeping medications like Seroquel and ambien have no effect. Suggest? Having sharp pain in the back of head. Severe for some time. Reason? Having vomiting sensation with sore stomach. Had diarrhoea. Suggestion? Have blister bumps on hands and is not going with cream and lotion. Treatment? Had radial neck excision and cannot use fingers. Underlying causes? Have thyroid and neuropathy. Skin feels icy cold when sweating and when body is hot, feel cold. Underlying cause? Could I take candid B for yeast infection on penis? Having complete blockage of the saliva glands. Done with blood tests and biopsies. Suggest the treatment? Have protruded bone on wrist which hurts, wear splint and take DMSO. Can Cortisone shot be taken? Limited range of movement of one leg due to hip arthritis. Suggest? Diagnosed with low HDL levels. Take tylenol for headaches. Suggest diet? Done with chest X-ray. Having sugar, BP, cholesterol, cough sputum and tiredness. Advise? Having intense headache suddenly during a bowel movement. Could I ask a doctor? Having lump inside butt turning into movable skin piece of tissue below. What could it be? Having partial hearing and loud noises in ear when stressed out. BP increases. Done with many tests. Need advise? Suggest the medication for MRSA infection. Is it completely curable? Have been taking Venlafaxine and libido went totally down. Suggest? Is in ending stage of liver disease. Has stopped taking medicine and drinking Ensure. What to do? Having cramp in interior side of breast. Having menopause. BP is not normal. What could it be? Tore foreskin while having sex. Should I use fucidin ointment? Suggest treatment for bad breath Had sore throat. Given antibiotics. Has sinus problem. Suggested bone growing on side of the neck. Help? Spitting blood and taking RU486. What could be the cause? Intellectually disabled. Having headache and stomach pain. Stomach looks abnormal in shape. Previously diagnosed with gastritis. Help? Having collapsed colon, pressure and pain in diaphragm and abdomen is swollen. Bladder leaks and difficulty in urinating. Suggest remedy? Have dark marks on upper chest of body due to scratching. How to get rid of it? Experiencing blindness for some time. Having tinnitus and glands are swollen. Sleeping all day due to tiredness. Treatment? Can spinal abnormalities be diagnosed. Had X-ray. Findings? Have leg pain followed by shiver, nausea and fever. Reasons and cure? Suffering from extreme dizziness and head is falling. MRI and Agiogram normal. Asked to consult ENT. Suggest? Underwent angioplasty with stents. Having red spot with itching and rashes all over body. Suffer weakness and tired. Cause? Suffering from fever. Done with several tests and diagnosed with typhoid. Still having fever. Underlying causes? Bleeds through skin on face when sleeping. Has high BP, takes lisinopril, Bayer low dose and Folic acid Do regular exercise but diagnosed with high Creatinine and cholesterol. Cause? Had Bulimia nervosa. Did vitamins blood test. Can see the stomach pulse. Why? Have been bulimic. Suffer difficulty in erection. Low Vitamin E12 and Vitamin D level. Concerned about stomach movement. Remedy? Why taking frova for migraine is a problem if you have had a hysterectomy? Having knee pain and had Synvisc One. Facing problem while walking on stairs. Suggest the other products that could be used with Synvisc One? Had UTI, took two different antibiotics to clear. Still have frequent urination and urine test showed high leukocytes Have taken Z-pac and started sore throat again, got another antibiotic. Risk of infecting the infant? Having lung pain, rash on back, fatigue and trouble concentrating. Blood test showed high WBC and Kidney stones Have intense abdomen pain, elevated sugar level nd funny feeling in head. Cause? Suffering from knee pain and have ticking sound while sitting and getting up. Suggest? Had bloating problem. Endoscopy showed mild gastritis, asked to consume Neksium empty stomach. Can Flax seeds help? Getting continuous headache, have changed spectacles but no help. Underlying cause? Asthamatic since childhood, developed persistent cough, shortness of breath with chest and body pain. Had X-ray. Suggest? Feeling sick in the stomach and head sweats. Eating result in throwing up. Suggest? Cheeks have gone inside, it looks ugly. How to get chubby cheeks with medicine? Suffer from lot of dandruff. There are flakes that fall resulting in hair fall. Use herbal oil. Suggest? Had sex and took Ipill. Dark brown discharge with bad smell is noticed. Feeling extremely tired and fatigued. Advise? Skipped heartbeats. Done with EKG. What is wrong? Sneezing problem in middle of the night. Allergic problem? Done pathological health check-up. Got low serum level. Suggestion? Experiencing orgasm while doing lower abdominal exercises. Stopped nocturnal emissions. Suggest the treatment? No urinal symptoms while sleeping but wake up due to abdominal uneasiness and passing urine in night. Suggest? Is Restless Leg Syndrome common among Bipolar patients? Noticed small lump around thyroid area. Done blood test and thyroid test. Reason? Have suck girl's nipple, have bleeding gum problem. Chances of HIV? Would like to know the window period associated with HIV screening test? Had MRI results of knees. What are the findings? Child with headache. Is it migraine? Have swollen clitoris and pain. Hurts while sitting. No secretion and no pain in urination. Suggest? Child is having huge rash on legs. What could it be? Had oral sex during period and rubbed vagina with clothes on. have delayed periods. Pregnancy? Had migraines resulting in distorted vision. No headache and normal BP. MRI showed microvascular change. Advise? Diagnosed with schizo-effective. Having anxiety disorder with frequent mood swings. Treatment? Taking panaadol for headache. Suggest safe dose? Started Nexplanon, diagnosed with UTI. Was prescribed Ciprofloxacin. Does Ciprofloxacin affect Nexplanon BC Implant? Delay in periods and bleeding heavily during periods. Undergone blood transfusion, taken iron supplements for anaemia earlier. Worried? Has sneezing problem due to itchiness in cold weather. Get temporary relief from steroidal spray. Suggest homeopathy medicine? Sharp pain on the right side of abdomen. Pelvic ultrasound showed cyst in ovary. What can be done? Had mastectomy of right breast. Would it be better to have the left breast removed and both breasts reconstructed with the implants? After drinking water, experienced dizziness, nausea and vomited. Suggest? Felling bloated, tightness around ribs, forehead sweating and unable to sleep. Semen like thing inside bowel and on penis. What could it be? Having pneumothorax in left lung. Is it safe to travel in flight in this condition? What would you recommend? Had fingering in vagina twice. Now vagina is sore and hurts with urintion. What to do? Feel mild pain in lower abdominal. What could be the cause? Can metoprolol be effective in cases where the patient has low BP? What are the findings from the report? Any abnormality? Skin on penis did not reverse after several intercourses. Feeling pain while urinating and small portion of penis is protruding out. Treatment? Having intercourse daily and felt that penis not hard during intercourse, smoker. Is it safe? Having pain near lower abdomen just above penis. Problem has aggravated. What could it be? 12 days old umbilical cord fallen while taking bath but little part still hanging with stomach. Normal? Suffered heart attack. Angiogram report is showing a block and left valve is completely infected. Taking medicines. Need advise? Have sleep apnea, using CPAP and Sinus problem. Have pain in legs and penis. Had blood test. Findings? Trying to conceive. Have delayed period, back and abdomen pain. Suggest? Have chest pain from heart to hand. Feeling needle like pain in chest. Suggest? Suffering from back and neck problem. B12 & D3 were low. Cannot sit or stand for long time. Help? Have done some blood test. What does Report indicate? Enjoy glasses of wine on weekends for getting sleep as scared to stay at home alone. How long will it take liver to recover? Blood results showed low platelet count. Can it cause blood clotting and bleeding disorders? Having fluttering sensation near liver and rib area with crawling sensation around naval area. Suggest ayurvedic medicine? Diagnosed with lung cancer at the tip of lung. Advised to increase weight before surgery. Suggest the treatment? On Gabalin. Have stiff neck like mumps or swollen glands and neck aches with swollen feet. Suggest? GI test under parasite stated Parasite present and taxonomy unavailable. Suggest? Diagnosed with Gerd. Taking triple treatment. Having constant stomach twitching and hearing sounds like bubbles. What could it be? Suffer for major swelling in legs and feet. Taking medication for blood pressure, diabetes and cholesterol. Concerned? Having herpes and taken antiviral drugs. Having continuous itching and no relief. Taking medication. Advise? Noticed little black particles in semen after ejaculations. Anything serious? Suggest remedies for sore throat, no fever and no cough? Child having bruising all over body and red marks around eyes. Having thrombocytopenia. Underlying causes?? Have delayed periods, pregnancy test negative. Had food poisoning during ovulation, took allegra. Related? Have stopped taking Cymbalta. How long will it take to stop having side effect? Having cold, irritation in nose and sneezing. Unable to breath properly due to blockage. Took sinarest. Suggest to get rid of cold? Diagnosed with cirrhosis of lever. Diabetic. Suggest to improve diet? Whether having a spoon of honey daily will cause any harm? Is it a melanoma on abdomen? Small moveable lump almost in front of collar bone. Done with chest X-ray. Should I be worried? Have been taking oxy-NEO, like to come off slowly. How long would it take? Stage 4 pancreatic cancer. Co morbidities are hypertension and ischemic heart disease. Having distended abdomen. What is the survival period? Having chronic cough daily, tickle in throat and chest. Diagnosed as laryngopharyngeal reflux and hyperinflation shown in X-ray. Advise? Child exposed to smell of polyurethane. Could it cause cancer? Having vaginismus. Having pain and did not have intercourse. Tried with lubricant gel and finger insertion. Could I ask a doctor? Had blood in semen from bright red to brown white. Urine and blood test normal. Suggest? Have problem of little semen. How to increase the quantity? Taking clonazepam for infection. can I take fluticasone nasal spray together? MRI showed post operative changes with metallic artifacts noted in supra scapular region. Meaning? Have scarred MCL causing knee to buckle, stiffness, locking, catching, and unable to put weight on it. Treatment? Which doctor should I visit for lympedema? Have brown and black spots in vagina like freckles and moles. What is it? Having a rash since long time. What could it be? Frequent yawning with difficulty in breathing. Reason and treatment? Having rash on hips, armpits, one side of stomach and having back pain. Stomach hurts. Are these signs of HIV? Having moderate pain in lower left quadrant. Do not have appendix or ovaries Had lipo suction on stomach. Have bloated stomach. Any relation? Having candida pneumonia. Buying Mycafungin online. Suggest the dosage? Suffer from severe migraines. Take Dihydroergotamine injections. Any side effect? Have joint pain. Had hip and knee replacement. Can prolotherapy help? Having pain while touching legs. Extremely painful legs with minimal walking. Getting plantar fasciitis and had TKR. Need help. Having severe digestion problem. Undergone gall stone surgery and gall bladder was removed. On night shift job. Suggest healthy diet? Finger was cut while doing a haircut. Wiped and used the same scissors. Had a rash on chest and having sore throat. Any chances of HIV? Diagnosed as slow growing tumour. Could benign turn into malignant? Should I be worried? Electrocuted head with 110 volts many times. Having temporary memory loss and finding hard to remember. Could I ask a doctor? Difficulty to sleep, short of breath, chest tightness and light headed. All test normal with high Creatinine. Suggest? Undergone cancer surgery to remove large malignant tumour under the skin on cheek and again a smaller tumour on neck. Treatment? Had gastrointestinal bleeding. Diagnosed with polycythemia PV. Unable to walk, shortness of breath, chest and back pain. Advise? Have had tickling around clitoris and diagnosed with fungal infection. Used Canesten cream but no help. Suggest? Having cramps, tight pressure like feeling over abdomen, nausea and had IBS. Taking Zoloft. Feeling cramping while breathing. Concerned? Is duphaston safe to consume during first trimester? Had cut mole on face, applied dettol and antiseptic but the area is dead and black. Suggested Efficort Having bloating problem. Done with endoscopy. Taking neksium. Should I be concerned? Having skin infection around neck and shoulders. Having irritation and skin becomes dry. Applying oral medicine. Treatment? Having abnormal ECG. Done with ultrasound and ECHO test. Should I go for CT scan? Could supplements replace medicines? Having anxiety problem. Taking praxotine tablets has caused Insomnia problem. Having shock like feeling in face and swelling. Advise? Having pain on lung, dizziness, trouble concentrating and extreme fatigue. Found kidney stone. Any relation? Smoking from long time. Made up mind to quit but suffering from chest pain. Coughing blood. What could it be? Having HPV and pap test was normal. Suggested to go for colonoscopy. Suggest the vitamins for HPV? 89 years old with vertigo. Chances of having MS? Have lax ge diagnosed by endoscopy. Can I have flax seeds? Fell on a stair on lumbar region and now have a cynovial cyst. Treatment? Taking Clarithromycin and amoxicillin. Eyes turned into yellow. Any connection? Continuous burping. Took antacid. No heartburn, acid reflux. Reason? Had csection delivery. Having stomach pain. Done USG and MRI Suffering from chronic constipation and chronic IBS. Taking treatment. what are the side effects from Far-Infra red rays? 32 year old, trying to conceive. Taking Naturogest. Chances? What is the best way to reduce weight? Vitamin D2 and D3 tested. Having pain in shoulders and lower back. Could I take Amway Cal Mag D supplements? Have arthritis in hip and knee ultrasound showed a small effusion. Best treatment? Is there any relation between vaginal discharge and oral contraceptive pill? Addicted to excessive masturbation. Suggest cure Child having severe wheezing. Taking augmentation syrup, muculite, printon cs, azithral and wysrone. Having loose motions. Worried? Chances of getting HIV from breast sucking? Can any online doctoro tell me whether my semen analysis report is normal or not? Does nandrolone interact with warfarin? Does warfarin interact with nandrolone and synthroid? what is mild burden of patchy t2 Hyperintensites in the subcortical and periventricular supratenatorial white matter? Acute abdominal pain. What could be the reason? Done with renal Doppler and adrenal ultrasound. Mid pole calculus found in left kidney. Surgery necessary? Pain in left side of chest spreads to shoulder. Underlying causes? Taking antibiotic for a micro bacterial infection in elbow. Getting trouble sleeping, bloated stomach. Child with black particles in urine. What could be this? Child given cranberry juice. Juice consists of benzene. Any risk of getting leukaemia? Have a back of neck and shoulder blade injury. Getting fizzing sounds. Should I worry? Burning and crawling sensations around anus/rectum. Had testicle pain. Advice Bleeding. Report showing bulky uterus with thickened endometrium. Not enough blood in body. Is this life threatening? 89 years old with vertigo and burning sensation on leg. Chances of MS? Have femur fracture. Had pelvic hairline fracture. Cure from pain and fever? Having oily skin and face has turned dark. Could I use kojovitgel? Any side effects? Taking antibiotics for UTI. Developed kidney side pain. On promethazene for nausea and methocarbam for muscle spasms Have been dx with congestive heart failure. On furosemide. Have severe COPD. Side effect? Having swelling, dull pain but minimal in adam's apple. What could it be? Frequent urination with bleeding. Any infection? Taking ibuprofen for ruptured disc. Can I take Zantac? Difficulty in using the left arm. Any thing serious? Stomach is fluttering after eating. Had abdominal hernia. Suggest the treatment? Is there any relation between oral sex and urination or erection? Right hand is inflamed and warm to touch. Redness and inflammation has spread. Suggest the cure? Dark skin area and marks on buttocks. How to remove? Diagnosed with Hepatitus C. Taking Alpha Lipoic Acid. What to do? Mensuration cycle irregular. Prescribed tablets for ovulation. Suggested hormone injection. Concerned about side effects? Not having good erection. Erection is not matching sex feelings. Suggest the suitable diet? Having chest pain due to acidity. Feeling relief after taking gelocil or pudinhara. Getting burps. Advise? Having cough and feels like there is a ball in chest. Chest is really sore. What to do?
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