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Had gallbladder surgery. Have had test done. Meaning? Having irregular and delayed periods. Having continuous bleeding with clots from very long. Suggested Depo shot. Advise? Feels strong pulse in elbow, taking medicine for high BP, reflux, cholesterol. Started taking milk thistle. Suggest? Have vertigo and dizzy spells, suggested zyrtec and use flonase nasal spray. Suggest? Taking hydrocodone but liver damage is side effect. Suggest dosage? What is good home remedy for cough and congestion? Does Misoprostol oral intake and vaginal tablets differ in appearance. Suggest? Experiencing pain in knee joint. X-ray normal. What could be the problem? Developed pain in knee, when in sitting position and same posture. Remedy? Having weird stomach symptoms, pressure in abdomen, burping and passing gas. Suggest? Having cold, congested nose, headache and fever. Prescribed antacid, levocetrizine and levofloxacin but symptoms came again. Suggest? How to handle a stubborn child? Took keyflex for bursitus. Developed yeast infection, rash between legs & white tongue. Now? 85 years of age and having slow heart beat. Can pace maker operation be recommended? 85 years of age, have slow heart beat. Can pace maker operation be recommended? Taking 8 to 10 perks and want to quit with least withdrawal symptoms. Suggest? Blood pressure seems to be rising at night when sleeping, took benadryl and Aelastine. Related? Does inositol hexophosphate lower ferritin levels? Anal area and testis are very itchy. What would be the cause and treatment? Can xanax be taken with milk thistle? Is it safe to place computer in bedroom and not hindering sleep? Undiagnosed bone disease. Was on Trans Dermal Patches. Started to take morphine. What are the side effect? Had supercervical hysterectomy, started normal activities and intercourse. Noticed spotting and brown discharge. Cause? Have developed rashes with itching on biceps, forearms and knees which disappear automatically. Cause? Suggest diet to maintain good health? Child has boils on back that started itching and spreading from neck to shoulder. Suggest? What's the safest of way cleansing the house from chemical fumes without side effect? Has dementia type symptoms, lost sight, experience hallucination and cannot concentrate. Suggest? After delivery have pain in vagina during intercourse. How to get rid of it? Altered sensation in between toes and have very high arches. Painful feet and numb toe. Cause? Suffering from acidity, haven't taken any medication. Suggest? Feel the need to defecate when bowel is empty. Could it be prostate related? Diagnosed with prostate infection. Tested for HIV, hep b and syphilis. Why getting headache? Having shortness of breath, lack of energy, weak legs, swollen ankles and feet. Cause? Had stents put in and was given Brilanta and aspirin. Bleeding started, prescribed Plavix and Nexium. Suggest? Hit right hand fingers against a wall. Experiencing stiffness and pain. Diabetic. Suggest the treatment? Child had runny nose and cough, given sinarest and ambrodil. Cold is under control but has loose motion Have been given Myotol F. How does it help? Took MRI for LSS. What does report indicate and treatment? Have cold and hear screeching in ear when blow nose. feel dizzy and nauseated. Suggest? Have had block for lower back pain and experiencing tingling feet and legs. Underlying cause? Suggest some remedies to stop hair fall? Delay in period. Had unprotected sex and had ipill. No sign of pregnancy. When will I get the next period? Had protected sex and done with tests involving risk of HIV, all negative. Need to repeat test? Pelvic CT scan revealed adrenal tumours. Having dehydration type symptoms. Surgery required? Taking avapro but blood pressure suddenly gone up. Could this be due to white coat effect? After unprotected sex got tested for HIV which came negative. Can HIV be ruled out? Had done Crown and root canal, having cold sensitivity. Gums are swollen. Underlying cause? Low abdominal pain from hysterectomy. Feel like pulled muscle and hurts to touch. Suggest? Have painful lump under skin between eye and nose. Had red eyes. Suggest? Conceived via ivf, taking gestone injection. Have severe rashes, given cetrizine. Safe to continue gestone? Underwent laproscopy for fibriods and cyst. Took fertyl and Gudova but did not conceive. Suggested injection during ovulation How about drinking red wine daily. Does this prevents heart and regulate blood pressure? Have pain at and rib cage while lying. Had relief from chiropractor and hot shower. Suggest? Has cellulitis in foot, taking Keflex helps. But having pain in another foot, has patches of petechiae. Suggest? What are the generic nme of medicine Creon, Levofloxacin and hyoscyamine? Following strict diet due to acid reflux. Need to take multivitamin? Taking medication for thyroid. Have venous insufficiency. Having cold and low grade fever. Dehydrated. Suggest a solution? Had gastritis, controlled with food and pantop. Have weakness, nausea after food with mucus in stool. Take rabprazole Done with colonoscopy. Taking ducolax. Suggest the diet? How long does it take for bulls eye rashes to disappear and can it appear in same place? Had colorectal cancer with an abdominal peritaneal resection. Having rectal pain. Underlying cause? Diabetic, BP is fluctuating and taking losar. Developed anxiety, acidity in stomach. Having vitamin D deficiency. Suggest the treatment? Had blood while urinating from lesion in scrotum. How to stop bleeding? Increased the intake of adavir. Having a rasp and hoarse voice. Suggest a solution? Does vitiligo on penis is curable or not? Inflammation in testicles and took cipro. Had oral sex. Treatment? Undergone total hysterectomy. On estradiol and having bad reactions to hormone replacement. Could I ask a doctor? Had I&D for perineal abscess and supposedly had infection cleaned. Now having pain again. Suggest? Noticed slight redness on hair follicles on penis. Painless and shaved. Need advise? Have painful lump at back near waist area with pus coming out. Treatment? Diabetic, using Glucored forte and PIOZ but sugar level remain high. Suggest? Did sky driving. Developed runny nose, ear pain, heavy feeling in head. Prescribed Tylenol, aleve, mucinex What is follicular cyst with septations and its effect o conception? Have under active thyroid and want to know alternate way other than Blood test to check it? Have under active thyroid and want to know other way than Blood test to check it? Having acidity, constipation and severe concentration problem. Suggest the treatment? Child was on dexolac but because of constipation changed to NAN pro resulting in greenish watery poo. Normal? Had an MRI for Lower Back. What are the diagnosis? Have had ECG. Explain meaning of report? Rapid heart beat. Done with stress and echo tests. Prescribed Verapamil. Was in atrial fibrillation Using Butrans for neuroma. Getting severe burning pain in toes. Side effect? Had unprotected sex. Having sore eye and mucus at the back of throat. Is it related? How to be get cured with epilepsy? Have small white bumps on the inside of lower eyelid with redness and sore. Suggest? Have recurrent ring like rash around penis, seems to be coinciding with masturbation. Suggest? Taking Prednisone and Avalox for sinus infection. What is the standard dosing of Prednisone? Feverish feeling, sore throat. Done with widal test. Paratyphoid? Getting wired smell from everything. Had anxiety disorder. Treatment? Taking Volibo, Cetapin and Insulin simultaneously. Any side effect? Diagnosed with severe scoliosis, RA, severe spinal stenosis. Had cervical laminectomy. Suggest Underwent MRgFUS. Complaining of low fever and pain in tail bone. Having breathlessness and increased heart rate. Suggestions? After bladder laser procedure and clearing up urinary infection, urine is brown color. Suggest? Having dizziness, tension in neck and headaches. Taking lunesta for sleeping problems. Gastrointestinal problems. Advise? Was whipped and caned. Bleeding from back, buttocks and having purple rash. Should I go for HIV test? Have stomach pain and nausea. What to do? Cervical Cancer, ovaries relocated. Had EGD and colonoscopy with minimal findings. Having pain. What can be done? Having auto immune condition. Not sure of having multiple sclerosis. Done with several tests. On medication. Advise? Having lightheadedness and pressure in head around ear, weak arms. On Betahistine but don't want to be dependent Had bleeding from nipple, had milk ducts removed. Have pain in neck, shoulder and breasts. Suggest? Had tooth extraction and given amoxicillin. Tooth was grey. Having runny nose, slight cough, sore throat and stomach pain. Continue medication? Having pain in ovarian area, back pain and bleeding. Can woman be pregnant with negative quantative blood test? Had two fraxel non ablative procedures. Rough looking skin near eyes and cheeks. Could I use dermapen? Have vertigo, take meclizine, zyrtec and flonase, still have dizzy spells and feel light headed. Suggest? Have childhood ankle injury and got sprain. Have swelling when doing exercise and using stair case. Suggest? Having hair loss issue. Hair line has receded and forehead is visible with dandruff. Suggest? Pregnant, detected with high TSH and started medicine. How safe is it to continue with pregnancy? Child having autism and difficulty in walking. Gritting teeth. Should I be concerned? Diabetic and have BP. ENT suggested nasal spray, allegra and ambrodil for nasal pain, runny nose and headache Had CT Scan of brain and report read to have atrophy ober the convexity. Meaning? Did permanent straightening of hair. Now have terrible hairfall. Suggested follihair tablets. Advise? Have had insomnia, diagnosed with ADHD. Taking Adderall helps insomnia. Suggest dosage? Infant fell from bed and was acting normal. While massaging head felt dent. Suggest? Child passing motion after eating. Suggested econorm and had alternate motion now advised Normet. Further? Have acid formation in stomach after eating, burping, burning chest. Gives feeling of heart attack. Suggest? Was diagnosed with low grade lymphoma and has bleeding when blow nose with itchy rash. Suggest? Being treated for glaucoma but have very troublesome flashes of light on the side of eye. Suggest? Trying to conceive, diagnosed diabetic. Given progynova and duphaston. All test normal. Suggest? Have a problem of vericocele in testis, suggested surgery. Advise? Started hot flashes. Normal Pap and given hormone tablet. Started bleeding, noticed fibroids. Recommended D and C Have had Lipid profile Test. What are the diagnosis? CT scan showed incidental adrenal adenomas. Experienced sleeping disorder. Will dehydration have an effect on tumor? Have clogged, ringing ear, feel pressure on face and blurred vision. Suggest? Is tendocare tablet a steroid? Can I take a tablet without side effect to help reduce weight? Have shooting high blood pressure, take Avapro daily. Suggest? Using Minoxidil to stop male pattern baldness and hair regrowth. Worried about side effects? Have weakness after masturbation and intercourse. On Amlovas for BP. Cause of weakness? Using Minoxidil for male pattern baldness and hair growth. Worried about side effects? Have back pain. Have limited movement. X-ray showed extra vertrabre. MRI's show moderate arthritis, herniated dics and spinal stenosis. Guide? Suffering from burning mouth, inside lips and tongue are sore. Given vitamins and advised oral surgery. Suggest? Have been on Paxil with no side effects. Now unable to focus, headaches, pain at back of eyeballs. Suggest? Done follicular scan and told to be ovulating as follicles were ruptured. Suggest? Had complete hysterectomy, not had sex from long time. After contact have fishy smell from inside. Cause? Suffering from kidney disorder, Creatinine, Sugar level and BP is high. Suggest? Testicle is swollen, doesn't pain but shows to be full of liquid. Cause? After delivery suffering from headache everyday. How to get relief? Had hepatitis B and later had jaundice. Taking Amlicure DS. SGPT is more. Having fear of cihrossis. Advise? Have sore mouth, tongue, throat and esophagus. Had steroid shot for back pain. Related? Have had semen analysis done. Was on Maxoxa and Ubiphene. What are the findings? Having lot of hair fall. Suggest treatment? Will magnesium supplement help sleep at bedtime? Having Sorosis, using Moistrux, Omega3. Permanent cure? Was prescribed Novo-Clindamycin for recurring abscess. Now abscess has returned. Can it be effective? Had ovarian pain. Cat Scan showed ovary moved to front and low, leg numb and also have cyst Having redness in penis. Cause and treatment? Diagnosed with migraine and stress. After moving to new apartment have been ill. Suspect black mold toxicity? Have sudden numbness and fiery tingly feeling in hip. Hip feels swollen and irritated skin. Suggest? Have cleaned floor using bleach, eyes did sting and nose felt funny. Is it safe? Had calf injury. Foot was put plaster. Had swelling. Ankle swollen after walking. What can be done? Partner got diagnosed with epididimytis. Having lower abdominal pain. Should I be also tested? Have pain under center rib cage, feel tight and full. Had borderline cholesterol. Suggest? Had blood trnsfusion, started loosing hair. Using rogain and biotin. Suggest? Ankle is hurting while running. Aching badly. Treatment? Suggest side effects of hormone injection newmon and estrogen tablets to enhance ovulation? Have stomach pain during periods. Had dendroid Cyst and removed ovary. Had ultrasound. Finding and treatment? Started new birth control loestrin fe. Noticed small abscess on gum which hold an implant. Suggest? Had some strokes, prescribed plavix. Told to have hole in heart and has thalessemia. Can plavix cause bleeding? Taking Autoserve, noromaxine and Ultrasol. Having diarrhea. Side effect? Suffering from itermittent scalp pimple on head. Suggest medicine? Diabetic. Having burning sensation during urination and suffer frequent urination. Prescribed URIPAS. Suspect Prostate problem. Guide? Have rashes in pubic area and inner thigh. Suggest? After using capsules in a nebuliser how long to wait before using a ventolin puffer? Get frequent mouth ulcers, used betadine mouth wash. Suggest? Want to increase height. How to do it? Have been on Ramapril and take Amlodipine. Having tingling sensation in hands. Blood test normal. Cause? Feeling off balance due to lower back injury and muscle sensation when rotate hips. Underlying cause? Have faced side effects head ache, chest pain when take prescribed tablet zydalis. Suggest? Have UTI Epididymo orchitis and erectile dysfunction. Was on Cirofloxacin which didnt help and changed to Doxycycline. Wanted to delay periods, prescribed Duphaston. Chances of getting periods? Having ear problems and shooting pain in ear. Taking zpac and antibiotics. Advise? Have severe toothache, taken ibuprofen and paracetamol. Is it safe to take Endone? After mensuration cycle completed had bleeding again, lower abdomen pain and headache. Cause? Having pigmentation on face. How to cure it? Having RA factor in initial stage. Having single leg pain, use to take Brufin. Suggest? Have GAD. Prescribed fluoxitine and propranolol. Having buzzing sensation in brain. Help? Had unprotected oral sex and having brown rash underneath penis. Tiny blisters, painless and not itchy. Suggest a solution? Child born at 37 weeks, developed rash at back of neck, ears and forehead. On breast milk. Suggest? Had complete hysterectomy, suffering hot flashes. Used estrogen for long, recommended Estrace. Suggest? Born premature, have pain in lower back below rib cage above waist. Suspect of urinary or kidney infection Porn addicted, compulsive masturbation and OCD symptoms. Have erection dysfunction and premature ejaculation. Treatment? Is urea parvum and STD and can it cause infertility in women? Complete health check up showed Homocystine, High Sensitive C reactive Protein and Thyroid. Prescribed Thyrofit and D-RISE 60K. Suggest? Developed bump on gum after being into relation. Can STD be contracted through oral sex? Family members got fever, joint pain and itching sensation all over. Denim and Rinifol given Temporary relief. Cause? Diabetic, what is defect in insulin and the effects of glucose metabolism who is non insulin dependant? Child had loose stools, prescribed darolac powder with honey. Safe? Recommended surgical removal for poly like mass. Any complications? Is exercise and regular games allowed for patient of Gilbert's Syndrome? Done with HIV-1 RNA(Qualitative) testing and the results were non reactive. Had flu symptoms before the test. Further tests needed? Have been taking Allegra daily and BP has risen. Is this a problem? Suffered from ulcer and took medication. Difficulty in swallowing and having gastric problem. Treatment? Vein between armpit and elbow looks like sticking out and noticeable with tightness and pain. Suggest? Having wheezing and breathlessness during winter season. Suffer cough and congestion and yellow phlegm. Suggest treatment? Does drinking beer regularly increase hemoglobin levels? How long it would take for stones to come out and will they hurt? Have low testosterone, poor libido, weak erection, delayed ejaculation and muscle weakness. Suggest? Does allopurinol or colchicine raise PSA levels? Having chest pain and heaviness. Taking vitamin c, omega 3 and calcium. Have low BP. Suggest? Have been losing hair, had strep in hip causing emergency surgery. Suggest?
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