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Having lung problem. Could I consult a doctor at duke university? Suffering with sore throat, dryness of throat and cold with swallowing problem. Took Sinarest. Suggest? Done with lumpectomy re excision. Developed cellulitis of the breast and taking levaquin and doxycycline. Any abnormality? Treatment? Had chemical pregnancy and experienced LH surge after taking Prometrium. Could I get pregnant? Prescribed cipro. Feel fogg and stomach hurts. Stopped cipros. Having frequent urination. Suggest? Have fully abscessed tooth. Took antibiotics. Considering extraction. Developed severe pain. Suggest? What is dosage of levothyroxibe during pregnancy? Diagnosed with weak lungs and put on ventolin. Suggest? Report shows SGOT is 746 U/L. SGPT is 1179. Total bilirubin is normal at 1.2. Taking Lisinopril, HCTZ and Metformin. Help? Had anal sex. Not sure of ejaculation. Touched eyes with the same hand. Should I worry about HIV? Having pain on back, makes me feel sick. CT scan for kidneys clear. Having muscle pain. Help? Pregnant. Was on birth control pills, phentermine, topomax and metformin which stopped. Any risk? Mental status altered due to hallucination. Having UTI. What is the priority assessment and intervention? Having arthritic pain. Safe to take ibuprofen. Would there be undesirable interaction? Pregnant, getting constant pain at bottom of feet. Cause? Have severe leg, foot and hand cramps, legs feel like paralyzed. Hot bath helps. Have hepatitis C and cirrhosis Have sharp pain on forehead, feels like bump and swelling to side of eyes. Suggest? Suffering from acidity problems. Taking ayruvedic medicines. Feeling like BP shooting up. Started Asomex. Cause? Suggest the diet control on food parameters for diabetic? Having neck pain. What could be the cause? Suggest? Noticed blank spot on hear after removal of hair. Suggest medication? Bluish colour in eyeball. Bottom of the eyeball is rectangular in shape. No eye sight problem. Problem with eye? Suffer Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome. Due to semen allergy? Guide? Evidence of mild multifocal small vessel ischemic changes scattered subcortical frontoparietal cerebral white matter. Help? Feeling ill and severe stomach pain radiating through back. Pain in sternum area. Having diverticulosis and polyps. Advise? Have red bumps on penis. Suggestions? On crestor. Have tendon tenderness, tingling hands and painful joints. Stopped the Cresto. Cause? Feel depressed by what happened in past. What to do? Having breathing issue. Suggested Esiflo 100 Trans caps. how to stop this medication? Suggest food diet? Have pain and soreness on rib cage. Painful while siting. Feel bloated and uncomfortable. Suggestions? Get bad muscle fatigue after work. Severe pain in legs and feet. Have knee joint replacement. Suffer fatigue. Took Zopiclon. Help? Have severe psoriasis. What to do? Have PCKD and take AZO for UTI symptoms. Have ceftin and biaxin and amoxicillin. What can I do? On Progon B by Bezwecken. Recently switched to compounded pharmaceutical progesterone. Suffer anxiety and restlessness. Suggestions? On narcotics. Having Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, chronic migraines, tethered cord, chiari decompression and fibromyalgia. Treatment? Subclavian clots, juggler clot, breast cancer. Done with radiation therapy. Is metanx effective for severe neuropathy? Down with fever. Having pain behind both ears. Cheecks are red and bloated. Infection or sinus? Tiny lumps under both eyelids. Eyebrows are swollen and pain is unbearable. Rash through nose and blurred vision. Treatment? Suggest natural treatment for vitiligo? Unable to concentrate on studies and understands all other topics. Suggest a solution? Lump popped out in forehand. Suggest the treatment? Itchy pimple like rash reoccurring on body. Having white head and sore. Treated for scabies. Blisters on genital area. Treatment? Had unprotected oral sex and protected vaginal sex. Tested for IgG hsv. Tingling, itching and pain in penis. Further tests needed? Found severe acne on temples and cheekbones. Red pimples on face. Best way yo treat? Noticed plenty of moles on face. Prescribed salicylic acid. Does moles can be increased by hormone? Had face and head numbness. MRI scan showed foci signal abnormality in pons. Had stroke. Having numbness again. Remedy? On formula feed. Passing green color stool. Have fever and cold. Prescribed Paracetomol and Cefixine. Correct medication? Got Horners when had complete thyroid taken. Suggest? Have problem getting up when sitting for long and falls. Suggest? Got severe pain in back of head mostly due to lack of rest. Vasograin helps. Advise? Had unprotected sex and negative hpt. Random period was heavy, clotty and bad cramps. Stressed out. Worried whether am I pregnant? Pregnant with MCDA twins. Diagnosed with twin transfusion syndrome. Refering to fetoscopic laser surgery once reach stage II. Seeing flashing lights in night. No headache and trauma. Have cholesterol. Suffering with headache on one side. Suggest? 75 years of age, difficulty to have intercourse, penetration is painful. Suggest? Diabetic, on medication. Sugar under control with Trigil and insulin. Suggest alternate? Have stiff neck and what feels like swollen lymph nodes. Suggest? Got irritated penis after having sex even sing protection. STD? Have pain in whole body. Cause? Feeling dizzy after ENG test. Normal? Had unprotected oral sex and started having rash all over body. Suggest? Almost loss of voice after thyroid surgery. What is recovery possibility? Have red ulcers and cracks on tongue. Diagnosed with lupus, put Neosprin. Suggest? Have fever, cold, chills and night sweats. Suffer viral infection. Feel fainting. Recovery within 2 to 3 days Have grayish itchy area between testicles and anus. What to do? Having red colored but no in abdomen. Have splotchy red hands. Taken acetaminophen for 4 days. Getting red itchy bumps on thighs, belly and arm pits. Allergic to sulfa drugs. Help? Diagnosed with Cauda Equina syndrome, cannot control bowel. Have both constipation and diarrhea. Suggest? Blood report says RBCs:Mild anisopoikilocytosis. Predominantly normocytic normochromic with ovalocytes & macrocytes. Meaning? Done with diabetic health check up. On healthy diet and doing exercise daily. Will exercise help in stooping the medication? Appendix removed trough key hole hole surgery. Stomach is flat, bloating and gaining weight. Suggest medication for bloating stomach? Can I take lexapro when needed like Valium or Xanax? Getting weird pain in shoulder blade causing dizziness, weak knees and stomach pain. Cause? Getting weird pain in shoulder, causing stomach pain. Get dizzy and weak knees. Suggest? Suffering from BP and prescribed with actiblock. Having headache and disturbance in sleep. Is it the right medication? Experienced frequent UTI, urine culture showed e coli infection. Suggest? Can I do ACTH and cortisol blood test when pregnant? While having sex get early ejaculation. Suggest? Has anorexia. Has severe stomach aches after meal. Cause and treatment? Pain in upper calf while walking. Having factor V and never experienced a clot. Suggest the cure? Have constant lightheaded. All test normal. Suggest? Infant having green colour stool. Breast fed and formula fed. Discomfort while passing stool. Suggest the cure? What are the findings from hb1ac report? Suggest further course of action? Pain in upper right arm and cannot extend hand over head. Working in cold environment. What could it be? Diabetic, not able to pull back foreskin. Gets torn when trying to pull. Suggest? Dead center in forehead between eyes like a finger compression in purple. Have Syringomyelia. Should I be concerned? Unable to stretch right arm without pain. Vein like line is swollen and red. Advise? Having fever, chills, diarrhea, stomach pain and nausea. Tested negative for flu and spinal tap is clear. Frequently urinating. Cure? Suffering from severe back pain. MRI showing spine tuberculosis. Complete bed rest and unable to take high dosage. Advise? Have hard swelling and discoloration from carpel to elbow, lost grip strength. Suggest? Any side effect of zolfresh medicine to 74 year old? Had altitude sickness and dizzy. Tightness in chest, jaw pain and slightly hyperthyroid. Is this normal? Is medial branch spinal injection considered a surgical procedure? Child had circumcision, not feeling comfortable. Suggest? Had numb lips and tingling sensation on cheek. Suggest? Always angry and stressed with nervous stomach. Suggest? Period was not heavy and lasted for more days. HCG level was less. Home pregnancy test was positive. Am I pregnant? Have sharp elbow pain, arm does not feel right and even bump it. Fracture? Having greasy, smelly stools and gas. No parasites or protozoa found. Suggest? Have hollowness in head. Have tinnitus and use hearing aid. Related? Child had fever, given Tylenol. What to d? Dyed hair and feeling nauseated with bad headache. Feels like poison in body. What to do? Had ileostomy and colon removed completely. Given align probiotics. Is it worth taking? Taking ativan. Ears ringing constantly. Have muscle ache. Can I go for a low dose of ativan? Have low platelet count and high triglyceride. Suggest? Have excess breast tissue from taking elavil and clonazapam. Suggest? Child swallowed xanax pills. What to do? Have itchy red bumps on legs and arms with head pain. Suggest? Have momentary numbness in fingers and tongue with frozen teeth. Suggest? White on tongue but no thick coating of it. Anything serious? Had dry, itchy scalp and thinning hair. Scalp is sensitive to touch and throat irritation. Suggest the treatment? Suffer from back pain. Remedy? Contracted slight case of itchy hives around shoulders and chest. Suggest? Have swollen glands under jaw area, no pain. Feels stuck when taking Pantoprazole. Cause? Suggest medicine for excessive gas trouble? Suffer gastric. and back pain. How to follow diet and stay healthy? Dull pain in upper left chest shoulder and armpit. Hard to breathe. Could this be due to carrying heavy on left side? Having infectious feeling after masturbation. Thyroid was high and taking vitamin D supplement. Suggest the cure? Had liver transplant. Taking medicines Normaxin. Feeling headache and laziness. Suggest other medication? What are the symptoms of chronic ITP and who gets more affected with it? Taking Prothiaden and Piracetam. How and when can I stop? Any withdrawal symptoms? CAT scan showed two clots in right lung. Had spontaneous pneumothorax and wall of chest and lung scrub on both sides Have toe nail fungal infection. Treatment? Diagnosed with morbid obesity. Suggested weight loss surgery. Advice Have headache at the moment of climax. Last for 5 to 10 minutes. Reason? Have degenerative changes in lumbar & cervical areas. MRI showed degree of heterogeneity in marrow signal through lumbar region. Meaning? Did not consume alcohol for long. Due for DVLA. Will it show in LFT? CT scan showed fatty atrophy of pancreas. Meaning? Had unprotected sex on 5th day of periods and took ipill. Got bleeding but no periods yet. Pregnant? Thyriodperoidase was high. Have total thyriodectomy 1990. TSH low thyriod perx high. Had laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Having shortness of breath. Keloid removed from navel and gauze has blood. Should I be worried? Pituitary tumour controlled with medication. Blood in urine and diagnosed as kidney stones. Is it right? Diagnosed with Pityriasis Rosea. Developed minor rash and given cortizone shot and prednisone. Suggest suitable treatment? Have burning pain in bottom of feet, radiating to calf. Remedy? Having chest pain. X-ray showed area/shadow in lower/middle of right lung. CT scan showed normal lung. Why the descrepancy? All lymph nodes swollen. Get nauseous and dizzy. Throat feels sore. Suffer panic attacks. On Nexium. Noticed vitamin B12 and Vitamin D is lower than normal. Symptoms? Fatigued and heaviness in left chest area. Aches in left shoulder and breast area. Sign of heart issue? Have untreatable lymphoma. No mental problem. Started sleep walking. Suggest ways to increase height? Having orthostatic tachycardia and BP is low. Fatigued and groggy. Could I ask a doctor? Have visible blood in urine. Passing red urine. Fatigue after eating. No abdominal pain. Noticed blood in urine after sex. Passed clear urine and later again found blood. What are the steps for dermarolling and do I need serum? Had minor attack and taking asprin, ramapril and ticagrelor. Done with blood count test and advised to stop some medication. Reason? Child having extremely limited vocabulary abilities. Suggest the treatment? Why doctors can't usually do much for patients who talk about illness a lot? Have swelling on lips and other parts of the body. Suggest solution? Gained weight. Normal in kids? Pain in lower sternum radiating left under ribcage. Upper abdomen is swollen, back pain and cramping. Suggest the treatment? Had pelvic mesh implant with hysterectomy. Having discomfort wearing seat belt in car. Feeling weak. Want to increase weight. Advice? Having pelvis discomfort. Noticed blood in stools. Which specialist to contact? Very weak. Suggest the suitable way to increase weight? Lupus patient. Diagnoisis with Hep C. Suggest? Will cortisone injections into neck joint help with dystonia and shoulder pain? Treatment for frequent cold and cough Child having defiant behaviour and miserable. Could I ask a doctor? Lower right stomach feels and looks like hernia. Hurting, tired and cramping in stomach. Suggest the cure? Can a concussion have residual effects? Taking oxylite for extended period of time. Will it damage hair and prevent it from growing? Having swollen eyes after intercourse. Area around eyes is puffed up vigorously. What could be the cause? Give details regarding mid precordial repolarization disturbance Could I take four tablets of cialis at once? Had unprotected sex after period. Experiencing mild cramping, dull back pain and headache. Could I be pregnant? Two tests done and having low WBC. Any upcoming risks? Has mild cognitive impairment. Suggest some living arrangements, behaviour that could be practised to minimise frustration? Done with MRI of brain. What are the findings from the report? Having asthma and advised to take methylprednisolone. Very flushed and hot face. Should I stop prednisolone to prevent flushing? Taking bactium and developer itchy rashes in forearm. Unable to sleep at night and restless. Suggest medication to relieve itching? Brain MRI report showing mild scattered chronic white matter ischemic changes. What does it mean? Observed a rubbery white sticky gum floating in water after stool. Taking Gluformin XL for diabetes. What could it be? Extreme burning sensation in gums and below tongue. Took medicines but no result. Losing weight. Advise? Bad pain in left toe and reduces slightly during day. Suggest a remedy? Found swollen lymph gland behind clavicle. Clustered on right side. Report shows old node appears infiltrated. What does it signify? Lost blood and feeling dizzy, sweaty and shivering. Taking stugeron. Pregnant and in unbalanced state. What could it be? Had pimple like blister on penile shaft. Still a Virgin. What can it be? Forearms are aching, feeling tired and irritating. Undergone surgery for both achilles. Could I ask a doctor? Discomfort in lower back. Tests were normal, advised therapeutic exercise but still paining. Suggest? Took meprate after negative pregnancy test but still got periods befor expected. Pregnant? Noticed small white worm moving on bottom. Suffer itching. Prescribed mabendazole. What to do? Diagnosed as low dopamine and low serotonin. Prescribed with Nuvigil, Provigil and Ritalin. Anything wrong with the combination of medicines? Got burn on ear and forehead. It bleeds, applied bactine spray and neosporin and taken ibuprofen. Further? In end stage of Parkinson and is bed bound. Buttocks are breaking down, red and crusty. Tried DuoDerm. Advise? Facing problem of gastric and back pain. Suggest medicine? Diabetic, got foot ulcer with pus. Recommended Cubicin and livofloxoncin infection. Done surgery. Healing time? Diagnosed with anxiety and taking zoloft. Developed panic disorder, heart palpitations, swollen ribs. Should I live in constant fear? Positive home pregnancy test. Having throat pain, headache and sneezing. Will fever affect the baby? Have thyroid and taking thyronormos. Depression and anxiety patient. Facing back pain, fizzy eyes, weak concentration problem Noticed extra skin on labia majora which is not painful. What medicine to take? What foods should be avoided while taking zarelto? Gaining weight. Lost weight due to sickness. Suggest diet? Trying to conceive. Had missed abortion and failed IVF. Mestruation have reduced. Chances of conceiving? Have recurrent lump under arm which is not cancerous. Had cyst in same area that drained. What else? Taking estradiol. Had partial hysterectomy. Had genetic testing. Showed risk of venous thromboembolism. How should I taper estradiol? Child has ulcer in mouth and prescribed Gel. Suggestion? Diagnosed with severe DVT in leg. Prescribed Coumadin. Noticed discoloration. On daily aspirin regiment. Help? Have pressure on lower side of stomach, lost weight and constipated by taking suboxone. Cause for pain? Was treated for Hep C, took iterferin. Had liver failure and having flu with stomach and back pain Got married into blood relations. Any problem in conceiving?
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