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Vaginal bleeding after routine examination. Underlying cause? Diagnosed with Graves disease, treated with Radioactive Iodine. Have hypothyroid condition. How to loose weight? Having cleido cranial dysostosis. Restless legs and neuropathy in legs. Is there some sort of connection? Child given nasal flu vaccine and has developed painful sores on tongue. Could this be related to vaccine? Taking atorvastatin and was advised to take statin drugs for cholesterol. Suggest medication to treat neuropathy? Hypochondriac and taking erythromycin. Experiencing severe hypnic jerks and anxiety. Taking clonazepam and propranolol. How long should I take? Hair is oily after taking head bath. Is it safe to take head bath everyday? On zebeta for a fib. Having VIII deficiency. Could I quit the pill? Any chances of stroke? Breathing problem after I stopped taking lorazepam. Why? Safe to use stool softeners daily? Is Pioglitazone same med as actos? Diabetic. Having breathing difficulty. Looking for a heart specialist? Recovered from dengue fever. Having hair loss problem. What could be done? Having pain in upper chest near clavicle. Pain in shoulders and at the base of neck. Took aspirin Child fell down from stairs. Minor bruise on lower right back and spotting. Reason? Having irritation in penis and infection. Have applied NUFORCE-GM cream. Suggest? Have cluster of reddish bumps on perineum which are itchy and painful. What could this be? Has muscle catch on left hip. Recommend good doctor? Had bronchitis. On antibiotics. Having pain left side. hurts when I take deep breath. What to do? Will percocet taken show up on the urine test? Had bad allergic reaction, body swelled up. Given adrenaline and cortezone injection. How long will the injection remain in the body? Having memory trouble. Suggest medication? Progressively increasing blood pressure and red patches on palms. Should I go to the ER? Can use Nystatin so soon after wisdom tooth extraction? Have ongoing chills and noticeable in shower. Taking panadols and having headache. Suffering with anxiety. Suggest the cure? Diabetic, high blood pressure, severe sleep apnea on CPAP. Should I be serious? Could drinking 3 litres of water, 5 coffees cause often urination in night? Had unprotected sex and ejaculated. Took ipill and bleeding. Chances of pregnancy? Had UTI. Pain in umbilical while urinating and severe burning in the urethral. Culture showing Klebsiella pneumoniae. Treatment? Diagnosed for chronic sinusitis and took antibiotics and mucolite. Done with CT sacn. Is FESS recommended or can it be cured with medication? Diagnosed with non displaced fracture of proximal fibular head and medial meniscus tear. Having weakness. Should I limit my activities? Had a medical abortion. Had sexual relations and condom broke. Took levonelle. Is it dangerous? Suffering from dizziness along with vomiting and nausea. Had gastric problem. What could be the cause? Uvula is inflamed. Had sore throat, cold, sinusitis and took claritin. Little mucus in nose and throat. What could the problem be? Thalesemia minor and pregnant with twins. Haemoglobin has dropped. Suggest the iron supplements to be taken? Had CT scan of brain. What are the findings from the report? Severe abdominal and back pain. Having complex septate ovarian cyst. Should I go for surgery? Have gastroparesis and having pain under ribs and breast bone. What do you recommend? Had sex and having red spots on penis. Took treatment. Still reoccurring. What is it? Dark patch on the middle shaft of penis. Should I be worried? Trying for child. Give some tips to get pregnant? How long does it take to expel swallowed barium sulphate from the body? Have Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome due to mild lupus. Have GERD and shortness of breath. Suggest the cure? Had oral protected sex. Penis started feeling sensitive and frequent urination. Reason? Had sex with a sex worker. Itchy in scrotal area, redness and sores. Is it a STD? Done with MRI scan. What are the findings in the report? Diagnosed with Hepatitis c. HIV test came indeterminate. Any suggestion? Painful inflammation at pubic hair growth point. Took septran. Suggest the dosage? HIV result showing p24 p51 p55 gp40. Positive for hepatitis C virus. Could hepatitis be cured? Had unprotected sex. Missed periods. Am I pregnant? Triglycerides are high. Prescribed with Rousavas. BP remains to be high. ECHO normal except mild thick muscles. Suggest the treatment? Stomach pain. Tried Gaviscon and Panadol. Suggest medication Burning and stabbing pain in stomach while eating. What could this be? Have phimosis. Following stretching excercises. Pain in hands and toes are due to paraphimosis. Should I be worried? Having high blood pressure and anxiety. Pain in left hand and sore neck. Medical cure for this? LDH is 268. Is it high? Do I have a lung disease? Diagnosed with cervical spondylosis. Having back pain. How to overcome this? Is it common for anal fissure pain to come back after feeling better? Skin and hair is very oily. Having hair fall and some white substance at the root. Suggest further treatment? Taking cipralex for depression. Raised heartbeats and fast breathing. Can I use inderal to control palpitations? Having tingling, numbness, pins and needles all over body and warmness in buttocks. Have pituitary cyst and migraine. Need advise? Experiencing loose stools and feel huge gas formation. What could it be? Yellowness of eyes, tingling tip of tongue, lips, toes and fingers. Symptoms of liver disorder? Having consistent neck pain. Suggest the stretching exercises to relive pain? Suffering from laryngeal reflux and voice is hoarse. Affecting lungs and have breathing problem. Suggest the remedy? What should I do to remove whiteheads? Whooshing sound in ears. What might be causing this? Developed hives after taking flu vaccine. What could be the reason? Have severe lower back pain. Pain is unbearable and on medication. Suggest the treatment? Having bouts of dizziness and lack of balance. Could I ask a doctor? Taking yasmine for hormone balance and birth control. Have anxiety and in depression and overweight. Taking Lexapro. Suggest a remedy? Diagnosed with hepatitis c. HIV test came indeterminate. Should I be worried? LDH is high. What could be the reason? Blood work done and ALT was slightly high. Triglycerides also elevated. Could drinking wine cause this? Taking implanon birth control. Had unprotected sex and having milky white discharge. Had a spot of blood. Could I be pregnant? Had MVD surgery. Done with CT scan. What are the findings in the report? Pain on major tendon area on the back side of left ankle. Underlying cause? Nausea and dizziness. Having PCOS. Pregnancy test came negative. Medical cure for this? Pregnant. Took emset tablet by mistake. Should I be concerned? Child having fever and treated for viral infection. All test reports are normal. Suggest further treatment? Pregnant. Is the SGPT and Gamma-GT levels normal? Pelvic scan showing fluid in the endometrium. Postmenopausal and having a grey discharge. Should I be concerned? Have cracking in knees and slight pressure. Done with X ray. Should I be worried about arthritis? Having sharp needle like pains in fingers. Suggest the cure? Discharge after having intercourse. Trying to get pregnant. What precautions should I take? Noticed small, whitish/ translucent, worm-like thing after urination. No pain. What can this be? Death was due to probable toxicity of carisoprodol. How much of this drug could have caused death? Noticed large swelling on left side of child's neck. Lost weight, dizziness and headache. Is it a form of lymphoma? Having cholesterol, very angry and irritable. On Ace inhibitor and beta blocker. Could the lack of vitamin D and CoQ10 be hurting the heart? Removed excess skin from groin. Had hernia and gall bladder removal. Suggest the next step? Had an atypical pap and scheduled cold knife conization. Recommended D and C surgery. Need advise? Prescribed Augmentin for tonsillitis. Uvula is swollen. Will penicillin treat this? Getting off warfrin. Have A fib and advised to take xarel. Could I take neurontin instead of dilantin? Done with blood test. What does my report says? Experiencing loss of breath while sitting and laying down. What could be the reason? Which are the best drugs for partical seizure control that do not interact with xarel? Can stomach flu cause swollen lymph node under the chin? On hormonal replacement. Using pellet and having severe hair loss. Extremely nervous. Need opinion regarding pellet? Having bleeding after abdominal hysterectomy. Is it normal? Facing severe pain on hands,legs and gastric trouble. Is it compulsory to take duvadilan retard during pregnancy? Swollen lymph node on left side of groin. Having chest infection and cough. Are these symptoms related? Having constant pain under ribcage. Have kidney stones and developed UTI. What do you think? Feeling restless. What causes jittery feelings in legs? Had sex and condom got struck in vagina. Chances of HIV? Cardiac patient. On covance and nebicard. Beta blocker is causing erectile dysfunction. Any suggestion? Inability to lift leg and pain when walking. Medical cure for this? Child having high temperature. Has stomach pain, shivering and green diarrhoea. Suggest the remedy? Pain under arms and feel pressure on chest. Had breast implants. Is this a sign of breast cancer? Took meth and decided taking sleeping pills. Head throbbing sensation , numbness in head and other parts of body. Suggestions? Having low back pain. Taking over the counter urinary help medicine. Suffer runny nose, pain and itchiness in breasts. Could this be STD? Feeling heaviness and pull over. Whole body went numb and weak. Feel lightheaded. What can this be? Planning for baby. Having periods now. When can we start working on having a baby? X-ray shows growth plates are still wide open. Suggested may be late bloomer. What is the problem? Had sexual intercourse. Noticed bleeding and swollen vulva and pain. Help? Done with semen analysis. Advised a course of jidox and white bumps developed on penis. Suggest the complete cure? Had unprotected intercourse. Is there any chance of pregnancy? Had successful bariatric surgery. Had abdominal pain. Losing weight. Pain while eating. Post operation problems? getting occasional pimple like sores. What could it be? Child having severe pain and vomiting. Advised to take fluids and medication. Could abdominal migraines be treated? Pimples all over back after waxing. How to overcome this problem? Suffering from prostatic calcification. Treatable with medicine? Can you tell me if D.C claims to be legitimate and the type of weight loss? Cramping in abdomen, back pain, fever and cloudy urine. What could be the reason? On tamoxifen for breast cancer. Going through menopause and had unprotected sex. Could I be pregnant? Headache, weight gain, fatigue, frequent urination, external yeast infections. Blue veins in nipples. Suggest next step? Constant discomfort and pain in wrists and fingers. Having pain in joint, knee and ankles. Help? Hair are falling abnormally from few days. Suggest medication? Had unprotected sex. Red itchy spots on penis. What do I do? Had miscarriage and pregnant. Diagnosed with ALPA high and reduced diastolic blood flow in left uterine artery. will it affect the baby? Diabetic. Heavy breathing. Having problems with stomach. Pain, nausea and bloating. What do u think? Suggest medication to postpone periods On Keppra for long time. Took Lamictal. Changed to vimpat. Could Keppra be actually a factor in causing the seizures? Trying to get pregnant. Scanty blood flow during periods. Done with blood work. Is my report normal? Taking prenisone to control bouts of urticaria and asthma. Depressed and anxious. Side effects of prednisone? What are the findings from the thyroid report. Suggest the precautions to be taken? Could I take HIV RNA test after ten days of exposure? Diabetic patient and taking insulin and BP tablets. Suggest the diet to increase haemoglobin count? Took emergency contraceptive pill after having sex. Any chance of pregnancy? Uvula is inflamed and touching tongue. Have sore throat and cold. Suggest the cure? Uvula is inflamed and touching tongue. How long will it take to heal? Pain in the left side of chest. What could this be? On FemHRT and suffering from side effect. Taking Estrace and have sweating and hot flashes. What do you think? Have itching sensation on upper back. Remedy? Waking up with sharp stabbing in chest. Suggest? Pregnant. Done with scanning. What are the findings in the report? Will it be normal delivery? Diabetic. Taking Galvas. Felling uneasy. Suggested to take Betacap. Can I take this drug? Suffering from CKD. Cretanine level is high. Is there any method to reduce it? Taking mirapex for restless leg. Suggest alternative medicine Foreskin of penis does not open properly. Medical cure for this? Suffering from Hepatitis C liver cirrhosis. Taking pegasis and rebiverin. Report showing viruses. Suggest cure for the virus? Does Amoclan work against petrogen injection? Undergoing follicular study and taking HcG injection. What will happen if a dose of injection is skipped? What are the findings from the typhoid test report? Is it normal? Liquid coming out from ears. Had perforations in ear drum and taking amoxicillian. Could I flush sinuses? Have joint pain, both knees are replaced, arthritis in fingers. Could I take atridol along with a blood thinner? Have chronic right arm pain radiating from shoulder. Frequent pain in right buttock and lower back pain. Suggest the treatment? Diagnosed having Celulitus of foot. Used Cephalexin. Foot and ankles still swollen. What to do? Having spotting since 9 to 15 days. Had regular period. Normal? Noticed red urine and pink stains when wipe. Had total hysterectomy. What should I do? On Loestrin 24. Had withdrawal symptoms. Started tablets again. Had sex, no penetration. Forgot second pill. Risk of pregnancy? Diagnosed with Salivary Gland Duct Stone and on antibiotics. Swelling is reduced. Suggest the treatment? Have two cone shaped fleshy lumps in vagina. What to do? Take 2 strips of zolfresh. With activan alprax. Suggestions? Had heart attack. Put on simvastatin. Having leg and muscle cramps. On cestorl. Safe? Have a black mark on face with wrinkles. Suggest the medication for fairness and smoothness of skin? Have tooth infected and causing pain. What can I do? Have slipped disc and suffering from severe back and leg pain. What could be the cause? Has Epilepsy. Suffer high cholesterol. Medications are Phenobarbitone and liptor. Get stressed during exercise. What to do? Taking Cialis for BPH. Prescribed to take Cialis or Viagra. What could be the reason? Diagnosed with liver cirrhosi, sportal hypertension and enlarged spleen. Stopped alcohol. Chances of survival? Getting pimples on chest. Red in colour and spreading. What could be the reason? Uterus is big. Sonogram showing dominant follicle in right ovary. Very nervous. Suggest a solution? How much alcohol should I consume to be seen in EtG test? Child swallowed a crispito. Feeling scratch in throat and having pain in chest. Taking Gaviscon. How long will it take to heal? Blood work done. Knot in arm where blood was drawn. Soft and movable. what do you recommend? Could I take Gabapentin for pain caused by boils on butt? Having headache, anxiety, nausea and pressure on left side of ear. Suggest the treatment? Having light headedness. Done with MRI of brain and ultrasound of neck arteries. Suggest further course of treatment? Getting boils on butt frequently. What could be the reason? Positive Elisa HIV test. Negative Western Bolt test and negative antibody test. Have swollen lymph nodes. Could I trust the test result? Noticed swollen lymph nodes in neck and armpit. Tested for mono, sinus infections. Blood work came normal Prescribed with lamictal for depression. Take Gluburide for diabetes. How to stop the medication? Dull ear drum in left ear. Blocked and can hear voice sound echo. Scheduled for audiogram. What can be expected? Report showed low monocytes, elevated bilirubin. Should I be worried? Soft, round bump located in the center of lip. Had lip surgery. Taking medrol packs and applying a steroid. Could I ask a doctor? Cut down klonapin from 1 mg to .5. Feel shaky. How long will this last? Been sick. Started with fatigue and blurred vision. Have diarrhea and weak muscles. Test results showed polyp on gallbladder and cyst in kidney Sick from long time. Started with fatigue and blurred vision. Test results showed polyp on gallbladder and cyst in kidney. Help? Started with fatigue and blurred vision. Have diarrhea and weak muscles. Test results showed polyp on gallbladder and cyst in kidney. Help? Suffer fatigue, weakness, shaky, post nasal drip, poor appetite and blurred vision. Could this be sinus infection? On amoxicillin. Feeling sleepy. Is it the antibiotics fighting the infection that causes this? Suffer fatigue, weakness, blurred vision, post nasal drip, mild congestion and mildly sweaty cold feet. What could it be? Ultrasound suggest tetheard cord. How serious is this? Having small penis size. Feeling too tired after sex. Suggest medicine for prolonged pleasure during sex? Precribed Clopilet. Later suggested Disprin instead of Clopilet. Does prolonged usage of Clopilet, thinning of blood will be rapid? Cannot take testosterone due to increasing hematocrit. Viagra and CIAlis have stoppered working. Had mastectomy. Help? Had tooth removed. Rinse mouth after ever cigarette. Wound started to bleeding. Did I dislodge the clot? Had fainting spell and panic attacks. What to do? Having pulsating systems. Feel heart beating in head. Suggest? Having sudden choking sensation. Cannot swallow. Suspecting lyme disease. What does these symptoms indicate?
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