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Suffering from smelly loose bowel movements. What is the cure? Blood report shows low IgG1 and low IgG3. What does this mean? Suggest foods and drinks which helps in healthy development of tooth? What causes weird feeling with Hashimoto's thyroiditis and insomnia? What are the underlying causes for drop in platelet count in children? What are the findings and required treatment from the blood work? What kind of diet should I follow to reduce my weight? What could be the reason for experiencing massive growth spurt and tanner stage? Have swollen lymph node in neck, severe vaginal discharge and coughing blood with white foam. What could be wrong? CT scan showing incidental adrenal adenomas. Should I get tested for sleep apnea? What is the cure for panic attack and fast heart beat? Give details regarding ibogaine What could be the cause of epididymitis even after taking antibiotics for long? What is the possibility of pregnancy while on birth control and having nausea after taking bactrim for UTI? Why does my eye constantly water? Is there any other treatment option other than radical nephrectomy for renal cell carcinoma? What to do if have small brown and black worms in stool? What are the results of PRP injections to heal knee joints pain? Can irregular sex and being overweight be the cause of not getting pregnant? Can cocaine use be the cause of patchy lung scarring? Is stomach pain related to diabetes? What is the correlations between adderall and testosterone? Is ginkgo bildba capsules good for ear whistles and memory problems? What is the cause and treatment for brown and black worms in toilet? Can unusual black bruise causes high WBC? What is the suggested medication for knee pain? What could be the reason for developing pressure and pins and needles in left side of head? Will I have indigestion problem after taking medication for barrets esophagus? Can combination of Clonidine and Amlodipine be the cause of low BP and drowsiness? Suffering from psoriasis and having sudden back pain. Should I be worried? What is the treatment for red itchy welts all over body when taking prednisone? What could be the reason for recurrence of tuberculosis after pregnancy? Is there any interaction between Omeprazole, Tramadol and Escitalopram causing ulcer and leg pain? What is the alternative treatment for chronic UTI and recurring kidney stones? Is it possible that Lyme Disease can be transmitted from one to another? What is the treatment for ovarian cyst and fibroid causing pain, bloating and urgency to use toilet? How manage pain under right shoulder blade with any activity? Can taking several medicine like Zolpidem, Lisinopril, Torsemide together causes itchy hives? Does Graves' disease cause pain in brain and momentary loss of vision? What could be the cause of smelly mucus discharge with stool, gastric reflux and heartburn? Should I increase the dosage of geodeon for a child suffering from PTSD and depression? Does lower tummy pain and overflowing of brown blood an indication of possible miscarriage? What could be the cause of recurrent tiny boils around lips? What could be the cause of pain in testicles when I cough? What is the treatment for person suffered brain stroke, no motion in side of body with blurred speech? What are the treatment option for disc dehydration and linear angular bulge? Is insomnia,chills and poor circulation side effects of ciproflaxin?Diagnosed with prostatitis What causes nose and lip swelling with pus like bumps under nostrils after septoplasty and rhinoplasty? What is the cause and treatment for itchy rash on arms? What causes cold sores, white vaginal discharge, swollen eyelids and red rashes at same time? What is the cure for foul smell in stools of a child? What could the symptoms such as constant lightheadness, nausea and neck pain indicate? Noticed red dots on neck, back, chest and face after wearing new clothes. What should I do? What are the chances of HIV after oral sex? Suggest eye drops for treating itchiness eyes What could be reasons for vascular headaches with low grade fever ,fatigue and what is the treatment? Suffering from back pain. MRI showed L5/S1disc narrowed S1/2disc partly formed but narrowed. What is the remedy? Is it normal to have heavy bleeding after taking meprate for menorrhagia due to uterine fibroid? What are the ways of self administered abortion? Is it normal to have white discharge after intercourse when trying to conceive? Is it possible to get hepatitis and HIV from urine? Reports show renal aterry stenosis, mild hypertrophy septum and total cholesterol 187. Suggestions What are the risk involved when undergoing colonoscopy? Why there is larva like thing in stool and how to get rid of them? Can micronor be taken to delay periods? Suffering from insomnia, panic attacks and anxiety. Taking valium. Suggest What is the cure for intermittent bouts with skin around lips? What are the effects of HCG protocol on sugar levels? Infected with MRSA after throat operation. Suggestions Is acetaminophen a NSAID? Prescribed contraceptive pills after detecting follicle cyst in ovary. What should I do? Could severe head trauma lead to brain damage affecting memory loss? MRI shows cystic lesion associated with facet joint indenting the thecal sac. What to do? What are the drug interactions Librium, nurotin, tracedone, oxycodone and dexidrine with Nucynta? What could be the cause for spasm or pulsating sensation in entire rib cage? Does MRI scans cause cancer? What is the cause for constant lower back pain? Having swollen tongue and stinging nose. What should I do? Report shows artifact was noted in the right para cardiac region. What does this mean? Does growth in height will slow down after attaining puberty? What is the remedy for premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction? Had outbreak of shingles on neck. Prescribed allegra. Suggest Noticed skin becoming dark after facial. What should I do? Experiencing increasing vaginal and vaginal bleeding. What could be the cure? Having blood rushing feeling to middle finger. What does this indicate? Having severe chronic lower back pain. Using tramacet. Suggest Having erythema and edema under eyes along with the burning. Can I use Locoid? Suggest home made remedy for dull hair What causes to have cramps around calf, ankle and thighs with neck and hands? What are the ways to dissolve kidney stones with some precautions? What causes to have pricking feeling and pain inside eyes with foreign body? Should I be worried about dark line across toe nail and bump on thumb nail? What to do for discomfort in throat caused by swallowing a piece of plastic? What causes uncontrolled erections after eating food that irritates the intestinal tract? What is the best treatment for burning and painful stomach caused by hernia? What is the cause for swollen and painful feet, dizziness, thirsty and no sexual interest? Dentist found mass in x-ray. Concerned about cancer? Should I be worried about swollen and painful testicle after accident? What causes chronic burning sensation in stomach, burping and irregular bowels? What could be the side effects of Setraline if taken accidentally by child? What is the remedy for swollen an Painful knee cap? Is Siberian pine nut oil good for stomach ulcers? What causes diarrhea, burning stomach, itchy hands, hives on feet and swelling of ears? Having no proper erection after knowing that girl friend cheated. What should I do? Noticed tenderness and pain during sex in testicles. What is the cure? How do I cure chronic constipation? What does Lipid Profile test results indicate? Suggest medical treatment for swollen legs? What is the treatment for hand swelling due to arthritis? Suffering from watery stools, headache, dry cough, low appetite and chills. Is this due to virus? Noticed swelling around penis. Ultrasound showed testicular masses. What should I do? Does early vitiligo, dry skin cause hypopigmented patches on elbow? Suffering from pain and tightening in stomach, burning sensation in stomach and burps. Suggestions Can I take antihistamines atarax with armour thyroid medicine? Having cold and mucus at the back of the throat. What should I do? Could discomfort in mouth and gastric stomach be indications of dietary deficiency? Diagnosed with interstitial lung disease, candidiasis of oesophagus and suffering from cough. What is the cure? CT scan showed wide spread cancer. Having mass in esophagus. Should biopsy be done? Does a feeding tube help? Can nevos in stomach are normal to have and are these malignant? What is the cause of having pains in legs? What precautions to take to reduce weight in obese child? Is high fatigue,low grade fever,headache,body ache symptoms of positive HIV and how early can it be detected? What is the dry patch of scaly painless skin which is raised from peeling and has white discharge? Should I be concerned about red colored stool, stomach pain when blood test negative and have IBS? What is the reason for brown mucus discharge after ovulation? What causes limping and stiffness in joint after ACL reconstruction with meniscus debridement? What is the reason for sudden bleeding while taking implanon? Is there any interaction between nebivolol with trivastal? Suggest tips to quit smoking What is the cause for nausea, headache, pain behind knees radiating to calf and back pain? Is masturbation and intercourse without ejaculation harmful? INR last week was 1.84 and this week 3.84. stopped Acitrom. Suggest other medicines What among body fat, water retention and hereditary is the possible cause for obesity? What could be the red point on forehead? What is the cause and treatment for lump on the neck of child? Suffering from frequent bowel movements. X-ray showed inflamed intestine. What is the treatment? What causes abdominal cramping and bowel disorders in person with active lifestyle and history of colitis? Can chewing gum causes mouth cancer? Suggest diet and best workout time to reduce weight What does Fibrotic scarring and apical pleural thickening in x-ray report mean? Blood pressure 245/14. Prescribed clonodine and losartan. Should I be worried about this? What does chest X-ray impression fibrotic scarring ad pleural thickening? What is the reason for yellow discharge from penis which hurts while urinating? What is the correct dose for Obelit? Does this reduce the natural energy to absorb fat when I discontinue it? What is the treatment for Knee Joint Pain? Noticed itching and white formation inside foreskin of penis after changing the soap. What should be done? What causes sharp pain at the back of head, dizziness and nausea? What are the risk of contracting HIV orally? Can pain killer Zerodel will result in glycemia when taking insulin and jnaumet for diabetes? Is celiac disease caused by Anorexia and bulimia and what is lymphocytosis? Suffering from frequent urination. Had bladder treatments of DSMO instillation. What is the cure? What is the reason for rapid heart rate and headache in a child? Suggest treatment to get rid of white spots back of tonsils and discomfort in throat.Positive Streptococcus C What food is best for bone strengthening? Is normal calprotein stool test following incident of rectal bleeding indicative of no colon cancer? Noticed weight gain and acidity after surgery for Fistula. Is there a way to avoid second surgery? What are the causes for skin rash after taking prednisone taper? Diabetic. Having peeling skin sores on hands. How to prevent? Having mild fever with cough congesion and loose motions. What should I do? Should I be worried abut white vaginal discharge after periods till ovulation? How to treat bleeding from one ear and suspected damaged ear drum? Is it safe to have high dose of progesterone daily in IVF pregnancy? Is estring safe post vaginal atrophy? Is it normal for high BP patient taking Prolomet to do walking immediately after meal? What is the cause of elevated SGPT level when under treatment for Non Hodgkin lymph node? Is MRCP recommended after diagnosed with Stage 1 PSC? What is the treatment for itchy white spots on foreskin appeared after circumcision? What's the best food to eat for weight loss? How can creatinine level brought down and how long does it take? Is there any ways to treat prostate which spread to bones and brain? What is the cause of spotting between periods? Is TSH level of 4.58 is considered normal? Suffering from loose motion after taking azithral for sore throat leading to urinary incontinence Suggest remedy to cure respiratory tract infection? Does MRI reports of spine indicates to be serious? Does smoking cigarette causes fast heart beat, heaviness in body and weakness when on high BP medicine? Can persistent diarrhoea be a result of taking quetiapine,lamotrigine for bipolar disorder and using cocaine? What is the cure for chest contraction and back muscle that developed after tuberculosis in lungs and terminal ileum? What is the reason and treatment for pain in triceps area? Could fever Pneumonia cause parkinsons symoptoms to increase? How to cure cold without taking L- montus regularly when have mild asthma? What should be done to heal the wound faster and avoid pus formation developed below knee? Is hospitalization necessary to avoid infecting others for boils on body due to Herpes? What medicine is best for treating hair fall and pimple scars problem? Can trazadone be the cause of Erectile Dysfunction when taken for insomnia? Can endoscopy causes one to have neck pain and breathing difficulty? What is the treatment for broken frenulum? Does mastectomy lead to arthritis? What to do if getting back pain caused by large hard mass under skin between hip and rib cage? Suggest treatment for back pain caused by large hard mass under skin between hip and rib cage Is chiropractic therapy advisable for severe back aches? What causes knee and wrist pain with intermittent burning sensation rash on arms and elevated prostate? What is the cause and treatment for sudden development of withered arm? What causes odour after hysterectomy with bladder is held up with pelvic tape? What is the cause and treatment for fine cuts and redness of penis? What is the treatment for redness on penis and small cuts around tip? What causes clear sticky anal discharge after taking herbal laxative for constipation? Why does the neck and scapula hurt bad while taking deep breath? How to stop burning sensation in vaginal area caused by insect repellent used instead of ky jelly? What are natural ways of increasing sexual potency?
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