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What causes numbness in face,lips,hands,fingers and feet? What is the treatment for varicose veins? Suggest medicine for weak erection and what are bad effects of masturbation? What is treatment for constant secretion running down throat causing vomiting and choking? Is it safe to take Adderall for Aneurysm after AVM bleed and surgery? What could be the cause of itchiness on area after a while of stimulating? What is the cause for discomfort in transverse colon and losing weight? What should be done to clear system of marijuana to pass a drug test? What is treatment for having blood clot in eye which created a shadow over eye? Do cipralex, welbutin and rivortil causes weight gain? Feeling abnormal while taking clonazepam. Should I start taking clonazepam along with esctilopram? What is the cause and cure for intermittent painful boils under armpits? Is it safe to take 'Dexona' during pregnancy? Does Xplode cause anxiety attacks with burning sensation in chest? What causes joints pain while walking near feet? What is the reason for breast pain during pregnancy? Why does trazadone make difficulty in walking? What is the reason for burning inside vagina while eating chilly? What does borderline blood test result mean? What is the reason for hot flashes at the age of 73 when having hashimotos? What is the treatment for jammed thumb causing trouble gripping and pain while bending? Should I be concerned about bruises and subsiding swelling on chest after falling? What could be the cause for nose itching and blood clots inside? Could I get pregnant with polycystic ovary disease while taking parlodel for high prolactin level? Will masturbating have any side effect on sexual life with my partner after marriage? Is there any risk in developing infection due to wound? What should I do for the milky tooth in front of two permanent teeth? What causes red bumps appear at center of back and chest? What is the method to check the current status of heart to dertemine any blockage? How to reduce weight when have problem of leg pains? How to cure abdominal bloating, gas and irregular bowel movement? How to reduce continuous redness from eyes? What medicine should I take for sore and reddish mouth? How safe is it to take Garcinia Cambogia to deal with obesity? What is the remedy for subconjunctival hemorrhage caused due to ruptured blood vessels in eye? What causes dizzy spells associated with headache and neck pain? Does arava cause birth defects while trying to conceive? Could steroids cause bruising on lower leg, back and arm while suffering from HIV? What causes burning sensation on shoulder and toes after a stroke? Does exposure to black mold lead to itchy throat and cough with phelgm? How should medication Lisinopril and Levothyroxine be taken? Is it safe to use robotic for hysterectomy? Does pinched nerve in the neck cause swollen finger joints and stiff hands? Is it possible to remove a anterior or posterior cage from the stomach without opening the back after a failed back surgery? What could be pin point black spot on iris? How to get out black dot on eye which feels like glass? What causes burning in the rectum? What can i do for white candida developing in bowels? Would an EEG and MRI be useful in evaluating cause of derealization post mild concussion? What is the remedy for itchy red patch on penis? What are the side effects of Lycogold XT and Ovacare Forte? How Do I Put On Weight? What is the remedy for gastroesophageal reflux disease and aerophagia? Can I give duolin and levonin together for a toddler suffering from wheezing and cough? What is the root cause for continuous cold due to bacterial allergy what is the remedy? What causes small bumps and rash on penis after having unprotected sex? Will I contract HIV through electric shaver? Is it safe to delay taking Cymbalta after taking Etodolac for pain caused due to sciatica? Does the MRI show septate uterus? What is the cause for lesions on forearm with slight erythema? What could be the reason for experiencing mild burning and irritation around my anus? Does muscle strain cause chest pain breast muscle? What causes bruises on cheeks of a baby after falling hard on forehead? What is the treatment for red itchy dots under my collar bone and thigh with stress related dermatitis? What causes itchy small,flattish bumps on the skin? Why am I having rust colored stains on the palms, fingertips and ankle flares during pregnancy? What causes persistent severe pain of the inferior pubic ramus with no fracture? What is the treatment for high bp,sugar,depression,anxiety caused due to steroid taken for chronic iritis? What is the cause for sharp stabbing pain in neck post chemotherapy? What is the difference between Calcium carbonate and calciam citrate tablets? What causes itchy burning feet and thighs with red marks? What causes pain on the upper side of both legs and below the joints? What is the remedy to get rid of pain in gums,teeth,jaw,under eye and ears after teeth extraction? What kind of specialist should I consult for cold and difficulty in breathing with severe cough? What could cause open ulcers near penis head after sex and could it be herpes? Why is my eye color changing to brown? What is the cause for feeling cold and increasing heart beat after a panic attack? What is the remedy to get rid of yellow teeth? What could be the reason for occasional line or crease or very shallow groove in stool? What causes indentation in stool? What test should be doneto detect cause of severe muscle spasm in lower back? What is the cure for small rashes and slight pain in upper skin of penis? What are the findings from the chest Xray report? Is coronary angiogram required if there is no symptoms suggestive of heart disease? Is abdominal soreness after severe vomiting and diarrhea a sign of kidney pain? Could blood clot in vaginal cavity with low estrogen and abnormal bleeding be symptoms of utrine cancer? What is the further treatment for dense inflammatory smear in Histopathology report? Can I apply ice for my rib injury? What is the difference between bladder leak after a cough/laugh and leak caused by uncontrollable urge? What is the cure for itching and painful abrasions on buttock? What is the cure for dark patches on face while using skin lite for hyper pigmentation problem? Why am I experiencing dizziness and lightheaded while on medication for hypothyroidism? Is there any specific medicine for a baby suffering from fever? Why am I feeling dizzy and losing my balance? What kind of food should I take while suffering from back pain during pregnancy? Does adderall show up in a standard blood test? What are the findings from the HCG test? Is epididymal cyst on left testicle a sign of testicular cancer? What is the treatment for prolonged cough producing dark mucus experienced with coldness and shivers? What is the treatment for attched skin hindering penis growth? Is it safe to consume 5 pills of nexito forte for good sleep? Is it safeto give enterogermina to a one year old to stop loose motions? Can little bumps on hand, sore penis and rashes on groin after unprotected oral sex be indications of STD? What is the reason for weight gain and low potassium when having severe edema? Is it possible to remove an old friction burn from my penis shaft without invasive surgery? What is the cause for bloating and pain in abdomen? What is the cause for cramps during bowel movements and watery stools? Do height increasing pills work after the age of 30? Can I take apo cephalex withapo sotalol? What is the cause for burning sensation and achy arms, breast and back? Is it mandatory to give food after 40 mins of taking ondem syrup for continuous vommiting? Is it normal to have straining bowel movements with brown discharge during pregnancy? What causes hard lump right in inner crease of the right arm? What is the remedy to avoid side effects caused by beta blockers taken for anxiety and high BP? What is the suggested medication for thrush? What are the possible causes for having tingling sensation in hands and legs during night? What causes large red patch on tongue leading to loss of taste? Is itchy nose and eyes a sign of non allergic rhinitis? What causes painful enlarged circumvallate papillae? Could I take fish oil along with propolis and health formula all in one vitamin? Is it safe to give a baby injections with pain after doses of painless injections? What is the cure for lip swelling? What causes light bleeding or spotting after taking contrceptive pills? What causes for abnormal menstrual bleeding and what is the treatment? Why is my child waking up at frequent intervals during night and what is the treatment for swelling in left eye? What causes irritation an buring of frictional ulcers on penis and could it be herpes? Is urinary tract infection common in type 2 diabetics? Why is my job in first priority compared to my family? What is the remedy to counter side effects of taking excessive Robitussin? Are dark blotches on lower lip caused due to wine and Nepalese curry? How can periods be preponed? What causes cut sensation and blood from penis after urination? What is the treatment for bumps and bruises on head? Does excessive Nicorette gum chewing lead to increased heart rate? What is the remedy for acute pain in back and ribs caused due to accidental fall? Why is my child getting headache in forehead while suffering from brain tumor and epilepsy? Can cortical dysplasia be present since birth with symptoms occuring later at any age? Is it normal to have cutting like pain in and around veins while suffering from Dercum's disease Suggest remedy to get rid of acne on face and get a clear skin What is the cause irregular periods? What is the remedy for severe throat pain? What causes several streaks of light in vision and that quickly disappear? Why am I having stomach pain after eating blueberries post partial hysterectomy? Noticed bleeding after total hysterectomy. Prescribed with Advil. Is this normal? What could cause shivering,sweating,cold,headache and dizziness when having diabete and hypertension? What is this horrible odor during menstrual flow and what is the reason for irregular periods? How to increase sperm count?. How to get rid of small skin tag all over the neck? What causes tiny bumps in mouth and throat mmaking swallowing difficult and what is the treatment? What causes symptoms of burning feet and crampy calves in an alcoholic? Suggest short term diuretics for moderate weight loss Is it necessary to go for HIV test after negative results in 12 weeks? Does the drug interaction from dicyclomine, atenolol, pioglitazone and lovastatin cause cough? What causes frequent bowel movements in infants? Could penis pimples,groin pain and armpit pain indicate possible HIV even if HIV test results come negative? Will norethisterone help to reduce cyst on ovary? Is it safe to take Palquenil-Hydroxycloroquine? What causes productive cough,sinus draining,chills,aches, sneezing and watery eyes? What are the side effects of taking Zelldox and Seroquel and Paxil and Flouvox? Slurred speech? What is the permanent cure for shaking hands? What is the cause for swollen testicles? What is the cause for painful head after taking antibiotics for folliculitis? What could be the cause for abnormal vaginal bleeding with clots and bloating? Is surgery required for malignancy in breast? Should I continue taking prednisone while suffering from stomach upset? Does the BPD value in the scan report indicate any abnormality? What is the remedy to cure and control pimples? Why is my body red in color after taking bath in cold water? What should be done after confirmed pregnancy test? What is the treatment for enlarged muscle in shoulder area while suffering from lung cancer and bone cancer? Will previous termination of pregnancy with abortive pills further chances of pregnancy? What should be done to make teeth white,strong and heathy? Could I use Gentisone ear drops for a ear infection and sore ear? Suggest treatment for obsessive thoughts How can I regain my taste sensation? What is the permanent cure for sinus infection, disturbing throat and chest symptoms? What causes tremors in hands and lips? What is the treatment for tremors on hands and lips? What is the cause for premenstrual breast tenderness and light spotting? What is the suggested medication for constant runny nose, sneezing and sinus burning? Suggest treatment for long term congestion in the sinus cause due to hives Could I take stadol for migraine? Is there an antidote for GMO drug Pegfilgrastiim? Can I Lortab for Flu symptoms? What can be done for sore throat and small granules on soft palate and tonsillar pillars? What could cause small white patch on neck? Suggest treatment for hereditary hair fall Does paralysis fully recover and how long does it take? What is the cause for chronic pain in neck and shoulders, fatigue and constipation? What is the remedy for quickening the healing of a penile bruise? Is HIV transmission from unprotected receptive oral sex possible? Can chymoral forte be given to a patient with diabates,hypertension intercrochanteric fracture? What are the findings from the knee MRI and required treatment? Does physiotherapy help in treatment of herniated disc? Will removal of one ovary balance my estrogen level and reduce breast tenderness? What causes protein traces in urine while suffering from fever and UTI? What causes headache,dizziness,palpitaions and cold sweat after running? Why am I having rashes even after taking fluconasole salt for tinea cruris? What is the treatment to cure ringworm spreading all over the body? Does citalopram and clonazepam taken for anxiety and depression have any side effects?
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