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What does the attached throat swab test result suggest? Does withdrawals from Ativan taken for GERD cause headache and can Buspirone can help? Suggest treatment for frequent urination at night leading to disturbed sleep when having mild prostate? What is the cause for stomach ache and dizziness while suffering from functional dyspepsia and GERD? Why is my baby getting irritated? Having multi organ infection. Having bleeding from lungs. What is the cause? Suggest good bathing soap and cream for a baby? Is blurred vision and light sensitiveness related to Cytomegalovirus retinitis? Can injury from the left leg cause the damage to right knee after hurting left leg abductor? What can be the cause for delay in periods? Should I go the ER for extreme nausea? Is it possible to lighten minor labia using hydrogen peroxide or some other chemical? Can you suggest homeopathy or any other medications to terminate pregnancy? What is the cause for upper abdomen pain and yellowish sclera in eyes while suffering from gastroenteritis during pregnancy? What does a dark shadow within tooth and below gum line suggest in dental X-ray? Having headache and abdominal pain, abdomen feels sensitive to touch. What should I do? What could be the cause for bilateral leg stiffness and spasms in right calf? How long will it take to recover from ear infection and sinusitis? What is the remedy to treat pain in testicle and groin after an enema? Should I take HIV test for having dry lips after a physical contact in massage parlor? Suggest remedy to avoid dry and patchy during winters? What causes swelling in teeth after temporary filling and is root canal or tooth extraction advisable? What is predisolone normaly precribed for? What is the cure for frequent mouth ulcers? What are the side effects of Zolpidem? Does gamma gt level of 700 and drinking alcohol cause damage to my liver? Having problem in pulling foreskin on penis. What is the remedy? What causes lack of control over eye and body movements and could it be result of brain lesion? Suffering from sore throat. Could this be due to streptococcal infection? What are the findings from the HIV test? What is the remedy for knee pain and joint pain? Will plasma metanephrine test reveal pheochromocytoma? Suggest remedy to get over adverse side effects of Kenalog epidural and Metoprolol causing body discomfort What could be the reason for losing my weight? Suggest ways to reduce back pain suffering from neurocystecircosis. Taking eption. How long should I take the medication? How to prevent frequent cough and cold in children? What causes swollen legs and mucus laden cough while on insulin, trajenta and amaryl for diabetes? What is the treatment for poor vision at night after cataract surgery? What could be the cause for cauliflower like lesion on penis, puss filled bumps in inner elbow, knees and blisters on chest? What is the cure for recurring boil in anal region? How to ease discomfort while passing motion? Suggest specialist in idiopathic hypersomnia What causes metallic taste in mouth? Suggest treatment for lack of sexual desire and erectile dysfunction when having diabetes? What is the treatment for inreasing WBC counts and are antibiotic shots advisable? What is the alternative medicine for Glimitied forte and Pioz MF for diabetes? Suggest treatment for sore throat after fever Is pink slimy discharge followed by brown discharge a sign of pregnancy? Does a paiful lymphnode in groin and abdominal pain indicate cancer? Can mild itching and burning sensation in groin after unprotected sex be symptom of STD? What should be done for dizziness and nausea while moving head after accidental fall on face? Can I give emset, lanzole along with enterogermina zify for my child suffering from loose motion and vomiting? What could be reason for an elderly women to fascinate about kids genitals? What are the long term effects of cola and what is the relation between vitamin D and phosphates? Can uncomfortable feeling in throat and anal itching after unprotected anal intercourse be indications of HIV? Is consumption of alcohol while liver is still recovering from elevated ALT recommended? How to overcome intrusive thoughts while taking prozac for mild OCD and generalized anxiety? What is the treatment for pain and swelling in body due to rheumatoid arthritis and lupus? Noticed grey hair with circle black lines coming out. Could this be due to ring worm? Having bruising in leg after a fall. Does this indicate fracture? Can diphenhydramine cause ringing in ears? Experiencing pain in knee and back. Feeling difficulty in walking. What can be done? Is it safe to continue with pregnancy while suffering from acute liver failure caused due to pain medication? What is the treatment for migraine? Is it unsafe to take turmeric in case of bile duct obstruction? What causes severe tingling and aching in right hand during night? Is regular sex risky with a history of Old Myocardial Infarction? What is the cause for heavy odor? Can any online doctor help me read the blood test report for liver Disease? What is the treatment for black dots on penis? Is it normal to have burning and cramping sensation in stomach after taking Senekot? What is the cure for sinus infection and upper respiratory infection while suffering from asthma? What should be done for throat infection,cold cough and body itching after having sex? What are the possibilities of contracting brain eating amoebas from tap water in Neti Pot? What can be done for numbness in hands at night while sleeping? With reference to the thyroid and ultrasound report is it safe to continue with pregnancy? What is the treatment for bladder pain and painful urination inspite of taking macrobid? Took deviry therapy to postpone periods. Diagnosed with small follicles in ovaries. Can I take metformin? Suggest treatment for continuous hairfall? What should be done for severe vitamin D deficiency? Is there any chance of getting cysts after laparoscopy? Serum creatinine: 2.5. is this critical? Can I continue diabetes medication? What is the cause for experiencing delay in periods? Suffering from hypothyroidism. Suggest diet and precautions What is the treatment for burning sensation and bleeding in anal area during urination? Should I take hormone replacement pill throughout my life for Graves disease? What can cause black skin in penis shaft? Does tied tubes cause severe cramps,heaving bleeding and pain in ovaries and what is the remedy? What are the possibilities of getting nerve damage after blood test in arm? Suggest remedy to reduce occurrence of frequest cold and cough to increase immunity Is skipped beats in EKG related to my digestion issue? Can BPM rate suggest the gender of the baby while pregnant? Why am I experiencing back pain while taking deep breath? What causes muscle spasms,numbness of arms and feet and headache after an accident? Brain tumor? Is there are any connection between my thyroid condition and hemoglobin level for experiencing increased heart beat and tension in eyes? What causes heaviness in abdomen during ovulation? What could be the cause for experiencing severe cramps under sore ribs and belly? What is the remedy for headache due to abdominal gas? Is it serious to experience recurring chest discomfort? Is abdominal pain normal after starting Augmentin for diverticulitis and is Miralax safe in this condition? If CT scan shows colon cancer has not spread to lungs,liver and abdomen, is it considered good? What are the findings from the semen analysis report? What is the treatment for dry cough, mild headache, running nose and occasional erratic heart beat? What is the remedy for acid reflex and chest pain caused due to consuming zoloft without water? Can sinus infection spread to brain? What is the remedy to treat skin tanning? How long after you contract the flu are you contagious?. What should be done for food stuck in wind pipe? Can I resume normal exersice routine after course of Avalox for sinusitis? Does high morphology cause increased miscarriages and/or birth defects? How to reduce cramping with lower abdominal pain? Does overdose of 'Aleve' cause drooping eyelid? What does 'Dyssychronous Secretory Endometrium found in the curettings' mean? Does squamous carcinoma cause itching, soreness and will it penetrate into my body? Can torn lateral meniscus cause pain and limited movement of inner hip ligaments and will knee surgery help? What are the other tests to confirm pregnancy after having inconclusive urine test? Can pain and crackling sound on the back indicate problem with bones? Suggest treatment for acidity and vomiting experienced morning and evening? Why is my child not having food while suffering from fever? Does pain in left side while lying down indicate problem in kidney? Suggest suitable ways to reduce cholesterol level Is it safe to take Ebastine for itching caused by side effect of diprospan? What can cause giddiness and weakness in legs with a history of stroke, epileptic fits, breast cancer and hypertension? Can I undergo dental extraction procedure during pregnancy? Suggest medicine and long term solution to improve and retain Vitamin D levels? What should be done for hydrocephalus and infarcts developed due to meningitis? What is BPPV in a scan report and what is the dosage of betahistine for vertigo? What could be the reason for small painless lumps on posterior of forearm? What causes depression,insomnia,headaches and memory loss and what is the remedy to quit smoking? What is the normal blood pressure value for men at the age 28? What is the treatment post heart attack to keep sugar and bp levels in control? How to control aggressive behavior in children? Should I take beta blocker for controlling blood pressure or can I try to control with my diet? Why is my child having loose stools after taking z adenoid for sounds in nose? What coube the reason for nausea,back pain and chills/shivering after having an ERCP done? Should I take paracetamol every five hours for high temperature and mild headache? Suggest the dosage of zinc supplements Is it safe to take Lymecycline during pregnancy? What are the findings from the FNAC report and required treatment? Can I have ipill to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex while taking pills to avoid periods? Do hormonal effects cause headaches,migraine,dizziness after stopping the intake of Estrace? What is the treatment for cold, cough and throat pain? Should I continue taking zifi, cefixime and oflaxine for viral fever, boils on tongue and rashes on testicle? What causes bleeding in the middle of mestural cycle? What causes rapid heart rate and warmth in body after drinking alcohol and taking Valerian and Hops? Can tendency to eat raw rice in toddlers suffering from ADHD be indication of nutritional deficiency? Should I switch to any other inhaler apart from Seroflow for asthma? Would you recommend a nose operation to broaden the air passage? What causes sudden difficulty in swallowing when having tonsils? What causes pain behind ear,weakness and tingling in arms when suffering from hiscystosis? What causes swear pain in stomach post kidney transplant and should I continue taking Omeprazole and Clarithromycin for bacteria in stomach? What are the underlying causes for cauliflower like lesion on head of penis, constant burning sensation and body itching? How to regulate thyronorm dosage to keep TSH levels in control? What causes sporadic bright light flashed in peripheral vision? What could be reasons for dizziness and confusion spell other than bladder infection? What causes cauliflower like bumps on labia majora and is it a sign of herpes? What are the other medication I can take for anxiety besides risperdol? What is the reason for sharp pain on right side of abdomen,in between waist and below breast? Can another pill be taken after having taken Suboxan for a week? Suggest remedy for weight gain and is 'lean mass weight gainer' a safe option? What is the suggested medication for diarrhea and vomiting? What causes groin pain,sore throat and tiredness when suffering from allergic rhinitis and metabolic syndrome? Is inner cut on lower lip after deep kisses and unprotected blow job a sign of HIV and which is the best test to confirm HIV? What is the treatment for thigh and testicular pain despite taking medications and physiotherapy? What are the findings from the blood test? Can I continue playing football after being diagnosed with disc generation and mild scoliosis in spine? Can dimpling along scar lines after breast reduction surgery occur due to post surgical scar fibrosis? How is the baby treated while mother is suffering from hepatitis B post delivery? What causes itching on hands and feet followed by diarrhea and vomiting despite normal thyroid diagnosis? What can cause sore throat, runny nose and clay colored stool while on Dextromethorphan for cough? What could cause pain at back of brain stem,head and lower neck despite normal MRI result and can it be Sinusitis? What is the cause for constant blinking in eyes? Is addyzoa helpful in increasing the sperm count? Suggest good tubal reversal centers What is the treatment for recurrent boils in the vaginal area abnd will betnovate help? Can ODT be taken for anal fissure? Am I having hard bumps on lips due to herpes on genitals? What are the other tests to be taken for swelling in lymph nodes and facial swelling? What is the treatment for small bump like pimples on penis? Should I consult a doctor for hay fever type allergies while taking Claritin and Mucinex D for nasal drip? Should I be concerned of swollen red leg? What causes blood in stool while suffering from foot and mouth disease? Could I skip mintop forte and take only finpecia for hair loss problem? Should I go to urgent care for dog bite even after taking Doxycycline and wrapping the wound with Neosporin? How to remove black heads on my face? Can Epstein Barr virus cause severe abdominal pain and what is the cause for drop in platelet count? What is the treatment for frail optic nerve and high eye pressure from oral cort? How to get rid of itching sensation with sensitive skin? Is there any way to reverse autoimmune disorder causing rashes and boils all over body? Suggest alternative cure for tennis elbow problem in both elbow joints Suggest remedy to cure painful red rash in the groin region What causes epistaxis? Is cough and upper respiratory symptoms due to lisinopril? What causes pain in forehead and around eyes due to frequent nose draining with greenish white cough? What could be the cause for head spinning and sweating while suffering from hypertension? Suggest dosage of albendazole 400mg for thread worm? Is lower abdominal pain a side effect of GasX while taking omeorazole for GERD? Can I take a course of cephalexin for tight chest,dry cough,phlegm, tiredness and fever? Is burning chest pain during exertion related rotated disc in neck? What is the treatment for aritis spine,hoarseness in voice,heavy chest and weight loss? What could be the reason for late periods with Leukorrhea?
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