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What are the complications with sudden interruption of drugs for blood pressure? What could happen if 2nd dose of tetanus injection is given 8 days after 1st dose? Should I take another surgery for slight changes in EKG? Is there any chance of getting pregnant when have had sex during mensturation? What is cure for repeated UTI and burning sensation in abdomen during pregnancy? What is the cause for increase in blood pressure while on ACE inhibitor and Lysinopril? What causes milky watery discharge from breast during pregnancy? What could a small white itchy bump above clitoris indicate? What causes bumps under crown of penis head? What does high neutrophils and low lymphocytes in a lab report indicate? What could a little bump over swollen tonsils indicate? What is the cause for spotting with negative endo biopsy and ultrasound? Does 'Flomax' help in passing big red flake in urine? What causes burning and bleeding from anus and what the treatment for it? Can certain medications cause diffuse renal parentchymal disease with increased echogenicity of the kidneys and diffused cortical thinning? Is it normal to have seizures during therapeutic cooling treatment for heart attack? What should be done for fluid in uterus and can D&C puncture uterus in when cervix is closed? Why does antibody test negative even after 8 month? Is it normal to have watery vaginal discharge while taking Macrobid for UTI? What is the cure for headaches on left side of head after a water fast? What medicine should I take to reduce my TSH level? What is the treatment for long standing dry cough? Does kivexa and efavirenz contraindicate with metronidazole and ciproflaxazin? Is it normal for a 14 days old baby to vomit milk once or twice daily? How to improve child's immunity with the help of diet? What diet should be followed to increase immunity and strength in a child? Does guaifenesin for tracheobronchitis cause severe cough with pneumonia? What is the treatment for to get rid of acne and acne scars? What causes pus around the edges of a skin after skin graft done for skin cancer? What is the treatment for post inflammatory pigmentation? Suggest treatment to increase hair growth and stop hairfall Having sore upper stomach, light brown discharge and severe abdominal pain. Had implanon inserted. What should I do? Can I take baby aspirin for blood clot in leg? Do i need to get rabies vaccine shots for pain on palm after playing with pet puppy not vaccinated? Is it normal to have heavy bleeding after stopping estrogen? How should I avoid craving for junk food? Where can I go for complete checkup? Can ENT instruments that are inserted into nose cause HIV infection? Due for a depo shot and noticed brown discharge and cramping. Could I be pregnant? Having bleeding with clots and moderate cramping after silver nitrate cauterization. Should I go to ER? Blood test showed WBC range from 10.2 to 13.2. What does this indicate? Had UTI and blood test showed WBC 13.0, Neutrophils 7.88 and ESR 30. Is there a risk of infection? Test report showing spleen is unremarkable in echotexture. Why is my urine habits inconsistent? How long does it take for lip swelling to heal after taking doxycycline? What is the cure for severe heartburn and nausea during pregnancy? Is fluctuation in haemoglobin is normal after radiation treatment? What are the findings from the widal test? What can cause brownish bleeding during pregnancy from ivf frozen embryo transfer? Can I take cabogolin on second day of menstrual cycle and how to improve my chances of conception? What causes vomiting with dark stool,abdominal pain and back pain? Is it safe to take Cabergoline alongwith Metformin and Siphene the same day? Can tissues grow around the Intrauterine device? What is the cause for redness around incision area in ankle? Could feeling foggy and heavy,fatigue and mood swings be symptoms of pregnancy? What are the side effects of wellinbutin for anxiety and ambien for sleep? Will my follicles grow and what are my chances of pregnancy with endometriosis? What causes nausea and abdomninal pain with bloody stool and abdominal carmps? What are the newest Bladder Repair innovations.? Can sarcoidosis spread from one person to another person and what is the treatment for the sarcoidosis? What causes painless visible twitching by knee on right upper side? Suggest immediate medicine or precaution for sudden pain in wrest due to strech on nerve? Suggest treatment for acne and dark scars on face and back Can tendonitis in joints, meningitus, swollen glands and Ulcerative colitis be indications of Lyme disease? What is the cause for muscle pain in legs while suffering from edema and frequent urination? What is the treatment for facial pain caused due to root canal fillings and Why am I unable to overcome intrusive thoughts regarding my death while taking lexapro and luvox for panic attacks? What could be the reason for moving pain around the nipples,shoulder blde,arm and chest? What does 'focal pleural thickening along anterior basal segment Rt lower lobe' mean and is it serious condition? Is regestrone after unprotected sex the reason for experiencing delay in my periods? What causes itching of genitalia and what is the treatmnt? What parameters from the blood report can be correlated with varicose veins? What is the treatment for Chronic Prostatitis with infection of the foreskin? Does the blood profile result "4.1 while total leukocytes3,lymphocytes 56 (20-45) indicate cancer? Could vitamin C intake cause high ferritin level in routine blood test? Can erctile dysfuction, dizziness and cold in legs be indications of heart problem? Should I go for tooth extraction for experiencing pain due to broken teeth? Can Hepatitis virus attack on kidney and is there in relation between kidney and hepatitis B virus? What does pimples on penis after unprotected sex indicate? Can lithium cause the high tsh level and enlarge the lymph nodes? With reference to the stool report need opinion regarding treatment for my child Is coughing normal in CABG patient? What is the dosage of coenzyme Q10 that can be taken along with Crestor? What causes sudden body itching while on IVF cycle and could it be due to stopping Zyrtec? How can I deal with anxiety related my worry about having STD inpite of being tested negative? What is the treatment for swollen,itchy,burning,inflamed,baggy eyelids? Ultrasound showed enlarged left ovary with heterogeneous septated. Will this affect fertility? What can cause bump on my lower jaw after taking Lyrica with paracetomal while suffering from right side sensory deprivation? What is the remedy for hives in cold weather while suffering from cold utricaria and chlamydia? Diagnosed with Barretts esophagus and throat feels sore. Could this be cancer? What could be the cause for occasional chest pains? Does a dark bump on the base of genital area indicate sebaceous kerratosis? Does test showing virus load detected virus means that person infected with virus? What could be the reason for painless red pimple blister on penile shaft? What does rusty color urine indicate? What is the treatment for severe menstrual cramps along with red rashes and itching on skin? Is it safe to have oral sex and what are the precautions to be followed? What kind of food should I give for my child for increasing immunity and strength? Is acutret, elatop lotion and topisal ointment right medication for acne on face and psoriasis chonic plaque in hands? Suggest remedy for red and painful nipple caused by breasting feeding? What are the risks and treatment for high creatinine level with renal agenesis? How to find out the cause for having off balance sensation? What is the treatment for epidamical cyst causing pain in the right testis? What could be the cause for pain and swelling in groin gland after oral sex? Should I consult a doctor for raised black knot on side after a fall? Will tubal reversal affect C section in future? Is indigestion,gas,uneasiness,breathlessness and confusion normal after taking Fluoxetin for anxiety? What are the bad effects of decayed wisdom teeth? How to increase physical growth in my child suffering from infection and swelling in eyelid and face? Will there be any abnormality in Fetus by taking Glycomet GP2? Having low cholesterol and blood pressure. Can I drink red wine? Is moderate red wine consumption safe when having high blood pressure and cholesterol? Can red wine be taken by patients with cholesterol and blood pressure? What is the cause for high ESR and what is the treatment for E.Coli? Will I be disabled due to arm and carpel tunnel surgery? What can be the cause for sore breasts, pain in pelvis and spotting in sexual intercourse? Can stopping alcohol consumption help in reversing liver ailment,if any? Is dry cough in throat caused due to asthma problem? What is the cause for crawling sensation in anal canal and pain in rectal area? Is pregnancy possible after safe sex? What is the cause of Pulsatile tinnitus with heart palpitations and raise in BP? What is the cause for experiencing heat in upper right side body while on percocet? Chest x-ray showed hyperaerated with mild increased interstitial markings. What does this mean? What is the suggested medication for sudden fever with nasal congestion and cold symptoms? How long does withdrawal from Ativan last and how can the symtoms be brough down? Is it normal to pass blood during urination post radiation treatment for prostate cancer? What causes painful spot around anus? What causes soreness in chest and between shoulder blades after taking Omeprazole for abdominal burning? What is the permanent cure for high temperature, gastric flu, diarrhea and vomiting? Blood workup has elevated bilirubin. Is it due to cholestasis? Is allergy caused due to extremely high value of IgE? What are the underlying causes for black bracelets around ankles and aching knee? What is the reson to get bump on vagina causing slight discomfort? Three year old complain of pain during bowel movements and found blood in stools. What should I do? Does mri scan with barium sulphate and contrasting die show all the organs of the body? What could be the cause for small lump on right lower rib? Should I be concerned about occasional mild pain in abdomen? What are the tests to be taken experiencing itching during urination? Is there any other infection which has led to E.coli and what is the treatment for UTI and gall bladder adenomyomatosis? Suggest home remedy for for mouth ulcer Pregnant, experiencing pain on lower side after ICSI. What can be done? Is there any harm if swallowed a piece of nicorette gum? What does gamma GT in a blood test mean and is it caused due to regular alcohol intake with paracetamol and codeine? Is TSH level at 0.13 safe for conception and is Thyronorm dose of 75 mg appropriate? Which specialis should be consulted for degenerative changes in vertebral spines with disturbance in spine structure? What is the treatment for erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation? Suggest treatment for painful red lumps in vulva and anus due to UTI What is the treatment for De Quervain's tendinosis? What could cause patches of yellow color on forearms and face accompined by dry throat and mouth? What is the treatment for extremely swollen legs,feet and ankles when on BP and arthritis medication? Is it normal to see traces of blood in urine after laser treatment for elnarged prostrate? What should be done for dizziness due to high BP when having history of Angioplasty and Hyperlipidemia? What causes abdominal pain during initial pregnancy when suffering from low AFI? What is the treatment to get rid of marks and get a glowing skin? Are there chances of getting pregnant despite taking contraceptive pill within 2 hours after unprotected sex? Does low back pain with swelling in feet and creatinine level 1.1 indicate problems in kidney? What causes round brown patch with an erruption in middle on the stomach? Is Protien X or is Ensure best suitable for weight gain without any side effects? Why do I have inflamed hood above my clit with few swollen blisters? What are the ways to determine deviated septum? Is 'Transfominal Lumbar Interbody Fusion" or is 'Laminectomydisc' the right procedure to treat nerve compression on lower back? is Laproscopy advisable for upper arm reduction and are there any side effects? How severe can jaundice get in a baby due to blood type incompatibility? If a girl says she is 7 weeks pregnant how long ago did she have sex? What causes thickening in the cortex of the right hip medially representing an osteochondroma? What could be the reason for pain in neck on the right side by throat extending to bottom gums? Is Roseola a threatning disease and is it contagious? What could it be if you have red spots on penis? Is co-ordination of head and vertigo corelated? What is the reason for itchy patches with little blister on finger joints when washing hands? What is the treatment for depression? What causes green stool along with dizziness and sickness? What causes pneumonia and what precautions should be taken to build immunity to avoid relapse? How to prevent panic attacks after discontinuing prozac and alprazolam? Can stress cause loss of appetite,twinges in lower abdomen with dull lower back pain? What are the side effects if a person with good mental health consumes antipsychotic medication? How long will it take for hair to grow back? What are the home remedies for insomnia caused due to continous cough when suffering from Achalasia Cardia? What are the findings from the MRI report and is it necessary to go for surgery for nerve compression at L4 and L5? What is the cause for shooting pain in chest? Why am I feeling dizzy and unbalanced after taking progesterone? Is it possible to get HSV2 on finger without having contact with a lesion ? Should I continue applying Lotrimin cream for dry skin on penis? What is the treatment for insomnia when suffering from high BP? What causes episodic pulsating sensation at below neck base and confusion when having history of panic attack? What are the precautions to be taken when torch test during three months pregnancy is skipped? Is it safe to continue using Panderm+ for pigmentation treatment? What is the treatment for bloating, contipation and severe distention under rib cage? What causes rashes looking like little square patches on stomach? What are the underlying causes for having painful intercourse, pelvic pain and sore breast? How to control belly fat? Is presence of fibroid in uterus life threatning and how does it impact menstruation? No improvement with medication for shooting pain in stomach, what to do? Why is the thermometer not showing up when I am feeling feverish? Is anxiety and depression normal when suffering from parasite infection and what diet should be followed for this? Do I need to get tested for STD and HIV after having protected oral sex? After diagnosis of thrombocytopenia, will hiv,hepetitis C and Epstein Barr tests be done to determine the cause? Why am I having low BP even after taking salt pills and what is the treatment for hypotension with tachycardia, weight loss? What could cause tiny red dot inside the urethra accompanied by burning sensation? What causes watery eyes and burning lips during exercise post gall bladder removal? What kind of diet should I follow to reduce my hair fall problem?
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