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Reviews For Dr. G.Srinivasan

Knutok  | Sun, 23 Mar 2014

Sometimes it can be annoying for doctors that I pursue small matters too much, due to my health anxiety. Thanks for your help with this case.


Cooganfamily  | Wed, 29 Jan 2014

thank you for answering


Mathieusmith1915  | Fri, 17 Jan 2014

Good doctor.


Surendra  | Tue, 14 Jan 2014



Sampsonamit  | Sat, 28 Dec 2013

Dr.G.Srinivasan has a lot of experience in the field of urology. He allayed my fears and on his advice I went in for an ultra sound. I would like to thank god and the good doctor that apart from a slight swelling of my prostrate, which I feel is natural at my age, there is no other problem.If needed I will surely contact Dr. Srinivas again.


Prasad  | Tue, 17 Dec 2013

Very Good


Count73  | Sat, 14 Dec 2013

Thank for your help it gave me peace of mine, will see my Dr next wk.Very helpfull


Ctooraen  | Thu, 12 Dec 2013

Good reply. Thanks for info. I was still having issues, and ended up having a retrograde bi-lateral pylelogram to see if there was a stricture or a small stone. Oddly enough, it seems I passed the stones the morning of the procedure, and the doc found no scarring, no stones, and no strictures. So we will see how things go in the next few weeks. Thanks again for your helpful information.


Aathithyavershini  | Sun, 8 Dec 2013

Thanks you doctor for making it clear.


Snowdenml  | Sat, 7 Dec 2013

Thank you Doctor, I will follow up with my Doctor.