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Reviews For Dr. Olsi Taka

Tmckn  | Thu, 14 Apr 2016

Very quick and thorough. Thanks


Nick11285  | Thu, 14 Apr 2016



Anonymous  | Tue, 12 Apr 2016



Jjburge6  | Mon, 11 Apr 2016

I am so pleased with Dr Taka, I only wish he lived here.It made me think in different directions. I am currently seeing a Cardiologist and have a couple of tests to be scheduled. One being a nuclear stress test for the heart. I thank you so very much; your help was immeasurable. Joy


Fabmarch53  | Mon, 11 Apr 2016

Dr. Taka is an excellent Professional in his field. Very articulated, he provides detailed and easy to understand answers. I will be out resolving some personal problems, but hope to contact again Dr. Taka when I get back and renew my subscription. Thanks a lot, Fabrizio


Arunthesearch  | Sat, 9 Apr 2016



Jlutsi  | Fri, 8 Apr 2016

You are amazing! Dr. Taka I sincerely thank you for the excellent response (s) to all my questions. Your answers were detailed and specific and your thoughtful and caring suggestions were greatly appreciated. I was very comforted and reassured by your comments as I have been very concerned about my recent symptoms. It is obvious you care much about your clients and genuinely want to help. I was initially very hesitant about using an online service but this was a very positive and rewarding experience. I wish you were located in the US; you would definitely be my neurologist! In my opinion, your level of expertise is superb and your ability to clearly explain medical information in logical terms is unsurpassed. May God richly bless you as you continue to serve and care for others. All the Best,


Hanleypaul7  | Thu, 7 Apr 2016

Quite useful


Jrhenneman  | Thu, 7 Apr 2016

Thank you. The answers were very helpful, specific to my questions as I am struggling with my radicular paiun


Mgryan  | Tue, 5 Apr 2016
