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Can Stress Cause Miscarriage?

Posted on Tue, 21 Oct 2014
Question: I recently miscarried my daughter at 16 weeks. There was no genetic abnormalities with her so the only reason I can think of for her death is either my stress or fibroid caused her to die. The weekend she died I got in an argument over a very serious issue (not just normal everyday stress or issue) and hyperventilated because of it. She wound up passing away that weekend. Her heart just stopped. I had horrible dreams the night before they figure she died. I dreamed someone was holding me down and taking her and I also had a dream I was soaked in a pool of blood. I can't help but feel my stress caused her to die. The only other possible explanation I can come up with is that I have a huge 14cm (6") fibroid and a smaller 2cm fibroid. Could the stress and my hyperventilating have caused her to die? Please answer honestly. Or could the fibroids have caused it? There was nothing in blood work, etc to show a reason. I had no prior warning. I was not bleeding or cramping, I did not leak any fluid, Cervix was still long and closed, all previous ultrasounds ( I had one at 8 wk, 10 wk, 12 wk) showed baby growing normally and with good heartbeat. They never said anything was abnormal. I did have brown spotting at week 12 but they found out it was a very bad yeast infection. That was the only thing that was ever wrong and it cleared up with the cream they gave me. I just really need some kind of closure or answer to what might or might not have been a cause. When the baby was born she was very blood red and the placenta according to the nurse was very pale and she said looked friable to her whatever that meant but when I asked the Dr about it he said that could be from after the miscarriage if it has been a while. I gave birth to her only two days after she died. I know she was alive then because I had heard her heartbeat. I have had hardly any bleeding at all since delivering. The baby was not in any sac when she was delivered and the placenta basically just fell out on its own with no effort less than a minute after she was born.
Answered by Dr. Dr. Rakhi Tayal (19 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
Can be aggravated by stress.

Detailed Answer:
Thanks for trusting us with your health concern.
I will briefly let you know what causes could cause the death of the fetus inside the uterus.
1. Birth defects and fetal abnormalities, chromosomal disorders, specially undiagnosed cardiac anomalies might cause sudden fetal death. Also, please note that the double marker as well as the anomaly scan cannot identify 100 % of abnormalities in the baby. A detailed fetal autopsy and examination of the placenta is a must. I hope that was done too after the termination of the pregnancy.

2. Severe growth retardation / oligohydramnios( decreased amount of amniotic fluid around the baby ) - these too can lead to fetal demise. It can be diagnosed by examination by the obstetrician and confirmed by serial ultrasounds and Color Dopplers if required.

3. Maternal diseases such as raised blood pressure, diabetes, renal disease etc - these also can be picked up if she was on regular antenatal check up, and all investigations had been done.

4. Placental bleeding or abruption - Not all bleeding is revealed from the vaginal tract. In abruption, a silent bleed goes on behind the placenta, causing fetal death. In particular, as you mentioned that you were under a lot of stress it can cause an increase in your blood pressure. Trauma is one cause of placenta abruption.

5. Rh blood group incompatibility , thalassemia , certain infections etc like cytomegalovirus, rubella, parvovirus etc cause fetal death in uterus. A detailed fetal autopsy after delivery would reveal the case .

6. Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy - a condition characterized by deranged liver function tests , mild jaundice and itching - is notorious for causing sudden intra uterine death of fetus.

7. Cord accidents - cord prolapse, cord cysts, hematomas, cord entanglements, knots in the cord, and placental abnormalities also cause fetal death. These are also shown on autopsy.

8. Maternal smoking/drinking/consumption of certain drugs/ teratogenic medications - all can cause sudden fetal death.

9. Some rare autoimmune diseases and conditions like antiphospholipid syndrome.

Also sometimes, no known cause can be identified when it is called idiopathic.
The cause can be aggravated by stress and it can be confirmed after a fetal autopsy.
Please feel free to discuss further. I will be glad to answer the follow up queries that you have.
Wishing you good health.
Dr. Rakhi Tayal.
For future query, you can directly approach me through my profile URL
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Dr. Rakhi Tayal (16 minutes later)
Thank you for the reply. What you are saying is that stress may have aggravated something that was already wrong but stress is not the cause itself? I did everything "right" so I thought. I did not even drink caffeine. I took my prenatal vitamins every day, my iron pills ( I was anemic I found out when I got pregnant), I didn't drink or smoke or use any drugs. I didn't even take cough medicines. I did have an autopsy done but do not have the results yet.
Answered by Dr. Dr. Rakhi Tayal (2 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Yes stress could have aggravated the predisposing

Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing again.
Stress and anxiety alone is not likely to cause the fetal death. But it can aggravate the ongoing process. Let us wait for the autopsy report to find out.
Hope my answer is helpful.
Do accept my answer in case there are no further queries.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Dr. Rakhi Tayal (2 hours later)
Thank you for your honest answer. I really appreciate it. I hope to find out the results soon as it is really hard not knowing what could have went wrong at 16 weeks.
I am sorry, I would like to ask one last thing before I close the discussion... An opinion on the fibroids. The very large one grew very rapidly in first trimester and the measurement I gave 14cm (it was actually 14cmx9cmx14cm) was at the last known measurement I have at 12 weeks along. It doubled or more in size from before I became pregnant. I looked near full term at 16 weeks. Can that fibroid or both fibroids have been a possible cause for second trimester miscarriage as well? Will the autopsy be able to confirm something if it was? I have been advised to have them removed in case I would like to try for pregnancy in future. Thank you again.
Answered by Dr. Dr. Rakhi Tayal (1 hour later)
Brief Answer:
Can be due to fibroids.

Detailed Answer:
The fibroids usually increase in size due to the effect of hormones during pregnancy. The fibroids can cause an abortion but it is more common during the first trimester. Although the cause due to fibroids is difficult to confirm at autopsy it is better to get the fibroids removed before you plan for your next baby.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Dr. Rakhi Tayal (5 hours later)
Thanks again for all your time answering all my questions
Answered by Dr. Dr. Rakhi Tayal (36 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
You are most welcome.

Detailed Answer:
Thank you.
I am happy I could help.
Please do recommend our services to others too in case you found them helpful. For future query, you can directly approach me through my profile URL
Wishing you the best in whatever you do.
Best regards.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Answered by
Dr. Dr. Rakhi Tayal


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Can Stress Cause Miscarriage?

Brief Answer: Can be aggravated by stress. Detailed Answer: Hello, Thanks for trusting us with your health concern. I will briefly let you know what causes could cause the death of the fetus inside the uterus. 1. Birth defects and fetal abnormalities, chromosomal disorders, specially undiagnosed cardiac anomalies might cause sudden fetal death. Also, please note that the double marker as well as the anomaly scan cannot identify 100 % of abnormalities in the baby. A detailed fetal autopsy and examination of the placenta is a must. I hope that was done too after the termination of the pregnancy. 2. Severe growth retardation / oligohydramnios( decreased amount of amniotic fluid around the baby ) - these too can lead to fetal demise. It can be diagnosed by examination by the obstetrician and confirmed by serial ultrasounds and Color Dopplers if required. 3. Maternal diseases such as raised blood pressure, diabetes, renal disease etc - these also can be picked up if she was on regular antenatal check up, and all investigations had been done. 4. Placental bleeding or abruption - Not all bleeding is revealed from the vaginal tract. In abruption, a silent bleed goes on behind the placenta, causing fetal death. In particular, as you mentioned that you were under a lot of stress it can cause an increase in your blood pressure. Trauma is one cause of placenta abruption. 5. Rh blood group incompatibility , thalassemia , certain infections etc like cytomegalovirus, rubella, parvovirus etc cause fetal death in uterus. A detailed fetal autopsy after delivery would reveal the case . 6. Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy - a condition characterized by deranged liver function tests , mild jaundice and itching - is notorious for causing sudden intra uterine death of fetus. 7. Cord accidents - cord prolapse, cord cysts, hematomas, cord entanglements, knots in the cord, and placental abnormalities also cause fetal death. These are also shown on autopsy. 8. Maternal smoking/drinking/consumption of certain drugs/ teratogenic medications - all can cause sudden fetal death. 9. Some rare autoimmune diseases and conditions like antiphospholipid syndrome. Also sometimes, no known cause can be identified when it is called idiopathic. The cause can be aggravated by stress and it can be confirmed after a fetal autopsy. Please feel free to discuss further. I will be glad to answer the follow up queries that you have. Wishing you good health. Regards. Dr. Rakhi Tayal. For future query, you can directly approach me through my profile URL