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Hey There. So Here’s My Situation. I Got A Text

Posted on Wed, 8 Jul 2020
Question: Hey there.

So here’s my situation. I got a text a few weeks ago saying I might of been exposed to chylamidia. Around the same time I had a burning uncomfortible sensation in my penis. However, it went away almost completely over the past few weeks and my testing for stds came back all negative. Before the pain came I had been master bating much too often then usual and had been trying to force myself to stop.

The longer I refain from masterbation the better I feel but I still get a quick moment of pain here and there before it stops and goes back to completely normal. Also each day it tends to get slightly better as long as I don’t masterbate. There used to be a slight pain after urination but not anymore.

What should I do?
Answered by Dr. Olgeta Xhufka (1 hour later)
Brief Answer:
No need for treatment.

Detailed Answer:
Hello dear, welcome to Ask a doctor's service.
I read your query and here is my advice.
Taking count that all your STD tests are negative you should not worry about any sexually transmitted disease including Chlamydia.
Also taking count that you don't have redness of the skin and no discharge this means that you don't have any STD.
No treatment is needed.
The cause of the pain may be related to trauma of friction during masturbation.
You may try not to masturbate for a while since it makes you feel better .
Stay without masturbation for a week and see.

Hope I have answered the question.
Let me know if I can assist you further.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Nagamani Ng
Follow up: Dr. Olgeta Xhufka (25 hours later)
Hey there,

Thank you for your advice! One possible issue I still fear would be a urinary tract infection ... could that at all be the case?

I tend to get hard at random moments and whenever i sit down for an extended period of time so shortly after that dies down it starts hurting again. Can I do anything to help it heal faster other than not master bating ?
Answered by Dr. Olgeta Xhufka (6 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
Do uroculture and ultrasound of testicles.

Detailed Answer:
Hello dear and thank you for asking again.
I think you better do an uroculture to check for infection and also an ultrasound of the testicles to see if there is any hydrocele there causing the discomfort.
Having more water can help you flushing the bacteria out.
Let me know if I can assist you further.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Nagamani Ng
Follow up: Dr. Olgeta Xhufka (16 hours later)
If that is possibly the case, why has it gotten so much better the past few weeks? Wouldn’t that diagnosis mean it increasingly gets worse?

Also thank you for the time you’re taking on this. Much appreciated.
Answered by Dr. Olgeta Xhufka (6 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Can be trauma by friction.

Detailed Answer:
I believe that it is not an infection since it is getting better with time. It can be related to trauma by friction and abstaining from masturbation is helping you get better.
You can do an uroculture and ultrasound of testes just to be sure.
Note: Consult a Sexual Diseases Specialist online for further follow up- Click here.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Nagamani Ng
Answered by
Dr. Olgeta Xhufka

General & Family Physician

Practicing since :2011

Answered : 10152 Questions


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Hey There. So Here’s My Situation. I Got A Text

Brief Answer: No need for treatment. Detailed Answer: Hello dear, welcome to Ask a doctor's service. I read your query and here is my advice. Taking count that all your STD tests are negative you should not worry about any sexually transmitted disease including Chlamydia. Also taking count that you don't have redness of the skin and no discharge this means that you don't have any STD. No treatment is needed. The cause of the pain may be related to trauma of friction during masturbation. You may try not to masturbate for a while since it makes you feel better . Stay without masturbation for a week and see. Hope I have answered the question. Let me know if I can assist you further.