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I Would Like Some Help Due To It Failing My

Posted on Tue, 30 Jul 2019
Question: I would like some help due to it failing my relationship with my girlfriend. In November of 2017, my girlfriend went to her gynecologist due to some pain she was experiencing in her vagina. During their running tests, they found that she had Chlamydia. The pain was unrelated to the Chlamydia but she told me I should get tested because we did not know who gave it to who due to us being in relationships before. I went and got tested on November 21. She started on her antibiotics while I had to wait for my test results which came maybe 4 days after. I started taking the antibiotics but during the course of the antibiotics working, we were still having sex even though we were told not to because we were stupid... no excuses. We were not having protected sex, it was without a condom. So during this time we were just passing it back and forth to one another. She was retested in January to see if the antibiotics worked and she tested Negative. I not being responsible did not go get another test because she tested Negative so I assumed that I was negative as well. She just retested for an annual STD screening this year of July and she showed as Positive. Now she thinks that I had to have cheated during the course of our relationship which I have not ever done. I would never do something like that because I think it is Vile and goes against all of my morals. I sware on my life that nothing has ever happened during our relationship with any other person. I need to know because this is tearing our relationship apart and I cannot have her thinking I cheated because it is destroying not only her but myself thinking that she thinks that I cheated. I need to know the reason why this could have happened. Could the mediciene have only worked for her and not me? Could we just have kept passing it back and forth to each other and the time of the test she was negative and I remained positive? I have looked up many articles and they only talk about how easy it is to catch and that's what she is going off of. She thinks that because it is so easy to catch I had to have been negative if she was negative. The span of time was from November 25th or 26th 2017 to January 2018! No, I am not an expert in medicine but there had to be some way something happened with the antibiotics that worked for her during the time of testing and me still remaining positive. There has to be and I need an answer what could have happened.. I need to know so I can show her that I had to have still had it while she was negative. We kept passing it to each other in December, who knows how the antibiotics reacted to each of our bodies, and so on... I dont know.. I need to have something to show her because she needs to know that I didnt cheat. She thinks I did which is tearing her heart apart and I hate to see it happen because she does not trust me. I love this girl so much and I do not want her thinking I cheated.
Answered by Dr. Shyam B. Kale (4 hours later)
Brief Answer:
may be due to reinfection.....see detailed answer.

Detailed Answer:

I have gone through your query and here is my advice.

As per your history, you both had taken treatment in November and her results in January came negative, so I don't think that it's treatment failure as you were continuing unprotected sexual act. But ideally you should have been retested after 3 months.

As per my knowledge, her present positive report may indicate reinfection which may be due to new exposure.

So I think without blaming each other, kindly discuss issue with your partner and now do your testing after detailed clinical examination and physician consultation. Further treatment will depend upon the report results. Usually infection clear off within 7 to 14 days as it completely curable.

Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.

Dr. Shyam Kale
Note: Consult a Sexual Diseases Specialist online for further follow up- Click here.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Vaishalee Punj
Answered by
Dr. Shyam B. Kale

General & Family Physician

Practicing since :2011

Answered : 3855 Questions


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I Would Like Some Help Due To It Failing My

Brief Answer: may be due to reinfection.....see detailed answer. Detailed Answer: Hello, I have gone through your query and here is my advice. As per your history, you both had taken treatment in November and her results in January came negative, so I don't think that it's treatment failure as you were continuing unprotected sexual act. But ideally you should have been retested after 3 months. As per my knowledge, her present positive report may indicate reinfection which may be due to new exposure. So I think without blaming each other, kindly discuss issue with your partner and now do your testing after detailed clinical examination and physician consultation. Further treatment will depend upon the report results. Usually infection clear off within 7 to 14 days as it completely curable. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Shyam Kale