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What Causes White Patch Over The Foreskin Of The Penis?

Posted on Fri, 24 Feb 2017
Question: Hi, I have a question hopefully one of you can answer, it's about my private region I'm male 21 years old. From when I started masterbating I've noticed white scares around the foreskin, when me and my girlfriend have sex it sometimes rips and bleeds a little, but it's not just that when my penis gets erect it hurts to move the foreskin to and I loose my erection any advice would be grateful for that but also it's made my girlfriend think she's unattractive and disgusting but I'm reassuring her that's not the case but she thinks this is just a lie when it's not
Answered by Dr. Sankaranantham Murugan (38 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
Possibility of yeast infection is there.

Detailed Answer:
Welcome to HCM.
Thanks for posting your query.
Not to bother about the white patch over the foreskin or glans Penis. 10-20 % of the individuals will have such lesions and these will not disturb either you or your partner at any point of time.
The symptoms (fissures cracks over the margin of the foreskin, hurting during erection and intercourse) indicate that you are likely to have yeast infection. It is not difficult to cure.
Variety of antifungal preparations are available as topical and systemic use.
Your partner also has to be examined and treated.
Consult a Dermato-venereologist and get well soon.
Dr S Murugan
Note: Consult a Sexual Diseases Specialist online for further follow up- Click here.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Nagamani Ng
Answered by
Dr. Sankaranantham Murugan

HIV AIDS Specialist

Practicing since :1974

Answered : 3112 Questions


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What Causes White Patch Over The Foreskin Of The Penis?

Brief Answer: Possibility of yeast infection is there. Detailed Answer: Hi, Welcome to HCM. Thanks for posting your query. Not to bother about the white patch over the foreskin or glans Penis. 10-20 % of the individuals will have such lesions and these will not disturb either you or your partner at any point of time. The symptoms (fissures cracks over the margin of the foreskin, hurting during erection and intercourse) indicate that you are likely to have yeast infection. It is not difficult to cure. Variety of antifungal preparations are available as topical and systemic use. Your partner also has to be examined and treated. Consult a Dermato-venereologist and get well soon. Dr S Murugan