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What Does This Following Lab Report Indicate?

Posted on Thu, 23 Feb 2017
Question: Hello, I was having lower back pain and found two lumps, one on either side of my spine. The doctor i saw suspected a lipoma but the report (attached) has come back with suggestive fat necrosis.
I have had no injuries to my back or any impact. I am worried after looking at "dr google" it may be a symptom of kidney problems basis my lower back pain. I do have to urinate more at night but think i may just be being paranoid?

Lab report would not upload but based on a fine needle aspriation the lab report reads:

Diagnostic Summary: Suggestive of fat necrosis

Microscopic description:
No malignant cells seen.
These smears are mildly cellar showing scattered histocytes, occasional fibroblasts, few bare nuclei, degenerate andipose tissue with proteinaceous material and blood in the background. these features suggest fat necrosis.
The presence of an underlying lipoma should be considered.
Clinica and radiological correlation is recommended.

Thank you
Answered by Dr. Indu Kumar (24 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
It is not very significant finding.Please get examined by a surgeon.

Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing to HCM,
I've gone through your query and understand your concern,

Fat necrosis is generally not a very significant finding in your mentioned part of the body.It may be related to past trauma in that region.

Low back pain may be due to many reasons.You may need clinical examination and investigations.
You may need routine hemogram,random blood sugar,renal function test,urine RE/ME,ultrasound of KUB region.

Lipoma is not excluded in your report. FNAC is taken from a small needle and it may happen that sample is taken from necrotic region.

In short,it is not a very significant finding.Please get examined by a surgeon.

Get well soon.

Hope I have answered your query.
Further queries are most welcome.

Take Care
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Kampana
Follow up: Dr. Indu Kumar (12 minutes later)
Thank you for your response. I had an Ultrasound of the region to which the follow up was the fine needle aspiration of the same area to check it was not malignant.

As mentioned i have not had any trauma in that region which is why I am concerned as to why i would have necrosis there?

You mention a few tests sugar , renal function etc... i am just wondering what prompts you to ask for them?

-Do you think the FNAC rules out malignancy? They only tested one side

-You recommend seeing a surgeon is that because they would be able to correctly identify the mass/ or because i should have it checked properly for malignancy etc?

-could this be related at all to my kidneys?

Again thankyou for your patience
Answered by Dr. Indu Kumar (8 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Back pain may be due to many causes.

Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing to HCM,
I've gone through your query and understand your concern,

Back pain may be due to many causes like musculoskeletal causes,renal problem,hormonal causes etc.
I advised basic investigations like RFT,urine RE/ME,ultrasound of KUB. It will exclude renal cause.It will also clear doubt about kidneys.

Fat necrosis may be due to subtle trauma and it might be unnoticed by you.

Many times FNAC doesn't exclude malignancy.

Get well soon.

Hope I have answered your query.
Further queries are most welcome.

Take Care
Note: For further inquiries on surgery procedure and its risks or complications book an appointment now

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Remy Koshy
Answered by
Dr. Indu Kumar


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What Does This Following Lab Report Indicate?

Brief Answer: It is not very significant finding.Please get examined by a surgeon. Detailed Answer: Hello, Thanks for writing to HCM, I've gone through your query and understand your concern, Fat necrosis is generally not a very significant finding in your mentioned part of the body.It may be related to past trauma in that region. Low back pain may be due to many reasons.You may need clinical examination and investigations. You may need routine hemogram,random blood sugar,renal function test,urine RE/ME,ultrasound of KUB region. Lipoma is not excluded in your report. FNAC is taken from a small needle and it may happen that sample is taken from necrotic region. In short,it is not a very significant finding.Please get examined by a surgeon. Get well soon. Hope I have answered your query. Further queries are most welcome. Take Care Dr. Indu XXXXXXX