Hi, I have been charting my temperatures and cervical fluid for a number of months now, so I know I ovulated 12 days ago. On 10dpo I did a hpt with a negative result. Later that night I spotted with about 1 drop of blood. Then 11dpo I had 1 more drop the whole day. Today, 12dpo, I have had a brown (diarhhea coloured) discharge that s more mucousy than normal. My periods are normally red. So I was shocked by this colour. It was enough blood to half-fill a regular pad over the whole day. SO, fairly light overall. Is it possible that I could be pregnant? If yes, when would be a good time to test? I normally get my perioud about 10dpo. Or is this just some strange period? Is it an indeication of some medical problem, such as PCOS or something? Thank you for your help!