I have had multiple spinal surgeries. All but one disc in my neck has been fused and my entire lumbar as well as the S-discs have also been fused. I have been diagnosed with cauda equina, neuropathy, and multiple levels of severe denervation. However, over the course of the last couple of months, outside of my regular pain, I have been having seriously sharp pains in my left knee. I haven t fell or injured it. But any time my left knee touches the ground or even touches something as firm as my bed mattress, I get this pain that is on the outside edge of my left kneecap and it feels like a nail just driving in to under my knee. I have experienced severe pain with my back and all, but this pain is so sharp it takes my breath away. It isn t as intense or long lasting as spinal pain or muscle spasms in my back, but as for the sharpness of the pain, it is nearly excruciating. Any idea of what it could be? I searched my symptoms, but given my nerve damage from my spinal surgeries, I don t know if it could be connected to that or if it is a problem with my knee. I also have been diagnosed with spinal stenosis, so I know the bone grows in my spinal canal and puts pressure on my spinal cord, but this pain doesn t feel at all like that pain. Oh, and as a veteran, I get my meds from the VA but I try not to use them if at all possible. If it is a problem with my knee, what kind of doctor would I see?