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Bones, Muscles and Joints Questions & Answers

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2 1 Fri, 3 Jan 2025
Hello, I have been dealing with a left rib issue for a few years now. My left rib is about 3 times the size of my right rib and seems to be growing. I used to have a lot of pain in the lower front of that rib and could not lay on my stomach or even hug people. I had a left intercostal nerve block...
2 1 Tue, 3 Dec 2024
i have suffered corona with un conscious state after recover i tried to pick heavy weight and continuous pain in front muscles with line with liver both side. my MRI reports nothing in this are now more than one year passed but no doctor find the reason and i am still suffering with this pain
2 1 Mon, 4 Nov 2024
There are multiple foci of mildly increased activity and heterogeneous activity bilaterally in the ribs which are nonspecific. These findings could be the sequela of multiple old rib fractures. There also is mild increased activity in the mid to lower thoracic spine. There is focal moderate...
2 1 Mon, 4 Nov 2024
hi, I m 67 years old, diagnosed with grade 2 prostatomegaly,, i felt weak legs an thigh and pain in stomach which is like crimping, does this things are really occurs during this stage? or there could be some problem why I felt stomach ache and weak legs.
2 1 Thu, 3 Oct 2024
Bent my index finger way too far backwards about two weeks ago. First few days my whole hand swelled. X ray shower showed no breaks. Swelling went down after 7-10 days. Now it’s swollen on the index knuckle at the hand and between the index knuckle and middle finger knuckle at the hand, pain is...
2 1 Thu, 3 Oct 2024
I recently broke my left big toe (tuft fracture). It popped the nail splitting the flesh underneath it. I had Ortho surgery to repair the nail bed and reset the bone. When the surgeon completed the procedure, he wrapped my toe with gauze etc. but left a blue silicone band on the base of the toe...
2 1 Tue, 3 Sep 2024
Hi, I play competitive softball and had two games last night. I noticed my hip was bothering me when i started to walk and it got to the point where i was basically limping but i still played. I thought it would kinda just go away over nigh, not thinking much of it but today im at work and its...
2 1 Sat, 3 Aug 2024
Hi, I was rear ended 2 yrs ago, and not that long ago I discovered I had 4 chronic healed ribs… I am experiencing pain under my left breast, under my underarm in the serratis anterior area, and under my scapula… The pain is chronic, and are very sore, and sensitive in those spots I named when...
2 1 Sat, 3 Aug 2024
Aloha. Today while helping a friend move 4 boxes containing her new desk when I lifted one corner of one box about one inch, I heard and felt a pop in the middle of my bicep and arm. Pain in bicep when I try to use bicep to pick up anything. Am icing bicep now and resting after taking 600 mg...
2 1 Wed, 3 Jul 2024
My left ankle was broken in 2016 an I had a broken pilion too . I have plates an screws an my foot burns most of the time an feels spongy most of the time when walking. I take pain medicine 3 times a day it dry my sinuses out bad an take gabapentin 2 times a day. Foot is stiff an very little...
7 1 Wed, 3 Jul 2024
I was doing a shoulder press during my workout and after I was done, I couldn t straighten my arms due to my triceps cramping. It took several minutes before I could resume my activities, but my upper body workout was done for the day. Susan (43 year old, out of shape, trying to do something to...
2 1 Wed, 3 Jul 2024
Right thumb problem. Over a year ago I was weed eating. No breaks for my poor thumb (thought the thing would turn off if I let go) for over half an hour. When I finally stopped, I noticed the base of my thumb and side of wrist were swollen, maybe numb but i usually associate tingling with...
2 1 Wed, 3 Jul 2024
My knee has been bothering me for weeks now. It started with just slight pain here and there. Then it started feeling like my knee was tingly and not connected. Yesterday I bent down and my knee completely gave out and I fell. I immediately felt pain and started crying. It’s been 7 hours since...
2 1 Wed, 3 Jul 2024
Hi, I m trying to decide if I should get a TKR on my right knee. I had an MRI and these are the impressions: 1. Torn menisci 2. Large joint effusion with loose body 3. Tricompartmental osteoarthritis. The pain in my right knee affects my sleep, being able to walk or stand at length, going down...
2 1 Mon, 3 Jun 2024
I visited the doctors office today as I am trying to determine the cause of a rising himocystine level (17, 45, and now 69) over the course of 2 years. I use kratom daily as well as whip its (non medical grade nitrous oxide) as well as prescriptions for eliquis 5 mg, b-12, b-6, and folic acid. My...
2 1 Fri, 3 May 2024
hi I am female 25 I found a dent on my left shin bone. I have no swollen or pain Just tender when I press on the dent Feels like it’s on the bone Should I be worried I’m so worried rn I had calcium deficiency before Also my leg doesn’t hurt I can walk and do all sort of activities
2 1 Fri, 3 May 2024
Hi ,around the 4th of July , I fell and I guess landed on my hand , my guess the tendon on top of pinky maybe broke or but any way my pinky last joint won’t straighten(trigger finger?) but I tried to splint untill the tape irritated my skin so bad I couldn’t keep it on was on for over 3 wks , was...
2 1 Fri, 3 May 2024
I recently recovered from dengue. I started to feel pain on my calf muscle. The pain was on and off for a week. Today suddenly I feel excruciating pain in my calf. It felt like someone inserting needle inside my leg. I am unable to walk. What could be the problem? Thank you.
2 1 Fri, 3 May 2024
Hi so I was just at a jump park and I jumped and landed on the outside of my ankle (rolled it) nmand it hurt very badly at the moment but then it got better and I can walk on it but it feels tender and sore and stiff. There is no swelling but a little bit of redness. Any idea what I did to it?
2 1 Tue, 2 Apr 2024
Hi Doctor, My son has suffering from joint pain for the past 2.6 years . Recently we found he has tonsillites and operated it. The ENT specialist has suggested to check the rumatologist as his ASO is 3600 and his knee pain may be related to the ASO. I had a consultation with a rumatologist and...
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