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Digestion and Bowels Questions & Answers

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2 1 Wed, 3 Jul 2024
I am suffering from Chronicle fissure and i am on blood thinner medicine (Dabigo 150) for 6 months . I have 24)7 having pain and burning sensation. Please help me and guide me, which medicine can cure my Chronicle fissure. First i diagnosed with PULMONARY EMBOLISM after that fissure arises. Dr...
2 1 Wed, 3 Jul 2024
When I cough, blow my nose, sneeze or anything strain or just standing straight up and move some random way, my lower intestines move or flutter, if I bend over it doesn’t seem to do it, it’s way lower between my groin and below my stomach pretty much all the way across maybe a little more center...
2 1 Wed, 3 Jul 2024
Hi, I have been eating raspberry jam for two days and yesterday my stool went black and it wasnt soft it was like a rock with no diarrhea ( but I have constipation if it matters) I wanted to know if it is necessary for me to have an stool exam to check the hidden blood in it or that is because of...
2 1 Mon, 3 Jun 2024
Can anyone help me please...I have anal fissure since last two months.. fissure is internal .. There is no bleeding...only sever pain..and itching...I am really sad due to it...there is no pain during bowl movement..Pain starts after stool passing...various medicine used for it...Also used...
2 1 Fri, 3 May 2024
Good day. I woke up with a pain under/or between my ribs about a week and a half ago. Since then it has not yet gotten better, though it comes and goes. In the mean time i got pressure feelings round about where my stomach is. We did a quick u/s everything showed normal. But dr suggested it is...
2 1 Fri, 3 May 2024
I have been fighting internal hemmoroids for about a month. I take Rutin normally and use Prep H suppositories and it clears up. They are causing a tremendous amount of pressure and pain as the day goes on and seems to affect my nerves all around that area as it gets worse. I have done sitz...
2 1 Fri, 3 May 2024
Have been changing up my diet and my lunch has a lot of dried cranberries in it shortly after lunch I went to the toilet. My stool was small and red around it when I wiped there was visible bright red on the toilet paper. I don’t really have any noticeable discomfort
2 1 Tue, 2 Apr 2024
Hi, I have Gerd since 2 years, it s ok when am taking medications but once I stopped taking medicines if there is change in diet am getting symptoms.Symptoms are very worsen.Due to acid secretion My facial parts are paining, headache, nose , jaw and ear pain also having headache, short breath,...
2 1 Tue, 2 Apr 2024
Hie doc.been consuming garlic for the past 2weeks on am empty stomach in the poop smells all garlic,the smell stays for long in the bathroom.itbwill be smelling garlic.and even when I pass gas it smells it normal or should I be concerned?
2 1 Tue, 2 Apr 2024
Hi .. I have this problem over a decade and now it s bothering me again.. I have blood in my stool almost every day and then it will stop sometimes but I m so worried and I cañt handle the pain so much around my tummy.. pls.. hepl me..all may doctor says I need colonoscopy but I can t afford it I...
2 1 Mon, 4 Mar 2024
I have dark flecks on loo paper when wiping last few days. I don t mean dark spots, they are like raised dark fragments. Is this due to liver disease, kidneys or intestinal area/GI? I suffer from haemorroids but the blood is not that light last few days. It is darker, not very dark
2 1 Mon, 4 Mar 2024
Hi,one year ago slight pain in right lower abdomen started but that vanished after a doctor from govt hospital suggested pan d Then from few days I have pain in left side of chest, sometimes in center and slight right side of chest, I went to a doctor ,ecg was done abd that was normal,...
2 1 Mon, 4 Mar 2024
Good day! It was just Yesterday evening when i returned from work, on sitting down I noticed something itching me on my anus, trying to check it with my hand I felt something like a boil, since I was unable to see, I call a friend of mine to see what was there and he confirm it to be PILE, the...
2 1 Mon, 4 Mar 2024
Hi i suffer from IBS- diarrhea and sometime constipation ( that’s manageable) but stomach cramps sometime dysentery is very bothersome. I have been taking Normaxin 10 which was managing my symptoms I am travelling and this medicine is not available here in USA what is the substitute that I can...
2 1 Mon, 4 Mar 2024
During my last visit my Doctor suspected fissures after investigation..but prescribed tablets and duphalac syrup for 3 days..and lax gel for anal applications...I am 56 years problem is hard stools and pain while blood in stools ..u r suggestions please
2 1 Mon, 5 Feb 2024
I had chronic Idiopathic constipation prior to colonoscopy. They found a slight twist in the colon. It s been a month post colonoscopy and I have had diarrhea since 3 days after the procedure. Having to go 6+ times a day. I have had an endoscopy that shown GERD, but not a small bowel endoscopy.
2 1 Mon, 5 Feb 2024
Good evening, I’ve been on a very calorie low diet since the new year, and also have been put on blood pressure medication. Strange thing to me is even consuming around or less than 1000 calories a day, my stool movement has decreased to once a day but is still quite large considering my intake....
2 1 Tue, 2 Jan 2024
First my husband got severe diarrhea. He took Flagyl fo 3 days 2wice a day... He stopped so later symptoms came again he was advised Ciproxin with Flagyl. With the first dose he had numbness in his fingers. So he stopped. He is taking Flagyl today is the 5th day but he has intermittent stomach...
2 1 Tue, 2 Jan 2024
I began having some sharp pain in lower right side a couple days ago. I have had regular bowel movements, today it became more soft/diarrhea. The pain is worse. And hurts to walk in that area. Hurts when I lay on my left side also. Sharp at times. But dull also.
2 1 Mon, 4 Dec 2023
Hi I have piles form last 16 years. I get surgery 2 times in 2009 and 2012. Now I started bleeding again. From last 20 days whenever I go to poo I get scared of seeing so much blood. My HB is 10 right now. Is there any solution without surgery? Can I take any medicine which can help me. Or do...