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Elderly Problems Questions & Answers

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2 1 Wed, 3 Jul 2024
Hi pls help me to understand my grandparent s xray result. Thank you for your prompt response in advance. Female, 67 xray procedure: chest Report: Fibrohazed densities are seen in both upper lobes Heart is enlarged Aorta is tortuous Diaphragms and sulci are intact Impression Bilateral upper lobe...
2 1 Mon, 3 Jun 2024
Hi! I have a grandmother who is 85 years old. She suffered a stroke last year and since then she is bedridden, cannot walk, cannot talk, cannot move her hands. She can only take water milk and meds thru PEG feeding tube. These past few months she got a low blood (range: 80 to 100) Her doctor...
2 1 Tue, 2 Apr 2024
Hello sir, my mother is 60 years old. She has been suffering from retinitis pigmentosa for last 30 years. She has been gradually loosing her vision and is eventually now almost blind. Because of this, my mother is going through depression. Please help us sir.
2 1 Mon, 23 Oct 2023
I have slight stomach pain and bloating. Taken Ornoff for 3 days and also secnil forte one dose. Stomach is clear and no constipation. Can I now try Meftal Spas and Buscopan on a need basis and doses of both. Please advise. Am 70 years and take diabetic medicines. But all under control.
2 1 Fri, 29 Sep 2023
Saturday your clinic is closed? I want to to bring my father for check up. H a month before he got cold, he took some KADHA now his coughing problems stopped but he became too weak and his food is also reduced too much. Not ready to eat anything. Any tonic you can suggest?
2 1 Sat, 26 Nov 2022
I am female,age 71.I had a kink by the wing in my back yesterday,but I did seem to stretch it out.I woke up an hour ago w/ the same pain,but now it is around my entire side and very intense around right breast.I have taken 2 ibuprofen and 1 aspirin .No relief at all,so far.
2 1 Thu, 24 Nov 2022
Hello, an elderly 88 year old man with extreme pain in his wrist and hand, swollen , very hot to the touch and very red. Have ruled out fracture, unless it is possible to have a spontaneous fracture in the wrist. Gout? He has no history of RA. Claims he did not injure it in any way. Woke up and...
2 1 Wed, 2 Nov 2022
Suffering form mctd diseases . Now anemia. Black stool. Age 40 but like 70 years weight 30kg from 60kg. Govt nurse Hand become blue in water. Can t bath regular basis. Can t join duty can t seat server from last 4 years and can t any work home and office last 8 months all Multi organ distinction.
2 1 Wed, 2 Nov 2022
I have an 83yr old companion of my 90 plus father who has recently received a compression fracture. Hospital advisors suggest home therapy of standing to do dishes or laundry folding for short periods. But other than going to the bathroom walk, she does nothing. I m looking for suggestions. Med...
2 1 Wed, 2 Nov 2022
What is prognosis life expectancy for systemic schleraderma - currently arthritis, lungs, stomach, esophagas, intestines skin texture multiple malignancies removed from face. Diagnosis 15 years ago, now age 70 with 10 specialists and 13 prescriptions,
3 2 Wed, 2 Nov 2022
My B/P today has been 201/98 at 8:30 am with a fasting blood sugar of 125. Took Carvedilol 25 mg and Losartan 100 mg. Ate. At 1:pm, B/P is 205/102. sugar dropped to 66 (OJ/food then), Now, at 3:pm, B/P is 198/97. Should I take Lasix 40 mg or more B/P med? I am a 75 y/o woman.
2 1 Wed, 2 Nov 2022
I am 73 yrs old and lately have been feeling very very tired, all my joints are achy. I have not been as clear minded as usual. Is this just old age, and maybe babysitting grandchildren too much, or does it sound like something else is going on? People keep telling me I look tired, too.
2 1 Wed, 2 Nov 2022
I had a lung evaluation test done and found that I have an occlusion. I have shortness of doctor had me try inhalers but they gave no relief. I am 83 yrs...should I just live with my shortness of breath or pursue more aggressive treatment? What else can be done besides inhalers?
2 1 Wed, 2 Nov 2022
My 85 year old father presented with confusion, no appetite, the inability to walk on his own, blurry vision, reaching for things that are not there, mean, and not answering appropriately. After being in the hospital for 2 days, the only diagnosis is low sodium. I keep feeling they are missing...
2 1 Wed, 2 Nov 2022
Hi,I am 87 years old,very active female,I suffer with what has been diagnozied as spondylitis .i am getting steroid shots every 2-3 months but the last ones did not help. My pain is not on my middle back anymore but on the back of my leg running down to my knee. Any sugestions , please? .
2 1 Wed, 2 Nov 2022
It explains that pocketbook works as a laxitive, but does it also combat diarhea? I have used EQUALACTIN for that purpose in the pastsuccessfully. My 92yr old mother has shares today and will she be able to use this or does she need a different OTC? I meant polycarbophil
2 1 Thu, 27 Oct 2022
this morning I was feel pretty good, standing in the kitchen and my legs suddenly get very weak and sore and I started looking for a chair then immediately my kidneys opened up and I began urinating. I tried to stop but could hardly stand. I decided to see if I could get to a close bathroom with...
2 1 Wed, 19 Oct 2022
my 85 year old dad has creatinine levels of 131 umol/L. For the past few weeks he has trouble controlling his bladder at night. My mom has to get up and change the bed every night around 4 am. His PSA test is 1.033. Any help would be appreciated. All other blood work is ok.
2 1 Fri, 30 Sep 2022
My mother 74 years old, swallowed a pill and it went down the wrong way she started choking and then vomited. It scared her she was alone. But, now she is still coughing and seems uncomfortable...could it have gone down into her lungs? She currently has a bad cold with a lot of congestion.
2 1 Thu, 25 Aug 2022
My husband (90 years old) a couple days ago, left the Hospital. The said he had diveerticulitis because of bleeding in his stool. They cleaned him out, did a colonoscamy and said he had pocket with blood in them. But everything else looked clear. Yesterday, he notice he passed a small ball with...