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Brain and Spine Questions & Answers

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6 1 Wed, 3 Jul 2024
my husband has als. he has had it for over 5 yrs. he has a trache, peg tube, ona ventilator(life support). for the last two yrs, everytime we go to the hopital, its because he hasen t had a bowel movement. they say it is getting harder for him to push it out due to loss of muscles. the doctors...
2 1 Wed, 3 Jul 2024
Hello, for the last week I ve suffered from a deep, throaty, barky cough signalled by a dry tickle in the back of my throat. However, when my cough turns barky, I feel a dull pain on the right side of my penis, between the head and shaft. I m already terrified of MND, so I was wondering if anyone...
74 1 Tue, 2 Jul 2024
Hi, I have been drooling at night and today, felt a headache begin again towards the top left, back of my head.. dull pain, then more intense... It s now still just a dull ache... There is a bump there that I don t remember being there, so I freaked out and started researching brain tumors......
11 1 Tue, 2 Jul 2024
hi my cousin brother is having the seizure symptoms frequently. sometimes, when we ask any questions he will not answer and he is not responding for sometime and staring at one place. what may be the reason. can you please explain and help us. thanks.
11 1 Tue, 2 Jul 2024
My partner had viral meningitis 2 years ago and is now showing the same symptoms and feels as ill as last time. We have been to see a GP this morning who said there are no clinical signs of the virus but i am worried now as i am at work and have left him home alone to sleep off the severe...
13 1 Mon, 3 Jun 2024
my father is paralytic for the last ten years on the right side he certainly vomitted in the night the vomit was like coffee black but no blood , he was given inj emset , inj robeloc now he has not vomitted but he has aproblem in swallowing , can anyone guide whats the best for him
6 1 Mon, 3 Jun 2024
sir ,my father s ct scan report is as follows 1. mild ventriculomegaly 2.extensive bilateral periventricular deep white matter hypodensities atropic in nature. 3.area of gliosis in right occipital region. my fathers age is85yrs please advise medicines for him
11 1 Mon, 3 Jun 2024
My wife has been having sporadic events in which she, without warning, faints for about 10 seconds, followed by her heart rate increasing to about 140 for 10 minutes or so. There does no appear to be any association to her activity or body position at the time of the event. She is slightly...
2 1 Fri, 3 May 2024
I was diagnosed with mild Chiari I two years ago on an MRI, due to headaches and numbness in my face and hands. I had a CT scan yesterday and the results say paranasal sinuses and mastoid air cells are unremarkable. I’m very happy to hear that, but does that mean my Chiari I just went away and my...
2 1 Tue, 2 Apr 2024
I am having high anxiety these day and on busbar. I am starting to have muscle twitching all over body and then it goes away different places. Also, I feel sensations like I am going numb but am not numb . It goes and comes to differnet places. I also have tightness on arms off and on. Should I...
2 1 Mon, 4 Mar 2024
I am sufferring from facial right side...i have done all the treatment...from renowned doctor in siliguri...dr nr halder...i have done physiotherapy also but result is zero...can i be cure...i cannot smile ...i cant do pouch.. do u have the treatment for this.
6 1 Fri, 16 Feb 2024
hi, i have a history of generalised epilepsy, and have recently started suffering from Panic attacks, probably from worry associated with my epilepsy. I have only suffered from seizures whilst waking up, but about 2 weeks ago i had my first fits whilst im awake. My blood tests returned a high...
8 1 Mon, 5 Feb 2024
Dear Dr. Meyer, I am a 29-year-old male, employed as a full-time researcher in the sciences. For a couple of years, I have noticed tingling in my fingers. (I wouldn t call it numbness.) There is no tingling in my feet, but sometimes I have a light tingling in my cheeks. I have also had brief...
16 1 Mon, 5 Feb 2024
I had a tbi from falling down stairs on 11/2009. I ve had one seizure on 7/2010. I ve been on dilantin(460 to keep blood level at 15) the entire time. My neurologist suggested switching to lamictal gradually. I m up to 300 mg. daily on way to 400 mg, then weaning off dilantin. This is scary for...
2 1 Mon, 5 Feb 2024
I was diagnosed about 2 years ago, the top my buttcrack/ tailbone area definitely gets achy, my #2 hurts as it passes, and just in general. Sitting, standing, I have to change things up to get comfortable. It usually happens before a break out. Should I be concerned with an infection in the...
6 1 Mon, 5 Feb 2024
My uncle had a brain stem hemorrhage stroke last thursday. He has since achieved stabilised breathing but still has a small percentage of ventilation support, his kidneys and bowels are functioning but he hasn t woken up. He appears to move randomly and also flickers his eyes now and then when...
15 1 Fri, 22 Dec 2023
31 year old female, about 5ft 8in and 150 pounds, nothing significant in my medical history - I have been sober for the last five years (if that makes a difference). I m having pretty severe symptoms of vertigo, over the last 6wks or so I d have minor symptoms, but starting this past the symptoms...
2 1 Wed, 20 Dec 2023
i was just looking. 37 years ago uncle sam gave me a med call parafon forte for spinal muscle pain when i had an incident that caused a 15 scoliosis in my lower back. i had asked my doctor about it three years ago and she said it was no longer made. i just wanted to know why.
2 1 Mon, 4 Dec 2023
Hi. I am a female aged 25. 5 months back, I was in a car accident which resulted in a compression fracture of the L1 vertebrae. I received surgery and after a lot of bed rest, I am on my feet again. Of course the back hurts every now and then, but what I am worried about is the fact my buttocks...
3 2 Mon, 4 Dec 2023
55 yr old nephew with neurological problems for a number of years; symptoms seemingly worsening; bed wetting and very frequent uncontrollable urination to clothing; falling; no more than 1-2 bites of food at mealtime; smoker who also craves sweets; slurred speech at times; family situation...
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