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Dr. Andrew Rynne
Dr. Andrew Rynne

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What Do I Do About Slow Digestion While Recovering From Pangastritis And Hiatal Hernia?

Hlo sir I was suffering from pan gastritis and a small hiatal hernia.fortunately most of my symptoms has resolved but I have still slow digestion what to do I always feel like my stomach has no energy to digest food properly that is why I feel less energetic
Sat, 2 Sep 2023
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General & Family Physician 's  Response

Your digestion is slow and you feel like you have no energy. Because you have hiatal hernia you are suggested to take antacids to help neutralize stomach acid. You have to take H2 receptor blockers. It will help to reduce acid production. Stronger acid blockers like PPIs will prevent bloating, feeling of fullness and will also trigger hunger.

Take digestives and liver tonics, Liv -52, etc., to boost your liver health and help better metabolism. Take papayas raw and ripe as it will help to improve digestion and metabolism naturally. Detect liver dysfunction with liver function tests. You will be treated accordingly. Stay away from alcohol, recreational drugs, smoking, etc.

Take care. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further.

Dr. Nupur K., General & Family Physician
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What Do I Do About Slow Digestion While Recovering From Pangastritis And Hiatal Hernia?

Hello, Your digestion is slow and you feel like you have no energy. Because you have hiatal hernia you are suggested to take antacids to help neutralize stomach acid. You have to take H2 receptor blockers. It will help to reduce acid production. Stronger acid blockers like PPIs will prevent bloating, feeling of fullness and will also trigger hunger. Take digestives and liver tonics, Liv -52, etc., to boost your liver health and help better metabolism. Take papayas raw and ripe as it will help to improve digestion and metabolism naturally. Detect liver dysfunction with liver function tests. You will be treated accordingly. Stay away from alcohol, recreational drugs, smoking, etc. Take care. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Nupur K., General & Family Physician