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What is the treatment for extreme constipation ? How is acid reflux treated ? How to treat allergic skin rashes ? What are the side effects of Remicade? Diabetic, high BP, hypothyroidism, heart failure, kidney failure, bubbles in urine sign of HIV ? How can high blood pressure related to diabetes be treated? Colon cancer survivor, headache, muscle pain, fatigue post sex, menopause, female hormone deficiency Chest tightness, subsides on lying down, left arm and shoulder pain, anxiety symptoms ? What is irritable bowel syndrome ? Should I tell the gynecologist I had an abortion? Can buffered aspirin be taken with a couple of drinks ? Nasopharyngeal cancer, three masses are active, cant get to third. Why surgery? Femilon 21 day pills, unprotected sex, incorrect dosage, chances of pregnancy ? Can i get a prescription for birth control pills without a pelvic exam? Irregular periods, PMS, bloating, dark brown periods, hormonal irregularities ? Swollen index finger, painful, darkening at nail root. Help. Fever 6 times, frequent colds, easily gets ill, treatment ? Red bump under tongue, ear pain, smoker, heroin addict, mouth cancer ? For how long is a stretch mark visible? Seronegative spondyloarthropathy, pain in standing, walking, back and neck stiffness. Curable? Small lump on neck, non movable, not growing, under the skin, not visible, causes ? Brown spots on lips How is subcutaneous hematoma on the head treated ? Schizophrenia, heavy medication, weight gain. Economic solution? Why do I have a hole under my skin? Type 1 diabetes, Nutrilite from Amway, diet changes, stem cell therapy a cure ? Hep B Carrier, entecavir treatment, weak erection. Tadalafil reacts with entecavir? How can sinus arrythmia be treated? How is low body temperature and cold feet treated in children ? What are the different brands of anti-rabies vaccines? Tenosynovitis in both hands. Due to Nitric oxide OR L-Arginine? Neural foraminal stenosis of thoracic spine, hypertrophy of L4/L5, degenerative antral listhesis of C5/C6, treatment ? How is skin pigmentation treated ? Pregnant, done UTI, RBC, WBC, leukocyte esterase (large) and bacteria present, on amoxicilin, mirobid Does air pressure affect an injured hip? What causes orange discharge from the ear ? How to treat pain and bend in the penis ? Bed-ridden, kidney infection, low creatinine, weight loss, low hemoglobin, low BP, cathered Twisted back, CAT scan, poor walking. Vascular problems? Painful breath, pain in upper chest, shoulder, CT scan, pulmonary embolism ruled out. Advise. Belly button zits, bleed, grow bigger. STD? What is petechiae? Nosebleeds, liver transplant. Ferrous sulfate beneficial? Groin area blisters, yeast infection, tinea cruris, used econazole nitrate cream, zeasorb-AF How long can my grandmother survive without feed tube on glucose drip? What is the treatment for endometrial polyp? What are the symptoms of deep vein thrombosis? Wounded knee, MRI, partial linear tear of the posterior horn of the medial meniscus. From injury? Why is my son vomiting only liquids? Palpitations caused by stress in heart, holter monitor. Symptom of heart disease? How can an itchy spot on my eyelid and finger be cured? What can be done to treat body ache, diarrhea and nausea? How can an old woman recovering from chickenpox be cared for? How can stomach infection be treated ? How can I treat dry white itchy patches in the groin? What is bone marrow transplantation ? Herpes, negative blood test, hot weather, small blisters, virus or friction related ? Can I get HIV infection from a used lancet? Muscular distrophy, pounding in head, post exercise, sitting up, McArdle's Disease, treatment ? What can a burning sensation in the foot mean? How can uterine fibroids be treated without surgery? Dog lick on leg, no cuts on leg, washed with shave lotion, rabies vaccine required ? Enlarged sub-mandibular nodes, depression, stress, anxiety, infection, tumor or cancer ? Does Propysalic NF lotion reduce patches? Dark red rash in pubic area, white areas present, fungal infection ? What can be done for neurenteric cyst in the spinal cord? Hair loss, c-section Are lumps in both breasts, not visible in ultrasound and MRI, pain in left breast, itchy and flaky nipples symptoms of breast cancer ? Brain infection, sinus infection, eye tremors, CT scan, MRI, lung scan, blood tests, spinal tap Trichomonas, UTI, flagyl How can a pimple on my penis be healed? How long can a man go without ejaculation? What is the treatment for lumboischialgia? Is a white pimple like blister on tip of nipple with discharge, a sign of Paget's disease ? Lower abdominal bloating, celiac, upper and lower GI tests, Bentyl, gluten, workout Fish smell from groin. Solution? Is pleural effusion a sign of cancer? What can numbness on the left side indicate? Why do I have numbness on my left side? Dark complexion, olive complexion, multivitamins. Whiten body? Itchy rash head, red crusty bumps, neck swelling, cortisone, tea tree oil Is it dangerous to miss thyroid pills during early pregnancy? Spitting blood, dry throat, heartburn Can hair loss and greying hair after delivery be stopped? Is back pain related to hiccups? Are medicines for penis enlargement safe? Can HIV transmission take place through a wound? What is uterine prolapse ? Pneumonia, depression, swollen eyes, headache, arm and leg pressure, numbness, dizzy, low BP, anxiety, trouble breathing. Hypothyroidism? Cysts, infection, abdominal pain, pregnant, kidney stone, gentamicin, vitamin C, laparotomy, abdomen ultrasound, blood tests Unprotected anal sex, fever, weakness, nausea. STD or virus? Stiff neck, lump above collar bone. Suggest. Chromosome 4 in the long arm, also autistic, asthma, sleep problems. Meaning? Tiny red bumps below belt line,bled after popping,no itch,no burn,oral sex. Milliaria crystalline or herpes? How is tonsillitis treated ? Is pale blood in urine related to hernia? Face seems frostbitten,cold,accident,face hit windshield,root canal,crown,fillings,smelly fluid from tooth if gums pressed Temporary crowns in teeth,whitening,white and sensitive pustule on gum near teeth with crown,getting larger What could a lump on my leg with a black mole be? How can I grow till my potential height? What is eosinophilic folliculitis ? Is it possible to have sudden unbearable pain in wrist, inner elbow and middle of hand without any injury or weight lifting ? How does one treat penis pigmentation ? Spermatocelectomy,no pain,swollen Postpartum thyroiditis, profuse ssweating, T4 normal, TSH high, bilateral nodules. Meaning? Sexual intercourse, broken condom, on birth control pills, UTI antibiotics. Effects on pill ? Skin tanning, dry skin, skin peeling, normal colour in winter, missing natural oils Tender and fragile cervix, bleeds during sex, on examination. What are the possibilities ? Blood thinner medication, acetazolamide, dexamethasone for altitude sickness. Blood thinners to be discontinued ? What is white matter ischaemia and cerebral atrophy ? Are constant weight gain, pitting in legs, swollen lower stomach and painful knees, co-related ? Nose congestion, cant remove mucus, mucus touching the throat, winter cold, spring allergy Chest pain, fast heartbeat, on berocca (vitamin b and c) Hiatel hernia, Schtaski band, EGD. Surgery essential? Can a trip be planned during pregnancy? What are the causes of cognitive impairment with bipolar disorder? Acute redness and red veins in right eye, dry eye, on excedrin Are tingling over entire body, dull aches in chest nad stomach and occassional numbness in left hand signs of any disease ? Does laser removal of public hair and hair on testicles and scrotum have any impact on fertility ? What causes burning in the abdomen and muscular pain in the ribs? Unprotected sex, cravings, dizziness, tender breast, negative HPT, normal period. Pregnant? What could be the cause of lumps under and around foreskin post unprotected sex ? Radial head fracture, physical therapy, burning pain, loss of function and flexion Are dizziness , forgetfullness and sudden whoosing sounds through the head, post menopausal effects ? Asthma, MVP, sleeplessness, on isoptin Does taken an overdose of Motrin have any side effects ? Does hormonal imbalance cause improper bleeding ? Does gaining weight post hernia surgery cause stabbing like sensation ? Epiglottis removed, cancer. Can it be replaced? How is anemia and diabetes detected ? CMV positive, urine test negative, pregnant. Virus inactive? How can tightness and pain in the chest be treated? Had UTI, bladder spasms, painful orgasm, on strong antibiotics Fussy, bloated, gas, bruised near rib, gasps for breath. Is she lactose intolerant or has colic? Can I grow my penis? Am I pregnant if I have gotten my period? STD trichomoniasis, excessive discharge, persistent. Suggest. Should there be pain in the thigh after total hip replacement? Thumb infections, was on augmentin, feels numb. Cause? HIV,specialist opinion needed Right testicle pains, scrotum shrinks. Normal? EBV, ER, EKG, disoriented, tired, racing heart, hypokalemic Mild osteopenia, mild osteoporotic,on vitamin & calcium, back pain, MRI, PCOD, irregular period, high alkaline phosphatase, bone densitometry. Other tests? What can be done to alleviate abdominal bloating? Is it possible to have positive results in pregnancy test psot miscarriage with rise HCG levels ? Why do I have numbness of arms and muscle pain? Aneurysm. Pimple resemblance? Result of weight lifting? Itch around anus, incontinence after physical activities, bleeding, burning post passing stools. Causes ? Can antihistamines cause lighter periods? What is a significant titer for Widal test? Baby, red rash, smells fishy Does pregnancy need to be avoided while on course of gentamicin injections ? Hypertension, kidney scars, creatinine level, kidney transplant What could a lump in my back be? Alcoholic, overweight, alcoholic hepatitis, liver function tests How can I treat brown drainage from the nose? Weight loss, DHEA, vitamin D, CoQ10, phentermine, acetyl L-carnitine, remicade, Lialda, Crohn's disease, stomach pain, rubbery discharge in stools Why does my child wake up at night feeling thirsty? Is blood in urine connected to sting on forearm / wrist causing two inflammed and itchy red dots ? What could be the cause of bright red blood at the beginning of urination with burning in penis with history of sleep apnea ? What is the cause of a white plaque in the anal canal? Is white fatty discharge in faeces a sign of improvement or worsening in spleen and liver conditions ? Why is there a brown discharge from my vagina after bowel movement? Knot on neck White line on x-ray, pneumonia, pleural effusion Pregnant, constipation, miscarriages Alternative to KY Jelly? Upper lip numbness, swelling, headache, smoking, coffee, BP Quick fall, sex Agaricus Blazei with Hermonet? Blood type AB son with type O parent? Strep throat, skin rash, allergic reaction, skin peeling, antibiotic, benadryl, steroid. Diagnosis? Why are there brown spots on my eyelid? How can I treat bald spots and stunted hair growth on my scalp? How do I soothe sore legs after a sprain? Heart pinch, arm numbness, sweat. Heart attack? Low HB, thin body, on structure diet. Suggest healthy diet. Cold symptoms,sore throat,congestion,painful lumps on roof of mouth,under skin,extreme painful Pubic hair on vagina,44 pounds,fatty breasts,no nipple enlargement in 5 year old Why do I have cramps in my abdominal area? Why is my child running his tongue on the side of his mouth? What does ANA titer indicate? Exhausted,body pain,epstein barr,extreme pain in left hip,groin,knee,cortisone injection,physical therapy Does cellulitis lead to paralysis of the ankle? What does dark stools and pain in lower abdomen mean? Bi-polar disorder,medications stopped,depression.Suggestions? Can an acupuncture needle cause cautery? Swollen foot, toe warm, thick peeling skin, discolored. Help. What does pain in the groin during pregnancy indicate? Is there an alternative to liver transplant for liver cirrhosis? Why can't my child feel her leg? Can a jaw extender be used to induce facial changes? Intercourse, ipill, periods resumed after one week. Fertilization or pregnant ? Angioplasty, on imdur, amlong, disprin, clopitab, lipitor, beta blocker, ezedoc, KFT and LFT normal. Viagra for sex life okay? Asthma, on nebulizer machine, prednisone, period lasts more than normal,, blood clots, low RBC, high WBC, over weight, HTC, diabetes. Help. What is the treatment for vitiligo? Pain in clitoris,blisters,white heads,painful to urinate Itchiness in hands, caused by sinus infection. Possibility ? What is the remedy for penis enlargement? Copper IUD,mirena,displaced strings,repositioning needed
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