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Do condoms provide 100% protection against HIV? Should I worry if I have bladder polyps? Cough,fever,lethargy,bad breath,wheezing Brain CT scan, cyst, bleed across forehead, low BP, headaches. Suggest. Do I have neck pain due to drinking milk? Low blood pressure,PSVT,abnormal T wave.Heart attack? External hemorrhoids,severe pain,no bleeding.Surgery? Do multiple sex partners cause recurring yeast infections? Mild twinges in perineum, prostate normal, discomfort around bladder, had UTI, mild headache. Suggest? How is inter-menstrual bleeding treated ? Urine with white fluid,frequent urination,low libido Abortion.Next period? High BP, low pulse rate, was untreated, dizziness, fatigue, cold, breathlessness. ECG. Possibilities? Is it safe to use Himalaya Speman? How is high blood pressure prevented ? How long does human chorionic gonadotropin remain in the body? What tests should be done to diagnose severe migraines and persistent pain in eyes? Ear infection,itchiness,moist,soreness What can be done to treat chronic cough? Yeast infection,white smelly discharge What medication can be taken for lower abdomen tenderness? How can a large growing bruise be healed? Protected sex with prostitute, no warts or cuts on vagina, condom intact. Chances of contracting HIV ? What is the remedy for insomnia? Infected etiology,negative pregnancy test,ciplox TZ What is the treatment for osteoporosis ? Why does my back become numb if I sit for long? Termination of pregnancy at home. Suggestions? Should I take Loestrin to stop menstrual bleeding? How is chondromalacia and knee tear treated ? Sore throat,swelling of lymph glands Bloating,stomach pain,chest pain,clod sweats,ECG and blood test Can the miniature hairs after laser hair removal be removed? Do beta-blockers raise blood pressure? Low progesterone,possible pregnancy.Endogest 200 mg safe? Is it normal to have a growth on the frenulum of my penis? Is lower abdominal swelling a hernia or ruptured muscles? Upper back and neck burning, headaches, dizziness, brain MRI, spine MRI, allergy to sun and heat Is a black patch on my penis a sign of cancer? Can my child's diarrhea be treated? Hair folllicle drug test,marijuana Masturbation,weak erection,low semen quantity Is positional vertigo related to lumbar fusion surgery? What is the problem if I have severe headache and dizziness? Annular tear,painful intercourse.Effect? Creamy tongue,red spots,bad breath Can blood pressure be higher at the ankles? Constipation, dizzy, weak, hard to evacuate bowel, taking fiber products What is the reason for painful itchy rashes near my vulva? Sub clinical hypothyroidism, fatty liver, liver protection products Persistent cough,phlegm,burn in upper stomach.Tuberculosis? Why do i have lower left abdominal pain when i have a bowel movement or caugh/laugh? Is droopy eyes, irritable behaviour and less hair growth due to a thyroid problem? Can I get pregnant if I have follicular growth? What could be the cause of palpitations, shortness of breath while lying down and daytime sleepiness since 6 months ? Is it safe to develop posterior wall fibroids while pregnant? Why does it hurt to talk, eat or swallow? Is it safe to take the treatment of herpes for a 8 months old pregnant woman ? How can a white dot between testicles and anus be treated with no improvement post sulfameth tmp tabs ? Why do I chronically catch infections? Nodule in adam's apple,sore,allergies Why does my head spin all the time? Cholesterol, low BP, bulge in central stomach, blister. Possible hernia? Sternum pain, back pain, rib pain, chronic condition. Treatment ? Forearm veins bulge out when hanging down, retract when risen. Suggest. Is it normal to have a painless small watery filled bulge on second toe ? Can any other alternative remedy or hypnotherapy be tried instead of hormone replacement implants ? How do we take care of a person with obsessive-compulsive disorder? Redness and spots on foreskin. Is is it Balanitis? Should I apply antibiotic gel to friction burns? Shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, dizziness, ringing in ears. POTS symptoms ? How long would a person survive after brain stroke ? Fat burner Oxy Elite Pro, Celexa, Lamictal, side effects. Safe to take ? Premature ejaculation, unable to maintain erections, regular masturbation, smoker. Treatment ? Choking feeling in neck, rough taste buds on tongue. Emergency ? What should I take for a white bad smelling layer on my penis? Should I stop exercising till my heat rash goes away? Do vaginal polyps affect pregnancy ? Periods, ipill, bleeding, sex again, one more ipill, delayed period. Effect of ipill or pregnancy ? Does cocaine stop nasal mucus production? Sharp pain, burning sensation in clitoris, abdominal pain, sulfamethoxazole. Symptoms of UTI ? High fasting sugar levels, autoimmune, genetic problems. Diabetic ? Does biotin cause brown discharge from the vagina? How are brain stem syrinx treated ? ALT score 70, cholesterol, type I diabetes, history of allestimers. Normal? What can I do about a sudden numbing pain in my leg? Why do I get fluid filled bumps when I am stressed? Can I be pregnant after taking regestrone ? CIDP, infusions of gamugard, failed port, blood clot above heart. Risks involved during surgery ? Brown spot on tongue, smoker, very small, minor pain. Causes ? Scalded with hot water, cold compress applied, no swelling, blisters. Precautions ? Inferior deep cervical glands swollen. Normal? How can I lengthen my penis? How is RA and lymph nodal mass treated ? Dry, red, flaky skin on cheeks and nose. Best cure? Tenderness below belly button. Normal? What damage is caused by preventing ejaculation? Is an eye infection of gram negative bacilli serious? Sexually active, canker sore on labia minor. Treatment can be delayed? Pain under arm, shoulder pain, nerve pain. Cardiac issues? Contraceptive pill, after intercourse, pregnant. Baby deformed? Bowel problems, e coli infection, residual inflammation, glands in neck and armpits, brown patch on breast. Breast Cancer ? Brown discharge, odd smell, protected sex. Reason? Is a fluttering sensation below my breast related to the lung? Intestinal TB, medications, hard stools, fissures, xylocaine, no relief. Ayurvedic doctor and medicine ? What are the signs of angina? Called twice for ultrasound. Normal? Cocaine use, congestion, dry nose, antihistamine drugs. Cryotherapy useful ? Sore throat, follicles on scalp, lower neck pain, pain in ear canal. Treatment ? How is sun burn treated ? Can an enlarged heart be detected at birth? Can steroid eye drops and nasal sprays alleviate diabetes readings ? Eagles syndrome, sore throat, ear pain, neck swelling, dysphagia. Causes and treatment ? 10 weeks pregnant, UTI, nausea, acidity. Miscarriage possible ? Can I get HIV infection by using human chorionic gonadotropin? How is phimosis treated ? Why does my chest burn when I drink fluids? How is rapid heart beats treated ? Purple spots, no pain or itch, chronic condition, darker, more noticeable. Causes ? Is a lump in neck under jaw line a swollen lymph node ? Secondary infertility, abnormal semen analysis. Causes and treatment for infertility ? C-section, subdural haematoma, spinal epidural. Risk in future pregnancies ? Early death of husband, Genedx found CACNB2 mutations in both children. Short QT syndrome ? How are panic attacks and weight loss treated ? How is soft tissue injury to the head treated ? How is lipoma on the lower back treated ? How is hernia in scrotum treated ? What causes discomfort in abdominal region ? Strong foul smell from semen, causes. Treatment ? Does a dog scratch require anti rabies vaccination ? Canker sores, swollen tongue, breast cancer, hypothyroid, medication. Treatment ? Are dizziness and urinary tract infection connected? What causes pimple like bumps on the penis ? Can a pinched nerve cause shooting pain in the testis ? What is the vaccination schedule for a 20 day old child ? Fall on the knee, iced bruise, cant put pressure on leg, back of knee swollen, shin bruised. Treatment ? What causes mild lower back pain ? Is it possible to get an STD by using an unclean vibrator? How to cure bronchitis disease ? How can a non-itchy dark burnt patch under the breast be treated ? High sensitivity to salt, insomnia, pins and needles sensation in feet. Treatment ? How can erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation be treated ? Can HIV virus be transmitted if penis is touched by hand with vaginal fluid on it ? Azoospermic, 3rd IVF trial, semen analysis, infection with pus cells, noroxin treatment. Success rate of IVF ? Pink raised patches of skin, back, legs, stomach, not itchy, no fever, spreading. Causes ? Why is a repeat T4 and TSH test required in case results of prior test are elevated ? Breathlessness, headaches, viagra usage. Medicines to control side effects ? Why am I experiencing a buzzing in heart coming possibly from mitral valve location ? Testosterone propionate 100, injections, unable to maintain erection. Treatment ? Do I need to undergo Open reduction internal fixation surgery for comminuted fracture of right clavicle ? Is it mandatory to avoid red meat and steak post open heart surgery ? Calcified left frontal lobe, headaches, blood test normal. Causes for calcified focus ? Does drinking impair cognitive function? Is it normal for a patient dying from pancreatic cancer to excrete faecal like matter in vomit? Can using implanon cause arthritis or osteoporosis? How can a bone scan which uses gamma rays be safe? What is the diagnosis for constant pain in the feet? How can I recover from retroperitoneal fibrosis? Lymphatic tuberculosis, R-cinex medication, skin pigmentation. Treatment ? What is the cause of a hard painless lump in my groin? Pain at the skull base, spasms, degenerative disc disease, central canal stenosis. Treatment ? Heart murmur, hole in heart, excessive sweating. Life threatening problem ? Can one fly with a hard painful vein in the leg? Node in thyroid, needle biopsy, cancer, lost voice, neck pain, swelling. Treatment ? What is the reason for pain and burning in the chest? Should I be worried if I have stress fractures of the femoral necks? Why does my child cry if I do not hold him? Does masturbation and preventing ejaculation on a long term basis cause prostate infection ? Does mitral valve prolapse cause decrease in strength, pounding of heart and slight murmur ? How can I prevent premature ejaculation? Are clenching of teeth at night causing jaw pain, blocked ears and reduced saliva secretion, due to maxillary sinusitis ? What is the remedy for hair loss? Does headache and stiff neck mean chickenpox or herpes? Pins and needles feeling on face, head, migraines, pain in temples. Effects of surgery ? Is there a connection between dairy allergy and high pulse rate? Hair loss, trauma, cortizone shots, contact dermatitis, traumatic alopecia. Treatment ? Crotch itch, scalp and ear itch, fungal infection, partner gets yeast infection on having sex. Treatment ? Unprotected sex, third day of period. Pregnancy chances and ways to avoid it ? How can pain in the ear be relieved? Sex with sex worker, HPV scare, cancer in men. Test in detect HPV in men ? Why do I have difficulty walking and standing? What medicine can I use instead of amlodipine? How long can a grey substance, possibly a parasite, discharged with urine be stored for analysis ? Why do I have discharge of pink phlegm from my anus? What is the remedy for bloody stools? Vaccination for babies, treatment for hiccups Sinus infection, cough, chest congestion, pain in throat, pink tinged mucus. Treatment ? Should I take acetaminophen for fever, constipation and vomiting? Abdominal pain, cramps, unable to urinate completely, nausea, blood in stools. Causes ? Are fainting spells due to syncope and food poisoning co-related ? Why do I have bruising around my eye? What does atrial couplet mean? Does taking hard liquor cause stomach pain, nausea, black stools and pain in neck near shoulder ? Interstitial Lung disease, high fever, low BP, chills, low WBC count, lung damage. Treatment ? Small bumps on vagina, spreading, stopped birthcontrol recently. Treatment ? What can I do to relieve skin rash? Bloating, incomplete evacuation, constipation, blood in stool, unable to urinate completely. Treatment ? Why is my skin peeling and itching? CLL, Hashimoto's, mononucleosis, myocarditis, enlarged spleen, low testosterone, pneumovax Is there an operation to correct deformed nails?
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