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Circumference size of penis, stretching penis to reduce circumference. Surgical procedure an option ? Unable to conceive, viral fever, semen test, hormonal test, testosterone levels abnormal. Treatment ? Joint pain in feet, hands, knuckles, thumbs, mouth sores, dry mouth, RA test result negative, anti-ccp3 IgG positive, sicca normal. Causes ? Watery bleeding, on implanon, pregnancy test -ve, no pain Diabetic, insulin dependent, HT, CKD, wants to take aldonil, febutaz, rechaje, clopilet, blood test abnormal. Correct medication ? Throat infection, fever, white spot inside throat, tonsil removed. Can give ceftum tabs ? Infertility problem, had genital wart, treatment done, STI of both -ve. Sperm count affected due to genital wart ? Headaches, nausea, dizziness, palpitations, taking zoloft, symptoms are persisting Ringworm in right eye, on griseoful, econazole medication, recurring condition. Treatment ? Drinking lots of water, thirsty all the time, frequent seizures, on medication for it. Treatment ? Vasovagal attacks, bamboo spine. How to reduce the attacks? Facial rash, pain on blinking, blisters, swelling in area, tender chin. Treatment ? Child crossing legs, embarrassed and flushed while noticed by someone. Causes ? Used soap at place of work, cleaned face, lips, no blood on soap, dried face, lips thereafter. Chances of contracting HIV ? Unable to conceive, blood tests, semen test normal, PT/INR elevated, clotting disorder. Reason for implantation failure ? Headaches, dizziness, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps, on propel, kool aid. Treatment ? Anemia, easy bruising and tiredness, low platelets and von willebrands,adviced prenatal and antibody screening. Why prenatal ? Vomiting, headaches, cold sweats, chills, no fever, loss of appetite, nausea. Viral infection ? Knee and leg pain, had opoid addiction, took duragesic, didn't help. Treatment? Sustained erection, no ejaculation, pain in testicles on urinating, bowel movements, severe crippling condition. Treatment ? Head injury, spinal fusion, replacement of discs, CSF leak, lumbar drainage. Treatment for constant headaches ? MDR TMB, semi conscious, on rimactazid, combutol, ethomic, streptomycin, levipil, pacitane. Complete cure possible ? Nail clubbing in few fingers, chain smoker. Chances of developing lung cancer ? Lower back pain, nerve damage, joint arthritis, MRI showed degenerative disc disease, nerve conduction study abnormal. Treatment ? Atrial fibrillation, on prodaxa, metropolal, warfarin, carvedilol, amiodarone. Safe to take these medications ? Redness and numbness on the penis, used penis pump and soap. Could it be dermatitis? Arthritic knee, inflammation over right thumb, stiffness, joint pain, negative bone scan. Autoimmune arthritis ? Throbbing elbow pain, shoulder pain, family history of hinge joint problems. Treatment ? Vaginal discharge, foul smell, yeast infection, on acidophilus, insertable vaginal creams, pap smear caused pain. Treatment ? Pain in the penis, white discharge, pain while urination Prolonged constipation, no pain, taken fiber pills, on normal diet. Suggestions? Elevated blood pressure, sweating, indigestion, nausea, pain in the jaw. Emergency? Non-stop urination, post robotic surgery. Bladder control methods? Skin rash, gall stone present in the scan, pregnant. Treatment? Kidney stones, blood in stool, taken hydrocodone, history of kidney stone surgery. Due to medication? Fatigue, constipation, lack of concentration, hair loss, dry skin, iron deficiency, taking autrim Dry scaly skin on legs, dark patches on the back, using emollient soaps, diagnosed with Icthyosis. Cure? Black mole near the anus, irritation on scratching. How to get it removed? Erectile dysfunction, depression, taking Orexis and VigRx, normal reports of blood and hormone tests. Treatment? Unable to tell the truth in a relationship, adjustment problems, don't want to hurt partner. Treatment ? Stomach cramping, nausea, cough, unprotected sex. Pregnant? Pain in the vagina, black round spots present Red tainted stools. Undigested tomatoes or bleeding ? Weight loss, thin stool, lump near belly button, on medication for diabetes. Bowel cancer? Erectile dysfunction, discoloration of testicles. Medication? Irregular periods, prolactin and thyroid test done Persisting cough, stuffy nose, ear popping, taken sudafed and cleratin D. Cure? Skin rashes near testicles. Can Evion cream be used? Hair loss, on birth control pills, metformin and synthroid, history of PCOD and hypothyroidism. Reason for hair loss? Chest pain, weight loss, on water fasting. Is the pain due to dehydration? Severe headache, nausea. Is it a serious condition? Gastric problems, diarrhea, done stool test. Treatment? Thyroid problem, weight gain, mood changes, taking cytomel, levoxyl and androgel. Symptoms due to medication? Repeated Jaundice, bilirubin, SGOT, SGPT tests done, hep c with viral load, had piles and pistula operation. Liver biopsy? Itchy and scaly skin patches, white scalp and forehead Pain in teeth, fix and redo crowns. Recommended? Pain and throbbing in the eye, reddish eye ball, blurred vision, using reading glasses Chronic chest pain, percoset overdose, history of MI and neuro- cardiogenic syncope. Can the overdose be harmful? Prolonged bleeding, lump in the groin area, post PFO surgery. Should be concerned? Delayed periods, taken emergency contraceptive pill. Pregnant? Bleeding after merina insertion, taken depot. Can norethisterone be used? Cold, cough, fever, nasal congestion,taken levolin syrup, p250 and bactoclav. Medication side effects? Pregnant. Medication for pregnancy termination? Sinus, spondylosis, polyps in nostrils, hiatus hernia, throat and chest tightness, nausea, weakness, taken steroids, X-ray, ultrasound, endoscopy. Normal? Hepatitis, high bilirubin levels, vomiting, taking udihep, domstal and Razo Discharge from the penis, stress, taken Amoxicillin, had a surgery for closed urethra Lower back pain, pain in the leg, effect on bladder Frequent urination, irritable bladder. Could it be bladder cancer? GERD, dandruff, high cholesterol level, done lipid profile test. Risk factors? Multiple sexual partners, no symptoms. STD? Hair fall, back pain, memory loss. Due to excessive masturbation? Bulge in the calf, pain and discoloration Anal fissures, dark stool, taking milk of magnesia. Is it normal? Back and hip pain, MRI done, diffuse marrow signal abnormality, history of radiation therapy Fever, abdomen pain, intestinal bacteria, WBC low. Cause? Accidental intake of mosquito repellent cream. Harmful? Abdominal pain, no food intake, diarrhea, insomnia, low HGB, low PTT and high Na. Treatment? Pain in the shoulder, loss of erection, stopped taking finasteride. Withdrawal symptoms? Hair loss, thickness decreased, color changed to brown. Solution ? 13 weeks pregnant, ultrasound normal, noticed bulge inside the vagina with finger. What is it ? Stomach cramps, taken morning after pill, unprotected sex, pregnancy test report negative. Reasons for cramps? Small pinhead water blisters on both sides of Achilles tendon and foot, swelling and discoloration in calf. Cure ? Dry erection, no nocturnal emissions, semen build up. Productive nocturnal erections will release tension ? Dizziness, headaches, high cholesterol, low BP, pain in front of head and nose, family history of migraine. Possible cause ? Jaw pain (left side) with clicking sound, ear ache, swollen lymph nodes, strong smell, 15 weeks pregnant. Treatment ? Feeling of something stuck in throat, white phlegm, no fever, mild pain in thyroid section of neck. Treatment ? Bloating, gastric problems, constipation, rectal pain On MTP, lesion on the cervix during pap smear , vaccinated for cervical cancer. Is colposcopy, cryotherapy required ? Bloated stomach, dizziness, off balance. Serious? Side-effects of Metpure XL 50, 'Losar A','Pantacid' Ayurvedic treatment for retroperitoneal fibrosis Rapid strep test negative, throat sore, tiny pus pockets on tonsil, on and off fever with chills, on azithromycin. Best medicine? Two bumps above penis area,painful pus filled bump,unprotected sex. Herpes or something else? Headaches, night sweats, MRI done. Menopausal symptoms? Extreme weight loss, loss of energy, popping sound under rib, heart palpitations, headaches, blood work, MRI normal. Causes ? Farting, fresh blood in stools, blood clots, on saline, wants to do colonoscopy, history of hemorrhoids and constipation. Treatment ? Cheesy vaginal discharge, vaginal and anal itching, sweating, taken acidophils, partner got itchy rash on penis after sex Skin rash in the base of spine, thigh muscle pain, fatigue. Reason? White coat hypertension, high BP, omron blood pressure monitor. Reading varies? Leg ache with swelling, pitting edema in ankle, extreme tiredness, had anemia Lymph edema, vein problems, addiction to subutex, panic attacks, red shiny blisters on feet. Treatment ? Erectile dysfunction, tight foreskin, history of asthma. Treatment? Dry skin on the penis, using eczema cream. Cure? How long should i use disposable underwear to avoid recurring jock itch? Unable to conceive, heavy periods, wants to take clomid, multiple fibroids in sonogram, MRI normal. Treatment ? Will stamlo 5 cause harm if consumed twice in 14 hours? Tender nipple, swollen breast, swollen vagina, tiredness, uterus and ovary removed, on thyroid medication Past experience with lady doctors, more caring, attentive, genito-urinary exams by male nurses. Okay to have lady as primary care physician for male patient ? Bloating, nausea, unprotected sex. Pregnant? Red itchy bruise on tailbone, had hard fall on tailbone, clears using A & D cream. Cause? Lump in the vagina, painful bloated stomach Painful bumps on the penis, unprotected intercourse. Is it herpes? Excessive sweating. Reason? Tests done for cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL, HDL, creatinine. Normal? Stomach ache, inflamed tonsils, given rocephin and augmentin, sonography done, density around appendice Bug bites like welts on arms,hands,neck,itchy and increasing in number,sore throat Sleep apnea,severe congestion in night with breathing problem using CPAP machine. Ideal setting for CPAP? Red bumps around hip, skin rash, not itchy. Treatment ? Dizziness, depression, anxiety disorder, on albedazole, wysolone, levipil, frazium, history of seizures, neurocystercosis. Cure ? Two ileums found in small bowel follow through study,CAT scan normal Soft lump on penis base, at intersection with scrotum. Treatment ? Penis bending backwards, peyronie's disease, abstinence from sex, no ejaculation, only masturbation. Causes for disease ? Saphenous vein stripped, soreness, lump, lymph node, on amoxycillin. Serious? Deep kissing, protected oral sex, unprotected oral sex, genitals to hands. Chances of contracting HPV ? High BP, on pacemaker medtronic model E1DR01, good health. Okay to travel by flight ? Hair loss, hair transplant surgery. Normal hair growth possible after surgery? Rheumatism, pain and swelling in joints, on allopathy, ayurvedic, homeopathic medication. Treatment and diet suggestions ? Pre-pregnancy counselling, taking folic acid Frequent sneezing. Allergy or Sinusitis? Pregnant, weight gain. Pregnancy and delivery guidance? Pain in the foot, stiff knee, difficulty in bending the knee Blisters on the nose, swelling, sunburn, taken advil. Treatment? Pimples, taken Isotropin, laser treatment done. Permanent cure? Low sperm count. Infertility chances? Pain in shoulder and arm, breathing trouble, taken Aleve. Chances of any lumps? Numbness in leg and feet while sitting, lower back pain, overweight, on vegan diet. Is it a pinched nerve? Constipation, insulin resistant, edema in the legs, used colon cleansers and laxatives Lump in the breast, lobular carcinoma, biopsy and mammogram done. Chances of malignancy to other organs? Semen analysis report. Normal? Doubt having Cancer, pdf attached for reference High stress, growing fatness. Anti depressants helpful? Low testosterone, dizziness, hyperthyroidism, low LH, FSH, TSH, high T4, had right testis orchiectomy, history of testicular cancer. Treatment ? Pain under the rib cage, abdominal pain, pain while breathing. Need immediate care? Bleeding after sexual intercourse Prostatitis, chlamydia. Prescription needed? Enlarged spleen with pain, high calcium in blood, weight loss, nausea, tested for sarcoidosis. Diagnosis? Painful bowel movement, greenish stool. Treatment? Enlarging bump on the chest, reddish swollen skin Plugged ears, pregnant, taking sudafed. Is it safe? Swollen leg after injury, discoloration of the calf Red tag hanging, bleeding, yellow discharge Whitish tongue, swollen taste buds, using Hexetidine mouthwash Frequent flatulence, regular meals at correct times, no food allergies. Treatment ? Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy detected. Treatment? Shoulder clicking, pain in arms, elbows, sore wrists, not injured, pain in muscles on waking up. Causes ? Genital warts, chronic condition, PAP test normal. Chances of it being contagious and recurring ? Sciatica, done MRI scan, post delivery exercises Non penetrative sex with sex worker, masturbation, no exchange of body fluids. Chances of contracting sexually transmitted diseases ? Sex with prostitute, oral sex, masturbation, no exchange of body fluids, history of genital herpes. Chances of contracting sexually transmitted diseases ? Lip twitching, nausea, dizziness Condom break, swelling, yellow discharge, used savlon. STD? Lack of penis sensitivity during sex, delayed ejaculation, normal sensitivity during oral sex. Due to vaginal secretions ? Pain in the knee, hole under the knee cap, no meniscus tear, done X-ray and MRI Two months pregnant, urine infection, on rantac-d. Safe to take niftas medication ? Weight loss, loose stools with mucus, lumps on abdomen, stomach tightness, diabetic, blood count and stool samples normal. Bowel cancer ? Cirrhosis, alcoholic, lethargic, breathlessness, had a transfusion. Treatment? Power in both eyes, lasik surgery, cosmetic surgery. Advantages and disadvantages ? Injury on shin, knee cap injury, swelling, painful, numbness. Serious? Trichomonas contraction, vaginal irritation and pinkish discharge after treatment Frequent urination, pressure on penis, on antibiotics, not urinary infection. Causes ? No periods, stopped Nor QD birth control pills, negative pregnancy tests. Causes for delay ? Throbbing and tingling in head, vein or muscle inside head, episode lasts for few seconds.Causes ? Limb lengthening surgery, duration for complete treatment, wants to gain height. Safe to do surgery ? UTI, penis itchiness, urine incontinence, kidney stone surgically removed. Treatment ? Mouth ulcers, tooth pain, chronic condition, recurring. Dental or gastro problem ? Quick pulse on left side of neck, temple, left arm pain, fatigue, diaphrea, EKG normal. Treatment ? Bone age of seventeen, stunted growth, facial hair, on cortisone, X-ray done, growth chart flat. Treatment ? Ring worm infection, on ring guard medication, temporary relief, problem recurring. Treatment ? Tonsil cancer, spread to lymph nodes, throat, lungs and other organs not affected, no radiation, surgery preferred. Life expectancy ? Took a fall, pain in left butt cheek, swelling and pain worsening. Treatment ? Pain in the foot, collapsed foot joint, Plantar fasciitis, steroid shot taken, no improvement. Treatment options? Constipation, bleeding with stools, white yellow mucus, no medical history. Antibiotics required ? Extremely high blood sugar, keytone urine test normal. Emergency situation ? Fibroids, heavy bleeding, abdominal discomfort, on progestin, wants to try birth control pills, wants to do myomectomy. Safe to fly ? Post natal heavy bleeding, cervical erosion, ployp in cervix during first pregnancy. Second pregnancy risky? Scar tissue on brain, poor leg reflexes, unable to sleep deeply, on baclofen medication. Treatment ? Dark patches on penis, spreading condition, no pain, no increased sensitivity. Causes ? No blood in urine, stools, prostrate biopsy performed. Can I resume sexual activities ? Rectum cancer stage four, fatigue, on chemotherapy, low platelet count in blood test, high CEA count. Treatment ? Recently married, low sperm count. Treatment to increase sperm count ? Small lump on the upper left side of pelvis, tender to touch, twinges while walking. Treatment ? High blood pressure, prostatitis, seminal leakage on getting aroused, urinating. Treatment ? Married, don't want a child for one year, on leotte pills, less bleeding during periods. Safe to take to prevent pregnancy ? Blue vein on the face of the child, had swollen node and cough. Is the blue vein normal? Back pain, right shoulder and buttock pain, unable to sit continuously High fever, on azithral, sinarest, crocin, loss of appetite. Side effect of medication ? Low sperm count, pus cells, epithelial cells in sperm report, no medical history. Cure ? Flu, on vitamins, drink juices, recurring condition, infection contracted from others. Treatment ? Wound in peri-anal area, on many medications, wants to do colostomy, skin grafting, biopsy normal. Treatment ? Calf muscle cramps, sore and tender calves, played golf . Cause?
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