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Multiple lipoma all over the body, spread occurred in hands and hip. Any treatment to stop spreading ? Round red patches on legs, itchy, skin dries and sheds, changed razors. Reason? Hair follicle bumps on the scrotum and penis. Wants laser treatment. Advise Feel blurred vision in bright lights and rapid movements. History of anxiety, vertigo, allergies. Any advice ? Smoking while pregnant. Will it harm my baby ? Watery semen. Reasons? Had strep and took medication, sores on both cheeks and sides of tongue, yellow tongue. What can I do ? Experiencing excessive vaginal lubrication, had a partial hysterectomy. How can it be reduced ? Sore throat after flu, pain in neck and ear. Treatment ? White sores on tongue. Good treatment ? On Bystolic 2.5 mg for pre- hypertension and tachycardia, no change in heart rate. How long it takes for beta blocker to work? Is it possible for blood in a corpse to move from legs to the back if laid down ? Pain in the shoulder, armpit, aggravates when heavy weights is lifted. Is it a rotator cuff problem ? Suffering with end stage kidney disease, aortic stenosis, 72 yrs old. Having a gushing sensation under left breast. Worried ? Bladder problem, had normal prostate and bladder tests, had dehydration, thickened bladder walls with syscoscophy ,back pain, MRI of back and brain, taking gabapentin Aortic stenosis, stiff heart problem. Feeling a gushing sensation under left breast. What is it ? Penis and the tip are red, semen discharge during urination, had UTI. Taken Bactrim and also on other medication Recieved medication for shingles and cleared up. Having itchy skin that feels like needles. Can shingles cause the itching ? Upper abdominal pain accompanied with burning and swelling of gall bladder and duodenum. Effect? Skin rashes, fainted, low BP, vitamin deficiency, blood test normal except low PCV & MCV, HIV -ve, HIV infected parents. HIV? Chest tightness, irregular heartbeats, coldness in chest, out of breath, have hypopituitarism, hypothyroidism & gingivitis 71 year old male, sudden and heavy nose bleeds, severe weight loss, losing voice, fatigue. Causes for symptoms ? Is it safe to fly with acute subdural hematona? Having Meniere's disease. Prescribed with Eptoin, Betahistine. Can these medicines be taken together? Suffering from cold or sinusitis. Wants to do hip replacement surgery. Advisable to do ? Can sperms come out after intercourse? Follicular study not helping. What can? Left side chest pain, due to depression, excitement, stress. Having myocardial bridge in the LAD. Stress test negative for ischemia. Causes for chest pain? Painful lower back, disc in MRI , had breast cancer, breast and lymph nodes removed, chemo and radiotherapy, gall bladder removed, fractured neck & ribs in accident Suffering from brief hiccups, sharp pain in breast plate on breathing, chronic condition. Causes ? 32 year old woman. Liver test done. AST and ALT out of range. Test analysis ? Heart palpitation, sinus infection, taken avelox, steroids after allergic reaction with avelox, ERG and heart tests normal, high thyroid level Safe to take Candistroy(Nature's Secret) homeopathic yeast cleanse product during pregnancy? Had no prob retracting skin when erect, now scars forced on skin, lesions peeling. How to reduce itching? Redness, watering and swelling of eyes after an injury, blood shot on white area, yellow gooey stuff in eye. Advise? Feeling of teeth and roughness around head of penis after blow job. Damage to penis? High blood pressure, now normal. On norvasc medication, side effects of heart palpitations. Okay to discontinue ? Pregnant, need to talk to doctor Providencia stuartii in urine, treated with IV Rocephin, still symptomatic. How long it takes to clear ? Severe hair loss. Had a miscarriage. Treatment? Infected ingrown toe nail. On Bactrim DS medication. Surgery done for removal. Okay to carry on normal activities ? Pain in the back and abdomen, burning while urination. Urine test shows no infection. Incorrect test result? 5.5 months baby, premature, diagnosed early stage of cerebral palsy. Suggest best place for treatment in India Urine in blood, had kidney ultrasound, CAT scan,transvaginal ultrasound, all normal. Urine reoccurred. Unable to determine cause ? Chances of pregnancy Anxiety and panic attacks. Getting tested for Pheochromocytoma. Can the increased hormone levels affect test result? Chronic insomnia, lack of concentration, memory. On citalopram medication for anxiety. History of pneumonia. Problem with immune system ? Pain in neck and headaches. MRI shows paraspinal soft tissue hemorrhage, disc degeneration. Can have normal life after surgery ? Dry skin, rash, burning sensation in scrotum. Used delapatory for hair removal. Pain relief techniques? Sputum from the throat. Presence of cocci in pairs in the throat swab. Reasons? Is general forgetfulness a symptom of Alzheimer? What are the other symptoms? Severe leg cramps. Fasciculations and babinski present. MRI and EMG normal. Suggestions? Shivering, feeling cold, cold hands and foot, normally body stays warm. Advise? 6 yr old has swollen ankles, bruise, knots on shins, low fever, weakness. Any idea and suggestions? Pregnant, vaginal discharge, irritation. Vaginal swab done, genital culture shows flora. Can it cause premature delivery? Painful cystic acne in pubic area before periods. Any treatment? Sharp pain in lower abdomen, cramps. Trying to conceive but no egg white discharge. Had a therapeutic abortion earlier. Any chances ? Stomach bloating, difficulty breathing. Cardiac test, chest X-Ray normal. Can constipation be the cause? Panic attacks and social anxiety. Can I take Ativan and Atenolol in high anxiety situations? Itchy rash around both armpits. Solution ? Stress related anxiety, had HCG diet with B12 injection. Sudden palpitations, hypertension, tachycardia, sweating. Does HCG diet cause hyperthyroidism ? Is train journey advisable during the 32nd week of pregnancy? Irregular periods, bleeding after intercourse, stomach and back ache, acidity, nausea. Advice? Frequent urination, burning sensation on penis after intercourse Giddiness, pain in the breast, stomach ache. Pregnancy chances? 3 year old with chest pain. Reason? Pale white or colorless liquid secreted with urine, remains while cleaning penis. Normal or infection symptoms ? Have mild hypertension, had herniated disk. Woke up with pain and numbness in body. Treat anxiety first? Fatigue. CBC report normal except eosinophil count. Suggestion? Pain on left side of chest whenever stressed, have a myocardial bridge in LAD. Reasons ? Frequent severe backaches. Any specific reasons ? Feelings of anger for small reasons, crying a lot, otherwise normal. Depression symptoms? Having Chicken pox, sore lips and throat. Treatment? Burning and irritation on urination, semen with yellow discoloration. Causes for burning sensation ? Pregnant. Ultrasound scan done. Fetus spine is curved. What are the causes of curved spine ? Hearing loss, voices in head. Not on medication. Causes? Cat scan shows advance volume loss and chronic ischemic disease. Suggestions? Red spots on the palm of the hand. Using Comet to remove them, recurring condition. Causes? Chronic low back pain, 2 herniated lumbar discs. Legs feel achy ,weak, gait is impaired after sitting for long. Is leg issue related to lumbar ? Wants to decrease height, stop growing. What medications or surgeries can be used to stunt growth? Diarrhea, stomach cramps, nausea, metallic taste in mouth. Have appendicitis. Taken augmentin. Medication side effects? Kidney soreness on waking up, chronic condition. Causes for symptoms? Severe chest pain and breathing difficulty. Taken Ritalin without prescription. Dangerous? Stomach pain. On stool softners. Blood, urine, CAT scan, revealed inflamed intestines. Treatment for constipation ? 15 year old with bed wetting problem. Drug abuse. Advice? Premature ejaculation, semen discharge within seconds. History of diabetes. Medication to improve sex life? Swollen gland on the neck, pain in swallowing, itchy rashes. Are these related? Miscarriage. Severe head, ear, neck and jaw pain. Should I go to the emergency room? Extreme difficulty in walking, breathing problem, diarrhea, sore throat. Taking oxycodone, morphine for pain. Should be taken to doctor ? Elevated ALP levels. Should I be concerned? Pale loose stools, no dark urine, abdominal pain. On antacid tums. History of obesity. Causes ? Episodes of major allergic reactions and stomach cramps with multiple BMs. Taking benadryl. Reason? Swelling in the abdomen above hip bone. Causes? Vomiting bile after Appendectomy. Colostomy suggested. Reason? Having alcohol addiction and drug use. On antidepressants. Dangerous? Skin discoloration on the neck. Going through perimenopause. Due to hormonal changes? Low WBC, high creatine. Taking Vicodin, Coumadin for multiple PE, second DVT. Why my indicators are variant ? Taking Crestor for few months. Experiencing stiffness in legs, tightness in chest. Why is it happening ? Upset, taking levoxyl, cytomel.Wake up exhausted, Dr gave testosterone. Weight gain, breast enlarged, raised blood sugar. Solution ? Small lump in the vagina. Cervical polyp present. Pap smear test report normal. What could it be? Can the intake of Coversyl give a false reading on DWI breath test? Having testicular pain, ultrasound shows vericocele and two epididymal cysts. Pain on ejaculation. Is it prostatis or epididymitis ? Burning sensation in genital/anus area after unprotected sex, burning in eyes. Taken Hemril, hydrocortizone, no help. STD tests negative. What's wrong? Condom broke. Risk of HIV infection Blisters in vaginal and anal area during menstruation. Causes? Swollen lymph node, body pain. Uric acid detected. Cure? Bruised shin, lump persists. Severe discoloration and tingling that's moved to ankle. Reason and cure ? Suffered numbness in penis head, loss of sensitivity due to tight grip of penis extender. Suggest medication ? Multiple peripheral follicles, right ovary removed due to torsion. Left ovary no adnexal mass. Advise ? Face gets red when people talk to me. Any medications ? Mild-Moderate Tricuspid Regurgitation,high BP, experienced palpitations. Is running while taking beta blockers not good? Took avodart for hair loss, noticed multiple lumps in breast. Can these be lymph nodes swollen ? Rubbed the penis to outside vagina during intercourse. Chances of pregnancy ? Discomfort while urination, swollen penis after intercourse. Pain sometimes in buttocks an testicles. Where can I take treatment ? Getting Elisa or Combo test for HIV. How accurate it is? Baby born 5 weeks premature, was in NICU for jaundice.On iron and is having hard bowels. Worried of hershbergers disease? Burning sensation at the tip of penis. Urine test done. Amorphous phosphate found. Erection continues. Treatment? Sudafed taken by a child. What can be done? Bumps on the shaft of the penis, sometimes itchy. Suggestion? Mild pancreatitis, stomach pain. No gallstone or high triglycerides. Reason? Recurring of hair fall, had typhoid. Using tugain solution. Cure? High TSH, T3 & T4 normal, giddiness after taking thyronorm, TSH now normal, prescribed thyrowel. Advise for diet & medication? Thin skin around the eyes, forehead, wrinkled feet, hands and palms. White spots on the rigid nails. Advise? Urine leakage after urination unable to control. Low PSA, kidney stone, normal BP. What could be the treatment? Sleeplessness caused due to stress, infatuation and tension. Should I take sleeping pills? Had intercourse after taking ipill. Chances of pregnancy? When i can get my period after taking gynaset? Did mammography for puss from the nipples, normal. What is wrong? Experiencing adult ADHD, inability to collect thoughts, finish tasks. Medication for moderate ADHD recommended? Can a Echocardiogram be manipulated by the technician and medicine reverse DCM disease to increase ejection fraction ?? Lone atrial fibrillation. Is it brugada syndrome? What does a funny mole on leg mean? Will Drove 4 consumption show in urine analysis? How can the users be helped? URQ pain, headache and low-grade fever. Took ibuprofen. Now have essential tremor. Serious? Took medication for unstable period, sex drive higher, getting emotional. All hormonal change? Fever, body pain, back pain since 20 days. Causes and treatment for symptoms? 5 year old child, running nose, mild fever. Diagnosed with Down's syndrome. Is fever a concern? Diagnosed with Lymphoma. Suggest availability of monoclonal antibodies. Treatment possible? Red chunks in stool, fissure, had E coli, blood in stool, colonoscopy normal, diagnosed with Ehlers Danlos type 3 Chemotherapy for tumor in jaw, diminished. PET scan report detected new tumor. Surgery or radiotherapy? Diabetic, insulin twice. Having erection problem. Why isn't penecra or edicra helping? Competitive weight lifter, weight training. Liver test shows high SGOT, SGPT. Liver damage? 7 year old child, small soft lump under armpit. Causes for swelling? CT scan states mild increased tracer activity in ribs. What does it mean? Dizziness and nausea associated with cialis. What can be done? Sphincterotomy, anal fissure, spasms, vicodin Swallowed gel containing lidocaine during endoscopy, numbness in throat. Gel side effects? Back pain, pain in ribs, moves to elbow after a c-section and open heart surgery to remove artrial myxoma. Related? Taking vyvanse medication. What are its effects on periods and drug interactions with birth control? Bumps behind each ear. CAT, blood work normal, not lymph nodes. Cancer? Had chemotherapy for breast cancer. PET shows inflammation along mastectomy scars, CEA reduced .High TSH. Does hypothyroidism cause elevated CEA ? Fatigue, tremors in head & neck, blurry vision, tinnitus, weight loss, insomnia, dizziness, taking buspar, switched to norvasc from lopressor, CBC, TSH, CT normal, high WBC. Advise? Unprotected sex, pink discharge with heavy flow, cramps, bleeding between cycles. Pregnancy? Had bicep tendon repaired and rotor cuff surgery, Lately shoulder and bicep pain throbbing. Reason? Diagnosed with Malegnant Melanoma stage three. On intravenous interferon, unable to take it. Suggestions? Vomited after labored breathing, slight headache, severe UTI and increased heart rate On Androgel, estrogen goes up, testosterone falls, sugar rises and BPH worsens. Why is it ? Depression and anxiety after taking modafinil, heart races, tingling feeling. Accompanied with suicidal tendencies and disinterest normal? Lump in the breast, done mammogram but dr sees nothing significant. What further test can I do ? Peeling in mouth, lips, tongue. Can peroxide burns cause this? A horse type knot on buttocks after a fall. Hurts while sitting and walking. Serious injury? GERD, burping, throat clearing, cough, swallowing difficulty. On Tecta medication. Can it develop into esophageal cancer? Bumps near genitals that heal after popping, foul smelling urine and thick vaginal discharge. STD or HPV? Constipation, anal fissures. On cremaffin stool softners, wants to take sitz bath. Can I take cremaffin daily? Used aquarian pump as a penis pump that led to abdominal pain and vomiting. Emergency? Head injury due to accident, small piece of skull causing brain injury, blood clotting. Surgery necessary? To follow up with PCP after a provant health screen test is a good advice? Does high doses of testosterone cause prostrate problems ? Pain on back of neck, dizziness, tight neck muscles & hard to swallow. What? Child holds urine as it stings. What can be done? Discovered pregnancy after a scan, suddenly started to bleed. Given susten vt. Problem in pregnancy? Had a chronic productive cough, doctor unhappy with right lung. Since then breathlessness, sneezing and chest pain HPT test positive, never missed period, on pill regularly, stomach feels strange. Pregnancy possible? Child suffers shortsightedness. Can there be a high increase in power in a short period? Non cancerous cells discovered from bladder after cystoscopy. Small urine flow, penis pains. Suggest ointment Having fits. Given alprol Cr, levera Xr, lobazam and zinco. All these medicines requires? Bruises where kidneys are located, painful and swollen. Kidney infection? Diarrhea, frequent stools, a number of times. Suggest medication? Had a painful jaw, done fractured filling, clenching when stressed, family problems. Panadeine forte and bonjela not helping Can smoking marijuana raise my alk phosphate level? How long to stop before blood test? Pregnant, Constipation, external hemorrhoid, blood outside stool, sore anus area, pulling / fullness in lower abdomen, had c-section. Colon caner? Small sized vagina makes penetration painful. How to boost confidence? How to increase size? Have brain anurism, off balance, have weakness, fingers tingle. Had a carpel tunnel release. Why do I keep falling? Have copper coil fitted, heavy period, spotting after sex, hair fall, headaches. What is the reason? Have enlarged papillae on the back of tongue, soreness in neck. Smoking cause? Had a hysterectomy. Now have swollen arms, hands and feet. Is it normal? Is it okay to use vicks steam in the presence of a child with cold? Have panic attacks, stomach pain, have acid reflux and gastritis. Started smoking. Worried about anxiety still? Can a hydocele make it difficult to reach orgasm and prevent ejaculation? After hearing loss, tubes were inserted, ears started draining, mucus like fluid. Had surgeries, drops and medicines Continue to suffer from breathing difficulties from middle of stomach, constant stomach pains, panic attacks. Is breathing related to acid reflux ? Diagnosed with sensitive skin and dermatitis and using hydrocortisone. Can little sleep cause this? Is it rosacea? Infants weight consistent, wrist bones chuckle. Calcium D prescribed. Is that sufficient? Pain in lower back, joints, neck, shoulder. Even slight movement yields immense pain. Treatment? Have lumbar spinal stenosis and invasive decompression surgery scheduled. Experiencing incontinence, urinary retention. Why cramps? MRI revealed compression fracture, possible maglinancy, PET scan showed FNAC, followed by radiation therapy. Possibility? Odd urine smell, tested for diabetes. Could it be a menopausal symptom? Numbness in penis after waking up. What? Round itchy dry grey spots that itch. Spreading across upper back, thighs, buttocks. Solution? Red itchy penis head, painful while retracting, wife had herpes, outbreak, using colloidal silver spray & aloe vera gel. Brown and pink bumps on penis, on BP & cholesterol medication, STD, HIV tests -ve. Skin lesions?
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