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Skin became rough, upper layer is peeling off after using Cetaphil, Adapelene, BPO. What to do ? Red spots on body after hot shower, mild itching, scabies. What could it be ? Grandpa is 105 years old, diagnosed Senile eczema xerosis, hands swollen, opened blood clot in leg. Any cure ? Throat pain leading to chest congestion and cough. Had antibiotics but recurring. Suggestions ? Do bowel movements increase when you travel to a high altitude ? What to do for a foot corn ? Back pain when I drive two wheeler. Remedy ? MRI says straightening of lumbo-sacral spine. Treatment ? Have ulcerated skin under foreskin of penis, surrounding skin turned solid white, swollen. STD negative. What is it ? Diagnosed for thyroid, put on thyronorm. Will it cure my thyroid and will I put on weight ? Tight lower left back, vibrating sensation in tail bone. Does this indicate pinched nerve from the discs ? Very fast heart, spastic colon wakes me up from sleep. What can it be ? 10 year old, keeps telling lies. Tried vinegar swish when she lied. Is it harmful ? 41 year old, overweight, diagnosed PMS. Prescribed simrose, now discontinued. Can I continue ? Tested positive for pregnancy. Doctor gave HCG injection for 4 weeks, C endogest vaginally. Is it safe ? Taking stamlo beta for 8 years for hypertension . Experiencing memory loss, fatigue. Is it the side effect ? Sharp pain in right nipple, 54 year old male. Any ideas ? Hit back of the head, ongoing headches, pressure on back of left eye. Tylenol, Motrin aren't working. Advice ? Moderate pain in the ankle, cannot apply any weight. Taking Advil, no help. Solution ? Experiencing lactation in one breast when squeezed. Taking Pantocid for gastric problem. Any advice ? Had a hand job, HIV, STD all negative. Down with fever, diarrhea, stomach gurgling, slight pain. Any cause for alarm ? 65 year old, had triple bypass surgery, still having chest pain. Need help ? How long will it take 1 co codomol tablet to leave the body ? Normal PMS symptoms bloating, moody, increased appetite, no weight change, cramps, spotting. Can I be pregnant ? BMI 33, BP 118/88. Is my BP high ? Nausea, stomach pain. Took Panadol, fever went down. Few episodes of diarrhea. Any thoughts ? Burning in groin area. Can it be rosacea of testicles ? Tightness in chest when breathing deeply. Should I worry ? Suffered head trauma earlier. Ear/head pressure, tight neck, built up mucous in mornings, popping jaws. What is it ? Lymphedemia in one leg, treated for hemorrhoids resulting in constipation, numbness. Symptoms of MS ? Eyes roll back, jerking the body, arms moving back and forth rapidly, headaches, drowsy after this. Is it seizure ? Ultrascan says liver echotexture is little coarsened and increased. What does that mean ? PCOS, trying to conceive, on ovulation induction. Still FM scan says follicle size reduced. How long this treatment ? How to deal with HBS Ag+ve in blood ? Having seborrheic dermatitis, treated with steroids with no cure. Dry skin on eyebrows, red rashes on face. Cure ? Suggestions about MonaVie product Getting joints pain and muscle pull. Pills or lotion to cure ? Is it safe to Triactol (breast enhancement cream) while on Methotryxate ? Lotion to avoid pimples on face Trying to get pregnant. Taking Deepakote, Polaris, Buspin for anxiety. Will it affect in future ? Pain in feet while walking. Tried soft shoes, insoles with no help. Any solution ? Have a red/bruising line along lower lip after CPR training. Could be due to CPR ? Woke up with a headache, bleeding nose, cold sweat, nauseating. Reasons ? More hair fall. Any remedy ? Penis remains curved down even after erection. What should be done ? Nursing mother, using manual breast pump, only 40 ml is coming. Any tablets to increase the milk ? Suffering from acne for 6 yr. Suggest any ayurvedic medicine Pain at the end of tailbone while sitting, soft and sticky stools. What is the problem? Change in bowel habits, weight loss, on methotrexate, mucus in stool, colonoscopy, loss of appetite, LLQ abdominal pain Way to test sensitivity of hair follicles to testosterone 22 beard not apperaring Itching and burning skin, strange rush of hives. What can it be ? Why does thirst increase while asleep ? Vomiting brown liquid, lost weight. Has hiatic hernia. Are these symptoms of dementia ? Suffering from rheumatoid arthritis after cesarean delivery. Suffering from pain. No cure? Took five no.s of lonazep. What should be done? High urea level, obese. How to lower blood urea? White scab on hand with pale red circle around, occasional itching. How to get rid of this? MRI shows dessication with vacuum disc, disc bulge. What does this mean and is it serious for surgery? Have vertigo, MRI normal, eye tracking off, noises in ears, balance problems. Could the symptoms stem from inner ear disturbance? Par smear showed presence of atypical glandular cells, advised for biopsy. Probability of cancer? High eosinophil count, CBC & others tests normal. What caused raised eosinophil? High triglycerides & VLDL, low HDL. Hepatitis tests -ve. Which specialist to see? Throbbing pain in right lower arm, numbness in right hand, bruised shoulder. History of migraine headaches. Diagnosed with heart enlargement, on medication, lost weight. How effective is ozone therapy to cure general weakness? Abnormal thickness of uterine lining, irregular & heavy period after premature delivery. Had sharp pain in abdomen & back. CT scan normal, low thyroid level. Delayed period. Should go for pregnancy test? Patches of yellowish scales on scalp, scaling & redness on face. Had seborrheic dermatitis. Using nizoral & neutrogena shampoo. Suggestion to control this condition? Having problem in conceiving. Taken pills. History of abortion. What could be the treatment? Pain along liver meridian, foot edema. Taking buproprion, cymbalta & atenolol. Had an episode of clay colored stool long back.Hep C -ve. Pins & needles sensation in hands, feeling of lethargy Heart problem , advised for valve replacement. Having renal failure. What is success rate of operation? Having typhoid. On antibiotics. Is it safe to have sexual intercourse? Diarrhea after spine operation, prescribed imosec & ornos. Are they safe & what is the purpose? Got Kidney stones while on HCG. Can take something prior during HCG that helps with preventing kidney condition? Is epilim chrono compatible with cephalexin? Have itching in private part. How to get relief? Have stuffy nose, sore throat, nose bleeding, dizziness. What could be the reason? Sleeplessness, no other health issue, healthy life style Behavior change, forgetfulness, hallucination, sleep talking, shaky right arm. On Parkin, Rasalect. What treatment measures should be taken? Tightness in throat, diagnosed esophagitis with upper endoscopy. What could cause knot feeling in throat? Have Barrett's esophagus, gastric erosion, gastric nodule in fundus. Biopsy negative. Why is it negative after a year? Sudden weight gain, sleepiness. Diagnosed of hypothyroidism. Taken medication. Weed smoker. Could it be a side effect of medication? Unprotected sexual intercourse, intermenstrual bleeding. Taken progesterone pills. Possibility of pregnancy and requirement for taking emergency contraceptive pill? Chronic pain, sudden increase of heartbeat. On Opioid therapy and Oxycodone IR. What precautions should I take? Sharp, severe pain in right leg. Had miscarriage. Does it require medical attention or is it normal? Partly white stools. Taking HCG drops. What could be the reason? Lung infection. Acute pain in abdominal, lumbar region. Tests done. Taken Buscopan, Omeropizole, pain killers, anti-biotics. No relief. Treatment? Cramping & lower back pain, clumpy discharge. Had Unprotected sex. When to take pregnancy test & possibility of pregnancy? Had intercourse after periods ended, taken Plan B. Bleeding again. Is it normal? Purple fingernails, cough. Had lung problem, pneumonia, high liver enzymes. Recurrent discomfort in waist, leg, ankle & toe joints at night, hot feeling in knee. Had flu & inflamed tonsil. Taken antibiotics. Why the discomfort? Pink discharge during menstrual cycle duration Had surgery for uterine cancer. Red, flat, itching bumps after taking Motrin. Taking Benadryl and Prednisone. Is it a reaction to dissolving internal stitches? MRI shows platybasia, atlanto occipital congenital fusion. Advised surgery. What would be the prognosis after surgery? Delayed periods with pinkish discharge. Chances of pregnancy? Irregular periods. Pelvis USG showing enlarged uterus, bulky uterus with adenomyosis Multiple urine pregnancy tests showing positive. Having light bleeding. Early miscarriage? Sore throat with pain. Is allery the cause of it? Sore penis, white growth, puss. Is this serious, advise or treatment? Endoscopy found hiatal hernia and acid reflux. Abdominal pain, fullness, palpitations, loose stools. Side effects after taking Nexium What are the side effects of FAS 3 kit? Depression. Taking serta since two months. Started yoga and vitamin supplements. How can i stop the medicine? Reddish flakes in stool. Due to change in diet or hemorrhoids? Mild fever, tenderness in chest, exhaustion, lack of appetite. Relapse of pneumonia? Ischemia, coronary heart disease. What are the exercises recommended for cardiovascular disorders? What are the different contraceptive methods that can be followed? Reduced facial hair growth. Any treatment? Planning for pregnancy, pain below the abdomen and in nipples. Are these signs of pregnancy? Advice on yoga to reduce weight Poor sperm motility. Diagnosed with pituitary adenoma and reduced testosterone production. Surgery advised. Will motility increase with HRT? Vertigo, rapid heart rate, Labyrinthitis. Doctor say's labryinthitis, but could it be meiniere's? Hit the elbow, knot gets bigger, tingling in the fingers. What can be the reason, advise? Weak, lack of apetite, mental confusion, in digestion. How can this be solved, advise? Have ADHD with anxiety and depression. Dizziness, nausea, high BP, slurred speech, urinary incontinence. Family history of epilepsy Hard lump in the armpit after hair removal. Is it normal? Stage four Chronic kidney disease, liver tumour. CT scan done. How can the stomach pain and headache be solved? Blood test showed HBsAg positive, not acute. Does this mean I'm chronic? Taken hepatitis B vaccination Difficulty in conceiving. Was on birth control pills in past. Advice? Stomach pain till the hip and back, chest pain. Taken antibiotics for lung infection. Taken buscopan, lorarozole. What is the remedy? Leftward heart axis rate of 172, high BP. Is it normal? Calf pain, indentation in muscle, lipoma, no weakness. What do you think? Barretts Esophagus, squamous epithelium shows changes of reflux oesophagitis, constant burping and bloating, no Helicobacter infection, no intertinal metaplasia, no dysplasia or malignancy Severe headaches for a long period. Why? Feeling of restless hands and feet. Not responding to doxapin. Remedy? Planning pregnancy, anxiety. Taking deepakote, polaris, buspin, tegrital, sizodon. Will this affect the baby, advise? Having chest congestion and blocked nose. Smoking addiction. Taking Mucinex Loss of pigment in vulva and perineum, losing colouration of labai minor, itchy. What could be causing this? Anxiety disorder, gastric problem. Taking bantop D, lodo25, linac Z, lonazep, franxit. Tests normal, homocysteine high. Remedy? THrombosis. Taking warfarin. Can whey powder be eaten while on medication? Painful bleeding acne. Prescribed with isotorin. Will the medication affect conception? Consistent diarrhea, aches and mild fever at the beginning of the menstrual cycle. Are these normal symptoms? Using supatret gel, acnelak soap and cetaphil for acne. Mild irritation and redness blow the nose. Proper medication? Had miscarriage with Misoprost. Abdominal pain, fleshy lumps passed. Is the uterus clean now or will I pass more tissue? Stomach hurts at the side, coarse hair, backache. Whats the cause? Can symbicort be taken with high BP medications? Missed periods, positive pregnancy test. Taken MTP kit. What should be done as not happy with the child? Trying to conceive. Have PCOD. Semen analysis and ovulation normal. Advised to take Syphene. Suggestion? Bump on anterior pillar, seems like cyst Pregnancy scan report showing single fetus, no corpus luteal cyst. Advised with Ovipure injection. What is the action of this? Semen analysis report. What is the problem & suggested treatment? Difficulty falling asleep, am exercising more now. Need advice on what I can do to change this Back lump, grown larger, painful. Had CABG, stents, type 1 IDD, pump therapy. Worried No bites, no rash, irritation around pubic area. Scabies or not? Is it advisable to use slender tone for bottom during pregnancy? Headache, jolt-like pain. Have TMJ and bad posture. Should I be concerned about brain aneurysm? Fatigue, sleeplessness, acid reflux, muscle spasms, headaches. What are causing these symptoms? PVC. Borderline echocardoigram. Blood tests normal. Is getting pregnant safe? Got Typhoid, relapsed, vomiting. Taken antibiotics. What can be done to cure? Have Crohn's disease. Took laxatives for constipation. Having cramps, reddish stool and pain around the belly button What are papillae? Child does not focus on things, does not follow movements consistently, developmental delay. BERA test normal. MRI showed gliosis. Best treatment? Knee discomfort under knee cap, low vitamin D, wearing patella straps. Do I have significant cartilage damage? Soaked testis in hot water, uncomfortable feeling. Will this affect getting a child in future? Heavy periods, smelly gas expelling from vagina, fibroid tumor in vagina. US showed uterine tumor. How do I know it is only fibroids? Body cramps, nausea, tenderness in an area of leg. Bitten by insect / spider. What exactly bit me? Having ringing in ears, broken blood vessels in eyes, numbness of feet. Had surgery on parotid gland for benign tumor Spots on penis, getting worst and darker. How can this be treated, advise? Bump on torso, constant itch and irritation, nausea, bloody coughing, taken steroid. Cancerous? Irregular menstual periods. Can pregnancy occur? Chest pain. EKG normal. Taking vyvanse and focalin. Caffeine withdrawal. Advise? Tightness & burning in chest after consuming v8 with cayenne & tuna. Heartburn or any symptom of heart attack? Child has hearing loss, CAT scan normal, floppy eardrums. Advised hearing aids. Is there a laser surgery to tighten the eardrum? Asthma since childhood, using inhaler. Taking montair lc. Is the medicine safe & what are preventives of asthma? Involuntary urination since long, had involuntary diarrhea last year. What is causing so & any solution? Rash on head, hard, oozing sticky liquid, doctor suggested folliculitis. How to treat? Swollen labia minora, not itchy, painful. Which antibiotics should I take? High yeast count, low blood sugar Diabetic having low sodium level. Vomiting and muscle cramps after recovering from pneumonia. Can electrolyte powder be given without raising sugar levels? Will losing weight and fat pad make penis look bigger? Burnt lips and area below face, feeling pain, applied burnol. Suggestion what to do next? Can Oxy elite pro be taken with Reclipsen birth control pills? Woke up with a Dent on head. What could be this? Unprotected sex. Started taking novelon. Is there still chances of pregnancy? Electric shock, sore arm and chest, shortness of breath, tigh chest, weak. What can be done to solve it? Have cervical spondylosis and hypertension. Raised sugar levels after taking metformin. Having perspiration and dizziness. Side effects? Recurrent premature ejaculation problem, used hamaly's confido. What is the best permanent solution? Baby's motion has jelly-like things. Motion culture test showed mucus present, E.coli growth. What kind of infection is this? Dandruff, oily skin, sweating. What is the solution? Red rash behing ears and neck, spot on chin. What can be the cause? Acne, black spots. Used clearisil. How can the problem be solved? Painful & stiff neck, tender lump on throat, difficulty & pain in turning head, red bumps on tongue. Have loads of stress. Is that the cause? Right paracarffiac soft opacities seen in X-ray. What is the meaning? Lumps on the scalp with tenderness. Diagnosed with spondylitis. Are these related? Breathing problem with chest pain. Echo normal. Abnormal ECG report. Cardiac problem? Loose stools, weight loss. Have hypothyroidism. Taken antibiotics. Suffering from cough. What to do? Leaking of semen without sexual excitement. Causes? Buzzing sensation in groin area. What is the reason? Pea stuck in throat, cough, COPD. Treatment and advise? Palm and soles hot, high body temperature. No dermatitis, taken liver supplements. Could this be neural? DFSP, dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans diagnosed. Is it fine to run for a marathon with iron infusion? Stomach pain, diarrhea, pins and needles in legs, numbness. Taking Ventolin inhaler, nitrofurantoin. Do I have fibromyalgia? Lesion inside cheek close to lower lip, looks like a nodule. What could be this? Stomach pain, not menstrual pain. Had gastroenteritis. Worried about bowel cancer? Fluttering in the groin area. No pain. What are the reasons? Blood in the urine after using methamphetamine for a long time. Need help Lump under the shaft skin of penis, not painful. What is it ? Abdominal pain, diagnosed with IBS. Have fibromyalgia. Had surgery for scoliosis, tubal ligation and endometrial ablation. Is it all IBS? Non reactive HCV, HIV negative, HCV RNA PCR. Risk? Foreskin ripping after sex, bleeding. Applied neosporin. Wondering if I need to go to urgent care Headache, nausea, light headedness, chest pressure, sweaty skin, fatigue. Tests normal. What has happened? Having yellowish eyes, back ache and stool discoloration. Suggestions?
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