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Tiredness, achy legs, dizziness. What can cause this? Taking Bactrim DS for for staph infection. Reddish crusted eye, fever, night sweats. Symptoms due to allergy or infection? Itching & dislocation of right testis, warmer than the other. Right testis was hurt long back. Advise? Sharp pain that runs from left pectoral to knee and back. What can it be? Pins and needles with hot flushes all over body. On vitamins and antihistamines. Nothing helps. Why? Painful swelling on face, under jawline. Had fever. Could there have been an abscess? Is keflex good? Diarrhea, cold chills, low body temperature, abdominal pain, acne. Are these symptoms of HIV infection? History of spastic colon Appearance of lump in the belly when raising the head Numbness below knee to ankle, sore gluteal area, back pain. CT scan report attached. Taking nurofen daily. Irregular periods, spotting, reduced menstruation, stomach cramps after IUD insertion. Is it normal? Itchy urethra relived by squeezing penis, home UTI test showed positive leukocytes. Do I have STD or UTI? High ESR rate, have been dizzy & unsteady. Whether visiting a rheumatologist will help? Pain in right arm with dull pain in chest. What is the meaning of this? Unconscious after hitting head. Sharp pain in ear and can feel a line on scalp. Is it linear skull fracture? Weeks after period, still bleeding. Why is it dark? Why are there no cramps? What is it? Pimple on the leg. Pain and numbness in the lower leg. Bruised skin on leg. Will cancer be a cause? Headaches, pain and fullness in ears, crackling sound while swallowing. Impacted wisdom tooth removed. Am I having TMJ? Child having a bump on the jaw, pain and fever after a dental treatment. Chances of infection? Got late period with blood clots, post coital brownish bleeding. Taken out Copper IUD had for long years. what could be causing this? Have holes on face due to pimples and dark spots on skin. Why have I lost glow with severe dark circles? Have severe pain in left temporal head after root canal. Why is the pain getting worse? Have been suffering from severe loose motion. Diagnosed as IBS. Why is stool watery with mucus? Related to gastritis? Affected by ulcer and gastric problem. What diet is recommended? Ayurvedic medicines help? Had the implanon put in arm. Had staph infection for which e-mycin was prescribed. Why is period delayed? Taking injections for Dystonia. Suffering from anxiety and asthma. On Mirtazapine and Citalopram After pregnancy have dizziness, acidity, sore heads. Have an overactive thyroid. What could be wrong? Have white coated tongue and foul smell. Tried gargling with hydrogen peroxide. What can help me? Had laproscopy and a laparotomy to remove dermoid cyst from ovary. Can I start traveling and working? Going for pregnancy scanning. Is sonography the same? Been infected by chicken pox . Advised to take Zovirax and clamine lotion. Severe pain when trying to swallow. Common? Semen analysis. No liquification with puss cells. Sprotum Utlra sound found Vericocele. Hamper in conception? Pain in the side and upper back, swelling. Took antibiotics for possible lung infection. No relief Extended menstruation. What are the causes? Multiple joint pain. MRI showing inflammations. TB test is positive. Need biospsy? Bleeding, broken lump on perineum. Does it require medical attention? Abnormal CBC count. Done CBC test. Taking iron supplements.History of low iron. What does the report indicate? Infant has loose motions, mild fever. On paracetamol and ibuprofen. Taking ORS and boiled rice. What else to do? Numbness in palms and feet. Why do I have sleeplessness? Why do I experience upper testosterone levels in body? Had unprotected sex and oral sex. Noticed blood during vaginal sex. Be concerned of STD and HIV? Pregnant with cramps and brown discharge. Why does it hurt my pelvis area? Why does it hurt while urinating? Need help in assessing the thyroid test report. Treatment options? Suffering from Thoracic Spine Disc Herniation and Loss of cervical lordosis. Can ayurveda provide any permanent relief? Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. Have an enlarging aorta. Can I have sex or masturbate? Bad idea for heart? Stool culture and gram stain reports said occasional WBC and many gram positive and many gram negative bacilli. Meaning? Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. Have an enlarging aorta. Can I have sex or masturbate? Heart be harmed? Ultrasound scan. What does the report indicate? Flaky reddish skin patch with irritation on the crease of elbow. Used hydrogen peroxide, neosporin. Not healing Increasing and fading red bumps on skin, skin discoloration. What could be the reason and treatment? Having floaters in the eye, blurred vision, poor vision in dim lighting and difficulty in focussing after using dialator drops Spreading bumps on lips, itching and burning. Diagnosed as allergic reaction. Chances of HPV? Evacuation method of abortion done under general anesthesia. How to know that total evacuation is done? Movable lump behind the ear. No infections. Should I be worried? Recurrent sneezing, body ache, fever, nasal discharge. Not responding to medication PET scan showing pleural effusion, pleural thickening, skin lesion of breast seen, sclerotic change in thyroid cartilage. What does it mean? Suffering from knee and back pain. Developed knee effusion. Taken Clavem, Zerodal and Acera. Acute pain with swelling present Permanent lump under arm. Advised to do mammogram. Is there a possibility of cancer? Recurrent pinworm infestation despite taking Pyrantel Embonate. Any other treatment? What the reasons for twitching of eyes? Persisting high fever. Taking Defcort. Is this a steroid? Side effects? Vaginal dryness after using birth control medication for a long period. Solution? Banding done for hemorrhoids. Prescribed with Metrogyl. Is it right medication? How to read a urine drug screen test? Test report showing ETH U DET positive Infant consumed mouthwash. Is it harmful? Lumps inside the vagina. Are these normal? Different colored bruises on the body of a child. Could it be due to spider bite? Infant taken Neurofen overdose. What to do? Stomach ache, muscular pain in back and arms, constipation and diarrhea. On merina. Need help Having Ehlers-Danlos syndrome . Concerned about a sudden dissection in case of sexual activity Breathing difficulty and feeling of food stuck in chest . Should I be worried? Fetus having VSD in ultrasound. Can I continue pregnancy? Risk factors? Having symptoms of yeast infection, sores in mouth. Negative for STD and AIDS. What could be the reason? Inflamed knot in armpit before menstrual cycle. Pain on touching. Lymph node or ingrown hair? Unprotected sex , having sore throat and rashes on arms. Worried ? 3 year old having drooling, rapid change in skull. Are these related? Undergoing external beam radiation for low grade prostate cancer. Sudden drop in platelet count. Reasons ? Gall bladder removal done. FBC results showing liver GGT and ALP high. Advice? Suffering from constipation, headaches, delayed periods, weight gain. Pregnant? 2 year old having red lines on tonsils. Suffers from frequent sinus or ear infections. Cure? Having chest spasms, diarrhea. Have asthma and COPD. Need emergency care? Itchy white rashes on arm, buttocks and stomach. What are these? Severe cough and pain in throat after drinking cold things. Is this allergic cough? Medication? Pain in the tail bone, hot flashes, nausea, dizziness, loose stools and headache. Suggestion? Lower back pain, lumps, rashes, burning sensation and pain in groin area. Unprotected sex. Fungal infection or Herpes zoster? Suggest a good doctor near HSR layout in Bangalore for gastric problem Irregular periods with heavy bleeding. History of PCOD. Prescribed with Pause MF which is not available. Alternate medication? No periods for a long time, overweight. Cause? Treatment for persisting pain in the right shoulder Head injury, nose bleed, tremors. Could previous head injuries be the cause of tremor or is it possible essential tremor? Uncontrollable anger and shouting at others. How to overcome this? Pregnant got scratched by pet. Is it safe to take rabies vaccination? Taken TT shots in past MRI showing chronic white matter ischemic changes of the pons. What does this mean? History of disc surgeries Had meniscus repair surgeries to knee. Pain in knee after masturbation. Are these related? Pain in the knee. MRI showing supra-patellar bursitis and mild synovial thickening. Pain persisting after the prescribed exercises Head injury, no headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, no blurred vision. Has high BP. Is it okay? Do not understand when reading, cannot focus or concentrate, skin on head becomes tight and stretched backwards, obstruction in nose Delayed period for 3 weeks. Dr. advised Primolut, still no periods. Is it possible to be pregnant with zero hcg in blood test? Frequent sharp pains in the breast. What are the causes? Delayed periods. Taken MT pill. No periods. Should I take one more pill? Fluttering in the chest. Had high fever and dehydration in the past. History of hypertension Can a woman going through perimenopause get pregnant ? On treatment for Inappropriate sinus tachycardia. Had TIA in the past. Bouts of palpitations, chest pain. Symptoms related to IST? Taking Microgynon to postpone periods. Have itchy red bumps on ankles, scalp. Why is it ? Slight throbbing pain in the centre of chest, tightness, palpitations. Could this be a heart problem ? Having spots, told as lesions. Is it STD and is it curable ? Frequent heavy marijuana smoker. Best way to pass the drug test Left eye lower part is shaking vigorously. What should be done ? 5 yr old unable to hear from left ear. What may be the cause ? Husband has high BP, cholesterol, thyroid, diabetic, Othoritis. Are these contagious ? Dark spots on penis after sex with person with genital warts. All tests negative. Still worried ? Trying to conceive, had unprotected sex. When can the pregnancy test be taken ? Blood test of 17 yr old says high ESR. Suffers from shoulder, back and chest pain. Is high ESR the problem ? Vaginal discomfort, discharge with no odor, burning. Had DVT in pelvis during pregnancy. Could this be hormonal? Mental stress. God fearing, disturbing thoughts of future, loneliness, fear of love, over weight. How can I help myself? Premature ejaculation, taken Duralast and Penegra. Can I take Duralast again? Baby suffering with spastic diplegia and DDH. Treatment ? Feeling cold, severe abdominal pain near belly button Frequent urination problem Want therapeutic vaccine MVA-E2. Should I do LEEP procedure or not? Can you tell how effective is it? Neck stiffness, tingling and numbness in foot, bulge in the calf, total numbness of the hand, dizziness. Advice? Cheeks, mouth burns and itches, does not sweat. Looking for natural remedy Blood in urine with severe back pain. Is it kidney stone or bladder infection ? Swollen lymph on the left side of neck with fever, chills, ear pain. Reasons ? Itchy and burning sensation both during and after passing stool. Dr. advises operation for polyps. Any alternatives ? 50 yr old, high on blood sugar. Had no symptoms. Dr advised Glycomet, levels dropped. Should I still take pills ? Suffering from yeast infection of penis, itching, burning while urinating, discolored glands. Medication ? Blotchy red areas on inside forearms, no pain or itching. What to do ? 6 year old having shaky permanent tooth. What should be done? Taken i-pill after unprotected intercourse. Heavy bleeding, stomach ache and pain in feet after i-pill use. Pregnant? Swelling and infection on the side of neck. MRI shows no signs. How to resolve it ? Low albumin level. What does it mean? Can I take accutane? Groin pain, low energy levels, depression, erectile dysfunction, low testosterone levels. Taking flomax for prostatitis. History of Bypass surgery Sore throat, rattle in chest, persisting cough, shortness of breath. Prescribed with Erythroped for chest infection. Symptoms worse Discharge of sperm while passing motion. What is the reason? Recovering from drug abuse. Prescribed with Adderall. Is it safe to take Oxyelite pro? Pain in the calf. Hematoma formation on pressing. Why? Restylane injected at both temples. Swollen face,eyelids. Was put on prednisone, no help. Any ideas ? Bleeding after evacuational abortion. Has it affected the uterus lining or cervix? Scan report normal Swollen feet and reddish patches on hand after a fall. Using clyndamycin Knee injury, x-rays shows a torn meniscus, painful, breathing trouble, may be due to anxiety Thick brown mucousy discharge from vagina, hot flushes,cold sweats, vertigo, fatigue. Symptoms of Hepatitis C? Taking Thyroxine 200mg, increased dosage to lose weight, feeling anxious. How to resolve this ? Trouble urinating, severe pain, cloudy urine. Whether or not smoking marijuana will help or make it worse ? Mucus in stool, constipation. Cure? Taking Glycomet for PCOD. On Fertyl. What are my chances of conception? Tingling sensation in fingers and feet. Had consecutive child births in a short span of time Frequent cold and cough. Precautionary measures to avoid it What are the risks involved in conceiving after abortion? Skin inside penis burning, tip becomes red in color. Remedy ? Blurred vision after taking Perindopril. Side effect? Swollen lymph node near left ear, painful. Suggestions ? Having pain in foot, diagnosed metetarcelgia, episodic. Is it a neuro or ortho problem ? Dry skin and red blotches on the face after hot showers. Diagnosed with seborrheic dermatitis. Takinfg Elidel, sulfacetamide sodium. Permanent cure? White spots on cheeks. Using Retinoic acid and Hydroquinone. Which laser method I have to opt for? Stiffness and soreness in the back on stretching. Strained hamstring diagnosed. Done ultrasound physical therapy. Remedy? Had sex, pain while urinating, lymph nodes in groin, precribed Ciplox, HIV and VDRL negative. What should I do? Burning in the stomach, painful ulcers in the mouth. Solution? Gagging feeling, burping, throat feels full, nausea. Remedy? Elevated triglycerides in the lipid blood test. Can I control it by change in diet and exercise? Laparoscopy done for endometriosis. On Lupride. Planning for IVF. Delayed periods. Medication side effect? Lump and bleeding from face after fall. On Coumadin for stroke. Stopped warfarin due to bleeding. Further treatment? Am pregnant, done blood and urine tests. Worried about Rubella and pus cells in urine Abdominal Koch, have AIDS and tubercular lesions, high viral load and CD4, taking streptomycin. What is the chance of improvement? Sore throat, bump in mouth, swollen and then shrunk, no pain. Wondering what this might be? Itchy reddish rashes on the thighs, skin peeling off. Medication? Chest pain with fluid sounds. X-ray, Echo, ECG normal. Taken medicines for gastritis. Symptoms persisting Diagnosed with Cervical myelopathy. Had radiculopathy with wrist drop. Why do I have leg pain after surgery? Have ED, testosterone, doppler and neurology test negative, taken Viagra and Cialis. Penis getting weaker Irregular periods, hematuria. Pain in the abdomen and legs. Not able to lose weight. Need advice Difficulty in conception. Advised for prolactin test. Can you clarify the test report? High BP, test showed abnormality in renal function, done urine test. Have back pain. Is there any problem in kidney? Had an incomplete medical abortion. What is the further procedure? Fever, body pain, vomiting. Taking Dolo and Azilide. Not responding to medication Took emergency pill after an intercourse. Positive urine pregnancy test. What would be the effect of the pill on the fetus? Recurrent Impetigo. Not responding to antibiotics. Any other way to heal it quickly? 24 year old having hot and cold flushes, night sweats, headaches, fever and nausea. Are these symptoms of flu? Pain while passing urine after stent placement in kidney. Is this a side effect? Suffering from abdominal bloating and gas trouble. Medication? Purple discoloration of the skin on the knee after an injury. Will the bruise fade off? Infant having low lying and hydronephrotic kidney, PUJ obstruction, renal pelvis dilation. Is surgery really needed? Partner was drinking while having oral sex. Had drug test which showed positive for alcohol. Could this be the reason? Persisting high temperature, urinary infection. On antibiotics. Still having fever Headache, fatigue. Is this a viral infection? EKG showing sinus rhythm, abnormal axis deviation with pulmonary disease. How advanced is this disease? Suffering from Fibromyalgia and depression. Overweight. Bruises without injury Child having pain in abdomen due to hernia. Prescribed with amoxcillin for water infection. Proper diagnosis? Swollen glands for a long time, cough .Advised for a CT scan to rule out lymphoma. What are the chances to have this? Diagnosed with H pylori. Severe acid reflux, pain in the back and chest. Taking antibiotics and omeprazole. Is this due to aneurysm? Fainting episodes, high heart rate, bloated stomach, low energy levels. What could be wrong? Is it safe to swim in a resort pool in Phuket while menstruating? Itching after applying tanning product. Sleeplessness due to the feeling of insect crawling on the skin. Have asthma and eczema. Atarax and emoliants prescribed Pregnancy ultrasound showing fetus having white spot on heart and fluid around kidney. Diagnosed as Down's syndrome. Took Amniocentesis test. Advice? Child with pain in the head and heavy bleeding after being hit on the wall. No loss of unconsciousness. Should be worried? 2y year old having fever and running nose. What is the tylenol dosage? Diabetic with hepatitis C. Drug test positive for THC use. Why? Does general anesthesia lead to anxiety? Infant having dry cough. Had fever. Medication? Dizziness, fever, nausea, ear pain and lack of balance. Had trauma to ear. On antibiotics. Reason? Difficulty in conception. Taking prenatal vitamins. Suggestions? Is there any injection for painless delivery? Side effects? Knee discomfort, splotchy red, hot feeling. What is going on?
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