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Had a c5-c7 discectomy and fusion. Having hard bulging line above the scar. Can this happen on neck surgery? Developed substantial swelling and blotchy redness in both legs. Any thoughts? Took 5 panadol 500 mg all at once. Does she need medical attention? Noticed fatty deposits building in testicles and top of scrotum. What should I do? Had operation on lumbar region. Getting severe pain. How to get relief from the pain? Does derma tend works to remove moles and smelly odour between thighs and legs? Final stages of brain cancer. Bubble sound comes while breathing and nose bleeding. What to do? Noticed soreness under foreskin. Tested negative for STD. Feeling tingling in testicles. Worrisome Diagnosed with sciatic nerve compression. MRI scan of lumbar done. What does the report suggest? Having sinus infection. On erythromycin. Started itching in ear gland. What cure should be done? Had colectomy done for colon cancer. PET-CT scan showed clear. Diagnosed with umbilical hernia. Concerned Overweight. Diagnosed with eczema. Using dermovate cream. Hurts while scratching. What is causing this? 40 years old. Suffering from sweating and dizziness. What should be done? Had large ganglion removed. Have numbness and loss of feeling in finger. Should I go for operation? FBS is 149 and PP 210. Feeling hungry when sugar level goes down. Will this damage the organs? Looking for good medical centre for correcting canal closure from a previous vaginoplasty? On blood pressure medication and hand hurting. Any advice? Noticed slight spotting. Pelvic scan to be done. What is the risk for gynaecological cancer? 14 year old sensitive to heat, feeling weakness, headache. What treatment should be done? Suffering from itchy body. Not cured by medicine. Suggest some effective medicine to get cured? Having mild rashes on temple with tenderness. Feeling dizzy and soreness in rashes. Concerned My age 25 and weight 46. Looking for weight gaining tips? Suffering from constipation, weight loss. History of lipomas. Ultrasound showed normal. Looking for cure Diagnosed with jock itch. Treating rash with clotmirazone. Can I swim in salt water? Infant with hemangiomas on neck and face and mottling over half of the face. Pulse is fine. Will it cure? By-passes surgery done. Noticed varying blood pressure and pulse reading. What is causing spike in pulse? Used corticosteroid for facial skin disorder. Taking continuous reading for blood pressure. Any advice? Have a mass under rib cage. Moves while lying and getting burning sensation. What is wrong? Feeling sick. Having bright red face, red and hurting eye, headache and mild fever. Any solution? Diagnosed with SLL. Experiencing pain and stiffness in joints and hands. Worrisome Got sudden skin rash. Took evil. Why am I getting this feeling? Having diarrhoea. Tested negative for ceiliac and colitis. Feeling dehydrated and nauseous. Any thoughts? Chest xray showed aortic unfolding and increased hilar vascularity. Is the aortic unfolding of clinical significance? Getting on and off itchy and red rashes around neck. What should be done? I have schlotzsky's ring. Feeling dizzy and light heartedness. What are the risks? Had unprotected sex during periods. Having some genital irritation. Suggest some cure Having random pulse all over body. Any idea what it could be? Drank a lot of vodka. Feeling nausea, headache and pain in upper abdomen. Should I go for treatment? Having recurring pain in upper left abdomen and bowel issues. How to get relief? Diagnosed with kawasaki virus. Not having skin rashes. Worrisome By-pass surgery done. Taking medicine. Having severe muscle pain. Any thoughts? Getting pain and swelling in mouth near molar teeth. What could be the cause? Diagnosed positive for malignancy. Normocellular normoblastic maturation found in bone marrow. Looking for second opinion Follicular study done. What does the report suggest? Chances of getting pregnant? Suffering from back pain, feet pain and chest pain. Blood test done. What should I do? Planning to conceive. Having irregular periods. Took feminol. What is the possibility of getting pregnant? what is the the total duration of treatment for a patient on bisphosphonates for osteoporosis? Stage 2 diabetic. Taking medicine for blood pressure, cholesterol. Snoring while sleeping. What to be done? Have chronic pain between hip and ribs. Have had gall bladder removed, arthritis in knees. Worrisome Will you please explain my blood and biochemistry report? 4 year old having lipoma since birth. It is getting sore, hard and red. Any ideas? 3 year child having small rash on feet, blisters on buttock and mild fever. Is this due to allergy? Suffering from upper back pain and difficulty in breathing. What are the complications? Having protected sex. Tested normal for HIV, live, blood and urine test. Should I go for second check up? Having severe lower back pain, weakness. MRI showed posterior ligament thickening. Any suggestion? Ultrasound report showed stone in kidney. What should I do? Received a needle-poke exposure from a monkey that had tested negative b virus in past. Any thoughts? Have painful, hard walnut sized lump in armpit. How should I treat this? On prozac to treat dysthymic disorder. Is it safe to take celexa? Behaving strangely, not sleeping whole night, getting angry and upset. What treatment should be done? Having constant pain in back and thigh, sore to touch, leg feels numb. How to get cured? Having tender area in lower back. Test done for cholesterol and blood pressure. Should I be worried? Having fungal infection on toe. How to get rid of it? Got wisdom tooth extracted. On medication. Pain not getting cured. Looking for advice Getting severe back pain. Pain getting reduced after massaging with hifenac gel. Any suggestion? There is a nutritional supplement called Enduramass. Is it ok for weight gain? 5 year's child having swollen, erect and sensitive clitoris. What could be this? Suffering from shoulder pain for. ECG scan showed normal. What is causing this and the cure? Have got multiple chronic illness, epilepsy and sjogrens. Blood work done. What should I do? Missing periods. Getting cramps, started spotting and feeling nausea. Am I miscarrying? Water coming out of nostrils and mouth in night. Lungs are clear. Drinking lot of water. Any ideas? Started feeling hot flashes, feverish and itchy nipple after delivery. Noticed areola in breast. Should I be concern? History of lyme disease. Having knee effusion. Taking medicine. Is this adequate treatment? How long it takes for the drug to be effectively eliminated from the body after administration of a single dose? Suffering from parkinson's tremor and muscle cramps. Not cured by medicine. Alternative cure? Got molar extracted. On antibiotic. Feeling fatigued and nauseous. Why am I getting this feeling? I am diabetic. Taking nux vomica 200. Suffering from erectile dysfunction. Looking for remedy Having enlarged ovary. Taking medicine for low haemoglobin. Noticed gloopy clear liquid in urine. What could this be? Having severe cough with brown sputum. On antibiotic for bronchitis. Not getting cured. Worrisome Is it safe to intake Zolfresh 10 mg for two months pregnancy? Precaution to be taken? Feeling depressed, bored and losing weight. What should I do to get cured? Suffering from sore and painful breast. Feeling numb around the axillary region. What is going on? Suffering from gastritis. Diagnosed with h.pylori infection. Suggest some proper diet plan Have had hernia. Right testicle close to body, feeling uncomfortable. Should I consider to remove it? Have fibroids and UTI. Missing periods. Suspected for hysterectomy. What should I do to get cured? Suffering from mental disorders. Body starts shaking, behaving abnormally. Suggest some effective cure Diagnosed with allergic asthma. On levosalbutamol rotacaps 100 mcg. Suggest some food supplement in pregnancy? Have hyper pigmentation and hypo pigmentation. White spots on thighs and stomach. Any treatment? Having spinning sensation around the head. Feeling tired, week and discomfort. Looking for best advice I am alcoholic decompensated cirrhosis. Gaining and losing weight due to ascites. How to get rid of this? Have had pilonidal sinus. Having infection in scrotum area. What is the average erection size? Have had intermittent rectal bleeding. Having pain while bowel movement and releasing gas. Is it serious? Feeling tightness and muscle pain in stomach. CAT scan showed no hernia. What is wrong? Can a low haemoglobin blood count cause eczema? Can iron supplements increase haemoglobin? Have had lesions on body. Suffering from raynauds and neurological symptoms. What should be done? Had lumbar puncture to investigate memory and speech issues. MRI done. Looking for suggestion Suffering from acidity. On medicine. Burping and heart burning sensation at night. Advice some best medicine Diagnosed with gallstones due to pain. Feeling bloated and red spots on skin. How to get cured? Has intercourse after abortion. Will there be chances of ectopic pregnancy? Can I use birth control pills? Suffering from chemical depression. Started reducing the medication. Looking for solution Taking vitex to shrink uterine fibroids. How will I know they are shrinking? What is the effects of extreme heat on concerta and lamictal. Are they unusable? Feeling fatigued even after a long sleep, concentration level drops. How to get temporary relief for this? Having achy limbs, no fever, brain shivers and weakness in legs. What are the complications? Started feeling a hot sensation after waking up. Getting variable blood pressure readings. What should I do? Noticed swollen lymph node on shoulder, pain in armpit. How to get cured? No yolk sac or fetal pole seen, trace of fluid around the left ovary. What that all means? Have hardening of muscle tissue on upper right arm and chest above nipple. How to get relief? On hyperthyroid medication. Getting weight, feeling stressed, bloated stomach. How to control these? I am hypothyroid. Diagnosed with fungal infection. Feeling weakness, tired and loose motion. Any suggestion? On antidepressant and anxiety medicine. Started sweating. Is it safe to take anxietin? Started pain in chest and shortness of breath after lifting heavy weight. Feeling lump in throat. Could it be cancer? I am overweight. Diagnosed with anaemia, swollen and purplish legs. Feeling fatigued. Concerned Have hard, painless and non movable lump in groin area. Looking for your suggestion Suffering from mild knee pain. Feeling difficulty in writing, joint pain, stiff neck and shoulder. Any advice? I am 28 years old. Beard hair getting white. Is there any permanent solution? Having movable painful lumps in lower back. Starts hurting in spine. What is causing this pain and cure? Experiencing fluttering and pulsating sensation on head. Any ideas what may be causing it? Noticed blood clots after gallbladder surgery. Feeling uncomfortable. Can I get it out without choking to death? Blood work done. Feeling sick while going to toilet. Suggested to go for kidney specialist. Any suggestion? Fell down and knocked teeth, swelling appeared. Given neurofen. Should I go for medical check up? On IUD. Feeling tired and pain. Suggested for surgery. Is it safe to wait or should go for surgery? Having high cholesterol, high blood pressure and mitro valve prolapse. EKG test done. Any advice? Gastric bypass surgery done. Experiencing abdominal pain. Bloodwork normal. CAT scan done. Any suggestion? Have tiny rashes like bumps on lower buttock cheek. How to get relief? Pregnant. Started spotting, feeling constipated. Am I miscarrying. What else could it be? Had surgery on foot. Started sweating and freezing. What is causing this? Having parkinson's like symptoms in pregnancy. What is the cause and what to do? Having eating disorder and very low pulse. Should I be concerned? Pregnant. Started spotting and feeling constipated. Am I miscarrying. What else could it be? Had protected sex. Having sore throat, pain in groin area and rashes under neck. What are the chances of HIV? 10 year old having high fever. Given motrin. Started runny nose and scratchy throat. Should go for check up? 3 year child having pain in near belly botton. Passing stool with mucus and blood in it. Any advice? Pregnant. Got stung by wasp on finger. Will it have any impact on baby? Having vision problems. Vision got blurred after taking concerta. Is there any corrective laser treatment available? Can a person with G6PD take evening primrose oil, vitex and red raspberry leaves supplements? Blood work done. What are the risks. Should I go for cardiologist advice? On beta blocker 25mgs. Having shortness of breath, chest pain and sore muscles. What should I do? Feels like blood is pulsating while waking up in morning. Feeling uncomfortable. How to stop this? Have HBP condition. Using Coveram. Trying to lose weight. Does the use of whey protein affect BP? Having throbbing sensation in leg. Knee hurts while standing or laying, pain in lower back. Any suggestion? Having PCOS. on triquilar. Having vomiting sensation. What is causing this? 3 year child suffering from cold. Have low immune power. What cure should be done? Have excessive abdominal pian during periods along with nausea. Taken painkiller. Any advice? Suffering from on and off pain in head on left side. History of anxiety, HBP. Chances of brain tumour. Have PCOS. Taking normal vegetarian diet. Suggest some advice to reduce weight? Operated twice for the fractured arm. Diagnosed with tennis elbow and golfers elbow. Worrisome Had ovarian cyst removed. Had intercourse. Started sweating, dizziness and loss of coordination. What's wrong? Thyroglobulin AB test came out < 20. Is this normal? What test should be done next? What would be the results of not treating fitz-hugh-curtis syndrome? Suffering from memory loss, difficulty to talk and not able to concentrate. Any idea what is going on? Had hit on lips in an accident. Feeling lump and tingling sensation. How to get cured? Scalp is inflamed and reddish. Hair gets oily. Not cured by using different shampoos or products. What to do? Child got sunburn and bumps after shaving hairs on scalp. Will it be cured or should I go for treatment? History of NHL. Having abdominal pain, tingling sensation in knee. Ovary and tube removed. What is causing this? Pregnant. Ultrasound showed no fetal node. On medicine for hypothyroidism. What are the complications? Put oxygen in nose during colonoscopy. Started sneezing and runny nose. Could this be a side effect of the oxygen? Had intercourse after periods. Took ipill. Started spotting and missing periods. HPT negative. Any advice? Suffering from premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction. Taking proper diet. Looking for advice Diagnosed with dermoscopy as angioma. Black spots started growing again. Should I be worried? Have had tubes tied. Missing periods. Is there any chances for cancer? Had UTI infections. Treated with augmentin. Started pain in abdomen, burning sensation in back. What is causing this? Tested negative for diabetes. Suggest the medication to be taken and diet plan? Red patched appeared on skin. Feeling sleepy and tired after medication. Suggest some permanent cure Suffering from cholesterol. Suggest the medication to be taken and the diet plan? Started pain in stomach and weird bowel after falling hard on butt. Ultrasound done. Any ideas? Diagnosed as acid in stomach. What does stomach lumen pH means? Is the gastric lumen same as stomach lumen? Would a pH of 2-3 just before eating normal? Had head injury when I was child. Have dent in middle of skull. Should I be concerned? Have cut and bacterial infection in gum, white pimples appeared inside lips. What is causing this and cure? Is it safe to get circumcised? Will there be any problem to veins on penis? Have seasonal allergies and asthma. Taking birth control, zoloft, and biotin vitamin. Looking for cure Have hypertension. On ramapril 2.5mg. Will it fail me in medical test for new job? Started sweating and bad smell from head while in sun. History of having eczema. What should be done? Had oral sex. Getting fever, slimy throat and coughing yellow saliva. Is this an AIDS symtom? Pregnant. Ultrasound showed normal. Noticed spotting. Is this normal? Having fluctuating BP. Feeling anxiety and dizziness. What medication and precaution should I take? Taking pepsid and nexium for ulcer in the upper intestine. How log will it take to heal? Getting sharp on and off upper abdominal pain while moving or eating. How to get relief? What is the best way to treat an open and infected pore on the face at home? Had canal stenosis and bilateral foraminal narrowing. l4/l5 fusion done. Shouldn't the foraminal narrowing be repaired? Had unprotected sex. Can belara tablets be used for emergency contraception? Is it safe to have hymen reconstruction surgery? Missing periods. Not getting periods after taking cytolog 200mg. Worrisome Have hypoechoic lesions. Diagnosed with hypothyroidism. Feeling numbness in hands. Any solution? Have chronic migraine and pseudotumor cerebri. VP shunt placed. Is it possible of shunt to be infected? Have severe throbbing in stomach above belly button. What is causing this? Have chronic intractable migraine. Diagnosed with pseudotumor cerebri. VP shunt placed. Possibility of shunt infection? Had protected sex. Started burning sensation in pennis and pain while urinating. Any cure? Molar broken off at gum line. Having severe ear ache, sore nose and swollen lymph node. What to do? Suffering from pigmentation problem. What should be done? Got hit with a softball on ankle. Sore bump appeared. Could it be blood clot? Went to transgendered strip club. Had body contact. What are the chances of having HIV or STD? Having lesions and redness on penis and yellowish discharge. Never had sex. What is the cause and cure? Urine analysis done. What does the report suggest? Hurt on upper inside back of leg while playing. Massive purple bruise appeared. How to get relief? Started feeling cold in bones. What may be causing this? On insulin for diabetes. Missing periods. Pregnancy test negative. What is causing late periods? Underwent CABG. Started developing rashes on back and stomach. Not cured by steroid. Any suggestion? Undergoing chemotherapy for small cell carcinoma. Started bloating. What could be the cause?
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