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Can the use of cialis cause intermittent hematospermia? I am 56 year old diabetic. Took overdosage of taxim-O 200. What should I do? Suggest some medication Having severe pain while trying for intercourse. What is the cause and suggest some remedy? Noticed blood in urine. Taking new herbal supplements for fibroids. What should I do? Constipation, nausea, taken Amatiza and Benefiber, abdominal cramps, bloating. Help Dealing with higher pulse rate. Feeling headache, fatigue, dizzy, weakness and nausea. Any thoughts? 55 year old. Feeling tired, shortness of breath when walking. Tested negative for stress. What is the problem? 15 year old tennis player. Feeling dizzy and chest tightness. Born with heart murmur. Any effective treatment? 7 weeks pregnant. Experiencing swollen feet, back pain, fever, bloated stomach and cramps. Worrisome Can I take valium and nitroglycerine tablets together? 21 weeks pregnant. Have swollen feet and ankles, red sore patches on feet and back pain. Is this normal? Having severe pain during periods. Ultrasound showed mildly heterogeneous echotexture of the uterus. What to do? How to get rid of the crawling biting sensation on the scalp after using crystal meth? MR arthrogram of shoulder done. What test, cure and precaution is to be done? ECG done. What does slight left precordial repolarization disturance, consider ischemia and LV overload mean? Feeling pulsating sensation on neck. What is causing this feeling? Have a sunburn. Purple spots appeared from shoulder to bra strap. What is the proper treatment? A reddish purple spot appeared on face and sensitive to touch. What cure should be done? Having whooping cough and haemophilus influenzae. Noticed white string while coughing. Chances of having TB? Noticed some blue spider like veins on upper stomach and below breast. Should I be concerned? Side hurt while running and noticed blood in urine. Should I go for medical check up? Having severe pain in back of head, metallic taste in mouth and painful diarrhoea. What to do? I drank olive oil but breathed inwards and some ended up in lungs. What are the complication? 15 year old have been fitted with contraceptive implant. Itchy lump appeared. Is this normal? Thumb is very sore at the base and noticed swollen blood vessels. How to get relief from this? Have red, itchy patch on perineal body, penis and posterior scrotum. Fluid comes from it. Treatment? Having large, red, swollen and soft bump on hip. Cleaning with isoprophic alcohol . Should I be worried? Is it normal to have some menstrual periods heavier than others? Fell down and have bruise on nose and face. Feeling weak, nausea and headache. Should I go for check up? 8 year child having fever, feeling dizzy and headache. What is causing this and what should I do? Having lower back pain, throbbing sensation down to achilles and developed bladder issues. MRI done. Any thoughts? Have a boxer's fracture 5th metacarpal. Will there be any complications if surgery is not done? Fell down, pain in lower ribs. Took ibuprofen. Noticed fullness in stomach, swelling in abdomen. Concerned Suffered from bulimia. Ultrasound showed thin endometrial lining. Is this due to birth control pills? Taking adderall for long. Need a priscription Vaginal culture showed klebsiella pneumoniae in vagina. Is this dangerous? Having severe headache mostly in the morning and sometime feel like vomiting. Worrisome Have redness around vagina, noticed blisters on it. How to get cured? What is the instant remedy for never ending cough to a haemodialysis patient? Had DVT and superficial clot after flight, wore compression stockings, taken aspirin instead of Clexane. Is it okay? Having pain and tingling sensation in shoulder blade, rib cage and chest. What could causing this and cure? I am not having periods even after taking primolut N. What should I do? Feeling slight chest congestion, fever, body pain and slight cough. What treatment should be done? Have diarrhea, watery and burning stools, stomach pain, gurgling in stomach. Family history of intestinal disorders. Help Can I take sorbiline syrup without consulting a doctor? Diagnosed with IBS. Not cured by allopathy or homeopathy medicine. History of bronchial asthma. Any cure? My SGPT and GGT level is high. Is it dangerous? What does this mean? Had unprotected sex. Took clarithromycin 500mg. Tested negative for HIV. Is this syphilis or herpes? 34 weeks pregnant. Feeling dehydrated, started spotting and have normal BP. What does this mean? Broken foot, burning, numbness, tingling, pins and needles, painful, itchy feeling. Should I go back to putting zero weight on it? I am having 4 month baby. What are the required vaccination? I am having red eye from birth. How to get relief from this problem? On humira for crohn's. Having pain while urination, abdominal pain and rectal bleeding. What should I do? Got hit on leg. Area appeared red and swollen. Not cured by keflex. Suggest some cure Uterus removed. On medication for pressure, blood clotting. Noticed brown and white discharge. Is this serious? On medication for hypothyroidism. Feeling dizzy and having peripheral vision. How to get cured? Suffering from lower back pain. Have enlarged uterus. Ultrasound done. What does the report suggest? 49 years old. Noticed light spotting after periods, trouble sleeping and palpitations. Start of menopause? Experiencing a fluttering sensation in throat. Have chronic GERD and hypertension. Should I be concerned? Leg strain while playing tennis, weakness, done icing and compress, hurts to walk, no bruising, little swelling. Long term injury? Test done for glucose serum, total cholesterol, triglycerides and LDL. What does the value signify? Having extreme hair loss and low hormones levels. Is bioidentical pellet hormone therapy safe? Having fungal infection on penis. Looks red and dry. What does an inflammed penile corona signify? What does swollen scalp means? Does it cause any difference in height measurement? Blood work done for chest pain and cough. What does the value signify?Any thoughts? Pregnant. Noticed pimple like red spots on thighs,abdomen and hands. LFT test done. Any harm on foetus? Pregnant. Tonometry test done, put some proxymetacaine drops in eye. Is there any harm to foetus? 21 years old. Is it safe to masturbate once or twice in a month? Will it cause any problem? Prostate cancer surgery done. PSA level increasing. Should I consider any radiation? 48 years old. On medication for sugar. Leiomyoma of uterus done. Suggest some effective medicine Had unprotected sex. Took unwanted 72. Missing periods, getting slight brown discharge. Pregnant? 15 years old losing weight. Feeling dizzy, headache and hungry. Blood test and MRI fine. What to do? Prescribed vyvanse 60mg for ADD. Erectile dysfunction not cured by multivitamin. Is this due to ADD medication? Having flesh coloured bumps in pubic hair area. It is not itchy and not filled with pus. Could it be folliculitis? Tightness and pressure in neck, feeling of mucus stuck in throat, wisdom teeth infection. Cause of neck problems? 7 years old suffering from stomach ache, headache and bronchial allergy. Any alternate treatment? How effective is this winolap 5mg to a patient having throat infection and is on dialysis? Have brownish patch on both lower legs. Patch getting darker and spreading. What could they be? Had dog bite. Took a Intramuscular injection of rabipur. Is there any more precautions to be taken? Suffering from diarrhoea. Feeling dizzy and numbness in arm. Am I having food poisoning? What is gianotti crosti syndrome? How to get cured and what should be done? Noticed a discolouration on penis head and foreskin. There is no pain or itching. What is going on? Suffering from mild fever and oral ulcers on tongue and cheeks. What treatment should be done? Noticed slurring words, brain feels sluggish and bit tired. Drinking beers and marijuana joint. Looking for cure Can we see testicular veins and its branches in pelvis and abdomen on TC 99m scintigraphy? Have hematuria. Having pain in abdomen near belly button and frequent urination. What test should be done? Having breathing problem. Feeling irregular heartbeat. Should I go straight to a specialist? Having gastritis. Losing weight, not able to sleep properly. Endoscopy done. What diet should I take? 40 years old. CT angiography, MRI brain, 2D echo test done. What does myocardial bridging means? Undergoing treatment for a staff infection of the sinus. Prescribed vancomycin. What is the best course of action? 3 month old baby feeding with breast milk and nestle nan. Vomits while feeding. Is this due to less burping? Have PCOS. Trying to conceive. Missing periods. PG test neagtive. Looking for alternate solution I am suffering from piles. What treatment should be done? Hearing whooshing heartbeat sound in ear. Feeling lightheaded. Are they related? 63 years old. Diagnosed with diabetes. Liver test done. What could be the cause? Took complete course of rabipur after dog bite. Drank water which was licked by dog. What are the risks? Experiencing lower back pain, numbness in hip, tingling in spine. Difficult to sit. MRI done. Any thoughts? Noticed variable blood pressure readings. Am I healthy? 8 week pregnant. Heartbeat not seen. Is this normal? When does a fetus develop a heart beat? Started going gym, feeling lifeless and strange. Taking remipril 5 mg and vitamins. Any advice? Having white sopts on skin after typhoid. Is this leprosy? Is it curable or hereditary? Taking azithromycin 500mg for strep throat. What medicine should I take to cure it completely? Have had painless, pulsating area on lower neck. Should I be concerned about acute aortic regurgitation? Had chronic stomach problems. Felt knot near belly button, greenish liquid leaking from it. What can it be? USG of pelvis showed linear tubular anechoic area in left adnexa. What does this mean? Having red spots in a curved line on penis. Getting red and itchy scrotum. What could be the problem? Developed painful cystic acne, swollen red lump on cheek.How to stop the swelling and get cured? Suffering from itching on scrotum and penis especially during night. Using hh derm. Any advice? What is the difference between aten 50 and omezest 40? Child suffering from microcephaly. Had devloped cateract in eyes and joint deformity. What is the cause? 34 months old baby. Given extra dosage of ambrodil and citrizine. Will there be any side effects? Why has my penis shrunk? What is the required treatment to be done? 21 weeks pregnant. Feeling fatigued, pain in shoulder and breathing problem. Any complications? 9 year child having fever, cough and stomach ache. Could he be suffering from dengue? I am 36 years old. Started making high pitched noises all the time. What is going wrong? Developed headaches, severe nerve burning in both legs. MRI done. What is the problem? Took benicar HCT for high blood pressure. Having erectile dysfunction problems. Is this due to verapamil? Started spotting. Feeling dizzy, nausea, on and off cramps and gaining weight. Am I pregnant? Itching and burning butt during bowel movements. Am I having any disease? Suggest some cure Rash on inner thigh, had rectal leakage, rash on penis. Should I worry about herpes? 5 year child having fever, sore throat, swollen face, excess saliva and ulcer on tongue. Treatment to be done? Had total knee replacement, warmth in knee, burning sensation behind knee, using stretchout strap and ice pack, taking Tramadol 53 years old. Started severe pain in shoulder. What should I do to get relief from pain? Had cold, having mucus in back of throat and pain in ear. Could this be a bacterial infection? I am smoker. Noticed vein like bump inside bottom lips. What could be this and how to get cured? Taken steroid shots and Claritin for welts on body. Painful and itchy rash on fingers, toes and underarms. Treatment? Feeling constant nausea without vomiting, stomach ache and headache. PG test negative. What's wrong? Looking online prescription for propecia Irritated patch on head of penis, itchy, crusting, scabbing. No recent sexual activity. Skin oozing clear fluid. Help Has hyponatremia and acute ulcerative colitis. Feeling nausea and fatigue. How is legionnaires disease diagnosed? Taking Micronor, had stomach bug mid cycle, have heavy feeling, spotting, vaginal discharge, breast pain. Due to pill? I am having leg cramps after eating food with preservatives. What to do? Abdominal pain, lower back pain, clear and odorless discharge. Ultrasound showed ovarian cyst. What should I do next? Have language disability, thoughts of suicide, mentally exhausted, prescribed anxiety tablets. Need help Have PCOS. Trying to conceive. Had 3 unsuccessful IUI. On clomid and letrozole. What should I do? Having full body ache, headache, runny and stuffy nose. How to get cured? Having white discharge and red,hot and itchy lumps spread all over vagina. Is this yeast infection? Found painful cyst on labia after shaving. Is it common to contract a UTI from sebaceous cyst? Having sore throat and chest after cleaning. Could I have inhaled some of the cleaning product? Joint pain, muscle twitch, feeling cold, weight gain, mood swings, tired. Done TSH test. Hypothyroidism? Starts feeling sick, dizzy and loss of energy whenever I take a panadol. What could be wrong? Cranky child, white bumps on tongue, taken vaccine. Upset due to teething or white spots? Having burning sensation around rib cage. Feeling warm to touch. What to do to get relief? Suggest medicine to delay periods for few days On homeopathic remedies and diet for dyspiosis. Have fungal growth on upper breast, sore rectum. Concerned I've been bleeding over two months. Could i have a recurrence of polyps? Ankle pain, x-ray suggests osteochondritis dissecans. Done Dorsi-flexon test. Should I seek further advice? Had intercourse. Started pain in testicle after urination. Chances of STD? Is it curable? Increased BP in morning, dizziness, taking Electrocin and Telmed. Is it okay to use Telmed frequently? Have a bad scrape, swelling and nasty bruise above hip bone and sore rib cage. Should I see a doctor? Throbbing in neck and throat, painful to speak, dry cough, sweating, stressed. Are my glands swollen? Itching ankle, scabbing, bleeding, painful, no fever, redness, swelling. Done icing. Spider bite or allergy? Have non Hodgkins lymphoma. Had surgery for small bowel tuberculosis. Oncologist and hospital in India? Pain due to prolapsed hemorrhoid above rectum, foul smelling pus, bleeding. No constipation. What is it? Had kidney stone, desire to urinate frequently, no painful urination, abdomen tightness. Done urine test. What is this? 3 year child having cold, fever and dry cough. On relent and calpol. Alternate cough syrup? Infant has cold, cough, and wheezing. Prescribed Asthalin and Sinorest. Side effects of inhalers? Burning and tense sensation in penis when frequently masturbating, scrotum discomfort, urge to urinate, body stiffness. What to do? Done thyroid test. Diagnosed as Hashimoto's disease and Graves disease. Which diagnosis is correct? Positive skin test after contact with active TB patient. Have asthma. Done chest x-ray. Does it indicate active TB? Child getting red blotchy rash on cheeks and arms when out in the sun. Any treatment? Ultrasound showed tumor previously, now showing fluid in tube. Is this related to tumor? Numbness in limbs, muscle tightness, GERD, burning mouth, interrupted sleep. Have compressed nerve. Surgical treatment? Had unprotected sex, HIV test and Western Blot negative. Is ELISA good enough to confirm absence of HIV? Having small pores on both sides of face near nose and forehead. Have warts on face. Any ideas? Irritated and bleeding navel, oozing light liquid, raw skin. Had gall bladder surgery. What should I do? Abscess appeared where belly was pierced. Having pain near abscess. Is this serious? Having irregular periods. Had intercourse. Pregnancy test negative. Chances of pregnancy? Suffering from psychogenic ED. No proper erection if cialis 10 mg is not taken. Should I be worried? Having pain in knee. Diagnosed with chondromalacia patella. Precaution and medicine to be taken? Have PCOD. Gaining weight and have injury in knee. How can I lose weight? Urge to urinate, frequent urination, prescribed Klonopin for OCD. Had external beam radiation for prostate cancer Sprayed bee's nest with poison. If one of the bees stung me, would that inject the poison in me? Throat infection cured after taking duet 625. Throat infection is back. What should I do? Taking ecosprin 75 mg, metolar XR - 50 and rozavel 10 regularly. Having pain in heels. Suggestion? I am diabetic. On glucored forte. Should I continue the same medicine? What are the side effects? Baby has loose stools, gas, bloated stomach. Prescribed Normet. How to stop gas formation? Had bleeding during sex. PAP showed cervical ectropion. Had yellow discharge and burning. Did this just appear? Having constant pain from knee to ankle. Looking for homeopathy cure Hard bump on glans after having sex using Viagra. Not sore, no oozing, no redness. Cyst or vein blockage? Taking Imodium and rifagut for IBS. Will it be cured by these medicines? Have low gamma CT and alkaline phosphatase, celiac's disease, anemia and diabetes. Related? Supplements? Cough and bronchitis after stent placement during angioplasty. Have BP and diabetes. Solution? 7 year child having nasal blockage. Getting red eyes and having asthma. Should Seroflo be given? 20 weeks pregnant.Ultrasound showed renal pelvis mildly dilated. What are the complications? Child feeling fatigued and losing weight. Test showed abnormal low neutrophil count. Worrisome 8 month child having red small dots on face. Looking for cure Suffering from back pain. Diagnosed with kidney stone. No stone detected in USG. What test should be done? Suffering from migraine. Looking for permanent cure. What treatment should be done? Semen test showed low sperm count. What medicine should I take to increase the sperm count? 48 year old. Having low HDl level. Should I take any medicine or use walnuts in my breakfast? Have TB in knee, vomiting. No relief after taking Domstal, Ondem, Faronem, Tiniba and Folvite. What to do? I swallowed a tooth pick. What should i do? Worrisome Have ventricular septal defect, pulmonary stenosis, gynecomastia. Can heart tolerate smoking pot? On antibiotic for eustachian tube dysfunction. Having ear pain and migraine. What should be done? Soreness and pain in hip and below scrotum. Blood and urine test suggested. Scared Smoked weed, feeling dizzy, detached from body, disoriented, numbness. Why? Fatigue, breathlessness, loss of appetite, giddiness. Had BMS stent placed, done cardio rehab, made lifestyle changes. Reason? Child having both ankle bent inwards. How serious is this? What should be done? Have pigeon chest, painful, trouble breathing. Surgery possible?
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