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Noticed thick onion skin in stool and felt rubbery. Concerned Started taking celexa for anxiety. Started getting tingling sensation on face. Is this serious? Started bleeding after periods. Should I go for medical treatment? Diagnosed positive with endometrical TB and blocked fallopian tubes. Chances of getting pregnant? Suffering from stomach hardness and bloating. Diagnosed as ulcer. How to resolve this problem? Suffering from diaphragmatic hernia. What are the possible treatment? Having bubbling and fluttering sensation in leg. Diagnosed with piriformis syndrome. Any cure? Is the level of erythrocyte sedimentation rate at 29mm/hr normal for a 7-week pregnancy? Feeling like a semi-robust pumping in abdomen. What it could be? Noticed bruise, swelling and numbness in ankle after injury. Should I be worried? Suffering from abdominal cramps and loss of appetite. Diagnosed with vitamin d deficiency. Concerned Suffering from chest pain. Medical test showed normal. Is this related to hormone release? Feeling numbness in arm. Should I be concerned? Have little lump halfway down the vertebrae. Is this something serious? Swelling on eye and bppv appeared after head injury. Taken advil and valium. What to do? Alcoholic. Having edema, petechiae on legs, bleeding nose and itchy skin. What should be done? Having chest discomfort and feeling dizzy. Medical test normal. Chances of heart attack? Have PVC's. Feeling shortness of breath and pain in stomach and chest. Any advice? Ultrasound showed fibroids. Had intercourse and started bleeding. Pregnancy test negative. Chances of pregnancy? Noticed painful lump on inside of butt cheek. What should I do? Taking protein supplements for body building. Is it safe to take creatine supplement? Popping feeling in ear while going up and down. What treatment should be done? Noticed discoloration on leg finger tips. Any advice? Had gall bladder removed. Having abdominal pain. Is there any treatment besides ERCP with manometry? Suffering from back pain. How to get relief? FNAC report showed few follicular cells, few macrophages along with little colloid. What does these means? 4 years old. Diagnosed with idiopathic focal epilepsy. What are the risks? Suffered from skull fracture. When can I fly after treatment? Chances of getting leukaemia or cancer if exposed to electromagnetic fields? How long after craniotomy it is safe to fly? Had the hymen repair surgery done. I fell down. Should I be worried? Infected with TSH. Pain in legs and fingers not cured by medicine. What precaution should be taken? Noticed bruise and on and off pain on lower back. Should I be worried or it is just muscle pain? What is meant by endometrial currattage and benign estrogenised endometrium. Is this early stage of cancer? What happens if 30 crocin is consumed at a time? Suffering from sexual perversions or sexual fantasies. How to get cured? Developed pea sized nodes above aerola. Stopped breastfeeding. What it could be? Experiencing constipation, sharp pain in lower abdomen and knee. Taking movicol. Concerned Can I do a brazilian laser hair removal treatment if I have hpv? Suffering from burping and weight loss. Any treatment? Diagnosed with flu 10 month after birth. Child having pain in knee. Is this a sign of HIV? Child bumped on head and have low grade fever. Are they related? Sudden appearance of dent in forehead What could be the cause? Have had fracture in ribs. Why am I feeling pain and hard to breath? Feeling tired, dizzy and shortness of breathe. Have ear injury and vertigo. What cure should be taken? Suffering from anxiety. Feeling stiffness in neck and pressure in back of head. Related to mental issues? Have painful sore on arms, eyebrow, nose and side of face. How to get relief? Started exercise for weight loss. Will it be safe to take norvasc? Have swollen abdomen. Feeling light headed, fatigued and irritable bowel movement. What could this be? Noticed shrunken gum after smoking weed. Will this turn back to normal? Have had fracture in ribs. Had a small pneumothorax. Why am I feeling pain and hard to breath? Stent used after heart attack. Fell down and noticed pain and swelling in chest. Should I be concerned? Does xatral stop nocturia in adult man? Have a pea-sized cyst beside clitoris. Is it safe to pop it at home? Vaginal pain during sex after birth. What should be done to get cured? Have numbness and tingling feeling in forearm. How to get relief? Noticed bleeding and scabs in throat after tonsillectomy. Should I be worried? Have slow hair growth rate. What should be done? 10 years old having small penis. What treatment should be done for penis growth? 45 year old on insulin. Taking mixtard, acarbose 25 mg and metformin 500 mg. Any advise? Noticed white head on gum of 4 month old baby. What could it be? Have a strange uncomfortable sensation when urinating. What to do? Treated for a uti. Have bumps on vagina and pubic area. What is causing this? What is the best product available in market for hair loss? Have embryo transfer after IVF and ICSI. Blood test showed negative. Can I get pregnant. Any advise? Treated with monocef for typhoid. Having low grade fever. Is it normal to have typhoid for so long period? Suffering from erection dysfunction and premature ejaculation. What treatment should be done? 7 weeks pregnant. Started bleeding and lower abdominal cramps. Am I miscarrying? Had implant fitted. Opted for abortion at 8 week pregnancy. Feeling constipated and pressure in stomach. Any advise? Is hepatitis D a contagious disease? Suffering from indigestion, joint and muscles pain after taking antibiotic. Blood test normal. What to do? Feeling tired and dizziness. Ultrasound of kidney done. What does the report suggest? Diagnosed with GERD. Feeling cold, dizzy and nausea. Are these related to heart or stomach problem? Which specialist should I consult for gender transformation? Have small movable lump above Adams apple. Could it be swollen lymph node or tumor? Noticed swelling and pain in lower back. Should I go for specialist advise? Have rough and ugly nails. What cure should be done? Have hard, itchy, slightly raised bumps on inner thigh. What could this be? Taking xet cr plus 25mg for anxiety, depression, tension and negative thinking. Is this a proper treatment? Sperm analysis done. Diagnosed with normospermia with infection. Any suggestion? Giving casein-free milk substitute to a 4 years old baby. Suggest some alternative? Started with runny nose, nausea and diarrhoea after taking nitrofur macr. What can I take for relief? Getting constant pins and needles in ovary and back after periods. Is this serious? Getting shock sensation in head. MRI showed subtle vascular compression. Suggest some medicines Feeling nauseous and vomiting tendency while achieving orgasm. What could be the reason and cure? Noticed appearance of small black spots between toes. Could it be hematomas or fungus? Have a small lump on sternum. It is spongy to touch with unpleasant smell. What it could be? Fell down on butt. Having pain in hip while walking. Taking ibuprofen. Looking for suggestion Is it safe to put afrin in ear to clear the crust of ear tubes? Home pregnancy test showed a faint line. Am I pregnant? Looking home remedies for acne, dark spots and rashes on face Started feeling pressuer in the brow after taking botox injection. Are they related? Suffering from excessive hunger and dizziness. Aortic valve replacement and bypass surgery done. Concerned Had unprotected sex. Having cut marks on penis. Could it be a STD? Took norvelo 1.5mg after unprotected sex. Started black discharge with tender breast. Is this normal? Child having ear pain. Giving calpol. Noticed yellow discharge. What treatment is required? Why am I getting back pain, headache and tiredness even after proper sleep? Why am I having prickly pain on chest and hands? Feeling nausea and getting sour taste. Medical test clear. Is this due to food intolerance? Noticed swelling on foot. Diagnosed with torn muscles. Suggest some cure Stent placed in lad. What is causing pounding heartbeat? Noticed yellow urine while on sinus medicine. Why am I getting lack of lubrication? Have dry, sore throat and loss of appetite. Could it be thyroid cancer? Getting regular periods. Noticed mucus discharge after intercourse. Trying to conceive. What to do? Have varicocoele. Semen analysis and ultra sound doppler done. Is it curable? Have runny nose. Feeling dizzy and numbness in face. What could be the reason? Diagnosed with kidney infection. Is It normal to have sediment in urine? What does it means by high rbc, wbc, and squamous epithelial in urine? Feeling nauseous, twitching lips and shaky body. Could it be parkinson's disease? Suffering from seasonal allergies. Eye gets red and itchy. Should I consult eye specialist? In how many ways we can cure phimosis? Raised lines with hard skin developed on toe. Using mycocota cream. What could it be? Had unprotected oral sex. Getting tingling feeling and joint pain. Which specialist should I consult? Started giving nan pro. Having yellow and dark stool. Is this normal? Developed swollen lymph node on the neck. It is painful to touch. Chest xray showed clear. Is this an infection? Blood test done for thyroid. What does the report suggest? Have PCOD. Started gaining weight after delivery. Are they related? Permanent treatment for PCOD? Found a lump on the leg. X-ray and ultrasound is to be done. What could this be? Noticed decrease semen volume after taking finasteride. Suggest some medicine Injected steroid trenbolne. Large, red swelling appeared. What should be done? Noticed Iching and sacling on the forehead of penis with small red dots. Advice medicine What should I do to lose weight? Noticed jelly lubricant from penis and feeling weakness. Suggest some medicine 1 month pregnant. Can I use MTP kit? What are the side effects? Having recurring digestive problem, loss of appetite and weakness. How to overcome this problem? Swelling and painful bruise appeared on face after Inserting the anesthetic needle in gum. Worried Have caliectasis and cyst in kidney. Urine test showed elevated neutrophils. Should I consult nephrologist? Experiencing pain and swelling in testicle, painful ejaculation and pain in groin area. What are the risks? Why has my skin become itchy after skin grafting? How long will it last? Got pain in upper abdomen and sore to touch. How to get relief? How can I find out my conception date? Is it possible to find out exact date of conception? Taking 20 mg of celexa and oxyelite pro. Experiencing anxiety and panic attack. Should I be concerned? Lower disk started compressing on nerve after injury. Not cured by myolgin. Is it sciatica? Had a bare metal stent put in LAD. Taking taking 2.5 bisoprolol, 2.5 effient. How long will it take to get cured? Feeling tired and uneasiness in throat. Took strepsils and tyrozets. How to get cured? Having pain in buttocks, leg and lower abdomen. Looking for cure Have itchy anus. Not cured by medicine. Do I have pinworms? Can norflox tz be used for food poisoning? Noticed black specks in stool. What could this be? Started spotting after intercourse. Missing periods. Pregnancy test negative. Chances of pregnancy? Noticed red, blue and orange colour in echo cardiogram. What does these colours mean? Have itchy and bleeding hand. Taking steroid shots. Chances of bacterial infection? Feeling hot sweats, dizziness, shaky legs and hands. Any ideas? Have sarcoidosis all over body. Will it be safe to take low dose of steroids? Have red and tingling palms. What is causing this and the cure? Child feeling tired, lethargic and have fever. What is the required treatment? Feeling nausea and fast heartbeat. Taken ativan. Is it acid reflux or gastritis? Have had abortion. Diagnosed with PCOD with PID. Is this a serious problem? On triplex for high triglysoride levels. Why am I experiencing excessive sweating? Have mild fever, headache, throat and ear infection. ECG showed slight ST-T abnormality. What's wrong? Getting pain and stiffness in lower back. Diagnosed with vitamin D deficiency. Any suggestion? What does it mean to have a high resting heart rate? What treatment should be done? Is there any nasal drop for noisy breathing? When is the best time to start cerelac? Twin baby having runny nose and tear in eyes. Not cured by decongestant. What should be done? What is causing white and red blood cells in urine of a 6 years old? Have reoccurring clear fluid filled blisters on top of scalp. What could this be? Having pain in back, kidney, leg and head. Feeling tired, dizzy and thirsty. Worrisome Feeling bloated and fluttery feeling in chest. Took nsaid. What could be the disease? 8 month child suffering from severe cold, runny nose and breathing problem. Suggest some medicine Diganosed with PCOD. What cure and diet should be taken? Experiencing loud crunching noise while walking. What can I do to stop any damage? Had gallbladder surgery. Infected with ecoli bacteria and having abdominal pain. Concerned Noticed itchy bumps spreading. What could this be and how to treat it? Explain the difference between antipsychotic medicines and abilify? Bitten by a dog. Given anti tetanus shot and antibiotic. Should I be worried about rabies? Have lipomas all over body. How to remove these lipomas and prevent them from occurring? Taking anti inflammatory pain medicine. Developed severe pain and feeling hungry. Is this gastritis or ulcer? Should I be concerned about stringy things on both side of the tongue? Have a large, puffy, movable red bump on inner arm. Have fibromyalgia and hydrocephalus. Looking for cure I am smoker. Feeling like punched and bruise between shoulder blades. What to do? Looking some details on copper T insertion Feeling pain in the penis after ejaculation. What is wrong? Planning to conceive. Feeling tired, breast pain and fever before periods. Is this normal? Chances of contracting HIV from oral sex? Getting tingling sensation in foot. What is causing this? Bypass surgery done. CT scan showed infarct of the left parietal lobe. Looking for suggestion Experiencing a strange smell with thick yellow mucus. How to get relief? Getting frequent urination without pain. What is causing this? Suffering from depression and insomnia. Started feeling sleepy after taking serta 50, etilaam. Cause and cure? Have a bone spur in neck with spondylosis and spinal stenosis. Feeling pain in neck and head. Any treatment? Lower disk started compressing nerve. Took myolgin for back pain. Can I take myolgin for muscle spasm? Noticed lump in leg. Tender to touch. Should I go for medical treatment? What is the reason for itching on inner thighs and bruise? Having frequent urination, gray dots in vision and headache. How to control this? Having cough, swallowing problem, pain and uneasiness in throat. Worrisome Noticed blood in stool. Family history of colon cancer. Chances of celiac disease? On birth control. Feeling stomach ache and bloating. Started clotting. Have I miscarried? Had lower back injury. What can I do to get rid of sciatica and muscle spasm? FANAC, USG and CT scan of abdomen done. What does the finding says? What treatment should be done? Suffering from recurrent episodes of fever. Test showed high SGPT and SGOT levels. What treatment should be done? Have PCOD. How to reduse post-pregnancy weight and tummy flab? Permanent treatment for PCOD? Diagnosed with CIDP and fibromyalgia. Noticed spots behind knee cap. Could it be cancer? Fell down and tooth broke partially. Is it safe to go for root canal treatment? What is meant by pancreatic calcification? Had lower back injury. Feeling sciatica pain. What treatment should be done? Having nose and throat problem. Controlled while on medicine. Any permanent cure? Irritated skin and tiny pimples on penis after masturbation. What could be this? Taking astraleen tablets for losing weight. Is there any side effects? Pregnant. Ultrasound showed mild prominence of PC system in both kidneys with pelvis. Is this normal?
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