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Why am I having severe pain and burning sensation at hair roots? Is it safe to take lipitor 80 mg as an alternative for simvastatin 40 mg? Suffering from TB. Getting fever, diarrhoea and started losing weight. What is the problem? Suffering from irregular and painful periods. What should I do to get relief? Blood test done. How bad is the SGPT according to report. Is there any precaution to be taken? What does a titre of 1: 320 mean with typhi o and typhi h? Does vyvanse interfere or increase hormone levels in women? Diagnosed with schizophrenic. Stopped medication due to erectile dysfunction. Worrisome Noticed one tonsil slightly larger than the other. Concerned Have enlarged tonsils, feeling dizzy. Should I consult a doctor? Suffering from sinus and asthma. Veins changes its colour and size. What is wrong with veins? Have small subcentimeter cysts bilaterally and abdominal pain during intercourse. Is it cancer? Fell down and started pain in the chest and thoracic back. What should be done to cure the problem? Fell down and hit hard on head. Feeling headache and ear feel clogged. Should I be concerned? Diabetic. Started loose motions after taking tripride. Should I stop this medicine? Suffering from hypothyroidism, depression, heavy periods and pain in groin area. Am I starting menopause? Getting puss filled bumps and rashes on skin near tattoo. Concerned Treated for GERD. Experiencing nausea and pelvic cramps. Took alessee. What should be done? Feeling dizzy while sitting or lying down and tingling sensation in hands and feet. What to do? Constipated. Colonoscopy and endoscopy done. What is the problem? Have typhoid and having problem with passing stool. What precaution should be taken? Toddler has bronchiolitis and not drinking milk. Any advice? What could be the cause of tight constricting feeling with swelling in the calf? 13 week pregnant. Ultrasound showed placenta edge extending upto the internal OS. Any remedy? Have sore in lower abdominal muscle and large bruise appeared. What can I do? Having headache, pain in lower back and legs. How to get relief? Got infection on leg after femoral ostiotomies. Not cured by antibiotic. Painful to touch. Any treatment? Smoked marijuana. Started getting blurred vision, headache and feeling dizzy. Looking for relief Blood test showed high ESR count. What could be the cause? Have large cyst on abdominal wall. What could it be? Have painful multiple lumps around diaphragm. STD test showed c pneumonia IGg positive. Worriosome Pregnant. Noticed brownish discharge during bowel movement. Is there any complication? Took progesteron pill. Periods stopped, having breast ache and stomach ache. Could I be pregnant? Child is vomiting. What dosage of ordem should be given? Treated with steroid injections for chronic sinus infections. Noticed sunken eye. Is this from sinus infection? Got hit on finger. X-ray showed no fracture. Feeling pain and difficulty in bending fingers. Any cure? Pain in lower abdomen. Not cured by medicine. Missing periods. PG test negative. What to do? Have itchy purple lump below knee. How to cure this? Does a person diagnosed with TB and taking drugs regularly still needs to take TB shots? Have some enlarged papillae toward the back of tongue. Quitted smoking. Any suggestions? Feeling temporal artery pulsation at times of stress and pressure. What is going on? Have small, hard and immovable wart on tonsil. Should I be concerned? 11 years old, type 1 diabetic. Passing purple coloured stool. Is this common? Noticed bulge on the bone behind the ear lobe, pain in shoulder and neck. Any ideas? Have swollen tender lymph nodes, sore throat and painful spot on roof of mouth. What could this be? Have a haemorrhoid and blood in bowel movement. Should I consult a specialist? Had splenectomy for idiopathic thrombocytopenia. Have fever. Taking nyquil for cough. What should I do? On benicar HCT 40/12.5mg for high bp. Started loosing erection. Could it be a side effect of medicine? Have slight bulge of the eye. Will it be cured by surgery? What are the risks? Took unwanted 72 after unprotected intercourse. Missing periods. Chances of pregnancy? Could a lesion on lower spine T11/T12 be caused due to stroke? Suffering from premature ejaculation and feeling tightening in penis. Any treatment? Where can I buy HCG ultra drops in dubai? Have lower abdominal and lower back pain. Diagnosed with UTI. What is going on? ECG report showed T Wave inversion in V2 - V4. What does that mean? Type 2 diabetes. Having frequent urination and feeling fatigued. What should be done? Pregnant. Noticed blood in stool. What are the complications? Anaemic with low blood pressure. Having fever due to cold and sore throat. How to get cured? Have swelling and bad circulation in both legs. Should I continue calamine? Chronic migraine paitent. Taking vasograine. Getting headache, shoulder and neck pain. Any medication? Have sore ribs. Could this be an indication of any type of heart disease? On antibiotic for infected tooth. Can I use cpap machine or will that accelerate the infection? Child is getting swollen boils and lump on legs. What should I do? Suffering from on and off fever and chills. What treatment is required? Can penicillin VK 250mg tablets treat chlamydia? Had sex and ejaculated over cloth. Started gaining weight and noticed fat belly. Chances of pregnancy? Having lower back pain and knee pain. How to overcome this pain? 58 years old. Why am I having pain in upper thigh? Is 2mg per day of alprazolam tablet lethal? What is the dosage of stamlo 5 mg medicine? What is cardiac embolism. How to prevent this? 8 weeks pregnant. Noticed brownish red discharge after peeing. What are the risks? Have pain in ribs, sore and achy breast. What is causing this? Had sex without ejaculation. Started spotting. Home pregnancy test negative. Is there any risks? Have acute levels of h pylori of between 3,000 - 4,000. What are the risks of getting chron's disease? Is resting heart rate of 120 bpm dangerous? Pregnant. Not able to feel baby movement after taking fish oil capsules. What should I do? Consuming corex formore. Hands and legs are shaky and getting seizure. What should be done? Have hashimoto disease. On eurotyrox and anti rabies treatment. Is there any problem? What are the physical differences between a parotid tumor and a reactive lymph node? Have intestinal worms and passed about 15 visible worms. Took vermox. How can I know it is cured? 28 years old. Suffering from insomnia. What treatment should be done? What is the treatment for chronic incisive papilla? Is it harmful to smoke half a cigar a day? Having adrenal insufficiency from decreasing prednisone 10mg to 5mg. What should I do? Having pain and numbness from wrist to shoulder. Found swollen mass on armpit. Looking for treatment Diagnosed with distal deffuse disease. Can I have whisky? Child having high fever, cough and runny nose. What treatment and cure should be done? Having pain in hand while lifting heavy things. On medication. Suggest some medicine and diet 24 weeks pregnant. Why am I getting dark and yellow urine even after drinking plenty of water? Having constant pain in leg and burning sensation in feet. How to get relief? Have pcod and trying to conceive. Having irregular menstruation. Is there any chances of conceiving? Have a small fleshy lump just above tonsil. What could be this? Noticed stringy white stuff after urination. What is this? Suggest some cream for oily skin Advise the name of high protein supplement which is suitable for beginner and easier to digestive? Have nodule type lump on the antihelix part of ear. Should I go for biopsy? Feeling tingling in face, cheek, lower jaw and tongue. Any ideas? Removed birth control and having unprotected sex. Why am I feeling pressure in abdomen and back? Have a cut on finger. It has become septic and swollen. Any advice? Had mirena coil removed and have had heavy periods. Missing periods after taking utovlan. Worrisome Running on and off low grade fever and losing weight. Am I having any infection? Spilled a diluted concentration of jaxex bleach on legs. Sore and itchy skin appeared. Suggest some medication Experiencing brown discharge. What is causing this? Sinus patient. Getting dry cough. Any solution for this problem? Have swollen testicle and feels like the cords into abdomen. What should be done to get relief? Getting red blotches and itchy skin after eating. On antibiotic for prostate. Any proper solution? 28 years old. What should I do to increase my height? What would be a good blood pressure for a 66 year old male? Feeling shaky and racing heart after anethesia. What to do? Suffering from hair loss and white hair. What should I do? Can I take norethisterone to delay periods? Suffering from breast cancer. Will it be safe to go for mirena IUD? Noticing blood after urinating and wiping. What is the problem? Can we give avil as anti allergic to 3 year old kid? Have lump in the crease of arm. Is it a fatty deposit? Having stomach ache and bowel movement after eating. Suggest some treatment Have a white itchy spot on groin area and penis after unprotected sex. Could it be STD? Having severe oblique abdominal pain and noticed yellowish urine colour. What is going on? Have type 2 diabetes. Tonsils and uvula are completely closed. Can I continue prednisone 10mg? How should I do to cure a crick in the neck? Test showed alk phos 141, alt 57 and ast 51. Are these levels high? Noticed movable lump near tonsil and groin area. Hurts to swallow. Could it be a throat cancer? What medication can I take for headache with cipralex antidepressant? 90 year old feeling dizzy, disoriented with high blood pressure. What should I do? Feeling dry mouth. What can I use to alleviate this awful feeling? Have type 1 diabetes and ceoliac disease. Getting worse after gluten free diet. How to get relief? Getting itchy welts and hives on hands and fingers. How to get rid of this? Noticed soreness and hard lump on chest. What could it be? Child is having stomach ache and frequent motion. What precaution is to be taken? Prescribed naproxen and vicoden for an ACL tear. Is there any risk in having a glass of red wine? Feeling burning sensation in upper chest after swallowing an advil liquid gel without water. Concerned Noticed light brown spots in between breasts. How to get rid of them? Child is suffering from stomach ache and pain in leg. What is this and suggest some cure? Why am I having abdominal pain? Have low retic count of 0.6 and hgb of 138. Family history of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Concerned Why am I pooping red bright blood and having stomach ache? Diagnosed with bells palsey. Have swelling in lips, headache and sensitive ear. On medication. What to do? Child having hard stool with some bleeding and soreness in sacral area. What is causing this? Semen analysis done. What does the value specify? Suffering from gastritis, loose motions, headache and blood spots in motion. Any treatment? Have occasional ectopic beats or missed beat. Possibility of heart failure? Ultrasound showed small area of chorisdecidual separation with collection measuring 0.98 mm. Is there a risk of abortion? 2 year old is coughing with abnormal sound. What should I do? Getting frequent urination after dinner. What medicine should I take? Stool test done. What does the reports mean? Noticed small growth on outside of nipple. Blood comes after squeezing. What is this? How to get rid of itchy scrotum? Have sore on tongue. On a fungal medication. Had unprotected sex. Should I be worried about HIV? Have unprotected intercourse. Have enlarge papilitis. On medications. What are the risks of HIV? Is there any treatment for white spots? Having itchy red rash on chin, cheeks, neck, shoulders and arms. On benadryl and piriton. Any advice? Have pelvic pain, premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction. What could be the cause? Suffering from lower abdominal pain. Ultrasound done. Diagnosed with PID. Is this serious? What should I do to increase penis size? 48 month child suffering from seizures. On different medicine. Are these medicine safe? Having severe pain and swelling in both inner elbow area. How to get relief? 12 month old got hit on forehead and bump appeared. Should I be worried? Had tubal ligation. Missing periods. Could I be pregnant? Given over dosage of aziwok syrup for throat infection. Will it cause any problem? Suffering from fever, cold and cough. What are the chances of typhoid? Why am I getting headache and pain in neck after a spinal tap? Got hit on thigh and started hurting. How to get relief? Have hard red knots on inner thigh. Feeling uncomfortable. How long will it take to get cured? Have severe dry mouth, getting wired test in mouth and white spots on tongue. Looking for treatment Treated for cardio lymphoma and ejection fraction is 10. What is the life expectancy? What should I do to remove mascara particles from eye? Feeling of current flowing through the body and headache. Could it be symptoms of seizure? Stent angioplasty done. What does LV RWMA - Localized inferior wall scar mean? Fell down and not able to put pressure on leg. What is wrong? History of ovarian cysts and uterine polyps. Getting irregular and heavy periods. Should I be concerned? Tested positive for herpes. Getting irritation around head of penis and slight itching in scrotal area. Worrisome Compressed the cartoid artery in neck. Feeling light headed and nauseous. Have I damaged my nerve? Can I take viagra 50 mg along with zolfresh 10 mg? X-ray showed hyoid bone broken. Not having any pain or breathing problem. Should I be concerned? Why am I getting thoughts like sleep is not necessary and why do we sleep? Ingested some silver metallic paint. Feeling sore chest and crappy. How to feel better? Blood test showed high complement total and low absolute eosinophils. Looking for suggestions 12 years old having difficulty to breath. Diagnosed with high blood sugar. How long insulin is to be taken? Getting continuous and long bleeding after dilatation and curettage. Should I be worried? Looking for a diet plan Why am I having pain in heart? Having coagulation problem, near to get menopause, slightly anemic. What should i do? Have a stent in left coronary artery. Why am I feeling skipped heartbeat and cold? Child having fever and not eating food. On pecef 50 and vizylac. Is it safe to give vizilac or electrol? When should we start the clomiphene citrate? Suffering from migraine. Suggest some exercise and diet Delayed in taking birth control pill. Is it normal to start spotting and bleeding? Missed taking birth control pills. Started spotting. HPT negative. Should I be worried about pregnancy? Had unprotected sex. Implanted embryo. Now pregnant. Parental identity? Suffering from painful constipation and diarrhoea. Which specialist should I consult? Creatnine levels is high and potassium level low. Is it safe to go for dialysis? Suffering from diarrhoea. Stool analysis done. What medication should be given? Getting pins and needles in back and breast area. Why am I feeling this? Started having hot flashes with headaches, nausea and leg cramps. How to get relief? Does the higher neutrophil count indicate some serious problem like hepatitis? Alcoholic. Have had abdominal discomfort. Could it be related to liver problem? Feeling confused after fainting. What is the problem and the cure? Have been through IVF and had the embryo transfer. What are the chances of pregnancy and miscarriage? Noticed a bulging pulse point on wrist. What to do?
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