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Child having cold and cough. What medication should be given? How to cure semen leakage and frequent urination? Having diarrhea with blood and mucus. Scan showed ovarian cyst. Worried about ovarian cancer? Suffering from back pain. Suggest some medication Have type 1 diabetes. Had spinal injuries in a accident. Could it be a reason of this? Noticed painless black spots on testicle. How to remove these spots? What treatment and cure should be done for tonsillitis and mouth ulcer? Have recurring cold, nasal inflammation and noticed blood in mucus. What could it be? Had spinal surgery. Not able to pass motion. Now what should be done? Getting harp stabbing pain in lower abdomen. What should I do to get relief? Have depression and noticed stringy matter in stool. Using psyllium fiber supplement. Worrisome Is it safe to take triple action virility support along diavon, verapermil and 25 mg toprol? Got knee injury. Hard lump appeared and having pain. Should I be worried? Have abdominal distension, diarrhea, back pain and bronchitis. Worried for lung cancer? Have unwanted hairs on face. Suggest some home remedies Suggest some exercises for abdominal fat reduction Feeling uneasy and drowsy. Got normal UTI report. Any cure? Getting pain in pelvic and tingling sensation in forehead. MRI scan normal. What should I do? Missed periods. Pregnancy test positive. What should I do to avoid pregnancy? Suffering from sleep less night. Taking zzzquil. What are the side effects? Semen analysis showed sperm morphology 70%, sperm motility 5% and agglutination niL. Any advice? Infant have jaundice. Blood test showed Hb 6 and thallesemia test negative. Should I be concerned? Suffering from stomach pain and diarrhea. What am I suffering? Suffering from loose stool and low grade fever. Any treatment? Noticed dark circle on shoulder. Applied acne cream. What is the problem and how to treat it? Getting sharp pain in ear. Cause and cure? Noticed spots on labia minora. Do pap smears detect genital warts? Have small hard painless lump under skin. What could this be? Have headaches, nausea and pain in both arms. Any cure? Pregnant. Diagnosed with amniotic band syndrome in lower placenta. What are the risks? Pregnant. Test showed TSH 9.3mlU/L, T4 12pmol/L and T3 4pmol/L. Should I be worried? Have headache. Feeling pulsating sensation and dizzy. Looking for cure Always grinding teeth and have dry lips. How to get rid of this problem? Have started to drink from last week. Drinking more than a normal person. Any problem with me? Type 1 diabetic. Getting pain in tailbone. What should I do? Smoking marijuana . Feeling uncomfortable, loss of appetite and have breathing problem. What are the risks? Urine analysis showed RBC 135u. What are the complication? EKG showed probable L atrial enlargement and anterior infarct. What does this mean? Noticed small black worm after urination. Concerned Child passing hard stool and frequent urination. Cause and cure? Experiencing dull headache and buzzing noise in head. What is the problem? Took clyndamican for staph infection. Tested positive for c-diff, negative for toxin. What's going on? Have had ectopic pregnancy and one tube removed. What are the chances of conceiving? Got a cut on finger. Noticed swelling and tightness. How long does it takes to heal? Have herpes simplex. Is it safe to go for lipo laser therapy? Any side effects? Is it safe to take a cranberry supplement while having one kidney? Have sore and peeling skin on corner of mouth. What could be causing this? Have cough. Started diarrhea after taking antibiotics. Is this normal? Feeling nauseous after root canal treatment. Should I consult a doctor? Have had tubes tied. Missing periods and feeling sick. What is going on? Urine test showed specific gravity 1.025, ph acidic, protein 2plus and sugar nil. What does this mean? Having severe stomach pain. Blood test and scan normal. What is the problem and cure? What should I do to get relief from itchy vagina? Taking montek and loratidine. Diagnosed with severe epileptic. Side effects of medicine? Suffering from back pain and getting whitish blotches on tongue. Proper diagnosis? Stool test showed presence of leukocytes and some epithelial cells. Any advice? Pregnant and have worms. Will this have any effect on unborn baby? Noticed erectile dysfunction. What cure should be done? Why am I able to hear and feel pulse above soft palate? Took radioactive iodine treatment. Noticed dark area on neck and chest. Are they related? Noticed pink discharge and feeling cramps after periods. What's wrong? Feeling rapid heart rate. Should I Be concerned? 3 years old took 40ml of asthavent 2mg syrup. What are the risks? Experiencing a bulge in abdomen after having appendectomy. Also have bowel obstruction. Need surgery? Noticed red and blotchy rash around vagina. What to do? MRI showed osteochondral lesion of the talus. Surgery required? Have CREST syndrome and HPV test showed positive. What is the cause and cure? On medication for hypertension. Why am I getting electric shock sensation in arm? Noticed blood and undigested food in stool. No weight loss. What is the problem? Suffering from postpartum depression, fatigue, dry skin and hair fall. How to get relief? Got hit on head. Having mild headache and pressure in cheek bone. Is this normal? Having headache and stiff neck. Is this a sign of getting over food poisoning? On antibiotic for UTI. Passing large blood clot with urine. What are the complication? Why am I getting sharp pain in scrotum while standing? Noticed blood in urine. Should I consult a doctor? 57 years old. Having pain in tailbone. Could it be coccydynia? Have throat infection. Started pain and unable to speak. Suggest some medication Took loestrin fe along with tetracycline. Had unprotected sex. Any chances of pregnancy? Experiencing numbness, tingling sensation in chest, back and scapula area. What is going on? Test showed leucosytes in urine, traces of blood and EBV positive at 41. Any suggestion? Can a peripherally inserted central catheters line cause a stroke? Have erectile dysfunction problem. What treatment is required? Diagnosed with male genital yeast. What treatment and cure should be done? Have irregular periods and dry vagina. Family history of early menopause. Hormone test done. Worrisome Have red, itchy spots inside corner of eye and headache. What could be causing this? Have tonsil problem and excessive secretion of saliva. How to get rid of this? 2 month old having constipation problem. What should I do? Suffering from stress and getting bad dreams. Should I consult a psychiatrist? Child having diarrhea, cold and loss of appetite. Diagnosed with minor pneumonia. Proper treatment? Met with an accident. Feeling sore and no visible damage. Noticed blood in urine. Is this serious? Have diabetes, cholesterol and noticed dent in butt cheek. What should I do? Have thyroid, high blood pressure and fisheries. Head started spinning. Proper diagnosis and cure Have acidity problem. Is it related to hernia or heart problem? Feeling stomach pain and difficulty to have bowel movement in public restroom. What to do? On anti seizure medicine. Noticed bumps on penis tip. How to get rid of this? Have itching and burning sensation in eye. Any cure? Noticed swelling and pimples on labia. What should I do to get rid of this? Had unprotected intercourse. Missing periods. What are the risks for pregnancy? Does a drug users who snort cocaine and other drugs are at risk of contracting HCV? Took anti-anxiety drug. Have itchy palms and fingers. How to get relief? Suffering from hair fall and dandruff. How to control this problem? Suffering from IBS, abdominal pain and frequent urination. Proper medication? Test showed sgpt and sgot mildly elevated. What is causing this? Getting pain in foot. Using volini to get relief. Any effective medication? Had hysteroscopy. Having postmenopausal bleeding. What does scanty biopsy mean? Child cried after vigorous shaking of head and behaving normal. Any brain damage? Red line rashes appeared on mouth and have strep throat. How to get rid of it? Have recurring ulcer. Should I get an std test after exposure? Have Itchy, red and pus filled blisters behind ears. Diagnosed with impetigo. Any cure? Planning for limb lengthening surgery. Interested in boxing. Any relation? Had unprotected intercourse. Started bleeding. Should I take pill to avoid pregnancy? Pregnant. Prescribed susten 200. How should I use it? Suffering from premature ejaculation. Will it be cured by taking depoxetine? Started vomiting a dark yellow to orange bitter substance. What to do? Noticed red pea sized blister on the back of mouth. How to get relief? Done digital rectal examination. Does having sex have any effect on PSA level? Noticed absence of ejaculation after masturbating. Feeling uncomfortable. What's wrong? History of migraine. MRI showed small vessel disease and mild chronic leukoencephalophy. Worrisome Noticed lump at the back of throat. Could it be a sign of cancer? Getting burning sensation on nipple and have anxiety and stress problem. Any ideas? Have high blood pressure and abscess tooth. Urine analysis done. What does the report suggest? Have swollen, painful and pulsating vein below ear. What could it be? Had unprotected sex after cesarean. What should I do to avoid pregnancy? Started medication for bronchitis. Developed warm, red and itchy patches on arm. What should I do? Why am I having pain in lower chest? Clitoris hurts to touch. Will it be cured by surgery? Stomach heaviness and vomiting after intercourse. HPT negative. Chances of pregnancy? Diagnosed with anisometropia of amblyopia. What treatment should be done? Taking treatment for epilepsy. MRI showed mild atrophy with loss of normal digitations. Any advice? Child diagnosed with encopresis. On miralax. What should be done to improve bowel movement? What does the prolonged liquefaction time of the semen mean? Had unprotected sex. Red bumps and burning feeling on penis tip. What to do? X ray report said LS bone is not straight. Doing twisting exercise. Not cured. Other option? CT scan showed maxillary sinusitis with blocked osteomeatal complex with ethmoidal sinusitis. Treatment? Suffering from mild stomach pain and bloating. Looking for cure Having headache. CT scan and lumber puncture normal. How long will it take to get cured? Feeling fuzziness in head and unable to concentrate. Could it be social anxiety disorder? Have loss of appetite, getting suicidal ideas and feeling depressed. Required treatment? Have had cyst removed from lips and noticed rigidness. Will it cure on its own? Feeling pain in back while breathing. Looking for proper diagnosis Taking treatment for acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Noticed bloody nose. Cause and cure? Surgery done for radial fracture. Experiencing pain after stitch removal. What is causing this? Have 70% hearing loss in both ears. Which type of hearing aid should be used? Have lipoma on inner thigh. Getting pins and needles sensation. Is it dangerous? Have ocd problem. Not getting relief by nexito. Advice some effective medicine What are the chances of pregnancy after protected intercourse? Took complete course of M P Forte. Not getting periods. What are the effects on child? Have lumps on arm cephalic vein. Getting sharp pain in arm, elbow and wrist. Worrisome Diagnosed with TB. On forecox and pantop D. Feeling acidity and itching. What should be done? Have IBS, borderline personality disorder, depression and anxiety. Weight loss medicine? Feeling low after taking crystal meth. How to get rid of this? Experiencing pain and burning sensation while urinating. Could it be chlamydia? Diabetic. Having pain and tingling sensation in arm. How to get relief? Suffering from IBS, abdominal pain, frequent urination and constipation. Proper medication? Suffering from huntington's chorea. Will it be cured by stemcell therapy? Having abdominal pain. X-ray, ultrasound and blood test normal. What is going on? Able to see and feel pulse at the base of neck. BP, EKG and MRA normal. Should I be worried? Missing periods. Pregnancy test positive. Safe to travel? Precaution to be taken? Child has mild fever, achy body and pain while breathing. What is the problem? Got hives on belly, thighs and under armpit. What could be causing this? Pregnant. Having stomachache and continuous vomiting. Tested positive for ketone bodies. Any suggestion? How to get relief from severe tooth pain? Noticed small blood blisters inside cheek. How to get relief? Old patient with liver problem. Should I give ziffi cv or just ziffi? Have Itchy, red, dry penis shaft. What could be causing this? Experiencing clear vaginal discharge after full hysterectomy. Is this normal? Veins under tongue started hurting. Any common reasons? Took pill after unprotected sex. Started bleeding and missed next periods. Am I pregnant? Took two dolo 650. Will it cause any harm? Have burning sensation in mouth, throat, stomach, penis and scrotum. Caused due to acid reflux? On medication for nausea, constipation, sour stomach and dizziness. Any proper cure? Feeling itchy and tightness around neck. What should I do to get relief? Can I take duromine if I have a stent in left main artery? Feeling irregular heartbeat and tightness in chest. EKG and blood test normal. Any suggestion? Have swelling in breast, chest, arm pits with lymph nodes. What treatment should be done? Had acl reconstruction and medial meniscus. Felt stiffness and hard lump on knee. Is this normal? Test showed slightly elevated plasma cells. Could it be mgus or smoldering myeloma? Noticed redness and pain on penis tip of a child. How to treat it? What is the cause of pain in the heart? Child having loose stool. Noticed greenish loose stool after giving nutrolin B syrup. Is this normal? Alcoholic. Feeling uncomfortable in head. What is this and how to get relief? Noticed small mushy bump on lower leg. What could be the cause and cure? Experiencing cough, headache, sore throat, fatigue, diarrhea and constipation. Looking for relief What precaution should I take to avoid pregnancy? What does rubella IgG test in grey zone mean? Have F Factor V Leiden deficiency on one side. Had emergency colostomy. Blood count is low. Anything wrong with me? Had intercourse. Blood test showed HCG level less than 1.0. Reason for delayed periods? Treatment for separation anxiety disorder, early onset and 302.6 gender identity disorder nos? Had miscarriage. Took siphene 150mg and trying to conceive. Should I go for ultrasound? Loss of appetite, won't make eye contact and drinking alcohol. Symptoms of major depressive disorder? Dependent on alcohol and have 301.0 paranoid personality disorder. Proper diagnosis and cure? Have mild mitral valve prolapse and tmj. Having chest and back pain. Risk of heart attack? Have hypochondria. Started cough and noticed blood in saliva. What is causing this? Test showed high lymphocyte count. What treatment should be done? On treatment for lymph node TB. Blood test showed IGM and IGA negative. Looking for suggestion What treatment should be done for sinus headache? Having pain in testicle and noticed dark skin on it. What to do? Addicted to nexito forte. How to get rid of this tablet? Developed tightness in throat and shortness of breath after walking. How to get relief? Have had swollen taste buds and acid reflux. Any suggestion?
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