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Blood test showed low hemoglobin level in body. Any suggestion? Why am I getting pain in neck muscle after having cold drinks? Suffering from hypothyroidism and anemia. Planning for a baby. Suggest a diet plan Sore throat with blisters on it and getting pain while swallowing. Took medicine. Right medicine? Child having itchy dark spot on scrotum. Should I consult a doctor? Started using meth. Heart started hurting with breathing difficulty. Proper treatment? Noticed painful round spots on toes. Not cured by lotrimin. Am I having an allergic reaction? Have fever, cough, feeling fatigue and noticed red itchy rash. Sign of any illness? Having stomach ache below the ribs. How to get relief? Started spotting with brown discharge after rough sex. What cure should be done? Why am I feeling lightheaded, tired and hearing cracking sound in ear? Suffering from premature ejaculation. Can I use viagra for sexual intercourse? Have costochondritis. Started pain in ribs near sternum. Taking medicine. Any suggestion? Took benadryl for swollen lips. Getting tingling and sores on lips. Any effective medicine? Pain around testicle. Sonogram showed cyst in scrotum. Taking antibiotic. Is this safe treatment? Have itchy red spots on back. What could this be? Taking medicine for epididymitis. Noticed redness and soreness on penis head. Normal? Started using birth control. Noticed yellow spots on breasts. Cause of concern? What are the chances of getting HIV through kissing? Noticed swelling and brown skin color after cast removal from broken ankle. Is lympho drainage recommended? Found scaphoid fracture. Noticed swelling and pain. Taking zanpain. Any proper treatment? Have itchy red bumps on mons pubis. How to get rid of it? Child has fever, cough, runny nose and pain in calf muscle. What treatment should be done? Constipated, feeling bloated and having postmenopausal bleeding. Should I consult gynaecologist? Have itchy spots all over body. Found bed bugs. How to overcome this problem? Taking treatment for hbp, kidney problem and high cholesterol level. Worried for raised serum creatinine level Child taking antibiotic for transparent boils over knees. Is this a bacterial infection? Pregnant. Started vomiting frequently. Suggest medicine to stop vomiting Suffering from throat infection. Not cured by allergy medicine. Any suggestion? How to get rid of headache and blocked nose? Foreskin attached with penis head and getting pain while pulling back. What should I do? Started feeling uncomfortable with red itchy spots at the site of shaving. What could it be? Painful menstrual cycle after delivery. Scan showed bulky uterus with adenomyosis. Required treatment? Feeling numbness in fingers and pain all over body. Could it be due to pinched nerve? Why am I unable to hold a cup of tea or coffee without experiencing anxiety or tremors? Having through pain while swallowing. How to get relief? High blood sugar level after few hours of food with a normal fasting blood sugar level. Reason? Frequency of stool is 3 times a day. Is it normal? Diagnosed with hernia. Ultrasound report showed lower abdominal incisional hernia. Surgery needed? Adviced clingen to be taken through vagina. Is there any alternate oral tablet? Getting dizziness while moving or turning head. Diagnosed with cervical spondylosis. Safe remedy? Took benadryl for swollen patches on face along with rashes on face and neck. Remedy? Is it safe to take 18 mg of iron at 22 weeks of pregnancy? Nausea and diarrhea after taking oxycodone. How long oxycodone takes to get out of system? Six-way CABG done. Unable to walk for stenotic vertebrae. Doing regular exercise. Any suggestion? Child diagnosed with enlarged tonsils, deviated septum and rhinitis. Any effective treatment? Quitted drinking. Noticed lump in back of throat and feeling discomfort. Could it be throat cancer? Missing period. Getting stomachache and leg pain. HPT positive. Is this normal? What is the normal follicular size after few days of menstruation? Suffering from ventricular tachycardia. Cause of severe headache and watering nose? Have swollen lymph node in neck and swollen lingual tonsils. Biopsy negative. Surgery required? Taking logynon ed. Started spotting with cramps. Should I be worried? Nerve grafting done for brachial plexus injury. Have paralyzed hand and neck pain. Any relief? 11 month old infant is not crawling, standing, walking or sitting. Does it indicate any abnormality? Pregnant. Ultrasound normal. Getting abdominal pain, back pain and pressure near uterus. Normal? Is it safe to use cotton buds to clean ear wax? 29 years old. Is it possible to increase height through exercise, stretching or diet? What happens if 400mg of sleeping pills is consumed? Took medicine for typhoid. Getting mild fever, body pain and stomach discomfort. Prognosis? Pregnant, Consumed alcohol and started bleeding. Does this affected the growth of embryo? Why am I getting negative thoughts? How to overcome this? Have skin growth on lower eyelid. What should be done? Taking medicine for anemia. Losing weight and abdominal pain after eating uncooked rice. Any advice? Have osteoarthritis of knee joints. Will bone marrow stem cell injection help to cure knee pain? Why do I feel hungry and have concentration difficulty after masturbation? Sore streak in groin area. Feeling fatigue and burning sensation in thighs. IGG and IGM negative. Concerned Feeling dizzy and losing weight. Thyroid blood test done. Do I have hypothyroidism according to the report? Have copper coil fitted. Getting pain in pelvis, hip, vagina and anal canals. Cause and cure? Type 2 diabetic. Feeling nausea with abdominal pain and chest pain. Not cured by medicine. Reason? Severe pain near hip bone. Feeling nausea and vomiting. Appendicitis or gallbladder problem? Have scholiosis in c-spine, lump in neck, pressure under breast and shortness of breath. Related? Hypothyroid, scholiosis in c-spine, lump in neck, pressure under breast and shortness of breath. Related? Suffering from cold and sputum. Humming in ear and feels blocked. Is this due to intake of viagra? Getting penis pain while inserting into vagina. What could be causing this? Have fatty liver problem, gaining weight and high sgpt level. Prescribed hepexa 300 mg. What to do? Facing breathing difficulty. History of diabetes and hypertension. Will pleural fluid tapping help? Had unprotected sex. What can I do to prevent any infection? Felt cold, weak, numbness on lower back and losing control of legs. Could it be multiple sclerosis? Had a stent and on blood thinners. Facing erection problem. Any suggestion? Red spots on feet, ankles and calf. No itching or swelling. Not cured by cortizone cream. Any ideas? Treatment for fluid retention in stomach, weight loss, gallbladder stones, inguinal hernia and blurred vision? Child with high temperature and loss of appetite started shivering. What is the disease? Have ankle sprain grade 2, bumps on foot with burning toes. X-ray showed no fracture. Concerned Bruise and lump appeared on leg after injury. Any risk of bloodclot? Diagnosed with visual snow. All medical test negative. Related to environmental issues? Taking antibiotic for transparent boils over legs, wrist and elbows. Bacterial infection or allergy? Suffering from rib displacement. Looking for proper treatment Missing period. Getting cramps with white vaginal discharge. Noticed spotting while peeing. Worrisome Child getting brown colored stinky stools. Stool test done. What are the findings and treatment required? Suggest vegetarian diet plan to gain weight Have an erected sore nipple and small ulcer around it. Using bandaid on it. Any suggestion? What do black marks between bridge of nose and eyes mean? Suffering from IBS and discomfort in lower abdomen. Not cured by librax and vibact. Any remedy? Have lump on vas deferens. Experiencing burning sensation on it. How to cure this? External hemorrhoid burst and started bleeding. Feeling dizzy. Should I consult a doctor? Semen analysis done. Is the test report normal? Have arrhythmia tachycardia, hip pain. Took zerodol. Feeling nausea and upset stomach. Proper cure? Blood test done. What are the findings and precaution to be taken? Got head injury. Started getting headache and swelling appeared. Cause of concern? Feeling dizziness. ECG normal. Which specialist should I consult to diagnose the problem? Taking bupropion for depression. Developed chest pain, cold and dizziness. What's causing this? Getting dry and cracked lips in cold weather. How to get rid of it? Is it possible to get male child by IUI? CAT scan showed mass on liver. Could this be hydatid echinococcus? Got head injury. Feeling tingling sensation on forehead and nose. No nausea or dizziness. Concerned Have anal fistula. Not having bowel movement but passing foamy mucus. Any treatment? Fasting blood test and urinalysis done. Are the findings in the report normal? Took axiron for low testosterone level. Have low fsh and lh level. Should I consult endocrinologist? Is it safe to take oxyelite pro along with lutera? Why am I getting sharp pain in chest while breathing? Sensitive spot in throat while speaking. Could it be strained vocal cord? On depo shot. Why am I feeling tenderness and breast fullness? Anterior and posterior spinal fusion done. Have numbness in arm. How to develop tricep and deltoid? Blood in urine and dry patches of skin on arms and chest. Bacteria found in urine test. Related? Taking seasonique birth control pills and started spotting. What should I do? Suffering from itchy dandruff. Home remedy to cure this problem? Surgery done for cervical cyst. Started growing again and causing pain. What to do? Had coronary artery bypass surgery. Losing weight with mitral valve murmur. Advice? Child has fever and started sweating. Should I be worried? Taking medicine for kidney stones. Found stone in spleen. Should I be worried? Took mt pill tablet after intercourse. When will I get my next period? Getting tingling sensation in shoulder with no pain. How to get relief? Have red and sore gums. Noticed dark patches on other part of gums. What is the problem? Cluster headache cured after taking isoptin and deseril. Stopped deseril and getting headache. Any advice? Having pain in the arm and back of elbow radiating down the forearm. How to get relief? Undergone angioplasty for a heart stent. Suggest cure, exercise and diet plan Taking dayquil and nyquil. Noticed purplish color of semen. Are they related? Taking thyronorm. Found out pregnant. Vomited after taking thyroid medicine. What should I do? Doing regular exercise. Cause of erectile dysfunction, small penis, lack of libido and depression? What are the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome? Treatment for diarrhea? Planning for a baby. Stopped smoking. Noticed phlegm with dark colored flecks. Is this normal? Have ear infection. Temporary relief by medication. Started getting water filled pimples. Is it follicle infection? Suffering from migraine. Temporary relief after medication. Suggest effective medicine for cure Suffering from tinea on hands. No improvement after medication. Any suggestion? Had sepsis due to compacted colon. Loss of appetite and pain after bowel movement. Any ideas? Had unprotected sex. On depo shot. Is there any chances of pregnancy? Child has cough and bleeding nose. What diet, cure and precaution is to be taken? Effective medicine with no side effect to treat cholinergic urticaria? Have severe cough. Home remedy to get rid of this? Had unprotected sex during period. Is there any chances of pregnancy? Is it safe to masturbate or have sex if I am going to the gym everyday? What is the doses of ganaton total? Had fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. Which doctor should I consult for adiposis dolorosa? Stopped smoking. Noticed blood in the phlegm and started coughing. Any advice? Had unprotected sex. Got fever, started shivering, pain in hips and legs. Worried for STD? Suffering from itching all over body. Temporary relief by cetrizine. Any permanent remedy? Taking levothyroxine due to thyroidectomy. Found out pregnancy. Any problem in fetal development? Fever, headache, fatigue and weakness after flu shot. Normal EMG and NCV. What's wrong? Facing sleeping problem. Is there any medicine for cure? Loss of lidido and sinus congestion after taking alfuzosin and proscar. Would rapaflo be better? On HCG diet. Rashes appeared on back and chest. What should I do? Infant passing semi solid yellow coloured stools. Stool test done. What are the findings? Can gout occur around the ankle joint and feet? Bridge removed due to pain in anchor tooth. Tooth not responding to any test. Required treatment? Child having sharp pains in collar bone area. What should be done for cure? Have red spots on penis. No itching. What could it be? Missing period. Experiencing mild cramps, bloating and white discharge. What is causing this? Have dark spots near inner thigh, between forefinger and thumb. Looking for permanent solution Have low platelet count. Should I take antidepressants or vitamins? Pain on tip of penis during urination. What is the problem? Getting warm sensation in abdomen. How to get rid of this problem? Taking citalopram, donepezil and bupropion for brain aneurysm. Is it safe to drink alcohol? Treated for graves disease and hypertension. Is it possible to have autoimmune diseases without any symptoms? Had WPW and ebstein's anomaly. Took high dose of ativan for panic attack. Safe to take buspar? Feeling dizzy, sweating and pain in intestine. Is this a serious problem? Homeopathic treatment done for psoriasis. How to remove black spots on leg and spine? Developed blurred vision, ear pain and yellowish fluid discharge. On medication. Cause and cure? Have multiple sclerosis and fibromyalgia. Diagnosed with liver problem. How to overcome this probelm? Have itchy and sticky dandruff, sores on scalp and hair loss. What is the disease and treatment? Getting tingling sensation in penis head after unprotected sex. How to get cure? Taking antibiotic for bladder infection. Developed fever. Taking tylenol. Required treatment? Getting mild pain below rib cage while coughing. X-ray clear. Muscle damage or liver damage? Child has constipation and stomachache with sulphur smelling belches. What treatment should be done? Lost fallopian tube. Taking a treatment for IVF. Should I go for the endometrial tb pcr test? Have chronic hypertension, headache and feeling of spinning head. What's going on? How long after unprotected sex should I get tested for herpes or HIV? Have fibroid on muscular wall of the uterus. Started heavy bleeding after c-section. Any cure? Have back pain, cyst between the buttock with smelly liquid discharge. How to get rid of this? Experiencing tightness, slight pain in stomach area and blood from vagina. What's wrong? What does amorphous deposits in semen analysis mean? Using varenicline to quit smoking. Can it be detected in a drug test? Child suffering from fever and vomiting. Tested negative for malaria and typhoid. Any suggestion? Had inguinal hernia repaired. Getting pain in groin area. X-ray and medical test done. Cause and cure? Taking 3000 iu of vitamin D3. Tested for progesterone, vitamin D and DHEA. What are the findings? Started exercising after a long gap and found high heart rate. Is this normal? Shortness of breath and coughing up blood. Chest x-ray and blood test normal. What's wrong? Experiencing burning pain in chest. Is this any heart related disease? Complete hysterectomy done. Having severe flank pain and brown vaginal discharge. Any suggestion? Experiencing episodes of sharp electric shock like pain in heart. Should I visit ER? Facing difficulty in falling asleep. What should be done? Feeling fatigue, joint pain and weakness in leg. MRI done. Could it be multiple sclerosis? Have cysts on lower back. Getting severe pain down leg. Ultrasound done. Looking for cure Child has fever with cold hand and feet. Is this serious? Infant started vomiting, have loss of appetite, dry lips and no fever. What cure should be done? Upper abdominal pain and excessive flatulence. No heartburn or blood in stool. Do I need endoscopy? Have sensitive penis tip. Is it due to masturbation? How soon after unprotected sex should get tested for STI? 16 years old. Is there any supplements or diet plan to increase height? Getting headache and phobia. How to overcome this problem?
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