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Child with marble sized lump under chin, teething, no fever and good diet. should I be concern? Suffering from constipation. Celiac test, creat, glucose and hemogram CRP normal. Safe remedy? Ovulated with clomid along with metformin and lupi HMG injections. Chances of pregnancy? Suffering breathing problem and throat irritation. Advised surgery for deviated nose and CT scan. Suggest? Suffering from psoriasis. White patches on scalp all over the head. Cure for it? Pain in entire leg and balancing problem. ACL, PCL rupture in knee. Had surgery and physiotherapy? Angiogram showed blockage. Advised to do angioplasty and kidney biopsy. Is smoker and drinker. Future risk? Swelling and itching fingers in the morning. What it could be? Trying to conceive, small cyst on ovary with thick endometrium. How to cure without taking birth control? Having breathing problem, using inhaler. Diagnosed with asthma. How to get rid of it? Having irregular period. Started bleeding after having intercourse. What could be causing this? Getting chest pain with acid reflux and anxiety attacks. What should I do? Penis tips burns.Treated with diflucan and antibiotic, using testosterone cream. Right treatment? Reduced sperm quantity, no prolonged erection, ejaculation after mastubation only. Had variocele surgery for testicle. Suggest? Urine test showed WBC. Treated for UTI. Had antibiotics, vanzdaole and bactrium. Are all related? Have small testicle. Could this be due to over masturbation? Is it safe to take diet pill when on antidepressants and other medication? Child has wart on mouth. Not cured after treatment. How to remove this? Had prolapsed bowel surgery done. Fetting nausea, diarrhea, lower abdominal pain. Any treatment? Child is having foul smelling rectal discharge. Should I visit ER? Experiencing pain in wrist and hand. X-ray, mri, blood test normal. Not getting cure. Safe remedy? Can ivf cause bulky ovaries with small follicles? Child started shivering, vomiting, had fever, sore throat. No relief from advil. Effective remedy? Have painful bump behind scrotum. What could be causing this? No strength in legs, cannot walk, no muscle movement. Had pneumonia. Is this reaction to antibiotics? Trying to get pregnant. Had implanon taken out. Missing period. What is going on? Having pimples and dark skin. Suggest treatments? Have numbness on lip, rashes on ear, neck and below eye. Should I consult a doctor? Tapering the dose of venlafexine. Experiencing headache, sinus problem. What is causing this? Child with high fever, cold and cough. Blood work done. Taking calpol, novamax and maftal-p. Suggest? Took morning after pill. Noticed bleeding from urethra. Is this the normal side effect of pill? Facing problem in passing bowel movement. Notice mucus in it. Worried for cancer Getting nausea and vomiting associated with blood in the stools. Colonoscopy normal. Medical cure? Pain in chest, tingling in arm and hand. Had bulimic. Should I be concerned? Noticed hard bump behind ear and getting headache. Should I be worried? Chances of getting infected with HIV from fingering? Have uneven sized testicles. Is this a symptom of hydrocele? Diabetic. How to increase HB level without increasing sugar level? Suffering from hair fall and dandruff. What should I do to get rid of this? What should I do to remove pimple scars on face? Having breathing problems while swallowing. What could be wrong? 28 years old. Suggest some effective way to increase height Took vyvanse. Noticed green discoloration on hand and veins popping out. What to do? Swelling and pain in knees. Advised medication by orthophysician. What are the risk? Sonography done. Found liver cyst and kidney stone. What should be done to remove this? Suffering from migraine and headache. Will it be cured by nasya therapy? Undergone PSA test. Looking for suggestion Trying to quit smoking. Diagnosed with congestive heart failure. Life expectancy? Irregular period started after failed IVF. Should I be concerned? Taking muesli extra capsule. Feeling drowsy. Is this due to medicine? Noticed bruise on skin after showering. Having frequent urination. Proper diagnosis? Taking thyrox. Which medicine should I take to reduce weight? Having lower back pain along with spasmodic pain after sitting for a long. Effective remedy? Have dark circles around eyes. Should I undergo plastic surgery to remove dark circles? Using hcg drops for weight loss. Having severe back pain. Ct scan showed a uterine stripe needing biopsy What shoud I do to quit smoking? Diagnosed with cortical visual impairment. How to cure this? Blood test showed negative for pcos but ultrasound showed suspicion of underlying PCOS. Worrisome Blood test showed elevated SGOT and LDH level. Any suggestion? Started loosing weight. What should I do now? Suffering from PSVT. Feeling tired, pain in shoulder and neck. How to overcome this? Felt airlock in the throat while running. Should I be worried? Have higher lymphocytes and a lower neutrophils. Effect on child if parent have different blood groups? Have swelling pain and bruise on hand and knuckle. Skin started peeling off. Cause and cure? Headaches, high fever, allergies, achy sore eye, running nose Had GAD. Should I be concerned? Child ears smell bad. Consulted ENT. Advised for precaution while feeding and bathing. Prescribed medicines. Suggest? Have ulcer between scrotum and anus. Noticed blood and pus discharge. What could this be? Tested negative for hiv after an exposure. Rashes appeared all over body. Should I get tested again? Have diabetes, random swelling, hard knots usually at night. On glimepiride and amlodipine. Taking benydril. Suggest? Drank bad soymilk.. Started feeling weird in stomach. What should I do now? Prescribed novelon and folinine-d after abortion. Missed taking folinine-d for few days. Any complication? Getting feeling of numbness in hands and jaw. How to cure this? 23 years old. Suggest some methods and diet to increase height Have painful lump on chest. Pus comes out after pressing. Is this cancerous? Addicted to masturbating. Is this harmful? What are the side effects? Suffering with slight mood swings, cannot focus at times. Was on RSP. Is it cause of concern? Had copper coil removed. Passing smelly vaginal discharge. Took flagyl and amoxicillin. Worrisome Stuffy nose, throbbing in head, weakness post accident. Was taking tonsillitis medicine during fall. Symptoms due to tonsils or fall? Suffering from knee joint problem. Getting burning sensation and crack sound when folding knee. Advice? Blood test done for myelocytes, lymph, neut, mono and WBC level. What are the findings? Undergone cataract operation. Now facing dryness in eye. Any eye drop or natural treatment? Exercised pelvic floor muscle. Having pressure around anus. What dose it indicate Taking bisoprolol fumarate to regulate an ectopic heart beat. Is it safe to use viagra? Have tiny bumps and discolotation on ankles. Is this normal? Taking homoeopathy remedy for cough, cold and chest. Combination of J tissue salts. What are the dosage? Child having watery and curd like stools. Given rotateq vaccine. Giving enfamil and normet. Is it normal? Elevated ALT, subcapsular fluid collection, possibly a hematoma. Metabolic panel test normal. Advice? 69 years old. Overweight. What should be my scrotum size? Advised test for TSH, lipid panel, cbc and metabolism. Do I have STD? Painles lump on testicle. Having masturbation. Is it cancer? Found blood in urine and moderate calcium oxalate. What does this mean? Dry shaved on scrotum, rashes, skin burning, small wound. Applied four derm, surfaz sm, had saftum. Advice? Have osteo and rheumatoid arthritis. Taking oxycontin, panadol, celebrex. Any other medicine? Experiencing pain in leg. How to get relief? Have abscess above anus. Prescribed cephalexin and bactrim. Looking for second opinion Feeling of fullness. Diagnosed hypoechoic lesions on liver after nephrectomy for benign tumor. Is it cancer? Prescribed antibiotic for abscess above annus. Pus drained out from it. Is this a good sign? Had light pinkish sputum. Chest xray, CBC, TSH normal. Taking antibiotic. Feeling lightheaded. Suggestion Bloated and burning pains in my stomach. Had loose bowels and diarrhea. What dose it indicate Had body massage with unprotected hand job. No vaginal or anal contact. Is there chance for HIV? Have sebaceous cyst on scalp. Advised for removal. Any recommendations? Virgin and not married. Periods before time. Brown discharge after periods with cramps. Is it serious? Red welt like itchy marks on arms and armpit, little cough.Healing with aloe vera. Is it fine? Having sore throat with medium hard white stuff, redness in area. Hurts ear. Underlying cause? Taking alpha blocker. Developed urinary track infection. Having frequent urination. Can I take Tamsulosin ? Having cramps, nausea, constipation and urinating. Had mirena . No periods yet. Can I be pregnant? Itchy skin on inner butt cheeks. Wet and bleeding. Was diagnosed with herpes without symptoms. Advice? Noticed redness around penis tip and getting stinging sensation when urinating. Required treatment? Have raised dry spot on chin. How to remove this? Discomfort in lower abdomen, missed periods, frequent urination. Ultrasound showed ovarian cysts. Pregnant? Taking laser treatment for removal of unwanted hair on face. Developed rashes. Suggested momate. Safe? Have acne on shoulder and back. Is this due to vitamin deficiency? moderately low, high cholestrol, no heart attacks. Was on lipitor. Future risk? Cyst in the ovary wall. Under medication. No medical history. Easy way to get cure? Milk teeth fall out after an injury. No sign of new teeth after few month. What to do now? Diagnosed with HER positive tumors. Given tamoxifen and herceptin. Suggest effective medicine Taking norethisterone tablets. How long will it be safe to take? Diagnosed with cellulitis, having bad pain, purple hard mass, peeled like blister. Cure for this? Cervical MRI showed subcentimetre bilateral level II cervical chain lymph nodes. Meaning? Non smoker, no heart issue. Facing erectile dysfunction problem. Any solution? Low fever, weakness, pain and numbness in leg. On lipicard av, amaryl. Diagnosed with lymph node cervical TB. Advice? Heavy urinal outflow, weakness. Have diabetes. Safe remedy? Taking teratment for carcinoma lung stage IV with bone, liver, and adrenal metastasis. Alternate medicine and effective cure? Lump between groin and leg, overweight and smoker. Hard and not moving. Should I be concern? Can I take garcinia cambogia pills, growth hormone dietary supplement oral spray at the same time? Missing period. Feeling cramps, bloated and getting diarrhea. Pregnancy test negative. What to do? Took lazix for swollen legs. Noticed dry skin. Used mupirocin. Effective cure? Fearing that some one may touch when alone. How to avoid this? Child with stomach aches, drops to ground, heavy and tingling leg. Hyperventilating. Had ekg and eeg. Suggest? Have PTSD. Had surgery for bilateral hernia. Taking morphine, vicodine. Scrotum is black and painful. Serious? Can megestrol cause excessive hair growth in women? Taking eltroxin for slightly under active thyroid. Getting headache, tired and dizzy. What is wrong? Unconscious, yellow skin and sclerae, gold-coloured urine. Had jaundice and liver transplant. What hepatitis is it? Had kidney failure with 25% level working. How to improve? Total knee replacement done. Experiencing pain when lifting. Concerned Suffering from back pain. How to overcome this problem? Skin burns after shaving, pimples develops with remaining marks. How to avoid this? Having hair fall. Using hard water for hair wash. Suggest medication? Having stiff shoulder, tingling in hands and feet, headaches and anxiety. Awaiting root canal work. Are they related? Want to concieve, having heavy bleeding. Had follicle count done. Chances of conceiving? Diagnosed with mono. CBC done for NRBC2 and reactive lymph. What does the finding suggest? Fell down from stairs and vomited. Took motrin for headache. Felt squishy spot on side of head. Concerned Consulted psychiatrist. Diagnosed with clinical depression. Had relationship breakup. Taking daxid. How to overcome this? Hand, shoulder, neck tingles and pains, lower back and chest pain.Done cardio catheterization on heart. Suggest? History of acne. Now have oily, uneven skin with large pores and black marks. Permanent solution? Taking treatment for TB. Getting persistent fever. What could be the readson? Tension, upset stomach and sharp random pains all over body. Could this be dehydration? Heavy smoker and marijuana user. Have low testesterone level. Unable to gain weight or maintain erection Have central hypopituitarism. Awaiting MRI. Took ACTH injection.What dose it indicate Suffering from GAD, headache, fever, allergies, achy sore eyes and tesion. What it could be? Lungs filled with air, having hiatal hernia, GERD, esophageal ulcerations . On nexium. Had gastritis. Cure for this? Have a hiatal hernia and GERD. Getting feeling of chest tightness and air filled in lung. Prognosis? Getting panic attacks, was on anti-depressants.Using pacemaker for heartblocks. Should I continue the medicine? Getting black and red worm in stool. Smoke marijuana. Taken zelcom. What could I do? Had abortion. Taking novelon. Getting nausea. Should i continue this pill? After masturbation feeling of peeing and loose motion. Is it safe? Had blood in urine with burning sensation only after jogging. Was on antibiotic. What is it? Having painless lump on testicle. Masturbate much. Can it be cancer? Have red bumps with white head on penis. No pain or itching. Could this be herpes, warts or pimple? Had protected sex, took contraceptive. Missed period, White clear discharge. Am I pregnant? Getting blurred vision and feeling of roller coaster when laying down. Worrisome Drank red wine. Got fever. Blood lipid panel test done. Reason for elevated value? Have arm pain and tingling in forearm. MRI showed straightening of the cervical spine with focal reversal of the normal lordosis Taking bisoprolol and losartan for BP. Thyroid removed. Have cough, low appetite and tiredness. Remedy? Swelling appeared on foot after injury. Should I be worried? Experiencing pain below belly button. Hurts to touch and feeling bloated. Safe remedy? Uneasines and vomitting, no period after having sex. Had mensovit. Can it be pregnancy? Child tasted water from bird bath. Mild asthma. Anything serious? Have had blood in urine, liver enzymes high, drinks often. Survived colon and larynx cancer. What is it? Blood test done. Found elevated alkaline phosphatase level. Should I be concerned? Have visited to Hep c patient. Had cut in my hand. Is there any risk? Have dry, sensitive and painful clitoris. What am I suffering from? Sperm analysis done. Is there any alternate cure other than Intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection? Child vomiting, loose motions, cold and cough. Giving spolac, seriflox and cough syrup. Suggest? Cannot regain arms.Removed cervical rib because of thoratic outlet syndrome. Diagnosed with brachial plexus lesion. Advice? Recurring lumps in neck and armpit. Diagnosed with breast cancer, had mastectomy Advised for biopsy on lumps. Suggest? Having lower abdominal pain, dizziness and headache. Started spotting. HPT negative. Pregnancy? Had anxiety disorder. Having headaches, eye strain, tinnitus, irritation in eyes with cough. Any danger? Having severe neck pain, back pain, muscle tightness and discomfort under arm. Any treatment? Lack of sleep, bloated ,constipated and overweight. On blood pressure tablets and pravastatin. Medication? Muscle aches, tingling legs, no urination, migraine. High iron level and low testosterone. Given Zofran and Toradol. Married, irregular periods. Done with pregnancy and thyroid test. Advice? Unable to bend toe, nail bed is painful. Active runner. Had toe nail removed for infection. Suggest? Reason for coughing and sneezing after eating? Sonogram showed difference between uterus and foetus development. Risk for abortion? Had embryo transfer. On progesterone injections, painkillers and steroids. Chances of conception? What is the normal bilirubin level? Does it tell seriousness of jaundice? Had blood, semen and urine test for STD. What does the finding mean? Copper IUD inserted. Experiencing severe bloating, heartburn, nausea and pressure in abdomen. What to do? Suffering from nightfall. Suggest some effective medicine Have candida infection. Which medicine should I take? How to get rid of it? Had HSG done, Uterus and fallopian tubes normal. No evidence of free spill. What else could it be? Diagnosed with conjuctivitis. Identified as bacterial infection but was viral. Erythromycin replaced with eye drops. Advice Facing problem of dribbling of urine after urination. How to cure this disease? Taking amlovas AT for high BP and coffee for low BP. Should I take amlovas AT for low BP? Had delivery. Stopped breast feeding. Having irregular periods, pimple like lump in labia. Herpes? Found dots on penis after having intercourse. Using clotrimazole. Is this yeast infection? Having severe pain in wrist and back all the time. How to cure this? Had stroke. Done C1-C2 fusion on both arteries, occluding with screw. Advised for CT scan. What it can be? Itchy anus, bloated, stinky flatulence, no blood in toilet. Stools are soft and smelly. What it could be?
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