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Had sexual exposure using condom. Gen eclia test values 0.312 and second test 0.344. Reason for increase in count in second test? Feeling pain in chest, breathing and temperatures are normal. Underlying cause? Suffering from burning sensation during urination. Have grade 1 prostatomegaly. Have allergy sneezing. Suggestions Child suffering from fever due to tonsillitis. Gave crocin and meftal but fever not subsiding. Suggest? What does Serum for Beta HCG : 1519.00 mean in ECLIA Method? Have done nursing, tiny drops of milk discharge and white flakes on breast with a tiny brown flake Have a redness and itchiness on both lower legs after working at night. Suggest? Feet feeling heavy and tight. Conduction test normal. Difficult to swim. Remedy? Suffering from lack of interest in family. Playing only video games. Consulted physicist. No use. Suggest? Having headache radiating to shoulder, fingers and eye pain. Can it be migraine? Have cold problem, How to reduce it? Diabetic. Prescribed glycomet before meals. Advise right way to have this medicine? Have severe acne on face. Suggest treatment? Have tinnitus and hearing loss. Prescribed Lipo Flavonoid. Is it a temporary problem? Child has developed itchy rashes on hand, leg and thigh. Suggest medication? Diagnosed with Focal Segmental Glomeruloscelrosis. Prescribed Wysalone. Resulted in BP and sugar shoot up. Steroids high? Having chills, sweating and fever. What could be the cause? Had delivered last year, is breast feeding. No periods yet, when will it resume? Having fever, red throat and feeling tired. Taking amoxicillian. Normal to have fever with these symptoms? Pregnant, having stiff nose, cold and cough. Is it safe to take citrizine or paracetamol? Had developed pain in groin while lifting weight. What can be done? Having sore throat, hard to swallow, getting burps and burning sensation. Advise? Delayed periods. Took morning after pill post sex. Currently undergoing IVF. Pregnancy test negative. Will the pill affect IVF? Had knee injury. Done with X-ray . What are the findings? Suffering from acute lower back pain, unable to do daly activities. Advise? Seems to have vaginismus. Unable to have penetrative sex. What can be done? Is it necessary that if earlier pregnancy was caesarean next will also be same? Finding it hard to regain strength in arm after surgery. Started aerobics. Suggest? Have consistent back pain, unbearable in the morning. Suggest? Observing hair fall. Getting pimples on scalp. Cause and treatment? Having pain in left toe bone. Using fastum gel. Having swelling. What can be done? Continuous radiation was emitted throughout the night by microwave which was on "pause" mode. Is it dangerous? Delayed periods. Had unprotected sex. Having frequent urination and cramping. Pregnancy test showed faint lines. Suggest Did not get BCG vaccine. Child 2 years now. Does it protect from leprosy? Should I get the vaccine now? Does the hand job has any risk of HIV or other STD spreading? Suffering from Systemic Lupus erythematosus and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Prescribed Omnacortil(5) and Losar. Side effects of Torleva? Have irritation and itching in eyes. tear comes when eyes are strained. Advise? Mild arthritis, Hypertension and Parkinson's disease. Unable to stand on legs and pass urine. MRI done. Advise? Have a subserosal fibroid on the back of uterus, painful to sacrum area. Can there be complication removing this? Have severe sore throat, with swollen neck glands. Have dark green mucous in throat. Advise? Has recurrent odour in nose by allergies. Takes nasonex and allegra. How to overcome this? Have gained weight. How to reduce it? Suggest medicine to reduce fat? Had applied CAP to arms and rinsed teeth with hands. Mouth is burning with tingling in hand. Advise? Diagnosed with Epididymitis. Had unprotected sex, taking phenazopyrid and ciprofloxacn. Advise? Had a bladder sling mesh surgery. Pain in vaginal area, pelvic area and abdomen. Prescribed for ibuprofen. Suggest? Shaving pubic hair, noticed black pigmentations, inculding penis, testicles, and inner part of thighs. Suggest medication? Has celiac disease. Taking hydromorphone which is not available as gluten free. Suggest? Infant having diarrhoea with fishy smell. What can be done? Having itchiness and redness on penis, urinate frequently and rashes on thigh. Suggest medication? Trying to conceive, had unprotected sex. Feeling angry fast and getting shortness of breath. Pregnant? Developed rash on anus and surrounding area. Used Hydrocortizone and Clotrimazole. Having skin darkening and burning. Continue? Felt nausea and dizzy. Having panic attacks, anxiety and fatigue after having physical activity. What to do? Hard palate swollen and has pain. Used salt water. Help? Got Urticaria. On Complera. Prescribed Stribild and suggested to stop complera. Complera causes Urticaria? My stool test shows 1-2 hpf epithelial cells. Is that normal? Have a problem of penis erection. Doing masturbation frequently. Advise? X-ray showed mild infective changes in lung area. Have blood in cough, leg and back pain with asotitre Noticed lump on testicles. Scan report says simple cyst and mass appears Hypoechoic. Meaning? Developed tingling in leg when standing. Underlying cause? Having itching on legs, head, and back. Have symptoms of anxiety and depression. On Zoloft. Remedy? Noticed colored spots on chest. Suffer from hay fever and allergies. Help? Pregnant. Took Cytotec. Had bleeding. Feeling bloated stomach and vomiting. Still pregnant? Is oral sex OK while using MUSE with someone trying for pregnancy? Suffer from severe burning in penis during and after sex. Have red blemish type marks. Partner pregnant. Cause? Taking Dexedrine. Suggested no adrenaline. Better to take sustained capsules? Have stone at vesicoureteral junction. Had septic shock. Placed Nephrostomy tube. Chances of stone passing out or surgery? Noticed large bump behind the ear of low jaw. Face swollen. Had periodontal surgery. Help? Have GERD. Taking medicine, having burning sensations at the back and in hand. Suggest treatment for gastritis? Have downs. Experiencing fainting spells and remains unresponsive. No communication skills and low heart rate. Guide? Report shows plate-like densities right middle lobe, probable atelectasis versus scarring. What does this mean? Have PCOD. Planning for pregnancy. Can I take OOSure tablet? Pregnant. Thyroid level 7.4. Taking medication. Will this affect the fetus? suffering from fever, throat pain, headache and cold. Blood test showed Widal: 0:1:160-AH:negative. Symptoms of typhoid? How long will it take to get rid of dihydrocodeine addiction? Had counselling. No improvement. Suggest Having cough and severe pain in lower torso. Is the pain due to cough? Having dizzyness and migraine type headaches. Diagnosed with anxiety. Diabetic and have BP. Help? Have sore testicles. Swab test results show staphylococcus haemolyticus. Long term effect on fertility? Medication? Have itchy penis with tight fore skin. Prescribed Fluka tablets. Partner also suffer itchy vagina. Guide? Delayed periods. Taking sustain. Have light spotting and abdominal pain. Side effects of sustain? Pregnant? Suffering from stomach pain. Have cough with sticky mucus. Either constipated or have loose stools. Help? Having nausea. CAT and blood test normal. Taking niacin. Has enlarged prostate. Side effects of niacin? Suffering from bleeding from anal region. No control over bowel movements. Taking Enzaar Forte and Flaggyl. Permanent cure? Delayed periods. Had sex on period days. Took birth control pill. Pregnancy? Has CHF and thick mucus. Takes Levothyroxine. Has flash pulmonary edema and hypothyroid. Safe to use guaifenisen? Phalloplasty reliable for penis enlargement? Methods to increase penis size and volume. How to regain foreskin? Having burning sensation on vagina and during urination. Used hair removal cream on vagina. Help? Masturbating frequently. Do not get sufficient wetness. Have I damaged due to over masturbating? Have lung infection. On tracheal intubation. Serious? Cause? Cancer? Having yellow white lump on throat back. Feeling cold and lethargic. Should I worry? Having sudden facial numbness and cramps. Suggest Having one leg slimmer than the other. Tried exercises. How to get both legs same? Feeling light headed. Having pale face and head feels like exploding. What to do? Have dry irritating cough. Heavy smoker. Cannot sleep and struggle to breath. Worried about cancer? Taking ramipril for high BP. How does it affect with alcohol? Having headaches, tiredness and head feels very heavy. Had 3 steroid injections. How long will this continue? Pinched skin and have blood to coagulate. Treatment? Having headache and jaw pain. Getting worse. Irregular heartbeat. Taking Synthroid. What to do? Experiencing back pain. Always keep pillow behind while siting. Suggestions Having painful heart burn. Taking multaq. Have gerd hiatel hernia. Cause? Suffering from low back pain, thigh pain and discomfort in anal region. Abdomion sonography showed mild fatty liver. Suggest Will staph infection stay dormant for life in the body? Diagnosed with macular hypoplasia. Cure? Noticed swelling on hands and having itchiness. Delivered recently. Suggested avil injection and Allergra. What to do? Diagnosed with Enterococcus. Can Doxycyclin or Augmentin or cephalexin be used for treatment? Having mild shingles. Can I use Tylenol with cedinir? Diabetes. Having gastrointestinal distress since quitting Limbitrol. How do I improve? Have problem in sex life. Getting erection once in day. Can I get prescription for Levitra? Having hands and knee swelling. Taking cephalexin. Side effects of cephalexin? Having liposuction. Is pre doses of Bromaline and Arnica helpful in reducing bruising? Can I take after surgery? Having pain in anus, passing blood and having burning sensation. Diagnosed with Pelvic Chronic Pain Syndrome. Treatment? Having swollen ankle and pain in shoulder. When laughed feeling hurt and loss of breath. Should go to ER? Had unprotected sex. Had CBC done. all tests normal. Should I worry about HIV? Planning for baby. Having sex 4 times a week. Got periods. Reason? Had surgery for Oligodendroglioma. Now recovered. Will this come back after few years? Prognosis? Having delayed periods. Had 3 i pill after sex. Pregnancy? Way to induce periods? Has swelling from anus to scrotum? What to do? Having boils on buttocks area. Having pain. Cure? Getting rashes with itching on scalp and brows. Appear only late afternoon and subside in the morning? What can this be? Super specialty hospital for Hepatitis C treatment in advance stage? Have chronic IBS, fever and headache. Diagnosed with Dengue antigen. Have Vitamin B12 and D deficiency, Vitamin D injection. What should I do? Planning for baby. Undergoing HSG. Having a fibroid. Suggest the anti-biotic table? Have itchy raised rash around waist, inner arms, neck, back, legs and buttocks. Prescribed Prednisone. Have Asthma. Guide? Does not respect elders. Speaks lie. Does not repent for misdeeds. Gets angry and speaks bad words. Not willing to see a psychiatrist? Suggest Suffering from body pains, stomach bloating, Acid reflux and Insomnia. Having acidity problem. What can be done? Found hard lump on penis shaft. No sexual activity. Sweat related? Guide? Having pain between shoulders and in stomach. Having flatulence and nausea. Feeling fullness in abdomen. Suggestions Have dull pain in shoulder. Pronounced on left side. What can be done? Treated for sarcoidosis and nasel farren gel cancer. Have Peyronie disease. Cure? Delayed periods. Have weird pelvic twinges, leg pain, constipation, fatigue and shortness of breath. Pregnant? Confirmed pregnancy from home kit. No ultrasound done. How to get abortion done? Quit smoking recently. Having cough and shortness of breath. Took citrazin. Should I be worried? On Lisinopril. Having high BP only in morning. Should I ask for different medication? Harmful to take i pill? Side effects? Affect reproductive cycle? Safe to take oral contraceptive pills? Condoms 100% effective? Taking birth control pills since one year. Having strong mood swings. Not pregnant. What to do? Remedy? Had knee reconstruction. Developed cyclops lession. Having pain in the interior part of knee. Using ultrarelieve pro. Cause? Cure? Noticed transparent discharge from penis with urine. Feeling weak and tremble. Habit of masturbation. Remedy? Had blood test. All normal except mpv 13.3fl. Serious? Have PTOS. Diagnosed with Lupus. Had negative MRI. Mean poor prognosis? Attacked brain and nervous system? Partner HBsAg poistive. Done LFT test. What do this suggest? Has Multiple sclerosis. No symptoms. Some thing else with the same symptoms? Lost parents. Feel they are following. Watches movies all night. No sleep. What to do? Is it schizophrenia? Have shortness of breath. Taking Losartan. Thyroid removed, taking Synthroid. Thermal imaging showed inflammation of lungs. Suggest Noticed bump on upper thigh. What can this be? Experiencing pain around kidney region. Taking voltaren rapid. Havig BP and migraine. Voltaren unsuitable for anti-inflammable? Had fever. Having severe pain from hips to ankles. What can be done? Prescribed MONTEVOK-LC for dust allergy and occasionally difficult breathing. Taking medication for bloating problem. Safe? Suffer from uneven skin tone on face. Using retin-a 0.1 gel and SPF sunscreen. Done microdermabrasion treatment. What to do? Have low WBC, low TSH, low T4. Diagnosed with hypopituitary. Have JAK2 gene and anti-phospholipid syndrome. Suggestions What does fibronodular infiltrates in the left upper lobe mean? Having dryness and itching in vagina. Itching in upper clitoris and burning in vaginal area. Taking birth control pills. Treatment? Feeling very tired in the morning. Suggestions? Pregnant and primigravida. Suffer from nausea, vomiting, heaviness of head and epigastric pain. Prescribed Doxinate. Suggest diet? Help? Researching on Low Dose Naltrexone for fibromyalgia. How to find doctors who prescribe these drugs? Having cold and flu. Very restless and hyperactive than normal. Can I give niqual? Diabetic. Having symptoms of heart attack. Can such victim go untreated and still survive? Rammed knee on cheek bone. Having swelling and bruises. Noticed lump pooled with blood at base of the neck. Reabsorb or see doctor? Severely allergic to opiods. Having mild valve problem and sleep apnea. Suggest pain medicine for knee replacement surgery? Having BP and menopause problem. On Avapro. Prescribe darginex and meta card q10. Safe to take both? Noticed small scaly bumps on penis after rolling foreskin. What to do? Having excessive blood vomiting. Cause? Treatment? Making strange noise while swallowing and sleeping. Help? What can this be? Have lump in gum line. Feels hard and moves a bit. Used smokeless tobacco in past. Suggestions? Had bad hand infection after scratched by cat. Will this OK by itself or require further treatment? Have sinus pressure, lost voice. Having coughing and blowing green-yellow mucus. Feeling sore throat and white spots in tonsil. Guide Consuming alcohol. Diagnosed with fatty liver. Diabetic. Test report showed SGOT is 122, SGPT is 129. What does this indicate? Breast size increased from 34c to 34d. Normal? Having soreness in the lower body, stiff and tight leg at night. Soreness goes away after waking up. Cause? Need whitening of teeth. Can dental floss or using mouth wash be done everyday? Blood test showed high iron level. Having high cholesterol. Having calcium in main artery. Concerned? Noticed raised naval, was brown and sticky. Found a piece of skin, it hurts. Cause? Took 70 u of short instead of 70u of Lantus. What should I do? Having sore Achilles tendon. Pain while running. What can be done to heal this? Had chronic tinnitus. Developed acute ear pain after exposure to loud noise. Diagnosed hyperacusis. Tinnitus retraining therapies? MRI report shows moderate to severe disc space and height loss and moderate diffuse disc bulging. Treatment? Foreskin feeling tight during erection. Noticed small pimples at end portion of glans. Looking red and painful. What can be done? Having inflammation on toe, pain and stiffness in back, diffuse problems with hips and pain in hips. Cause? Suffers infections due to cuts and scrapes. Suffer hair loss, vomiting, no weight gain and irregular periods. Cause? Feeling dizziness. Diagnosed high deficiency of Vitamin D3 and Vitamin B12. Had Vitamin B12 shot. Prescribed Cynacobalamin. Cause? Diabetic. Fainted after hitting head on floor. Jaw, ear and back of head pains. Should I be worried? Noticed black spots underneath the rim of penis glands. What could these be? Cure? Diagnosed with Hemochromatosis. Have dull pain rig cage. Cure? Child 5 month had HERSHELEYS dark chocolate. Suffering from dysentery. Passing loose stools after meals. Help? Having chest pain and heaviness in chest. Having diarrhea. Had normal ECG. LHV thickness due BP. Suggestions Had masturbation in massage parlor. Worried of HIV or STD transmission. Help? Observed variation in periods. Blood normal and vitamin level normal. Prescribed Glucophage. Can I take this medicine? On citalopram. Ran out of prescription. Experiencing emotional distress, mood swings, loose stool and lack of appetite. Guide? Feeling uncomfortable around scrotum. Noticed lump above penis. Feels itchy. Used clotrimizole cream. Red scrotum syndrome? Having inflammation on toe. having pain in soles, stiffness in lower back and diffuse problems. Cause? What can be done? Having swollen feet. Putting feet in cold water and swelling gone. But again back by afternoon. Remedy? Having stomach pain. Done with all test available. What could be the reason? Had sexual intercourse after 7 weeks post laparoscopy hysterectomy. Having pain and pinkish fluid discharge. What to do? Have abdominal pain, nausea. Prescribed zegrid. Test result showed hiatal hernia. Suggestions? Had surgery and got staph infection. Removed knee cap to prevent infection. Scared to go for knee replacement. Guide? Have hard lump on lip with swelling and pain. Suggest Having severe stomach pain and vomiting. Prescribed prebiotic. Can I give zentel? Passing tight stools. Developed gasteritis with diaahorea and bloated stomach. Prescribed cyclopam and pantacid. Suggest diet and medication? Having dry and chapped lips. Applying moisturizer and coconut oil. Due to weather change, dehydration or something serious? Delayed periods. Had intercourse, took cyclenorm. Chances of being pregnant? On pill-Gine for mild acne. Will it cause weight gain. Worried about blood clots?
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