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Breast feeding. Can I take nutri gain to gain weight? Had unprotected sex. Had rash on forearm, fever and night sweats. Contracted HIV? Pregnant and ate something that had listeria. Chances of getting infected? Feeling sick, sweating and having diarrhea and vomiting. Felt stomach rumbling and angry after erythromicin. Took paracetamol. Suggest Having pain in chest. Pain is more when tried to open a jar. Having back pain. Suggestions? Have hyperparathyroidism. Does Hypercalcemia have any consequences when undergoing Anaesthesia? Having buldge underarm with bruising. Had capillary malformation with associated hypertrophy. Remedy? Is semi-incontinent and non-ambulatory. Have panic attack when urine flow starts. Was on prednisone. Suggest? Have sensitive skin on face. Get irritations and redness. Suggested for episoft and dermadew. Suggestions? Having sore throat along with sputum. Feeling feverish. Suggest medication? Get cluster of bumps on labia. No blister or puss. Go away after periods. Remedy? Has undergone angioplasty, has become more prone to acidity with burning sensation. Advise? Low haemoglobin and high E.S.R, getting fever and pain in hand. USG showed cyst on ovary. Prescribed orofer Having anxiety and strange vision. Everything looks sort of hazy or smokey for short while and this triggers anxiety. Help? Having pain in the foot near toe. Underlying cause? Having PCOD. Can contraceptive medicines be taken along with Arpizol? Noticed a runny milky discharge. What could it be? Want to place an IUD and prescribed secnidazol and fluconazol. Impact on breast feeding? Had Botox done on face and face looks totally different. What can be done? Have polyps in sinuses and nose. Prescribed antibiotics. Using nasal med saline for nose. Remedy? Have total bilirubin count of 2.32. Cause of concern? Had hit on head. Having worst headache. Hot shower eased it. Should I be concerned? Taking Opana twice a day. Have to pass drug screen test for job. How long does Opana last in the system? Report shows Gallbladder is well cistended with no stones or wall thickening. What does this mean? Get severe headache after exposure to sun. Take Butalb -acetaminan. What can be done? Have lupus with chronic nasal ulcers. Have had a flare and bad ulcers and rhinorrhea. Yeast infection? Having white spots on head of penis. Look like pimples. Could it be fungal infection? What dosage of Tegretol should be taken? Taking Methylphenidate. Got a new bottle containing tablets with same color and shaped differently. What to do? Evaluated response to xanax. Whose mood benefited had symptoms of bipolar. Is bipolar type of seizure disorder? ECG showed to have a left vascicular heart block. Is this serious? USG report showed bulky and anteverted uterus with endometrial thickness. Suggest? Test report showed pus cells. Having pain in testicles. Took antibiotics. Cause? Experimented with anal toy. Having fatigue. Blood test showed hemoglobin 12.8. Was taking non-steroid antiinflammatory medicines. Help? Would like to know the drug interactions Ancef, Elavil, calcium carbonate, Vitamin D, Actonel, vagifem, imitrex, metformin and Buffered aspirin? Having low sugar. Sugar level comes down below 40. After medicine it shoot up to 100-120. Ruled out 'growth' in pancreas. Guide Having red feet like circling above ankles. No pain or swelling. Remedy? Have aortic stenosis, high blood pressure, high chloresterol and BPH. Taking Lasix. Safe to take belviq for weight loss? Has problem in readily swallowing food. On Pradaxa. Opening the capsule and giving the granules with food. Have stroke. Cause? Can mold cause syc problems in children? Spasm in butt, cannot stand straight, pain in groin , cannot lift leg when lying down. Suggest? Having lox blood pressure. Have low back pain. Took hydroxyzine. What to do? Suffer from acne. Tried Epiduro, periodic antibiotics and isotretinoin. Cure? Not planning for baby. Taken Ipill, had bleeding. No periods yet. If Pregnant, what to do? After masturbation semen sticks on penis and creates semen layer on foreskin. How to get rid of it? Got operated for spine fusion. Having stiffness in buttock and backache. Advise? Throat culture showed to have Candida glabarta. What to take to relieve awful taste in my mouth? Waking up with dry mouth, chest pressure, nausea, tingling in fingers and toes. Cause? Having premature ejaculation. Help? Suggest medication? Have constipation and irregular bowel symptoms. Feel acidic and burning sensation. Suggested PAN D capsules. Suggestions? Having fissures, taking laxatives, water and fruits to pass stools. Have spinal pain due to anasthesia. Advise? MRI of back pain showed annular fissure and foraminal stenosis. What can be done? Have delayed periods, lower back pain and frequent urination. Blood and urine test negative for pregnancy Typical dose of Benadryl for adults to counteract itching? Diagnosed with tb lymphnodes. Taken std akt4 with levofloxacin. Burning sensation and feel tired. Suggestion? Have delayed pregnancy, feel period like pain. HPT negative and blood test showed 0.08 HCG, bulky uterus. Advise? Having hair fall and experiencing hair thinning. Suggest medication that to control the hair fall? Had fingering and took ipill. Having bleeding with itching and pain in vagina. Is it normal? Trying to conceive. After intercourse lie down, but later have discharge. Is this normal? Have migraine. Sudden pain in chest and then head. ECG, BP and sugar test normal. Taking Taxim. Advise? Diabetic and eyes got damaged called as RETNOPATHY. Underwent laser treatment, but not fruitful. Suggest? Had a pacemaker installed and incision healing. What precautions to follow, can do little work? Have swelling in the genitals, buttocks and lip. Had heart virus and have hemochromotosis. Suggestion for swelling? Have parkinson disease, put on azilect and the adverse reactions were severe. Allergic to risperdal Have peeled and cracked skin on penis. Worsens during sex. How to get rid of this? Having headache, fatigue and breathlessness. Noticed masses on temples beneath skin. Remedy? Struggling with weight and pain in tummy. Diagnosed with glandular fever. Suggest ways to reduce weight? Noticed brown discharge. Having sensitive nipples and weight gain. Could I be pregnant? Diagnosed with uric acid, have irregular periods. Taking pantolex and predmet. Problem reoccurs when medication stopped Having gas with pricking pain in stomach associated with back pain. Urine contains puss cells. Advise? Suffering with sticky throat mucus. Prescribed Augmenten and Levaquin. Cough giving choking sensation. Remedy? Diagnosed with fatty liver. Reports show ALT is 60 and AST is 44. Should I be worried? Child had chicken pox. Skin infection cleared with antibiotic. Symptoms recurring, have reddening of skin Have a throbbing feeling on the inside of arm. What could be this? Done with lipid profile test, not given medicine. What are the findings? Have weakness, no appetite, feeling of fullness, pain on chest. Drink from well which was contaminated. Related? Had hit on temple, head swollen. CAT scan normal. Have hematoma and puffy eyes. Is it due to injury? Have dry mouth and burping problem. Coated tongue and had fungus in naval. Eating relieves the dry mouth Having sensation of something being in throat and have a rough cough Endoscopy was clear. Advise? Child with bump on thighs, sore and painful. What dosage of bactrim would be safe to give? Having electric current sensation on arms and wrist. MRI showed lesions. Is it MS or stroke? Have burning sensation, redness, and excessive sweating on testicles and rash on thigh around scrotum. Suggest? Take bystoic and Azor. After taking Azor become tired. Side effect? Have a red rash on both legs and feel nauseated. How to get rid of it? Have thyroid and BP. Look sunburned, have big red splotches, and are warm to the touch. Advise? Have Refractory Groin Rash, used Canesten Athletes Foot cream on it, but no relief. Suggest? No periods, taken sysron. have slight pain in abdomen. Suggest? Developed sharp pain in the chest with cold sensation. Had acid reflux. Could this be heart issue? Trying to conceive, have irregular cycle. Done with semen analysis test. Chances of pregnancy? Diabetic, suffering with prostatomegaly. How to cure it? Swollen bump behind ear, spreading top of head to other ear. Got through chiropratic care. Allergy? Took Clexane injections. Cannot walk, pain in leg. Had stroke. Suggestion? Having back pain. X-ray report revealed Collapse of D8 vertebra is noted with retropulsion. What does this suggest? Treatment? Have symptoms of motion sickness and vertigo. Prescribed meclizine for motion sickness. Advise? Diabetic and eyes got damaged called retinopathy. Laser treatment was not fruitful. Advise? Diagnosed with Urinary Stones. Foods that is recommended and that should be avoided? Having chest pain when swallow food with sensation in spine. What could it be? Can rubbing breast cause STD? Feel like passing stools. Noticed soft stools with jelly like substance. What could this be? Having painful and sore nose. No swelling. Getting running nose. Have Fibromyalgia and Psoriatic Arthritis. Sinus infection? Had long flights, inside of ankles were swollen with bruise like marks. What could it be? Have diabetes and lupus. What are the symptoms and treatment for atrophic pancreas? Done with semen test. Kindly advice Got a paraban free spray and noticed it has haylaronic acid. Is this safe to spray on the skin? Have intermittent pain in the center of chest and severe back ache. Suggest? Pregnant and alkaline phosphate elevated. Having rash on limbs and abdomen. Anything serious? Feeling pressure in head and loss of balance. Taking iron tablets. Can hormonal changes pre menopause cause problems with balance? Having itching in nose, ear and throat. Got infected from friend's steamer. Suggestions? What are the advanteages and disadvanteges of eating drumsticks during pregnancy? Have severe pain from waist to legs. Due to gastro problems? Blood test showed presence of Anti TPO. Does Hyperaemic thyroid indicate thyroid disease even if TSH is normal? Suffer sensitivity teeth. X-ray showed periapical cyst, removed. Have pain. Feel tooth is tender. What to do? Had pain, burning and itching of breast. Mammogram and US normal. Having redness. Taken augmentin. Suggest? Is it normal if bilirubin levels fluctuate within normal range? Having small sized penis. What to do? Pregnancy. TIFFA scan showed adequate amniotic fluid. Precautions? Have a bad chest infection with green sputum and small black lumps. On antibiotics. Advise? Hypothyroidism. Drive for long time and stand for long hours at work. Best way to stay fit in this situation? Treated for prostate cancer, had radiation and hormone treatment. Now ejaculation is plenty and like urine Had unprotected oral sex. Having purple spot on penis with sore throat and fever. STD? Have high WBC count with swelling of the throat. Can it be thyroid cancer? At menopause. Had lower stomach pain and have spotting. What could be the cause? Had learning disability, hard time listening and getting distracted. Have poor social skills. Advise? Had stop taking birth control mid stream of the month and period started. Will this effect later? Facing itching problem in areola on breast and skin is peeled causing pain. Underlying cause? Want to know the reasons to have stone. What dietary changes to follow and chances of the recurrence? FBS was 241 and HBA1C was 9.8, reduced medication. FBS was 126 and PLBS was 90. Continue Metmorfin? FBS is high and PLBS is normal? Experiencing mild anxiety and restlessness. Prescribed rivotril. Side effects? Alternative sleep therapy? Suffering from chaffed and bleeding nipples. What could be the cause and treatment? Having burning sensation in stomach after food. How to relieve it? Started using canesten for vaginal thrush. Having white and yellow discharge with strong smell. Advise? Have periodic excruciating thoracic pain at the spine just below scapula. Suggestion? Diagnosed with IgA Nephropathy. Had pain on urination, oedema in both legs. History of RA. Suggest? Test results showed Hba1c was 5.2, Fasting blood sugar 70 and Mean Glucose EBT 103. Does this indicate diabetes? Experiencing anxiety, headache, loss of appetite and feeling nausea. Hepatitis B carrier. Suggest Unable to have bowel movement without use of enema. Use miralax for bowel incontinence. Advise? Warning letter with livial 2.5 mg. Any new developments on this drug? Has fentanyl patches. Having pain in legs and back. Taking medicines for blood pressure. What can be done? Has Graves' disease. Does it have an effect on the brain? Removed gall bladder and infected fat muscle. What is the recovery time? Had rubbed nose into vagina with clothes on. Chances of HIV? Can Doxepin be taken with Hydroxyline? Having yellow urine and yellow diarrhea. Had hip operation. Help? Told to have leaky heart valves. Do regular exercise. What does it mean? Had unprotected oral sex, have burning sensation inside penile tube. Given antibiotic. Chances of HIV? Had tympanoplasty surgery, hearing is better. Have sensoneurial loss and needed to have stapedectomy surgery Takig bi-est with testosterone and DHEA. Having hair fall. Hormone test showed free testosterone. When DHT will decrease? Pregnant. Suggested for Quad screening test and Harmony with Y analysis. Meaning? Get itchy skin with red rashes on thigh, spreading to buttocks, goes with elica cream. How to get rid of it? Child had fever, runny nose. Prescribed calpol and T-minic drops but no relieve. Suggestion? Have wide open pores on face and creamy fluid in pimples. How to get rid of it? On Symbicort for COPD. Experiencing head pains and stuffed nose, use steam inhaler. Advise? Having pain in tongue after biting on it. Gargling caused ear and tooth pain. Suggest? Have geographic tongue and fissures, have a transverse crack with teeth intentions. take Vitamin B. Suggest? Had protected sex followed by bump on penis and burning. STD was negative. Still have burning with low libido Taking glycinorm total 60 to control blood sugar level. Should I continue this medicine? Had multiple fracture on pelvic bone, not progressing with the pain. Advise? Fallen, MRI showed bruises on cupid bone. Pain aggravates by walking. Relief with air cast boot. Treatment? Have poor circulation in both legs and walking is difficult without in-between rest. Suggest? Have oedema on the lower limbs, bilateral. No major illnesses, no rash. Ibuprofen didn't help. Suggest? Have abdominal discomfort, bloating, nausea and fatigue. Scan showed mild gastritis and diverticulosis. Pancreatic cancer? Child had blood test done which showed high ferritin level and low platelet count. Meaning? Recurrent cold, cough infection and muscle pain. Had pneumonia. Immuno deficiency tests normal. SGPT and SGOT high Developed lump under cheek bone near neck, swelling and hurts when moving jaw and neck. Cause? Having trouble in sleeping. Feels heart quivering when lay down. Take zyrtec for allergies. Advise? Not getting sound sleep and feel fatigued and tired soon. What could be the cause? Had pleurisy. Having pain from back to front. X-ray was normal. Suggestion? Gas creating irritation in food pipe, take razo. Ulgel should be taken after meal or before? Have history of anxiety and depression. Having tingling sensation in legs and throughout. Relief from Valium Getting severe pain in back when sexually excited. What could be the cause? Had MRI of spine. What are the findings? Have hollow cheeks. What is the natural way of getting puffed cheeks? Before and during the periods get acidity trouble because of which a foul smell emanates from mouth. Advise? Had miscarriage and has subserosal fibriod. Blood test showed typhoid. Prescribed xamic and leix. Suggestion? Have swelling and pain in finger with water around the finger nail. Suggest medication? Suffer anxiety and sleeplessness. Feel something stuck at the back of the throat. Took citalopram. Guide? Have scratchy skull skin with small boils which develops puss when colouring hair. What can be done? Had taken extra dose of ritalin accidentally. Should I worry? Having ache in hip, thigh, abdomen and going down to leg. Burping relieves. Suggest? Is it necessary to have an endometrial biopsy for light spotting after menopause? Child having black itchy patch on wrist with red and raised area around. Underlying cause? Feeling dizzy, weak, irritable, and sleepy. MRI showed swelling of dura. Taking primidone. Side effect? Annual report showed Fatty lever, high triglyceride and fissure in lungs. Heavy smoker and feels burning sensation Had prostate massage by inserting finger. Having abdominal pain, nauseous and feel bloated. Suggest? Diabetic taking olmezest, suffering from asthama. Complaining of chest pain. Can it be heart disease? Suffering from palpitations and pain behind breast through shoulder. All test normal. Pulsating in abdomen. Advise? Was given a ZPak. Having heart fluttering and coughing. Suggestion? Have had a cough, voice is hoarse, prescribed nasal spray. Can it be lung cancer? Diabetic, sensations in legs, stiffness in foot from peripheral neuropathy. On gabapentin. Suggest? Has excessive sweating, fever, general malaise, pale skin and heart palpitations. TB test normal. What can be done? Having sporadic pain in throat. Having high blood pressure. Feeling sore throat. What can be done? Blood test showed normal liver levels but high bilirubin. Should I be concerned? Having bleeding gums. Suggested scaling. Any other solution for bleeding gums? Had allergic reaction to tetanus shot. Developed red rash, spreading. Prescribed prednisone, still spotty Diagnosed with yeast infection. Given Diflucan. Having itching and burning. Clitoris swollen. Allergic to miconazole. Remedy? Got pills called 'delay' to prevent premature ejaculation. Recommendation? Lost appetite and lethargic. Feeling bloated. What to do? Have had stomach problem, diarrhoea, lost weight. Diagnosed with gastritis. Suggestion? Feel, hurt and has swelling. X-ray showed negative for fracture. Having swelling till calf. Serious? Have blood pressure, taking medications. Suffering from pain. What could be the reason?
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