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Have rash on knee and legs. Worried Shingles. What to do? Have chronic shortness of breath. Have POTS syndrome. On Lopressor and Plaquenil. What should I do? Doing work out to gain weight. Suggest? Was licked by dog in the mouth. Is concerned about rabies. Suggest? Having excessive mucus in nose. What can be done to treat it? Child has been taking movicol. Is sick and urine is cloudy and has green runny stools. Underlying cause? Unable to pass urine. Hospitalized. Having body pain. Advised not to take orthopedic medicines. suggestions? Have got tooth at backside of front tooth and also swelling. Its not paining. Suggest? Diagnosed with chronic fatigue, sinusitis and leaky gut syndrome. Could the problem be due to immunoglobulin deficiency? Masturbate a lot. Have trouble maintaining erection and don't feel like having sex. Suggest? Skin easily scraped and broken resulting in bleeding in exposed area such as hand arms and legs. Suggest? Suffer from cramps ad pain in the right side. Have 2 stents in heart and Plural effusion. Suggestions? Taking Diclofec for arthritis. Told to stop as have diverticulitis. Have pain at back of knees. Homeopathy treatment? Get very cold hands and feet in the winter. What is the cause and how to overcome this problem? Has consumed 50 cans of beer since last night. What could be the side effects? Have nervous tick in leg. Having pressure in leg. EEG results normal. Brain tumor? Biopsy of thyroid showed atypia of undertimined signifiance. Suggested surgery. How serious? Testosterone levels are low. What can be done for improvement? Penis foreskin is twice as big. Using cock ring to enhance erection and don't use viagra. Suggest? Have black scab like things on penis, comes back after scraping. What could it be? Diagnosed with Severe Intermediate Uveitis. On Wysolone. advisable to go for ATT? What can be done? How long can I take serlift and is it different from Prothiaden? Had rubbing of sexual parts. Took unwanted 72. Chances of pregnancy? Child has cold followed by fever. Urine test showed epithelial cell OCC and puss cell. Meaning? Taking Omnexel tablets. Experiencing urination problems, low volume, difficulty starting in morning. Suggest? Have taken Nasonex for one week and have completely lost sense of taste and smell. Side effect? Blood report shows WBC is 4.3 and mchc is 30.1. Some epithelial cells detected in urinalysis. Guide? Had pre-cum with HIV +ve person. Person on antiretroviral therapy. Chances of getting HIV? What to do if triglyeride is elevated? 24 yrs old. Want to increase height. Suggest ways? Having bad arm, back and neck pain. Having vomiting and diarrhea. Had heart attack. What should I do? Redness on penis and foreskin. Gets worse after sex. Suggest? Have headache, ulcer feeling in stomach. Took advil. Prescribed Tecta. Esophagus hurts. Having random pain in breasts. Remedy? Diabetes, taking pills for low BP. Have random bruises on legs. Taking antidepressant. Suggest? Does swallowing barium lead to cancer of esophagus and stomach? Noticed cramps in calves when walking. Taking Sandoz-Telmisartan HCT. Was on Micardis. Also take APO-Metoprolol. Suggest Have painful lump formation in arms and legs. Medications? Get lighted and dizzy after climbing stairs? What could be the reason? Have depression and anxiety. Have sleep problems. Treatment? Are aschalasias usually cancerous in esophagus? Have painful pimple on scalp filled with pus. Having itchiness. Noticed swollen cervical lymph node. What can this be? Given west ward thinking it to be ibuprofen. What should I do? Noticed blood during urination. Blood pressure. Having headache, feeling weak and numbness in shoulder. Suffer feet and hands sweating. Help? Having vaginal itching. Having lower back pain. Tried medicated vagisil. Took bath with epsom salts. What can be done? Had a large vit c pill lodged in throat. Later dissolved. Have audible, not painful, gurgly sensation in throat. Remedy? Pancreatic cancer. On Lasix and aldactone for swelling. On diurectics. Can these elevated liver function levels? Have severe pain in back. Taking pain killers. What to do? Has conjunctivitis. Other eye has prosthesis. Treated with Zymaxid and Durezol. What care to be taken? Having pain on right side and troubled breathing. Feel light headed and hot flashes when I get pain. Help? Had large meal. Suffer gas and watery stools. Cure? On oxyelite. Experiencing inability to get erection. What should I do? Having itching on elbow and knees. Have rashes around groin and scrotum. What should I do? Bacterial growth? Taking Nazipam, Clonazepam, Propranolol for high BP, but bp is still high. Suggest? Blood test result shows TSH 0.92, T4 12.3, T3 4.2. Diagnosed acute closure glaucoma. Increase in Eltroxin long term? Attacked by dog. No wounds. Took a dose of rabipur and TT injection. Safe? Having loose motions. Given metrogyl. Cure? Does losartin, fish oil or vitamin c cause swollen ankles? Having cavity i teeth. Suggested root canal. advisable to do root canal at such a young age? On Zoloft/Xanax. Having anxiety. Safe to use for long term? What causes conjoined twins? Can difficult pregnancies cause conjoined twins? Does blood type play a role? Have itching and burning sensation during urinating. Taking citralka. Done with urine test. Suggest? Suggest best treatment for Paralysis? Have muscle or tissue injuries. Taking lyrica and crestor? Blood test normal. Side effects? Have single pimple on penis. What could this be? Delayed periods. Pregnancy test negative. Thyroid 6.3 and prolactin level 56. Prescribed Eltrixcin and Cabgolin. Got periods. Suggest Can I take taximo 200 while lactating? Using gestone and having dizziness, muscle pain. Is it normal? Medicines to stop Smoking and drinking alcohol? Diagnosed with cholesterol. Prescribed Feno corp. Stopped medicines. Next course of action? Having irregular menstrual cycle and skips two months. How to improve this? Have low heart rat eafter taking bystolic and causes dizziness with weakness. Advise? Had sexual exposure. Test negative after 34 days. Had cold and sore throat. Concerned? Suffer from loss of use of arms. Diagnosed rotator cuff and Schwamooa. Having pain in arms. Prescribed Vicoden. Suggestions? Have odourless and colourless drainage from lower leg. Overweight, feet and ankles swells. Suggest? Have severe bloating in stomach and its uncomfortable. It feels heavy and falling. Suggest? Having back pain and arthritis. Take morphine and tylenol. Cannot take percoset, using cold compressor and heat. Suggest? Dull pain or burning between anus and scrotum. Prostate test was normal. Suggest? During sex penis was bent and is swollen, took advil. How to cure it? Have red rash on anus. Prescribed clomitrazole and Betamethasone cream. Hemorroids visible. What can be done? Diagnosed having UTI. Having itchy, tender and swollen bump on ear. Is ti cyst or fatty cells? What could this be? Child has had loose motions after eating anything. What can be done? Child not taking breast milk. Having stomach with digestion problem. Does lactogen be given? Was shot throw the side of arm, bullet nicked heart and lower lung. What were the chances of survival? Having tightness in shoulder, arm and knee joint. Remedy? Having pain near liver, no energy, constipation which turned to diarrhea. Advise? Have sensibility to tonsillitis, flu, red throat and fever. Remedy? Developed reddish bruise on forearm. Arm hurt during shower. Remedy? Having golden staph infections spreading. Reinfection through skin contact? Immune system weak? Trying for baby. Would love to have twins, take clomid. What are the chances? Have a fear of flying. What medication can be taken along to cure anxiety? Diagnosed with Parkinson disease, taking carbidopa. Have uncontrolled arm movements. Suggest? Starting with Armour Thyroid oral. Have illeostomy. Means fecal material goes through my system. Suggest? Has found melonoma. Had mole on back. Should Be worried for cancer? On Macrobid, causing stomach pain. Suffer with GERD and take lanzaprazole. Have attacks of gastritis. Suggest? Was taking prozac for depression. Was on Cymbalta. Had diarrhoea. Feeling dizzy. Suggest? Gashed thumb with knife, got stitches. Index finger cannot bend, no strength. Remedy? Having swollen labia, ffelling lumpy and itchy. Feel very uncomfortable. What can this be? Diabetic. Fasting sugar 110-120 and post lunch 160-180. Feeling heavy in the stomach after food. Suggest Type 1 diabetes. Pain in arm under breast. Diverticulitis. Have severe arthritis. Taking Hydrocodone. Suggestions? Had injury to the bridge of nose. X-ray was normal but have strong headache, using motrin. Suggest? Have anal fissures. Have blood with pain and burning sensation. Taking toxerutin and calcium dobesilate. Suggest? Diagnosed with a hiatal hernia. Having breathing difficulty, swelling of larynx and esophagus from acid reflux. On medications. Suggest Monitored for liver cysts. Surgery recommended for the septated cyst. Is polycystic(PLD)risk? Have dark spots on forehead and cheeks. Prescribed Cosmolite Cream & AHA GLOW face wash. Can HHlite cream be helpful? Can there be a blood to blood contact if period blood gets into penis? Had Osgoode-Schlatter's disease. Swelling in her foot. Foot will twitch and spasm randomly and painful. What could this be? Is there a connection between thyroid disorder, fatigue and loss of taste and smell? Have series of small lumps stretching from each armpit to each nipple. Should I be concerned? How to taper use of hydrocodome following knee replacement? Suspect to have fecal incontinence and have had lost bowel movement few times. Suggest? Having shoulder pain, elbow and feet pain. What could be causing pain? Have small painful bump on opening of anus, white in colour. No blood or discharge. What could it be? Angiogram revealed normal coronary arteries. What does moderately impaired apical akinesia, mild aortic stenosis mean.? Have family history of short height. Want to increase height. Suggest? Whole body pains after sex and also stomach becomes stiff. Suggest? Have enlarged lymph nodes. Feel hard lumps in inguinal area. Had sinus and suffer from night sweats. Suggestions? Was suppose to have the multiform glioblastoma and the doctor gave dexametasona and bactrium. Correct? Suffering from high cough, cold and infection. Advised levocetrizen dehedrocloride. Suggest?? Had Vibrator stuck in anal canal. Got it out and have pain in upper groin area and lower stomach? Have been on Amlodipine Besylate. Taking HGH releasor but no effect. Is it safe? Had prostate surgery. Have had sore throat since date of surgery. Suggest? Injured knee. MRI revealed partial tear to ACL and bone bruising. New indication is ACL fully torn. Remedy? Lives in Middle East, Emergency contraception is banned. Can logynon be used? Have bladder and possible kidney infection. Need antibiotic. Had peripheral neurapathy and muscle weakness. Suggest? Have applied podowart on genitals for warts. Penis is swollen and hurts. Cannot walk or sleep. Suggest? Had liver function test. SGOT and SGPT is elevated. How to bring it down? Have PCOD and under treatment for conception. Taken Ovufar but have multiple follicles in ovary. Chances for pregnancy? Injured knee. Having pain. Prescribed KondroFlex power. Ligament or cartilage issue ? Have cramping and have had period. Have itching outside vagina and have burning with urination. Cause? Lips have become very dark because of tanning and tea drinking . Do not smoke. Use sunscreen. Suggest? Had strep throat infection and gone after taking antibiotics but it still hurts. All test normal. Cause? Have had miscarriage and had increased weight since. Unable to reduce. Suggest? Unable to keep the erection for the entire course and have problem of early ejaculation. Advise? Have tendon achillies. Feel better now but with running and playing the pain returns. What can be done? Diabetic. Started with Glynace. Raised 280 FS and 320 PP. Prescribed Glykind. What needs to be done? Had dizziness and burning in the eyes, felt faint. Underlying cause? Suspect to have UTI. What pathological test should i get conducted to confirm if for UTI? Has hypothyroidism and diabetes. Diagnosed with osteoarthritis. Has knee pain and swelling ankle. Help? Suffering from Erectile Dysfunction. Penis nerve is too weak. Suggest? Had delayed periods, cramping. Got bleeding with blood clots and severe cramping. Always had normal periods. Suggest? Had x-rays for joints where pain was felt. Found bony spur. Suggest best treatment for bony spur? Have excessive sweating, hypothyroidism and have not taken medicine, lost weight. Cause? No sexual contact except wife. Noticed freckle on head of penis and had become a open sore. normal? Have recurrent large serbceous cyst on back under shoulder blades which drains. Have neck pain and hedaches. Suggest? Had diarrhea with involuntary movement all day and then stopped. After eating started again. Suggest? Child had itching and burning sensation inside foreskin. Have white lumps and is red and swollen. Suggest? Have low back pain on second day of periods. Pads and pants soaked with clear fluid. What ca this be? Suffer fybromyalgia. Took antibiotics. Hair looks brittle and matted. Suffer from acne and rashes. Remedy? Child had round, flat dark spots on penis shaft and been urinating a lot. What could it be? Have had cold and shingles. Have trouble in hearing from one ear. What can be done? Child has swelling and acute pain in knee joint. Suspect to have pus formation. Advise? Having short temper and burst into tears. Prescribed Zolpidem. Having Restless legs syndrome. What can be done? Had ankle sprain, followed RICE therapy. Sometimes joints are painful. Should I start with the ankle exercises? Had West Nile and went to coma. Had paralysis and regained except leg. Had physical therapy and acupuncture Stomach gets upset in morning. Its not clear at once. Suggest some medicine to clear stomach? Have repeated ultrasound but Subchorionic Collection is low. Suggest? Had typhoid fever. Complexion became dark and have hairfal. Also have puffy eyes and dark circles. Suggest? Slipped in shower and had bruised bone area. Becomes hot and itchy in heat. Taking amoxicillin. Suggest? Taken depo provera injection. Didn't had periods. Have PCOS, given meprate and OCP. Suggest permanent solution? Girl is having excessive hair growth everywhere in body. What could be the problem? Have white coated tongue and not getting out with medicine. Have history of cleaning anal by douche. Related? Has the Huntington disease, not being able to remember things and care for self properly. Suggest? Delayed periods. Have cramps and sore breasts. Pregnancy test negative. Currently taking medicines for anxiety. Worried? Had abortion via pills. Have abdominal pain, vomiting and also problem in urination after having sex. Suggest? Why do I have tingling and numbing feelings in hands and arms and legs? Had cold like symptoms with sore throat. Gland under chin hurts, eye aches and nose is runny. Suggest? Pregnant. All reports normal. Have cold and pimples. What medicine can be taken? Having menstrual flow for 7 days. Given Gynae CVP. What would be the cause for this? Pregnant. Had bleeding due to low lying placenta. Taking calorich, divadilon and folic acid. Safe to travel? Want to start contraceptive. Had taken femilon. When should I start and till when will it be effective? Having constipation. Take lactibiber and herbolax for bowel movement. Taking volibo and pregaba for cervical spine. Treatment? Have water blister on penis. Could be Molluscom or water wart. Suggest treatment? Had MRI for lumbo-sacral spine. What are the findings? Had sex after periods, took ipill followed by bleeding. No periods yet. Chances of pregnancy? Have an open sore scab on ankle and healing. How long will it take to cure? What are the symptons of too much iron? Have coughing, wheezing and sore congestion in chest. Unable to cough up phlegm and have crackling sound. Suggest? Pregnant. Having vitamin D level low. Prescribed Shelcal. Will this affect pregnancy? should I continue medication? Have monophobia, agoraphobia and claustrophobia. Having shoulder and arm pain. Suggested shoulder injecting. What to do? Get pins and needles on arms, legs and face. Neck feels swollen. Have bad cough. HIV? Feel nausea after eating. Feel shaking. What could this be? Have rashes on trunk, neck and legs. Turns dark black at center. No itching. What could these be? Can I take aspirin with Amlopidine Bestylate? Using Viagra. Looking for Erectzan male enhancement supplement. Information on interactions with my HBP and ED meds? Pregnant with low lying placenta. Facing lower abdominal pain and uterine contraction. Treatment? Had tracheostomy. How are people weaned from trach? Had D&C for removal of blood clots. Ultrasound showed clots after a week. Having pelvic and rectal pain. Suggest Can general autoimmune screening identify myesthenia gravis specificly? What specific blood test would detect this disorder? Suffer severer headache. Taking lyrica. Become incontinent. Due to medication? Have loose stools. Depression problems. Gallbladder removed. Help? Noticed dark red abrasions on forearms. Few are bleeding. Left scars. What to do? Have eczema on fingers. Used super glue of liquid bandage and not helped. Suggest? On Gabapentin and oxecodone. Having leg and feet pain. Stopped due constipation. Having pain. Remedy? Can I can ambienCr and xanax together? Taking divalproex sodium for bipolar disorder, was smoking. Feel dizzy and unbalance. Side effect? Noticed red face. Stays for sometime and then disappears. No itchiness or pain. What could it be? Diagnosed with prostate cancer. Passing urine through pipe. Treatment? Having burning pain in abdomen. Prescribed Prilosec. Having bouts of watery stool. Causing pain. How do I get rid of this? Information on pregnancy with a bicournate uterus? Have white discharge, prescribed cansoft. Got vaginal itchiness and prescribed candid, but more itchy
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