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Have anal leakage with milky color. Noticed mucus in stool. Cause? Had protected intercourse with CSW. Worried about HIV infection. Done with blood for DNApcr test. Suggest? Habit of masturbating. erection feels weak and thin semen. Worried after marriage. Remedy? Missed periods. Pregnancy test negative. Started modus. Serious? Whey protein that is treated in such a way to avoid the mucous forming aspect? Thyroids removed. Feeling discomfort while swallowing. Biopsy indicated suspicious cells. What could this be? Having constant fever, body ache and eye pain. Took crocin and Dolo 650. Taking Meftal. Help? Noticed swelling after kidney transplant surgery. Foot and lower leg also has swelling. Normal? Suffer severe back pain, constant stiffness and stabbing sensation. Having pain. Took anti-inflammatories. Suggestions? Angiogram showed 90% stenosis. Suggested bypass. How serious is it? Trying EECP. Guide? Trying to conceive. Noticed spotting and having backache. Had chemical pregnancies. But no implantation. What to do? Having muscle pains in legs, neck and shoulders. Feel nauseated. Have chest pains and swollen lymph nodes. Hair fall. Lost weight. Suggest? Does bent penis cause any problem? Do not want penis straightening surgery. Can use penis straightening devices like SizeGenetics? Having pea size grain on testicle. Ultrasound showed cyst which is spermatocele and benign. Have anxiety problem. What to do? Suffer swollen ankles. Family history of Lupus. Arthritis blood test normal. Help? Having pain in gums and roof of the mouth. No swelling or redness. What to do? Have high Blood pressure, Diabetic and arthritis. Having a growth on penis. What can this be? Have spinal stenosis. Suffer pain from neck. Had surgery on disc 4 and 5 and had steroids shot. What to do? Difference between aderal and amphetamines? How long will aderal to show up on blood test? Noticed penis foreskin peeling off during sex. What to do? Have terrible morning cough/hack and spit. Used inhalers and also neutralizer. COPD? Having soft lump on waistline. Have frequent basal cell cancers. Taking supplement which has increased testosterone. Remedy? Suffered massive anxiety and stress . Felling discomfort in throat and lump in throat. Remedy? Experiencing burning sensation in lower chest area and sore back. Having breathing difficulties. Cure? Urine test showed Calcium- 14 mg/day and Uric Acid- 74 mg/day. What does this indicate? Have radicular neck pain. Taken epidural injections. MRI showed mild canal stenosis from broad posterior disc. What to do? Had episode of high fever and coughing. Prescribed megaclav. Can I give this medicine? Having left shoulder region pain, muscle tightness and numbness. MRI showed left paracentral disc protrusion. Suggest Can I get pregnant from precum? Diabetic. Using triglimiprex and metamorphin. Should I go for higher dose for gluconorm? Diabetic. Having pain on heel. Uric acid level 9.6. Suggest? How long does a single dose of doxorubicin and cyclophosphamate leave the body? Diabetic. Feeling like balloon being blown in rib cage. What could this be? Had unprotected oral sex. Woke up with infection in mouth. Infectious diseases? Has Dementia. Giving Haldol. Worried about side effects. Suggest an alternative drug? Suffer from periodic cardiac arrhytmias, shortness of breath, swollen ankles and persistent cough. What does this indicate? Rolled ankle and had swelling. Had ligament damage. Wearing ache bandage or ankle compression wrap. Remedy? Going for knee revision surgery. Bone scan indicated elevation in one of the 2 blood markers. Still there be an infection? Take Amlodipine Besylate. Want to start hgh releasor. Safe with blood pressure medicine? Have cold with discharge in eye. Cannot open eyes in morning. Used gentamicin drops. Safe? Semen analysis shows 110 million/ml, highly active motility 30%, while pH 6, liquification time is prolonged. Meaning? Have conjunctivitis. Can I use gentamicin drops? Blood test report says mild anisopoikilocytosis and predominantly normocyticc. Reason? Blood work showed high calcium level. Worried about cancer cause of high calcium. Should I be concerned? Have difficulty swallowing, ear pain and dry mouth. Using Armour thyroid. Having throat pain. What can be done? Suffer from high fever, cold, loss of appetite, headache and ear pain. Prescribed Crocin and Meftal. Remedy? Having blisters on hand, toes, instep and heels. Remedy? Found a pea sized lump under the skin on forearm. Feels hard and does not move. Suggestions? Have fibroids. Delayed periods. Took injections of Lupron to shrink fibroids. What to do? Having low pain after removal of catheter from penis. Suggested cystourethroscopy. What should I ask for pain control? Had kidney infection. Took half of cipro dosage. Suffer chills, headache and vomiting. What should I do? Get vibration feelings and tingling after walk. Have POTs syndrome or dehydration? Have troubled urethritis. Having slight discharge, smelly penis, dull ache of stomach, stingy, uncomfortable feeling on the penis. Cure? Noticed small sores on tongue after oral sex. Free from STD. Feels burning sensation. What could this be? Have deformed leg since birth. Grew up with tilted pelvis. Having pain when standing. What to do? Undergone thyroidectomy for follicular cancer. Experiencing symptoms simular to Graves disease. Concerned? Have dilated pancreas and common duct. What could this be? Experiencing incontinence after taking Haldol. Side effects of Trazidone? Have coughing spell, use inhaler. Noticed sharp tingling in arms and legs. Overweight. Guide? Having bad lower back and under stomach. What could this be? Tested for Low-T and showed 121. Suggested MRI. What should I do? Diagnosed with pneumonia. Took Levaquin. Have fever. Took tylenol. When should I see a doctor? Take Allopurinol or Pantoprazole. Will this cause false positive result to breathalyzer test for alcohol? Prescribed Oxybutynin Chloride. What is this medicine for? Having crawling sensation around anus and testicles. Feels itchy and painful. What could this be? Have large, long red cyst on vagina. Have trouble urine. Took antibiotics for throat infection. What to do? Feeling puffy on pubic bone. Feels tender than usual. Cure? Has severe abdominal pain. Taking antibiotics. Blood test normal. Suggest Feeling looseness in vagina. No sensation during intercourse. Due infection? Reason? Taking mirtazapine for PTSD. Blood test showed high level sugar. Side effects of the drug? Noticed heart beating fast, breathing problem and stomach is big. What to do? Have breast cancer. Had metastatis to the spine. Chest x-ray showed Homogenous radio-opacity in left parahilar region. Meaning? Having freckle swollen with red ring following sun exposure. Help? Having abdominal pain, nausea and lots of bleching. Positive Murphey's sign. Prescribed Prilosec. Should I go for test again? Suffer neck pain. MRI showed spondylosis with asteophytes. Had BBPV. Is dizziness relates to current neck pain? Will the HIV virus be killed if it comes in contact with saliva during oral sex? Breast feeding. Get laser nail fungus treatment. Will this affect baby and mother? Right eye swollen and reddish inside. Eye swollen and having yellow discharge. Painful and What should I do? Having red spots and rashes on penis after protected sex. Prescribed antibiotics. Can this be STD? Had unprotected sex. No ejaculation, took unwanted 72. Also took cetrizne for throat infection. Received allergy immunizations. Will I transfer allergens if I touch the injection site? Had protected sex with three girls. Having leg pain, sore throat, fatigue and back pain. Irritation in penis. STD? What should I do? Thyroid problem. Test results showed T4 92 and TPO-ab 1141. What does this indicate? Have facial swelling, no redness or itching. What could this be? Feel a bump around neck. ENT could not find any. I feel on both the sides. What to do? Having heavy periods with cramps. Taking birth control pills. What can stop this? Had lithotripsy to remove stone. Have stent also removed. On anti biotics, percocet and tamulosin. Noticed white discharge from penis. Remedy? HAD IDC with lumpectomy, chemo, and radation. Mammogram showed deep papilloma like abnormality. What to do now? Treatment for mild dystolic dysfunction? Can it be improved? How to improve brain power? Diabetic. Infection grown in toe nail. Use saline solution. Having pus. Can I use polysporin? Scanty period, acne on face. Sonography showed mild PCOD. On aldactone, contraceptive pill. Chances of having normal period? Lost smell and taste. Took nose spray, veramyst. What to do? Have rash in abdominal area. Feel sore hip and fatigue. Applying hydrocortizone. Cure? Noticed a big bump like spider bite, having joint pain and neck and shoulder pain. Suffer upset stomach and chills. What can this be? Have skenes gland cyst. Will I have urine problems in future? Had a bump on head after hitting to door. Suggested this is the way my head is. Concerning? Suffer joint pains after working out. Hip joint pains a lot after sitting. What can this be? Pathology shows benign squamous papilloma. Noticed growth from uvula. Reported squamous papilloma with HPV associated cellular change. Guide? Having redness on penis head glans and foreskin. No itching or burning. Becomes red after shower and sex. What to do? Have high blood pressure? Is Apo-feno micro 200mg good for gout? Suffer from hearing loss from teenage. Regain hearing using specialized hearing aids? Has diabetes, pemphigoid active on skin, obese and cancer of intestine. What to do? Chances of my hcg levels being 460 after 11 days of intercourse? Blood pressure varies from 150/76 to 127/73. pulse above 100. Normal? Anemic. Hemoglobin 8.6. Symptoms of pneumonia always comes back. Noticed spot on lung. Prescribed blood thinner & Warfarin. What to do? Have high Bloop pressure. Will clortrimazole interfere with warfarin? Does it make the blood thinner? Scan report showed gall bladder functioning at 3%. Can this cause constant nausea? Having constant itching on upper back while sleeping. Have chronic hives, no swelling but with tiny bumps. Suggestions? Having lower abdomen pain radiates till lower back. Have high blood pressure, high cholesterol and take blood thinner. Remedy? How does vardenafil work compared with viagra and cialis? Have blocked eustachian tube, diziness, affected eye focus and hearing loss. Have white patches and swollen glands in throat. What to do? Have recurring symptoms of STD. Having white discharge with foul smell. Periods also bad smell. STD test clean. What can this be? Dear Doctor, My doughter whose age is 2.2 years she Blood coagulates quickly and not able to draw. How to treat polycythemia other than by phlebotomy? Suffer frequent urination only at nights. What to do? Pimples at the base of penis, no pain. Is it contagious? Get nauseated while eating, pain in neck and legs, swollen lymph nodes. Serious something? Got pigmentation on nose when pregnant. Used skin lightinin cream. Used melacare, carofit ultra, sefpil and cosmilite. Sugest Take low dose of prednisone for organizing pneumonia condtion. Feeling tightness in chest. Am I more steroid dependent? Took aricept. Not feeling well. What should I do now? Planning for baby. Having lower abdomen pain. Feeling hungry and tired. Had Poly-cystic ovary. Taking Krimson. Miscarriage or conception? Got pain in shoulders with limited hand movements and lack of sleep. Arthritis? Treatment? Is/are there a connection of differentation between COPD and Cocci? Differences noticeable? Treatment? Noticed flow of blood after sex. Having back pain and taking tramadol. Remedy? Had sex without penetration. Took unwanted72 pill. Had early periods. No regular periods. Chances of pregnancy? Have pimple like bump on waist. Red skin and spreading. Applied Neosporin. Family member has strep pimples. Infection? Remedy? Had 3 fusions anterior discetomy. Cannot swallow food. CAT scan showed incoproation of the inervertbral graft at the endplates. Cure? Has varicose vein issues in ankles. Has high blood pressure. Blood work normal. Took Indipam and Trimethoprim. Suggestions? Diagnosed with Bipolar disorder. Prescribed paxil and ativan. What are the side effects? Running low grade fever. Having fatigue, no appetite and feelin fuzzy. Took doxicycline. What to do? Unable to stand for long. MRI showed spinal stenosis at cervical and lumbar. No pain. Undergone hp replacement. What to do? Have red rash in mouth, spreading to chin. Having burning sensation. Having bumps on fingers. What to do? Having colic issues. Giving gripe water. Noticed tongue turned black. Should we be concerned? Got tight foreskin. Lose erection when pull back. Cannot use condoms without pain. Remedy? Difficulty to pass motions. Noticed small boil near anus. Prescribed novamox drops and fusiderm cream along with antibiotics. Suggest? Suffering from extreme bloating and intestinal spasms. Have auto immune disease. What to do? Suffer loose motions. Feeling tired after waking up. What to do? Had severe blow on nose. Has surgery to unblock his sinuses. What does Turbinate reduction mean and when do you use balloon therapy? Have thyroid problem. TSH 11.37. Does thyroid reduce mortality of sperm? PAP smear showed HPV. Is this a benign strand? What should I do? Have artificial Mitral valve. Take Coumadin and sotalol. Like to take natural medicine containing Garlic and Grapeseed. Safe? Was down with flu. Given Tamaflu and Zpac with steroids. Still not keeping good. What to do? Have adult ADHD. Recommend good Adult ADHD psychiatrist? Having swelling in ankle and feet. Have Parkinson. Blood test shows low platelets. Remedy? Started with periods with spotting. Normal for first time? Should I go for medication? Using Mintop for hair loss. Taking Novophane plus tablet. Noticed hair fall again. Suggestions? Having pain near forehead. Eyes feel heavy. What can this be? Have siactic nerve acting up. Had quad-replacement of heart arterys. Connection? Have rotating pain in chest. Taking rablet IT. What to do? Have consistant dizziness with tiredness. Taking Vitamin Supplements. CT scan normal. Suggest Suffering from anxiety and panic-attack. Prescribed anti-depressants. Diagnosed with hiatal hernia. What to do? Getting sporadic pain in toe. Having tingling in hand. Cure? What can be done for large red blood cells? Have 2 bunions. One have slight hammer toe and a curved toenail. Best method for deformation without surgery? Had bypass surgery. On lipitor. Complaining of hands aching, leg cramps and headaches. Remedy? Information on test to find out good sperms to produce babies? Had total hysterectomy. Having light vaginal bleeding. Sonogram normal. What can this be? Have bad bones and crooked spine. Family history of Alzheimer. Will I also suffer form the same? Having black spots on legs. Having pain. Cure? Have breast cancer. Taking Femara daily. Will I experience any side effects? Having cold and had many sinus infections. Scheduled for tonsillectomy. Developed bronchitis. Should I postpone the surgery? Suffer low back pain have severe arthritis. On Neurontin. Have cortisol injections. Can I stop Neurontin? Got a kenalog shot. How long show I wait to conceive? Suffering from bad headache. Took medication. Starts to pain when laugh or cough. What to do? Having dull headache after hitting the head. Feeling tingling. Should I be concerned? Severely overweight. Would like to find doctor to prescribe Adipex or Didrex? Having chest and upper back pain. X-ray and CT scan normal. Took pain medication. Suggest what can be done? Having intermittent vomiting and loose motions. Blood work showed HB 7.1. Suggest Diabetic. Took Taxim-O and having severe allergy and giddy. Prescribed Wysolone. Suggestions? Had sex after periods. Took i pill. Having vaginal bleeding. Matter to worry? Am I safe? Have dark spots due to acne. Applied Onabet B on full face instead of affected area. Any side effects? Feeling twitching and painful sensation in abdomen. Not pregnant. What can this be? MRI of tibia showed chronic tear. Now MRI after bad nerve pain in foot shows elongated mass involving peronus longu muscle. Meaning? Recurrent or persistent NGU. How common is NGU cause by mycoplasms and ureaplasms? Curable? Having pain all over body. Suggest Diagnosed with eczema. Prescribed Stederm, Execareand Clorim-B. Continue cream? Had inflamed ulva. Constantly clearing throat and have allergic reactions. Suggestions? Developed growth on neck. Feeling burning and itching. What could this e? Remedy? Having rash on back. Worried it could be bat. Should I take rabies vaccine? Having sensation of throbbing pulses on head. Over weight. Could it be stress related or stroke? Gamma is high 600. Having alcohol and medicines. Suggest? Have difficulty in breathing while urinating. What to do? Taking Metformin for diabetes. Having bitter taste in mouth. Side effects of medicine? Had unprotected sex. Took i pill. Started bleeding and abdominal pain. Should I bee concerned? Can vicadine and antibiotics combine with blood and give false positive for cocaine on a piss test? Estachion tubes are full. Have moderate to severe Tinnutus. Due to ototoxic effects from occupational exposures? Have non-painful swelling on scrotum. Apart from keeping clean should I apply ice? Have SLE and chest pain. Diagnosed with diaphragmatic hernia. Feel extremely fatigued. What to do? Having rashes on inner thighs. Taking colloidal oatmeal baths and using cortisone cream. What can be done? On prescribed drugs for pain. Do not have doctor to prescribe. What to do? Have knee pain and back pain. Also pain in figures and toes. Should I take medication? Have thoracic outlet syndrome. Having pain in arm, breast and swelling in back. CT scan negative. Suggest Had 3 fusions anterior discectomy. CAT scan showed incorporation of the invertebrate graft at the endplates. Surgery? Having itchy hands and feet at night and suffer frequent urination. What to do? Feeling less sensual feeling, no good erection and having pain in scrotum. What to do? Complaining of aches and pains. HIV and Hep C negative. Consumes alcohol. WBC and iron level are low. Suggestion? Having stinging/burning sensation in lower abdomen after anal sex. Having painful vaginal penetration also. Suggestions? Noticed red spots and rashes after having sex. Prescribed antibiotics. Could it be STD? Having tingling redness and itching on scrotum and shaft. Test results show HSV-1 captia igg at 6.4 level. Remedy?
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