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Have infection on lower lip, lip itched and developed yellow and tan dots. What could this be? Have burning on the outside of vagina. No bumps, sores and redness except stretch marks. Herpes? Have pain penis shaft when erect and gets worse when bend while erect. Feels bruising after sex. Suggest? Have soreness in vagina after sex and sometimes its itchy but it feels like burning pain. Suggest? Have PCOD and Hypothyroidism. Having shorter cycle. Was put on Meprate. Periods have started light. Suggest? Pregnant with hypothyroidism and low BP. Taking thyronorm. Suggestion for Diet and exercise? Suffering from mental health. Have tried to kill and provokes to quarrel and shouts. Suggest? Having abdominal cramping, rapid weight loss, skin around eyes becoming blue. Ultrasound normal. Help? Had chicken samosa and started discomfort in throat. Difficulty in swallowing. Suggest? Have rash that looks like scabies and shingles. Is itchy blisters and bleeds. Taking amoxycillin and clavulanic Have rash that starts as blister, gets itchy and breaks then fills again. Taking amoxycillin and clavulanic acid Had surgery due to labral tear and hip is painful. MRI showed everything normal. Cause for pain? Taking Xarelto for Afib. Can I stop medication before the surgery and continue after the surgery? After squeezing nipple, clolostrum like thing comes out. Is it pregnancy or any breast related issue? Had got miscarriage. Having back pain, swollen ankle, heartburn and problem in conceiving again. Suggest? Had fever and reported dengue fever. Have low platelet count, weakness and rashes. Suggest? How long will take to taper off Methadone and what kind of pain can expect? Have pain at the top of arm, feels like vice grips. What could it be? Had anterior disectomy with fusion. Woke up with no voice. What kind of doctor should I see? Suffered health issues. Taken antibiotics. Having throat ans tongue problem. Worried about HIV infection? Can I take my effexor an hour after taking advil? 7 weeks pregnant, on methadone and found to have Hep C. What precauutions to take? Has hypertension, is dropping things. On lipitor. Does this means to have MS? Liver function are deranged on repeated evaluation. Had ultrasound, blood test. Chances of cirrhosis? Extracted wisdom tooth. Have pain, burning sensation and bitter taste. Have applied stitches, area is red. Suggest? Fell and hyperextended knee. Could not walk feeling painful. Having bruise, swelling and pain. Suggest Have developed recurring sensation in foot of a warm flushing sensation. What could it be? Developed itchy areas around pelvic area. Foreskin swollen. Prescribed over the counter drugs. Rashes spreading to thighs and stomach. Cure? Have intermmitent quick pain in scrotum. What could be the cause? Have small lump on the side of mouth on jaw. Can touch but cannot see it. Is it benign tumor? Vomiting gray liquid and have stomach ache. Suggest? Have lump on side of penis, looks like bitten many times. Taken aspirein and antihistamines. Treatment? Have unilateral flank pain radiating to back and buttocks. US for ovarian cysts shows mild hydronephrosis. Suggest? Eosinophil is 7.6 count. What could be the cause? Have smelly discharge, little staining in underwear. Is it Prostate or infection? Noticed bulge in belly button after lifting weight. umbilical cord is sensitive to touch. Suggest? Have warm tingling through out body, some times cold also and rapid heart beat. Suggest? Get tingling feeling all over body warm and cold followed by faster heart beat. Underlying cause? Has developed painless lump in testicle, huge and hard. Have hernia in stomach. What could it possibly be? Having burning sensation in lower colon area till ribs. Feels tender touch. MRCP showed dilated common bile duct. Remedy? Had unprotected sex. Have bumps filled with puss and blood also comes out around when squeeze. STD? Had cataract surgery. Taking Cipro and prednisolone. Take Lortab for multiple surgeries. Have blood in urine. Suggest? Have several red lesions on penis. Swab test negative for HSV. Have confusing blood test report. Suggest? Cannot sleep well at nigh. Used zolpidem but not getting prescription here. Suggest? Child suffering from gas problems. Mucus has been found in stool test. Suggest? Have scars over lungs which show up in the X-ray. Had TB. What can be done to get rid of it? Have very itchy spot on penis shaft. Looked like cut and have irritation after sex. STD? Done with lipid profile check and have LDL cholesterol of 102 and have pain. Suggest? Have cough and sinusitus. On antibiotic and antihistamine. Feels mucus drains from ear into throat. Suggest? Get restless body syndrome after taking Motrin. Side effect? Diagnosed with left peripheral vestibulopathy. Receiving treatment. Suggestions? On waking have large dark blob in vision which disappears after getting up and rubbing eyes. Suggest? having severe headache, loose stool, mild fever. Taking sporlac but no help. underlying cause? How good is Homeopathy in treating Paranoid Schizophrenia very early stage? Having muscle pain, stiffness in legs and knee. Have blood pressure, shoulder pain and carpal tunnel syndrome. Help? Diagnosed with pneumonia, given antibiotic injection, ceftin and Albuterol inhaler. Can prednisone be taken along? Suspect of having pinched nerve in shoulder, like sciatica. Suggest treatment for cure? Menopause. Have red raised spots on torso, breast and stomach. Completed course of antibiotic for abscessed tooth. Suggest? Having pelvic pain and weakness after a long driving. Cure for this? What does it mean when if TSH is 2.610. Is that good or is it too low? Takes warfarin. Has arthritis in base of spine and is painful. Advised anti inflammatories. Suggest? Having a pin pointed pain in chest. Took megadol. Suggest some medication and diet Having lower abdominal pain, pressure feeling movement but not pregnant. Suggest? Had unprotected oral sex. Had burning sensation inside penis and have chest pain, hard to breathe. Pericarditis? Pregnant. Which Omega 3 supplement is good. Advised Nutrilite Salmon omega 3. Suggest? Pregnant and have vaginal discharge. Was taking progesterone and stopped suddenly. Related? Have cramping, itchiness outside vagina. No discharge and smell. Have burning urination and urge to go again. Reason? Have prostate gland enlargement and PSA of .04. Recommended surgery but is heart patient. Advise? Had ECG, echocardiogram, cardiac enzyme blood test, ultrasound. All normal. Get flutter feeling in throat, overweight and smoke Treated for impacted cerumen and Ottis externa. On Ciprodex. Ear noticed with blood clot. What to do? Diabetic, want to do cataract surgery. Need information about insulin pump Prone to cold and got infection in every weather change. How to improve immunity? Can you suggest any home remedies for throat pain? Have sunburn whenever go out in sunshine and have dark line on forehead. Suggest? Suffered food poisoning. Having sweating and chills. Developed red splotchy rash. Remedy? Having continuous bleeding after sex and not stopping. Is it good to take TRANOSTAT MF to stop bleeding? Taking ursodiol but the dosage was wrongly filled by pharmacy. Will the elevated dosage will be harmful? Have low blood pressure, dizziness and tiredness. Suggestion? Noticed small rash on hot dog worried that I consumed it. Will it pass in stools? Had accident, two broken legs and skin grafting. On dalaudin and morphine pill. Concerned for addiction? Have blister on big toe filled with fluid of honey colour. Is it cause for concern? Had mammogram and told to have lymph node behind nipples. Suggestion? Have symptoms of sun stroke ankles, shoulders, hip and neck aches. Suggest? On high fibre vegan diet following rectal cancer and getting bleeding around anus. How to overcome this? Dull pain or burning between scrotum and anus. Prostate exam normal. No burning while urinating. Suggest? Safe to drop micardis and norvasc and increase dosage of minipress? Have sharp pain in lower side of stomach going to back. Had hysterectomy. Suggest? Ultra sound showed bulky uterus. Can any on line doctor help me? Having joint pain, numbness on feet, knee pain. MRI showed no lesion. Reason? Suffering from Brucella meningitis. Done with blood culture test. Having fever and back pain Have swelling, soreness and tenderness of MCP of index joint and tenderness of PIP. Bilateral iliotibial band syndrome? Have high eosonophilic count, skin rashes, shortness of breath, fatigue. On ayurvedic treatment. Suggest treatment? Took i-pills in 3 days and again had sex . Suggest solution without any side effect? Having 5 stitches on eye brow area. Have slight swelling and scar tissue. Applied hot compress. What can be done for swelling? Having severe oedema, weeping body fluids and weight gain after taking vesicare. Can any on line doctor help me? Breast cancer survivor. Have arthritis. Tumour marker and blood work is fine. High stress level Itching in my urethra with red dots. Had unprotected sex. Any STD? Have fluctuating BP, that goes very high and have to put off work. Suggestion? Have hypertension. Taking atenolol. Suffer from vertigo. Suggested vestibulo cochlear insufficiency. What to do? Been on levoxyl and TSH level 10. Having weight loss, palpitations and insomnia. Blood test showed TSH level 19.20. What to do? Does nitroxtend help your penis grow a little bit longer? Suffering from adrenal fatigue illness and hair loss. Given tablets containing serenoa complex. Side effect? Smoker. Having cough and phlegm at night. Diabetic. Can any on line doctor help me? During sex im getting a very quick heart beat. Is this normal? Have brittle, dry weightless hair due to chemical straightening. How to get back my natural hair? Since hysterectomy have a dark brown discharge. No pain or burning except itching. Suggest? Have addison's disease and failed adrenal gland. Taking fludrocortisone and prednisone. Any side effect? Had minor cut in the cheek during shaving. Applied antiseptic. Any chances of STD? Had sex after period ended and took ipill norlevo. Had brown spotting. What could it be? What are the main causes for an enlarged thyroid gland on one side? Ingested Hallucionogenic Drug. Since then has seen tracers and unable to sleep. Suggest? What is the treatment for water retention in the region of knee? Having unprotected sex. Slight brownish bleeding. Pregnant? Advised to take Pharmapress Verahexal, Ecotrin, Aspavor and Carbilev. Any side effects if taken together? Mother diagnosed with optic neuritis. MRI was clear. Experiencing pins and needles in feet and fingers. What to do? Have pain in upper side of stomach below rib cage. Underlying cause? Taking Abilify for bipolar and depression. Suggest Exposed to HIV. On Truvada and other medication. What should I do? Tingling sensation and intermittent pain in shoulder. Having pain in armpit, radiating till shoulder. Concerned? Skin on forearm feels fragile and tears easily. Leaving rough and bumpy area. Having blood blisters. What can be done? Had bleeding then black tarry diarrhea. Taking Lopressor and mulque. Suggestions? Suffer from recurring cold and blocked nose. Takes cetrizen and otrinoz. Having asthma. Help? Have sudden raise in blood pressure. Any infection? Any alternate way to cure cataract other than operation? Diabetic. Took more lantus than required. Any problem? Is there a particular surgery that can tighten the sphincter? Sprained ankle, experiencing pins and needles in foot. Foot feels cold and turns blue. Noticed swelling. Normal? Child complaining of stomach pain and then vomiting foamy saliva. Feels better after vomiting. Suggest? Had UTI, was on antibiotic ciprofloxacin. Feels pressure in vagina after urinating. Had urine test. Suggest? Have high cholesterol and iron level in blood test and abnormal WBC and nitrate in urine test. Suggest? Have high cholesterol and iron level in blood test and abnormal WBC and nitrate in urine test. Advise? Have had semen analysis test. What does it indicate? Had unprotected sex. Took i pill. Periods scanty and having lower abdominal pain. Should I go for pregnancy test? Has stroke with minimal left side damage. Having frequent chest pain and poor circulation in feet. What should I do? Under treatment for hemorrhoids with bleeding litigation treatments. Can inflamed, bleeding hemorrhoids raise PSA count? Have pain in chest. Is it normal to feel like having a heart attack? Administered Kenalog injections for knee joint pain. Was taking metformin regimen. Want to avoid insulin. What to do? Have itchy skin on arms, used E45 cream but developed red cuts and orange fluid oozed out. Suggest? Having irritation in labia minora with small rash. Is painful and sore. No discharge or bad smell. Suggest? How long do I need to wait to breastfeed after taking Lasix? Doing masturbation since many years. Having pain in lower back, thighs and scrotum. Serious? Should I consult doctor? Have pea size ball under hip and is movable. What could it be? Under stress, diagnosed with anxiety. Have protein in urine and feels pain at tip of penis. Suggest? Diagnosed with giardia and put on cipro and flagyl. Having diarrhea and pain in intestines. Suggest? Suffering with severe piles, expecting a baby. Given ofloxin. Should I go for surgery and medication? Had resection 40% medial meniscus. Having knee pain. How long is the healing process? Suggest? Suffer recourring bouts of diarrhea, abdominal discomfort, sweats, chills, headaches and frequent urination. Remedy? Infant had white fluid coming out of ear. What could it be? Have broken ribs. Suffer pain while coughing and sneezing. On sleeping pills. Remedy? Have abdominal pain. Taking galvus, diamicron and glycomet. Read vildagliptin can cause pancreatic cancer. Suggest? Diagonsed with anemia and hemoglobin 7.5. MRI report showed solid appearing adnexal mass and enlarged uterus. What to do? Have pain in diaphragm below ribcage and burps. Could it be due to strained muscle or gas? Have pimples. Prescribed azithral and ciprofloxacin. Having prolonged periods with brown discharge. Continue medication? Have vaginal discharge that is creamy coloured, thick and have awful odour, sometimes bleeds also. Suggest? Have high BP, headache and neck ache. Prescribed neck massage and Gbaapentin. Suggest? Pregnant. Suffer light nausea and sharp abdominal pain. Also low grade fever. Help? Having knee problem. X-ray showed early signs of osteoarthritis. What can be done? Having problems controlling or putting weight on leg after sitting. What could be the cause? Have changed birth control and had light bleeding and pain. Pregnancy test negative. Chances of pregnancy? Is there any hazardous material stored in a hospital? Received stitches on eyebrow. Have swollen with scar tissue from sutures. Safe to apply cold pack and massage scar tissue? Have spasms and cramps over entire body, legs, arms and face. Blood test normal. Have pulling in abdomen Have been on Synthroid. Get rash on arms, face and chest when exposed in sun. Related? How to rescue one year old with no breathing and no heartbeat? Having pain and burning in vagina. Cure? Adopting baby. Thrombocytopenia, enlarged liver, mild anemia and distention in abdomen without clear diagnosis. What to do? Noticed cramping in pelvic area. Feel bloated, tired and back sore. Normal? What could this be? Suffer from severe cold and blocked nose. Sneezing and coughing. Having temperature. Suggest medication? Havehistory of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis. Taking voriconizole. Having rashes in mouth. Remedy? Leg covered with poison oak. Having itching and swelling. Using antibiotic wound. How do I treat? Want a doctor to prescribe armour thyroid? Having pain in lower and upper muscle. Taking Lercanidipine and Indapamide. Taking cholesterol medication. Suggest Noticed frozen muscle after lifted bags. Taking ibuprofen or dicolofenac. Take rest? What to do? Contact with the feces of potentially rabid animal spread rabies? Experiencing severe shoulder pain. Taking Advil. No numbness. Help? Wife developed symptoms of suspicion. Doubts about health and safety. What should I do? Had panic attack in flight with shortness of breath. All test normal. Worried? Should I Xanax in the next trip? Feel weak and shaky. Have hypertension. Blood pressure could be 114/80. Suggest Diagnosed with PCOS. Family history of breast cancer and ovarian cancer. Over weight. Tested for for BRCA1 gene mutations. Pregnancy? Have swollen glands, post nasal drip, sore throat, ans feels like a swollen tongue. Help? Wondering if klebsiella pneumoniae can cause penile discharge? Has fever, sore throat pain, nauseous after eating and feels tired. Suggest? Suffer from hand and facial tremors, loss of short term memory and brief periods of confusion. Serum serotonin levels abnormal. Remedy? Information on whether GERD is a serious disease? Have Parkinson disease and GERD. Take Madopar and Nexium. Is it safe to have anaesthesia and operation? Have cataract, intestinal lung disease, high sugar levels. Which type of surgery & Lens would be best? Child had itchy red bumps on belly, got better with cream but broke out behind knees. Chicken pox? Have dark itchy spot on leg with white centre. What could that be? Diagnosed with ureterocele in ct scan of urology. Advised for surgery. What to do? Have had lesion. Its not painful or itching. Burns when urine touches it. No vaginal discharge. Suggest? Have tummy flap. Due to overlap of skin have a rash. How to heal it? Diagnosed with left ureterocele in ct scan. Suggested surgery. What to do? Done with total abdominal hysterectomy. Have pain in pelvic area. Suggestion? Looking for specialist in treating Shingles. Help? Taking varsatan +bisoprolol. Having extreme painin hands and legs. Taking potassium citrate to control oxcalate kidney stones. Remedy? Have burning sensations, stinging and abrasion on toes. Have put calamine and taken tramadol. Suggest? Taking Zoloft. Got nausea and diarrhea. Taking prozac. What to do? Have projected wart near underarm. Have been using podowart and not feeling any changes. Suggest? Pregnant, shaken abdomen to encourage baby to move. Could abdominal trauma result in cerebral palsy? Diagnosis showed Bileteral supraspinatus tendonatis of sholders. Suggestions?
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