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Taking Metformin and Throxine for PCOS. Have vitamin D deficiency. Partner has oligoasthenospermia. Chances of pregnancy? Have vulvovaginal burning, vestibular white clumps of secreta, milky white urine, no fever. Yeast infection? Taking Carvedilol, Simvastatin, Amiodarone, Diovan, Namenda, Donepezil. Will any of these react to nitric oxide? Taking Avodart and Tamsulosin for prostate problem. Have less semen volume. Can Extenze be taken? Swollen foot after being bitten by fire ants. Best thing to do? Have depression. Do not take medication. How can I improve my sleep? Contracted HPV virus. Had continuous genital warts. Feeling depressed. Help? Done with back surgery and having unbearable pain. Suffering from Complex regional pain syndrome. Treatment? PAP smear results unclear. Have been asked to repeat tests. Test shows dark cells present. Meaning? Weight loss, vomiting, abnormal blood pressure, night sweats, cough, phlegm. No fever. Taken Promethazine. Any ideas? Taken Ipill after having sex. Negative pregnancy test. Pregnant? Could I take gabapentin along with neuroveen? Can Neuroveen be taken along with Gabapentin? Had counter beard. Having itching, swelling and weeping. Skin beneath the dyed areas have turned lighter. remedy? Have regular periods. Used precaution during intercourse. Having vomiting, loose motion and slight spotting. Chances of pregnancy? My skin under my foreskin has became infected. Used derm aid. Should I continue the cream? Having abdominal pain. Diagnosed with severe endometriosis. Should I take a second opinion before proceeding with the treatment? Have swelling from left testicle till pelvis. What can this be? Having raised ridge on the top of skull. Having two depressions in skull running either side of the raised ridge. Is this normal? Taking Copper T. Having unusual periods, bleeding when strained and back pain is severe. Is this because of Copper T? Had two abortions and performed DNC. Failed two IUI. How to reduce sperm integrity? Had two missed abortions and failed Intrauterine insemination. With reference to the reports is there any way to reduce dna integrity? Moody around menstrual time and has cramps. Lynoral? Have leg pain and discomfort when laying or sitting down. Restless leg syndrome? Have Cellulite diseases. Foot swollen and red. Having pain. Taking Sulfameth. Is it the right medicine? On Emsam, gabapentin, deplin, synthroid, Sonata and lorazepam. Tired of side effects. What can be done? Suffering from gastritis, feeling sick. Had endoscopy. What does report suggest? Have swelling in knee. MRI showed small areas of patch T1 hypo and T2 hyperintensities of subchondral bone. Meaning? Having back pain and knee after 5 months of delivery. Diagnosed as early stages of oesteo arthritis. Help? Earlier taken Ivermectin for itchy spots. Have scalp sores, raised, painful. No fever. Reason? Have painful sore developed below lower teeth. Noticed sublingual gland swelling. Help? Ate a piece of balloon. Precaution? Any problem? Pregnant. Suffering from cough with phlegm and feeling feverish. Help? Taking treatment for Seborrheatic Dermatitis and androgenic alopecia. How do I make out the treatment is effective? Diabetic. Difficulty in passing very hard stools. How to resolve problem? Have been losing hair. Prescribed follicile and Tugain solution. Done with permanent straightening. What should I do? Got scratched with needle leaving scar on cheek. Using Contractubex - Extr Cepae Heparin Solium & Allontoin Gel. Guide? Have sore throat, white spots in mouth, acid reflux, unable to eat. Due for hernia surgery. Suggest? Child diagnosed with strep throat. Has itchy feet and blisters in hands. Told to use ibuprofen and benadryl. Courageous? Has lung cancer matasticized into liver and larynx. Has stopped chemo treatment. Feet are swollen and loosing weight Have low BP, taking verapamil. Drinking wine. Suggest? Had gallbladder removed, vomiting bile and stomach pain. Told to be stomach virus and stay hydrated Have been vomiting with lot of belching, sputum has bubble in it. What could be the reason? Catch cold easily and start sneezing. Told to be due to lac of Vitamin C. What should I do? Taking physiotherapy for pinched nerve from disc due to fall. Rectal pain, pain during bowel movements. Related? Had hysterectomy. Follow up scan and tests revealed cancer cells in lungs. Suggested provera. What should be done now? Have been diagnosed with mild chronic gastritis and H pylori. Suggest diet? Got over cold. Taking ZPak and a cough suppressant. Noticed soreness in throat. Having pain in ears. Suggest? Had sexual trauma and received stitches for lacerations of vaginal area. Noticed bleeding and pain. What can be done? Have red blisters around penis hole and foreskin is tightening. Suggest? Took steroid for eye disease sarcodiosis. Can it cause diabetes? Child have high ESR level. What can be done? Stomach size is very big due to acidity and how to reduce it? Have nerve pain at back of eye, Dim vision and headache. Suggest? Is it normal to have post angioplasty hematoma? Have pain in ear and jaw and back molar, hot and cold compressor helps. Suggest? Have vitiligo on skin, did UV therapy. Patches are stable. Thinking to go for cosmetic treatments. Suggest? Would like to know about lymph nodes and its symptoms. Feel joint pain and cannot rotate arm. Suggest? Okay to have colonoscopy while taking Doxycycline? Had abdominal and pelvic pain. CT scan showed horseshoe kidney Skin breaks out profusely and feels itchy when exposed to the sun. What can be done? History of knee injury. Have knee pain in cold weather. Need for arthroscopic surgery? Have anxiety, worry, diarrhea, constipation, soft stools, nausea, cramping, fatigue, stomach gurgling. Pelvic ultrasound normal Can high risk HPV be transmitted through towels, kissing, hugging? Have Parkinson Disease, recovering from fractured hip. Arm started feeling numb. Suggest? Have pressure type headache that makes head feels heavy and making upper body feel heavy. Suggest? Have been suffering unwanted hair problem and hair fall problem. Suggest? Mammogram report states apparent area of developing density in posterior right upper outer quadrant. Meaning? Taking Levothyroxine. What would be the effect? Mammogram showed apparent area of developing density in posterior right upper outer quadrant. What does this indicate? Having lower back pain. Blood test normal except low iron. What to do? Trying for baby and using ovulation kit. Had late periods with little flow. Was that implantation bleeding? Have been bleeding from penis, took excedrins and coumadin. Suggest? Not been able to ejaculate. What can be done? Radiology report chest x-ray stated Aortic Atherosclerosis, what does it mean? Has mitral valve prolapse. Experiencing severe palpitations and constant fluttering. Suggest immediate relief? Swallowed semen. Having sore throat and runny nose. Worried about HIV infection? Have been taking loratab, stopped and no withdrawal yet. What should I expect? Had stomach flu. Experiencing dizziness and light head. No sleep. Should I be worried? Accidentally took Lisinopril, upper lip is extremely swollen. What to do? Have swelling on the middle right side of back neck. What can this be? Have spasm between the neck and shoulder, unable to lie down and sit comfortably. Can Hifenac be taken? Started with neck pain moving to shoulder with intense pain. Have itchy rash on arms and legs. Advise? Had spontaneous pneumothorax, treated by talcing. Suggested stapling the blebs. Which one is the better procedure? Feel bump on thyroid and getting bigger with swelling. Is there any concerns? Having pain in back between shoulder blades. Blood and normal. Have panic attacks and given Valium. Suggest? Can gas and acidity trigger pressure in head? Also trigger blood pressure? Have oily scalp. Suffer hair fall and hair thinning . What to do? Having nipple discharge and soreness and have had amenorrhea. Suggest? On BP medicines. Facing high mood fluctuations and mood swings. What should I do? Took mefigest and bleeding was not too heavy and it stopped. Worried for same. Suggest? Pregnant and slipped. Had bruises on hips and hands. Noticed blood in inner wear but US normal. Advise? Suggest ways to fix premature ejaculation? Is it possible to have lentigen in inner thighs or pelvic region without sun exposures? What are the signs and of Appendicitis? Had gastroscopy done which revealed Hiatus Hernia with Grade A Reflux Esophagitis and H. pylori. Suggestions? Had sex after periods. Took ipill next day. Breast are weak and tender. Meaning? Pregnant. Urine test showed pus cells. Taking Fefol-z. Prescribed Zi-Fi. Safe? After colonoscopy have had slight fever without any other symptoms. Took analgesic. Suggest? Over weight. Trying to conceive. Scan report shows endometrial thickness of 6.4mm. Endometrial thickness and ovary volume normal? Have stomach gas and burping. Eating outside food. Suggest medication? Hands starts shivering when nervous and stressed. Suggest some stress reducing techniques Hearing test showed diminished hearing. Suggested MRI scan. Should I be worried? Had masturbation. Continued have one after another. tkaign detox. What is happening? Have very foul smelling stools. No blood or mucus. Suggest? On celexa for anxiety. Having burning sensation in forearms, hands and feet. Having muscle pain. Suggest? Have noticed pink urine, headache and fatigue with stomach ache. Had kidney stones. Suggest? Have sore throat, tried gargling hot salt water and drinking warm coffee. How to cure it? Have lesions on feet. Normal? Doctor prescribed medicine for abortion. Is it safe to take anti d injection? Safe for next baby? Gained weight after hysterectomy. Taking phentermine. Help? Had labral tear and surgery. Have pain in hip. MRI was normal. Suggest? On Metformin, Aldactone and Novelon. Safe to take medicines for long? Feel fatigued. No effect of sleeping medications like Seroquel and ambien. What can be done? Suffer form severe gastritis. Having extreme pain. What is the solution? Have bad odour coming from rectum. How to overcome this? Prescribed prozac. Information on the drug? Have red sore on buttock. Prescribed doxy-cycl hypl and clobex. What can be done? Have difficulty breathing through one nostril, especially after running. Is it a blockage? Having severe pain in inner thigh. Eye feels swollen. Took asprin. Guide? Discovered blood in semen after masturbating. Underlying cause? Siddha yoga kundalini dosorder patient misdiagnosed with sc hizoaffective disorder. Take Zoloft and visterol. Suggestions? Had an Ingrown Toenail surgery. Now told to have MRSA. Suggest? Have 450 calcium level and told to have parathyroid operation. Feel tired and foggy-minded. Suggest? Broke femur. Had surgery and infection. Staf infection same as MRSA? Suggest doctors who can perform chin liposuction and ultherapy? Pregnant. History of 2 miscarriages. Noticed spotting. Taking progesterone. Early signs of miscarriage? Had major stomach pain and had diarrhea. Noticed blood in stools. What can this be? Have small bump in front of ear and sinks when open mouth. Doesn't hurt but have headache. Suggest? Have been getting bad breast pain. What could be the cause? Having vision flotters like little black linens and dots. What could it be? White marks on penis head after having oral sex. Reason? Diagnosed with gastric carcinoids and gastritis. Had sigmoid and hemi colectomy due to diverticulitis. Suggest? Having back pain. Taking injection. Taking Aciloc and Dolokind. Feeling pain and uncomfortable. Suggestions? Noticed one chest nipples flat and not coming out. Normal? What can be the cause? Microscopic trace of blood in fecal test. Taking Zantac, Carafate and Dexilant. What are the causes of anemia? Short of breath, profuse sweating, tingling hands, sleep deprivation and chest tightness. Taking gabapentin and flexiril Unable to conceive. Have multiple fibroids. IVF without myomectomy advisable? Is hiv transmission possible through saliva? Numb finger, cold hands and body. Family history of heart problems and diabetes. Reason? Had oral sex and having bacterial vaginosis. Taste of the tongue has changed. Also having IBS. Suggest the treatment? Child has cold, cough, fever, tonsil problem, adenoids. Loose motion after taking Asthalin, paracetamol, cetrizin. Reason? Can ferrous ascorbate and folic tablets be taken as iron supplement by non-pregnant woman for controlling hair fall? Suffering cold, cough and throat infection. Does Robitussin DM have opiates? How long does it stay in the human body? Took mtpill and then misoprostol. Having heavy bleeding and some thing coming out of vagina Had duromine tablet and having anxiety with panic attacks. Relaxing and breathing isn't working. Suggest? Diabetic. Diagnosed Hepatitis C. Blood test showed ALT 44. Ultrasound showed enlarged spleen. Does diabetes causes this? Have elevated uric acid and SGPT. What diet should I take? Having severe back pain, when standing or laying. What should I do? Had knee arthroscopy for a torn discoid meniscus. MRI showed cartilage loss on the central lateral femoral condyle. Suggest? Have headache across forehead and temples with eye pain and nose pain. uncomfortable to wear contact lenses Have hiatus hernia. Causing vomiting after eating. Have few upper respiratory infections. Help? Have hiatus hernia, vomiting, regurgitation, choking, distended abdomen, weight loss, urine incontinence. Worried Have diffuse fasciculations, cramps, visual snow, headache, chest pain, neurologic deficit. Negative chest x-ray, achr abs. What to do? Have fasciculation without loss of sensation in calves, visual snow, dizziness, headache, fatigue. Concerned about paraneoplastic syndromes Lower back pain due to L4/l5 disc. Want doctor in Queensland to perform MISS disc replacement Have pain in groin and lower back, vomiting. Need to go to emergency room? Need diet plan to lose weight Taken Ceff and CVM for prolonged bleeding. Done D&C. Taken Duoloton and Xamic for brown discharge. Correct treatment? Can gas or acidity cause pressure in head or trigger high BP? Weight gain after childbirth, tiredness, weakness. Suggest diet plan Oily scalp. No relief with various shampoos Have lumps in breast. Sign of breast cancer? Have diabetes. Blood test shows high sugar levels. Taking Amaryl, Galvus, Insulin Child has green phlegm and runny nose. No relief with Flumicil and Mucosolvan. Antibiotics advisable? Watery blister on penis head after intercourse. No relief with candid b cream, t bac cream, vozet. Worried Done band ligation for liver cirrhosis with esophageal varices. Have difficulty swallowing. Common? Sensitive teeth, violent sneezing, sensitive nasal passage Feeling fatigued and pain in legs. Diagnosed with vitamin B12 deficiency. Prescribed methyl cobalmin injections. Suggest? Chest pain, heart palpitations. No dizziness, shortness of breath or pain in arms, neck, or jaw. Normal tests. Reason? Child scratched elbow after fall, swollen. Applied Fucidin. Need to give oral medicine? Positive urine pregnancy test. Test shows bulky ovary. Does bulky ovary lead to ectopic pregnancy? Have skin fissures between toes, bleeding Red spot on gum. Not raised or painful. Any ideas? Throat discomfort and tongue swelling after taking Rocephin for breathing difficulty. History of panic attacks. Any thoughts? Does left atrial enlargement cause mental confusion? ECG shows LAE. Have low thyroid level,abnormal sodium level, memory loss Diarrhea, anal fissure, bloating, pelvic pain. Normal stool test and CT scan. Colonoscopy shows diverticulitis. Thoughts? Have morning congestion, swollen throat feeling after lunch, pain behind eye socket, cheek numbness. Allergy related? History of radiation to thyroid area. Done FNA for goiter. Have hoarse and raspy voice Child taken Zifi and Metafel for stomach pain and vomiting. Abdominal USG shows paramesentric lymph nodes. Taking Mox, flagyl, omen, mucaine. Reason? Brown discharge and cramping during pregnancy Pain in arm and shoulder blades, gas, bloating, tiredness. Need for concern about low heart rate readings? How do I know if the fat I am losing is visceral or subcutaneous? Have bursitis on hip. Taken cortisone shots and Ultram. Any other medicine? Taking Norco after TKR surgery. Have pain in knee cap and leg. Help Blood in urine after gallstone removal. Related symptoms? 2 years old doesn't want to eat anything except bottle milk. Suggest? Child walks and runs only on toes. Help Pregnant, having symptoms of a pending miscarriage and prescribed with D antigen. Is the medicine causing miscarriage? Have kidney infection, burning sensation in urine and lower back pain. Suggest? Want to know best doctor in Delhi for operation of L1 sector fracture of spinal cord Planning to get baby. TSH is high, taking thyrox. Will I be able to conceive? Allergic to lot of medications. Has gastric bypass. Taking prednisone. Stitches broke loose and had to be put together. Suggestions? Have cold chills, feels anxiety, get migraines, vomiting and sweating. Had hysterectomy. Suggest? Heart rate between 70 & 85 BPM. Blood pressure ranging 140/74 to 109/73. Feeling tired, lethargic and trembling. Suggestions?bl Have PSVT. Takign calaptin. Having dizzy spells. Shaking feeling. Prescribed embeta and glucobay. What to do? 1 year old child diagnosed with Vitamin D deficiency. Suggest diet? Have erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. Non diabetic, done vasectomy have difference in blood pressure between arms. Normal? Is it good or bad to masturbate once a week? Sore breasts, spotting, cramping after having protected sex. Negative pregnancy test. No periods. Pregnant?
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