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Pregnant, having swollen and painful knee. Not able to bend. Advise? Pregnant, want to terminate it. Can misoprostal be taken, what is the procedure? Using spectacles. Developed dark spots on nose. Suggest medicine? Taking venlafaxine for depression. Have mood swings and cries a lot. Take sleeping pill Zolpidem. Advise? Have sore and painful legs and pain coming up to hands and lower back pain. Suggest? Having third degree burns on body. Stapedectomies on both ears and had blephroplasties done. Have Dysthemia. Suggest the treatment? Partner stops from having sex not more than two or three minutes. Reason? Child taking fabulous Dermo. Does it have any side effects? Child diagnosed Myopic with astigmatism. Will cycloplegic refraction be helpful in getting a more acute prescription? Having pain above breast. Feeling light headed, dizzy and discomfort in chest. BP is high and feeling nauseous. Worried? Having a quick zig zag sensation below or above clavicle. Sensation is not an ache or pain. Done with EKG. Treatment? Taking diphenhydramine and taking liquid form of zquill. Feeling dizziness and nausea. Would this be diphenhydramine withdrawal? Had non stop chest pain for two hours. Could I ask a doctor? Hiatus hernia found in stomach. Does running increase the problem? Concerned? Diagnosed with gastritis and tested positive for H. Pylori. On antibiotics and acid reducer. Stool is soft and light brown. Advise? Could H.Pylori be contracted by having sex? Having anus itching due to worm. Suggest the medication to get rid of this? Two front teeth protruding little out. Suggest a solution without braces? Having fissure problem and anus hole has become smaller. Increased fat. Suggest the treatment? Done with complete blood count test. Had mild allergies. Worried about contaminated by HIV. Advise? Diagnosed with cellulitis. Having severe lung infection and urinary tract infection. Not responding to antibiotics. Advise? Feel nauseated and not eating from anxiety. Suggestion? Fell on hip. Painful and discomfort in rotating hip. Can walk without pain. Treatment? What are symtoms of Severe Emphysema? Having tension from neck to shoulders. Eyes are heavy and having tired vision. Sometimes ear turns numb. What could it be? Having COPD and had two open heart surgeries. Hypothyroid and taking synthroid. Having fluid in lungs. Treatment? Had phenominal allergic reaction with allopurinol. Had DS and died. Underlying Cause? Noticed little worms in urine. What could it be? Have high BP, taking Aquazide. Suggest how to reduce? Loosing hair a lot. Suggest tips to prevent hair loss? Had high cholesterol, took Tiger Pine oil and it came down to normal. Asked to take Red vitamins What is the equavilant dose of Duragesic to 3-30 mg of Morphine? Has habit of breathing through mouth while sleeping. Can lack of oxygen during sleep cause early bone ossification? Pregnant. Want to terminate pregnancy. Suggest? Took cipro for bladder infection. Having diarrhea after eating alternating to regular bowel movements, gas and stomach pain Done with blood test for cholesterol. Suggestions? Shall Itake ubi q capsule to increase sperm motility? Has lymph node in groin. Backy therapy left scar, causing penis to block. Given morphine for pubic catherta Had sex and now facing delay in periods. Is it a sign of pregnancy? Having oily skin. Suggest the medication for reducing the secretion of oil on face? Suggest the medication to postpone periods? Under depression. Was given resperidone for maniac attack. Having insomnia, lack of appetite and palpitation. Treatment? Thumb is aching. Developed a ridge in nail and is red under the nail. Should I be worried? MRI showed tumor in soleus muscle. Had pain in calf. Chances of sarcoma? Had a adrenal benign tumour. Bowel system is not correct and no stomach pain. Itching type in stomach. Treatment? Diagnosed with right posterior frontal high vertex parasagittal meningioma also have mastoiditis. Meaning? HCG test showing negative. Suffering from tiredness, cold and vomiting sensation. Experiencing delay in periods. Advise? Stomach pain near left kidney and sometimes low BP. Urologist has recommended for pyeloplasty operation. What are the upcoming risks? Had acne on cheek, applied Benzyl Peroxide, left with dark spots after popping. Applied Adeferin. Suggest? Experienced intense, painful burning on little toe. Developed blisters. Diagnosed as allergic reaction to insect bites. Advise? Had ITP as child resulting in splenectomy. Developing increasing food allergies, fatigue. No detectable IGM. Advise? Had gallbladder removed but looks like pregnant. Unable to eat solid food. When will it be normal? Have had itchy rash on legs, using penicillin. Have allergic reaction . Side effect? Penis feels sticky. No rashes and spots. What could be causing the stickiness? Experiencing very thin bowel movements. Having dull pain in buttocks and a sharper pain in rectum. Concerned? Are there any drug interactions between lorazepam and herbs like saint johns wort, skullcap, valerian, hops? Experiencing leg aches and joint pain. Fatigued and flares up. What does it mean? Have problem of sleepwalking and depression, taking Seroquil helps sound sleep. Have no memory of doing things. Advise? Frequent urination and prescribed flomax. No signs of infection and had urinalysis. Had hip replacement. Suggestions? What are the findings of the report and what does it mean? Had itchy black spots on lips, got swollen and turned black. Taking bendryl helped. Cause and treatment? Ejaculated and wiped with a towel. Not sure whether the towel was clean. What are the risks? Had panic attack and felt shaky. Diagnosed with Obsessive-compulsive disorder and took Effexor and lorazapam. Having hypothyroid. Advise? Taking Lexapro and xanax, still feels anxiety and nervousness. Took pill prescribed for ADHD, feel calm. Safe? Have painless lump close to underarm. What to do? Heart attack. Done with angiography and having mild chest pains. Is it necessary to for surgery? Had asthma and its is cured. Have sinus in throat and voice is degrading with eating problem. Advise? Pregnant, advised folic acid tablets. Suggest any additional vitamin, calcium and iron supplements? Had protected sex, having itchiness in groin, burning sensation in the head of penis with urge to urinate. Brisk reflexes in knee. Having fear of paraneoplastic disease. Taking gabapentin. Having headache and chest pain. Advise? Have skin peeling off in scrotum area, seemed to be sticky and white. STD? Having severe headache on one side. Take vasograin but BP is getting low? Was stung, area is red, hot, itchy, and slightly hardened, no swelling. Normal? Have pain underneath tongue while eating. Have bad tooth in that area. Related?? Have had small round dark purple bruise appears on arms. Sometimes take Advil. Suggest? Taking Tylenol makes sleepy. Suggest alternative? Taking lonazep and have side effect. What to do? Uterus is non gravid, bulky and distorted in shape. Have fibroids and ovarian cyst. Fertility at risk? Have bad knee, treating with cortizone but have pain. Got pace maker for Atrial Fibrillation. Treatment? Had jaundice in childhood. Is it same as Hepatitis B and can it be transmitted to baby during pregnancy? Area over serratus muscle is swollen and puffy. What to do? Feels unusually sleepy and have chronic cough. Underlying cause? Have slight pain when swallowing saliva, sore throat like symptoms. Given amoxicillin. Suggest? What is best type of aortic valve replacement surgery for 12 year old active and athletic male? Had Fibroidenoma removed. Having pain occasionally in both the breasts. Done with mammograms. Further treatment? How often can Synvisc injections in the knee be taken and what are the side effect? Have increased bowel movement, diarrhea, loud noise in stomach and tired. Colonoscopy and Celiac test normal. Suggest? Can Avelox helps in treating Appendicitis? Taking Zocor. Having conjunctivitis in both eyes. Very depressed and negative. Could I ask a doctor? Do you need a certain level of ultram before it start working? Have cyst like painless knot on the back of head increasing in size and moves a little. Suggest? Have pain in spermatic cord, need to urinate more and dribble with itchy bum. Advised US. Suggest? Had a hemicolectomy for severe diverticulits. Had infectious disease. Abdomen making squishing sound. Taking ABX treatment. Suggestions? Have to pee often with pain and blood. No other issues. Underlying cause? Having dizziness triggered by high contrast patterns. Having peripheral neuropathy. MRI showing hypodensity in occipital lobe. Further tests needed? Suffering from bi-polar and racing thoughts. Taking medicines for anxiety and depression. Suggest the treatment? Child diagnosed with ADHD, was on Ritalin but less effective and changed to Concerta. Suggest? Tested negative for HIV after 6 month exposure. Now have Herpes, no itching and pain. Chances of HIV? Had Hiatal Hernia, diaphramatic and gastric sleeve procedure. Redness and itching in wound sites. Applying fungal creams. Further tests? Can norflex and ibuprophen be taken together. Suggest? Feeling acidic tongue. What could be the cause? Ate almond and had tightness in throat, no hives and skin irritation. Took Benadryl. Suggest? After eating almond had tightness in throat and scratching, no hives and skin irritation. Took Benadryl. Suggest? Due to side effects of tinidazole, had swelling in penis. Had abrasion after sex and discharging pus. Suggest? Have vaginal yeast infection and using Candid but no relief. No odour but had bleeding. Treatment? Had teeth pulled on the bottom and jaw line is sore. What is it? Discomfort in sternum area and joints in the shoulders are rubbing. Done with ultrasound, endoscopy and complete blood count test. Advise? Having bumps on hands and feeling itchy. Tried applying lotions but no improvement. Suggest the treatment? Suggest the medication to lighten dark skin between legs and stomach, vaginal area? Sensitive to nickel. Planning to take a knee implant manufactured from cobalt, chromium. Is it safe? Feel itchy between right side palatoglossal arch and right tonsil. Diagnosed as seasonal allergy and took OTC antibiotics. Causes for itchiness? Single umbilical in first pregnancy will it happen again for second pregnancy? Suffering from drug induced psychosis. Doctor treated is as schizophrenia. Suggest a natural product? Had sex and was on birth control. Done with ultrasound test. Is paternity test required to determine pregnancy? Had sex and there is foul smell from vagina. Suggestions? Also suggest a way to avoid pregnancy without using condoms? Having obesity, gastric dumping and gerd acid reflux. Hard lump next to belly button. Unable to eat much. What to do? Suffering from hypothyroid and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Taking thyroid pill and ayurvedic medicines. No improvement seen. Right treatment? Having irregular periods and are skipped for months. No cyst formation shown in ovary test. Advise? Pregnant and have high TSH. Will my baby will be effected? Complains for cough. Pulmonary function tests showed asthama and given medicine but no help. Suggest? Have high body temperature, have hair fall and burning sensation in anus while in motion. Suggest? Become dark after playing in the sun. How to remove tan on face? Pregnant, had severe knee pain and swelling. Unable to bend leg. Suggest? Have had bad posture,X-ray normal. What could be the cause? Having pain in bowels, stomach and chest. Unable to pass stools and heart palpitation. Cause? Have bumps on labia majora. What could it be? Arms bruise and tear very easily, and take long time to heal. Suggest? Child born with small head but acts fine. During pregnancy mother had small, calcified placenta. Cocerned? Had lower abdominal pain, especially during night with nausea and constipation. Had ovarian cyst. Suggest? Diagnosed with Lupus vulgaris. Had swollen blister on arm. TB test done, all negative. Suggest? BMI is 25. What is the optimum amount of fat for a male? Had pelvic and transvaginal ultra sound for ovarian cysts. Have regular and normal period. Have thick endometrium. Suggest? Have had chest pain. X-ray normal. Have dry cough and do smoking. Suggest? Diagnosed with visual snow without migraine. Would symptomatic uveitis be discovered by opthamalogic exam? Will grapefruit cause amplified effects in blood levels? Have eruptions around ears, neck and hairline with joints pain. Have Esophagus and GERD. Suggest? Have Chronic kidney disease, Epilepsy, MGUS, ADHD, back problems and Glucoma. Had pathology. Findings? Took mifepristone, had little bleeding followed by piece of blood clot and heavy bleeding. Abortion completed? Noticed lumps on chest and shoulder that came suddenly. These are under skin and movable. Suggest? Pattern of menstruation has changed with bleeding followed by clear discharge, no STD and PAP test normal. Concerned? Getting shivering hand if miss one time meal with gas problem. Blood sugar normal, history of sugar. Cause? Takes long time to achieve orgasm and ejaculate. Taking Cialis for high BP. Related? After unprotected sex had sinus and watery eyes. Had prostate infection, burning penile. All test normal, prescribed Cipro Have mild PCOD, had light brown discharge followed by pink discharge. Had US, what are the findings? After being on sertaline, have had unusual side effect of buying more and more things. Related? Have swelling in back of throat, started during URI treatment. Smoker, had taken course of amoxicillin. Suggest? Feeling figity and head pressure. Have had autoimmune disease, BP, hypercholesterolemia, hypothyroidism and sleep apnea. On medicine Have bronchiectasis and mold allergy. Taking prednisone, use ventolin with saline solution. Suggest? Is phentermine also called fastin and needs prescription? What are the effects of use of Cocaine by breast feeding mother on baby? Developed Eczema. Have itchy red spots on body. Have wrinkles around eyes and face. Treatment? Suffering with worry and anxiety. Have change in bowel movement, nausea, cramping and low appetite. Suggest? Have problem in digesting the food resulting in stomach pain. Feel gas all the time. Suggest? Feeling heaviness in head, felt dizziness, started homeopathic medicine and having hair fall problem. Suggest? Suffering from arthritis and complicated with heart disease. Having reactions to prednisone. Side effects include weight gain. Advise? Had sex and took unwanted 72. Having lower back pain, sore breasts and nipples. Blood in vagina and brownish discharge. Pregnant? Child complaining of tailbone pain. Given antibiotic and then asked to put neosporin with Advil. Suggest? Suffer from schizophrenia, taking xyzprexia caused side effect. Have stiff arm and rigid wrist. Taking botox. Suggest? Having dizzy episodes. Has elevated liver enzymes and high iron levels in blood. Any thoughts? Have diabetes, put on metformin, glyburide and acarbose. Sugar reading is still very high. Advise? How to get rid of fluid, clicking and grinding in knee ? Diagnosed with low pressure hydrocephalus. Have had headache and stiff neck with no head injury. Cause? Having diabetes and take little alcohol. Taking medicines but sugar levels remain the same. Suggest the correct treatment? On Wellbutrin for severe depression. What should be the dosage for positive result? Suffer from indigestion and constipation problems despite active lifestyle and normal eating habits. Suggest? Have ripped skin that attaches penis head to the shaft of penis. Suggest? Have viral infection. What does Hematologist diagnosis and LFT suggests? Undergone surgery and not recovered. On chemo therapy and feeling unstable when walking. Suggest the solution to feel better? Pregnant and ultrasound showed thick bloody line on sac. What could it be? Noticed small lump under tongue. Suspected to be stone from saliva gland. Advise? Having family history of diabetes. Taking crestor for high cholestrol. Any necessity for taking tablets for sugar? What is comparitive difference of percocet and vicodin? Had severe back pain. Cat scan found lyperdense lesion on left kidney inferior posterior. Meaning? Pregnant and had isoimune thrombocytopenia when born. Will it pass to her baby and risks pregnancy? Take simvastatin and started using viagra. Have strong libido but weak erection. Any interaction between two? Having Lyme disease. Could I ask a doctor for treatment? Have sensation of being punched in the stomach when trying to sleep and involuntary grunts. Cause? Doubt to have psoriasis in pubic area. Had itchiness and scaling. Now pregnant. Suggest cure? Child has specific learning disability. Done WRAT test with low score. Recommendation? Pregnant for one month, is travelling safe and which mode of transportation is better? Have tuberculosis and painful white spots in mouth. Solution? Having persistent cough and running nose. Have dust allergy and asthma. Taken benadryl and alkof, no help. Advise? Has advanced lung cancer. Had pleural effusion and permanent chest drain. Now has swollen abdomen and feet. Cause? Got a bite on knee causing swelling and shooting pain. Should I be concerned? Since menopause recent orgasm has changed. Instead of crescendo get only one spasm which is not satisfying. Advise? During sleep, get awake and freezing cold in warm room. Underlying cause? Having high pulse rate, felt vomiting tendency. Blood test showed elevated sugar and ALT. Advised Udiliv. Suggest? Child was chewing on slipper. Risk of any infection from this? Had vomiting and stomach pain after excessive drinking. Had sonography of liver. Findings? Blunt force trauma injury. Swelling and experiencing heat. Advise? Have penis problem. Suggest antibiotic which can be used instead of Neosporin? Given DTap with polo IM instead of DTap with polio IM for a baby. How harmful is it? Problem of getting sound like roaring of fountain and slowly losing hearing. Hear metallic sound for any conversation Got IUI done, suggested duphaston. Started 1 day late. Will it have any negative effect? Having overwhelming feeling of a fainting sensation causing to stop. Not overweight and physically fine. What is going on? Having delayed periods and didn't use protection. Have cramps, headaches, sore breast and frequent urination. Pregnant? Have red ring around the head of penis causing irritation. Started as pimple, applied neosporin. Suggest? Having headache, dizziness, sneezing, bowel discomfort and throat infection. Is it due to masturbating? Fell from stairs. Having hip pain, sharp pain in groin area and knee is swollen. Could I ask a doctor? What are the signs and symptoms of jaundice that can be seen in the eyes?
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