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Having bloating, gas, cough, shortness of breath. Advised to do endoscopy, chemical stress test of heart. What is wrong? Having regular periods. Only had light spotting for a day this time. Taking allergy medicine. Should I be concerned? Failed in urine tests due to low creatinine levels. Tested positive for opiates test. Advise? How long Adderall will take to clear from system for a urine test? How long Adderall will take to clear from system for a urine test? Is continuous combination therapy and minivelle with progesterone same? Pulling sensation in lower left abdomen. No pain or swelling. Hernia? Suggest the name of the cyanide pill? Suggest the suitable way to stop the blood clot from going through the heart? Had chain saw fall from three feet. Hurts and having pain while walking. Suggest treatment? Had herniated disk injury. Leading a healthy lifestyle. Advised to take Diprophos for back injury. Had psoriasis and stress. Suggest cure? Had Traumatic brain injury and congenital hyperinsulinism. Have changes in emotional health. Related? Had severe Traumatic Brain Injury and chronic head injury. Struggle with migraines and changes in vision. Tasting salty. Advise? Had acute prostatitis, after years found prostate to be asymmetrical. Cause? Have persistent white stuff in the corners of mouth, lips dry quickly. Underlying cause? Self tanner on the palms and in between fingers. Having strong odour. Suggest the treatment? Have sunburn on lip. Applying olive oil. Cure? Pregnant. Suffer from high blood sugar levels. Taking insulin. Suggestions? Suffering from cold, sensitive nose, not able to concentrate. Suggest? Diagnosed with pre-sacal mass at the end of tailbone near rectum and uterus. Surgery needed? Pregnant and having hair fall. Feeling stress and depression. Taking cipralex. Is it safe to take the medicine? Precautions for pregnancy? Got hit near ear, feeling dizzy, nauseous and unstable. Feel suffocated and chest pain in tense situation. Suggest? Diabetic and have hypertension. Taking medication. Urinating frequently at night. Advise? Taking systolic and amlodipine. Stressed out. Could I take xanax for anxiety? Diabetic. Have crack on penis foreskin and painful. Red pigmentation on top of penis? Accidentally swallowed spiriva capsule used for inhalation. Any risk? Want to lose weight. How do I get prescription for Phentramine? Having constant body aches and shooting pain through joints. Tested for lyme, lower neck and back ache. Advise? Have torn meniscus, shooting sensation from knee to lower leg, no swelling and redness. Suggest? 20th week scan revealed that baby has short limbs. Chances of dwarfism? Diagnosed with hpv. After pap smear and biopsy suggested everything normal. Can I get infected again? Had brain aneurysm. Feeling pins and needles in hands. Sensitivity to loud voices. Side effects of surgery? Chemically straightened hair and damaged badly. Shaved hair and hair is dry. Suggest treatment? Have the habit of masturbation, with pleasure in fingering in anus. Is this safe? Had gastric bypass and experienced marginal ulcer and given Carafate. Having stomach pain and anaemia. Suggest the cure? Child having simple partial seizures. Swallowing with a frown on the face. Done with CT scan and EEG. Took tegretol. Advise? Suffering from PCOD and thyroid. On thyronorm. Taking ayurvedic medicine. Confused about hormones imbalance. Help? Having problem of wetting the bed. Suggest the remedy? Having sore throat, trouble while swallowing, severe coughing and runny nose. Pins and needles sensation in throat. Suggest the treatment? Trouble with right leg and may have clipped by a dog. Having cramps. Suggest treatment? Having a pulsating feeling on back of head. Feeling discomfort and not painful. Suggest the cure? Suggest a suitable way to quit smoking? Facing gastric issues and belly has increased. How to avoid it? Suggest the medication for indigestion problems? Give the medication to postpone periods by a week? Suggest dosage and how many days before should I take? Suffering from continuous hiccups from four to five days. Suggest the cure? Having chronic back pain and near rib cage. Have borderline diabetes. Suggestions? Having stitches on lower lip. Having swelling. Have hard lump. Prevents from pronouncing words. What should I do? Noticed several pin head sized red dots on my back and stomach. Middle of menopause. Cause? Had sex but did not have complete insertion of the penis insertion and pulled out without secretion. Possible to prove the sexual relation? Had 3 spinal fusions, acute knee arthritis and post breast cancer. Legit pain management patient. Suggestions? Having chest pain. Angiogram revealed blockage. Prescribed medicines. Died by vomiting blood. Cause? Suffer irregular periods. Had partial sex. Took sandoze. Stopped registone. Velocit pregnancy test negative. Help? Diagnosed with genital herpes. Feeling itchy, swelling as blisters on wrist and leg. Looks red. What can this be? Had major surgeries for head and neck cancers. On Effexor and having black tarry stools. Anaemia caused edema and cellulitis. Suggest cure? Have fibromyalgia, back pain done epidural, developed tailbone pain. Have muscle weakness and blurred vision. On xanax Have fishy smell during urination. Is it diabetes? Noticed white on penis. No itch and irritation. Recovering from balanitis. Suggest? Having blood pressure. Noticed fishy smelling urine. What to do? Random Blood Sugar is 152 & fasting at 101. Taking Glucored. What are the other test recommended? Diet plan? Suffer headache. Have dizziness. Suggestions? Prescribed telmisartan with hydrochlorothiazide. And telmisartan with amlodipine. Blood pressure 130/90,123/85,110/85. Normal? Suffering from low back pain. MRI normal. Suggested exercises. What to do? Having problems in erection of penis. Pain in right testicle. Suggest solution? Suffering from Post nasal drip. Blocking ears due to accumulation of mucus. Diagnosed as sinusitis and allergy. On antibiotics. Suggest cure? Had sex and pregnancy was confirmed. Advised to take mefegest. Having thick blood clot with cramps. Is the pregnancy terminated? Had 104cc of urine left after voiding during ultrasound. Urine culture showed E coli infection. Strong odor and cloudy urine. Cause? Have Behcet's disease, osteoarthritis, hypothyroid. Take Cardizem for tachycrdia and high BP. Have sweating and short breath. Suggest? Noticed growth in the anal region. Tried to remove with dettol and astringent. Burnt the area. Applied soframycin. Help? Get very cold and weak. Have four auto immune diseases, asthma and sometimes decreased urine out put. What to do? RBC and WBC are high in sperm. Spillage was noticed when sample was given. Suggest the solution? Diagnosed with shingles. Treating with Valtrex. Got rash which turned into blisters. Does this spread? After pain had passed kidney stone. Have white coat syndrome, high liver enzymes and normal abdomen ultrasound. Suggest? Having pain in head, feeling pressure in head, electric vibrating pressure behind eyes and forehead.Feeling dizzy. Done with MRI. Cause? Blood pressure reading 95/60 and pulse 74. Have high cholesterol. Worried? What is poor opacification on left side? What is mixed growth in urine sample? Suffer shortness of breath, lightheaded, flush, puffy eyes and constipation. Creatinine 108, Vitamin B12 - 640. Suggestions? Taken prolsec for a long period. Bone density test abnormal. Taking Zantec. What can be done? Having bubble at bowl of anal. Done with colonoscopy. Blood in stool. Suggest the treatment? Have red area around the whole penis. Feels itchy. Had foreplay. What could this be? Have PCOS and given metformin to regularize cycle and ovulation. Suggest? Have Poly cyst ovaries, taken medicine. Follicular scan showed follicle in large size. Suggest? Had major surgery and taking chemotherapy. Stippled the oxilaplatin due to numbness and pain in fingers and feet. Advise? Having sore throat. Suggest the treatment? Infant having fever and diarrhoea. Getting new teeth. Given Nutrolin-B syrup and OZ syrup. Again having diarrhoea with fever. Treatment? Having bumps on vulva. Is it skin tags? Suggest the cure? Had minor accident and getting seizures. Taking Zonisamide. Having erectile dysfunction problems. Is it due to side effect? Took Microgestin Fe and noticed increase in size of breast. Is it normal? Having haemorrhoid in anal opening. Took prep h. Grown bigger and sore. Could I continue light plyometric exercises with jumping? SGOT is 52 and SGPT is 63. What are the findings from the liver function test? Having alcoholic liver disease three small gall stones. Diabetic and hypertension. Having high gamma gt level. Treatment? Played softball and unable to feel and move left toes. Had anxiety attack and took xanax. Should I be worried? Had metal shoulder implant. Having pain and pushing against nerves and muscles. Is baxyl safe to use? Suggest the most effective medicine against marijuana addiction? Does sizodon work? Got hit with a line drive. Iced but leg is swollen and bruised. Area is sore, stings and slightly numb. Could I ask a doctor? Having acne before periods and leading to scars. Tried antibiotics and retin A. Reduces and reoccurs. Suggest the permanent solution? Taking Diclofenac for inflammation in toe. Pain in hip due to osteoarthritis. Need advise? Done with MRI scan and showed mistiness on L3 and suggested a bone scan. Need doctor opinion? How long does the drowsy effects of meclizine last? What is the optimum amount for an adult? Pain in back, wrist and ankles. Having sensitive stomach. Having low levels of vitamin D. Allergic to wheat and yeast. Advise? Having non displaced tibial plateau fracture and on crutches. How long does it take to return soccer? Back was hurt and taking pain killers. Could I take Robaxact or advil for fatty liver disease? Could right mastoid process be bigger than left. Should both be of same size and shape? Overweight and exercise erratically. Having heartburn, numbness in hands, swelling of ankles and clutching sensation of oesophagus. Cure? Pain under ribs and abdomen, nausea after BM. Got checked and saw hemorrhoids but CBC was normal. Suggest? Is it possible that fibroids can press down on lower bowel? Have swelling on face. Take essvit, calinept, vibrania, atorlip, amlopress, thyrox, magprol, lamez, and asprito. Side effect? Have had CBC done. What does report suggests? Had unprotected sex, took ipill but no periods yet. Pregnant? Have anal itching and noticed white discoloration around area. Have white patches on lower back and forehead. Cause? Have had stabbing buttock and ankle pain. MRI and X-ray normal. Cause? Have high cholesterol. Recent CBC showed low MCH, feels drowsy and tired. Cure? Have extreme pain below ribs. Hysterectomy left scar tissue. Have arthritis and knee replacement. Related? Suffering from eye blinking and twitching tics from child hood. Treatment? Diagnosed with Optic Neuritis. Done MRI of brain and spinal tap. What are the findings? Had protected sex, having folliculiitis and anal abscess. Concerned about HIV? Trying to conceive, under treatment for progesterone, on duphaston. Have swollen clitoris and itching on labia, prescribed flucos Noticed white floating skin like particles in urine, have bladder emptying problem. Cause? 15 weeks pregnant, have low lying placenta prescribed ritrod injection. Suggest? Have breast cancer, undergoing chemo therapy and radiation. Started bleeding, US showed thick uterus lining with fibroids. Further? Suffering from piles and constipation, smells from anus. Diagnosed with anal fissure. Had blood test. Findings? Having loss of hair, prescribed grocaapix geland kerglo. Side effects? Have parkinsons, had fall with rib pain. Told to be fracture and asked to rest. Have popping feeling Identified swelling in bilateral scrotal sac for new born child, advised sonography. Findings? Have mild Achilles swelling and tendon tenderness. Treatment for levofloxacin tendinitis? Have lost weight, have BP, cholesterol thinking to take steroids. Take Xanax, Socian and cipralex. Suggest? Diagnosed for gastroentrotics, nowadays normal but have some whitish fluid discharge from nipples. Normal? Had complete hysterectomy due to endometrial cancer. How long to wait for annual flu shot? Late for period but took birth control to delay it. Had spotting, cramping, headache and low back pain Had Streptococcus causing hip replacement after strep was clear. Have leg pain. Suggest? Legs are swollen. Blood and urine test normal. Had high BP. Suggestion? Getting itchy bumps on arms, hands and legs got bigger and darker. Cause and treatment? Had joints pain, took penidure. Have chest pain during breathing, given betaloc. Taking pencom injection after test. Suggest? Have pulling sensation on stomach below ribs and had burning sensation. Suggest? Had lower calf pain, tender to touch starting to limp. Advise? What is surgery for local vulvodynia like? Can bladder from urinary retention go back to normal after foley catheter placed and removed? What are the findings from X-ray report? Any abnormality? Suggest the way to reduce weight without loosing stamina and strength? Done with blood tests. Had stomach gurgling and heart palps. Having spondylitis, chronic uveitus and brain lesions. Is it anaemia? Had unprotected sex. Done with ultrasound. Concerned about paternity? Pregnant. Having acne and applying retinoA and clindamycin regularly. Having scars. Suggest the treatment? Placed on Statins for reduction of cholesterol. What is the impact of consuming alcohol on cholesterol? Pregnant. Having acne and applied retinoA, clindamycin regularly. Leaving scars. Will the medication have any impact on foetus? Having ankylosing spondylitis and on Humira. Having aches and pains. Taking lisinopril. Feeling tired. suggest the cure? Feeling dizziness and suffering from fever and BP. Woking in shifts. Suggest the treatment? Having Bifascicular block and BP. Done with nuclear stress test. Advise? Have itching on eye, starts with edge itching and eyes become red with rubbing. Suggest? Suggest the medication to get rid of black spots on finger and nail area? Give the survival period for a person with auto-immune hepatitis? Ankle is sore and puffed up. Suggest the treatment? Done with PET scan and was clean of any recurring cancer. Any risk in having a PET scan in four weeks time? Had brown liquid discharge from vagina. Used vinegar douche. Feeling like colon was discharging through vagina. Suggest treatment? Had depression and was treated with rivotril. Having mental fog, dryness, anxiety and swirling in mind when rivotril is stopped. Advise? Diabetic and on insulin. Having thyroid and walking on treadmill. Suggest the suitable way to increase weight and control sugar? Had abdominal surgery, scar tissue due to cancer and pain in abdomen. Done with ultrasound and CAT scan. Will Vit E tablets help. Advise? Having diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and other health problems. Give the balanced diet to achieve weight loss? Having huge alcohol sessions Feeling dizzy and having chest pain. Done with several tests. Had panic and anxiety attacks. Risk of heart attack? Left leg is smaller than right and muscle mass looks thinner. Suggest the treatment? Having loose mucous stools and yellow thin discharge from anus. Bloated, gurgling in stomach and rectal pressure due to haemorrhoids. Advise? Have haemorrhoids after delivery with yellow puss. Tried metamucil. Proper treatment? Cause for having sharp burning pain on back side of head? Treatment? Done with ultrasound of heart and showing mild septal weakness with a slight ventricular regurgitation. What does it mean? Having tilted cervix and sexual intercourse is painful. Feels like cervix is bruised after sex. What to do? Diagnosed with Cytomegalovirus, bleeding rectum. Scared of organs and eyes going out. Suggest? 101 year old person. Wake up multiple times to urinate. Take Melatonin before bed time. Is there any necessity to take Unisom? Having dullness in body, less sleep, no interest in work and tensed. Always lying on bed and thinking. Suggest the treatment? Serum HCG was taken. Had trouble in finding the vein. Should I be worried? Any complications? Child with bad cough. Given domstal and Emeset. What should be the dosage? Having chronic pain. Taking reduced dosage of morphine. Advise? Having trace for both occult blood and leukocthe esrerrase on urine test. What does it mean? Suffering from tachycardia, low blood pressure and anxiety. Took narcan. Blood work showing pregnancy. Does it have any effect on her baby? Having upper abdominal pain in gall bladder region. Done with the tests. Suggest the treatment? Had stomach upset and vomiting. Diagnosed as having Vivax malaria in liver. Not having fever and confused. What could it be? Child has brief loss of muscle control in neck and pressure on tongue. What is it? Is genital herpes contracted through sexual contact only? Having red stingy itchy insect bites on ankles and painful. ankles are swollen. Treatment? Have infection in inner thighs near the skin fold. No itching but turns red after rubbing. Suggest? Child is unable to concentrate in studies. Suggestion? Had lumpy feeling in throat, esophogram with barium showed anterior cervical esophagul abnomality. Meaning? Stomach has been hurting, constipated, groin pain and lower back ache. No nausea, vomiting and no diarrhea. Suggest? After smoking weed, problem in getting erection and penis got numb while having sex. Cannabis related? Got high fever, headache and eye pain with watery motion and mouth ulcer. Giving crocin. Suggest? Chances of infection after kidney transplant. Suggest? Complains of cough, told to have asthma and got treated. Again have problem and did PFT. Suggestion? Suffering from spondylytis, taking Sazo, Pand from Alkem. Suggest? Have thyroiditis and high cortisol levels in blood, taking levothyroxine. Thyroglobab and thyroid peroxidase are high. Suggest? Have black lump on top of toenail. Have dropped some weight and bruise grows out. Suggest? Removed intestines which was necrosed. Have bowel movements after eating following ingestion, cramps and nausea. Suggest? Have taken Calcera after food. How often should I take this medicine? Got up with feeling that body was cut in half, had pain around stomach and back. Suggest? Has fibrosis found on liver. Treatment to remove fibrosis? Has fibrosis on liver. Suggest to remove fibrosis? Had itchy rash on arm. Had atopic eczema, Heptitis C, got treated. Using Allegra cream and rubbing alcohol Had stiff lower legs, itch at times and swollen around ankles. Do regular exercise. Underlying cause? Switched from Simvastatin to Atorvastatin and taking valacyclovir, having muscle cramps in legs. Related? Have had blood test for TB. Findings? Has taken over dose of thyroxine sodium. What to do? Have had Head CT Scan for enlarged lymph node on neck. Findings? Taking Lorazepam and Omeprazole for anxiety. Diagnosed with H pylori and given Amoxicillin and Clarithromycin. Side effect?
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