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Suffering from acne problem. Prescribed isotroin-20. Gained weight. Should contine isotroin-20? Is it good to have light dinner such as fruits and butter milk? Diagnosed with Balanoposthitis of the Penis. Prescribed DOXT and Surfaz SN ointment. Also taking Rosuvas. Safe? If a Clearblue fertility monitor shows I am ovulating. Is this right? Feeling feverish and sick. Noticed widal test positive for S Typhi H. Prescribed ciproflaxin. WBC in blood report was 2.3. Normal? Diagnosed with Grade 1 fatty infiltration of Liver. Bilirubin Total is 1.3mg/dL. How to reverse this liver disease? What is the cure for vulvodynia? Have severe throat pain and body ache. No stomach problem. What to do? Having balck eye, swelling on face and numbness after hitting face to wall. Have blood clots. Should I see a doctor? Pulled groin muscle. Prescribed tylenol and Mobic. Using heat. Pain is worse. What to do? Have shingles without the rash? Discomfort in breast and shoulder. No itching. Suggest? Blood pressure 40 or 50 points during walk. On Lisinopril. Advise? MRI finding states minimal tonsillar ectopia not in the range of a Chiari I malformation. Menaing? Having pain in neck spreading to shoulder, arms and back. Remedy? Had all upper teeth pulled. Stopped coumadin. Should I start again? Feeling chills followed by fever and weakness. Using paracetamol and metformin. Advise? How to differentiate between severe ankle sprain and fracture? Missed period. Had sex. Pregnancy kit test shows positive. Suggest ways to abort? Have reoccurring bumps and pain on my Penis. Took augumentin. Permanent treatment? Having mechanical mitral valve and diarrhoea. Red and purple spots in neck. Taking medication. Done with CT scan. Advise? Shook hands with someone. Hand was burst open and noticed dark coloured blood. Should I be scared of having an infection? What are the findings from semen analysis? Any abnormality? Child suffering from cold and fever. Given calpol and tminc. Advise? Have high blood pressure, cholestrol and black stool. Suffer trouble with bowels. What are the early symptoms of Colon Cancer? Suffering from lower back pain and taking medication. Ultrasound showing enlarged ovary. Could I ask a doctor? Feeling weak while walking. Done with ECG. What could it be? Left leg affected with polio in childhood. Walking with the help of calipers. Suggest an operation to walk without calipers? Having a bruise in the bottom of foot. Intense pain. Suggest the treatment? Severe pain in joints and both knees are replaced. Trouble in sleeping. Took norco but not effective. Cure for joint pain? Had heart attack and triple bypass surgery. Taking plavix. Having numbness in legs and haemorrhage of vocal folds. Suggest the cure? Had stents in left artery of heart. Doing exercises to control BP. Using garcinia cambogia to loose weight. Will it cause any risk? Difficulty in swallowing. Endoscopy showing grade B oesophahitis with mucosal break. Smoking and drinking. Should I be worried? Having cholesterol. Changed diet. Suggest the cure? Suffering from congestive heart failure. On oxygen masks to get carbon dioxide down. Blood in urine. Any danger to kidney? Had PCOS and chewing birthcontrol generes FE. Had unprotected sex. Ovulation test is positive. Will I be pregnant? On depo shot. Had unprotected sex and sperm was released. Cramping pain in stomach. Nipples are sore. Chances of pregnancy? Having severe lower leg cramps and on Micardis for BP. Advise? Suffered from tightness at the base of pelvis. Had turp. Suggest the medication to cure tightness? Experiencing hair loss. Taking Glumetza and combigan eye drops. Had cortisone shots for hip pain. Suggest the medication to hair growth? Having severe pain from buttock to calf muscles. Suggest the treatment to ease the pain? On antidepressants and has on impact on sperm cell. Will it cause any difficulty in conceiving a baby? Had severe chronic tension headaches. On zopiclone. In a rebound headache situation. Suggest a solution? Child had small amount of potatoes. Having gas and spitting milk. Had diarrhoea and changed formula milk. Suggest the treatment? Infant having lack of sleep. Active during the day. Should I be worried? Had miscarriages. Pregnancy test was positive. Spotting has begun. Advised to take hydroprogrestone injection and folic acid. Worried? Had knee replacement and pain in leg. Taking apo-tramadol acet. Could I take ibuprofen? Diagnosed with Grade II Renal Parenchymal. Having hypertension. Advised conservative food management. Suggest the treatment? Fell over a gate. Swelling on ankle and looking like fat foot. Cure for swelling? Suffering from plaque psoriasis. Having acidity, constipation and piles. Allergic to extreme heat and cold conditions. Advise? Having severe pain in legs. Diagnosed with osteoarthritis, diabetic neuropathy and having Butrans pain patch. Treatment? Flaccid bowel having more flaccid. Decreased bowel movements. Drinking lemon water. Cure? Having dull ache in chest and indigestion. Suffering from catarrah. Throat and nose block. Need advise? Having Chronic myelogenous leukemia and taking Glivec. Undergone Gasless Laparoscopic surgery. Creatine raising steadily. Indicate the cure? Taken valence solution and experiencing mild tremors. Shivering in right hand. Is it a side effect? Having urinary tract infection and prescribed with macrobid. Having depression and feeling of malaise. Too strong medication. Advise? Took xarelto instead of xatral. Will it cause any adverse reactions? Suggest the medication to delay periods? Semen analysis showing pus cells. What are the findings from semen culture? On IVF cycle. Take microdose lupron and folistum. Missed a dose. Could I have messed anything? Has dementia. On IV to maintain fluids. Could be an electrolyte imbalance or deficiency? Suggest? Having back muscle twitching. Suggest the treatment? Having pain in lower left abdomen. Feel bloated and loose stools. CT scan normal. Taking cipro and ultram. Suggestions? Noticed bleeding during urination. Urine test showed 120-13o rbc's and 5-8 wbc's and distinct trace of albumin. Meaning? Developed abdominal pain and diarrhea. Abdominal scan showed colitis and WBC in stools. Had gastritis. Have mushy and oily stools. Cure? Had sever pain in the back of leg. Unable to walk. Feeling pain in and around groin. Suggestions. Suffer daily headaches after abortion. Abortion was 2 weeks ago. What can be done? Noticed nose bleeding. Have bumped and scratched inside. Was painting using oil base aresol can paint. Paint could have caused? History of AFib. Have mitral valve prolapse. Take Bystolic and sertraline. Have OCD. Suggested cardiomyapathy. Help? Had unprotected sex. Noticed small pimples on penis. Having fever and headache. Could this be HIV? Take urine drug test at work. Test came up positive. Take aleve for joint pain in ankles and knees. Suggest Hbsag is positive. What can I do? Why does lung vibrate ocassionally after his VAT VAT spontaneous pneumothorax surgery? Had pre term baby 33 weeks. 5 months old now. Echo test showed small ASD. Heart murmer grade 3. Meaning? Have dry and dark lips. What can I do to look natural? Have headache. Scalp looks pink instead of white. Developed bump in ear. Suggest? Having stent. Veins and arteries look great. Can fly back to Maui? Suggest? Having infection while urinating. Having pain in abdomen and burning sensation. What can be done? Having back pain. Right kidney feels sore. Having no control on bowel movement. Help? Has epicanthic folds and he is white. What can this be? Noticed clitoral hood looks bad and swollen. Suffer pain. How to deal with pain? Diagnosed Hypertrophied cervics. What to do? Noticed dry patches on penis and discharge under foreskin. Noticed swollen foreskin after sex. What to do? Prenant. Had many painkillers like bufrin ,mobizox during the first month. Will this harm the baby? Had high fever with cold and cough. Started with paracetamol and amoxycilin. Typhoid positive. On Cefixme antibiotic. Help? Feeling pull in the stomach and bit uneasiness. Prescribed Nizonide, Normaxin and Softovac Powder. Feeling sick. Help? Had several esophagus scopes and some were normal and slight patulous valve. Does it get worse when having GERD? Having squeezing feeling in throat but no pain. Lose breath. What can this be? Getting swollen neck glands. Feeling sick and have headache. What can be the cause? Taking Effexor XR, Prempro, Lamictal and Lisinopril. Noticed an orange coating on tongue. Does not go even after brushing. What to do? Taking Mellaril with tamoxifen. Should tamoxifen be increased because mellaril increases prolactin hormone levels? Having lump under labia majora. No pain. Sometimes noticed pain. Help? Have high cholesterol and get chest pain. Having hernia protruding from lower abdomen. Cause and treatment? Had heart attack. Suggested stent. Feeling burning sensation in heart. Using sorbetrate under tongue. Suggestions? Has CAH condition. Treated with Hisone and Floricot. Suggestions? Exceeded BMI and have ulcer problem. Suggest diet? Have debilitating lower extremity pain from mid-buttock to legs. Spinal X-ray showed L1 compression fx. Menaing? Out of Oleanz RT and Tolaz Md. Which one can be used to treat schezophrenia? Need to put on weight. Can I eat ragi. Suggest? Having knots in my arms and other parts of the body. Is it harmful? First aid do not bend over a chair for choking except for self-help abdominal thrust. Suggest? Bottle fed baby. Not started with periods. Hormone levels normal. Suggested pills. Normal? Has CVS (cyclist vomiting syndrome). What to do? Suffering from cold, blocked nose and cough. Can romilast and altroxin used? Noticed bubble formation and froth in urine. Suggested mire water. no pain. Help? Colonoscopy left with nauseous and vomiting yellow substance. Have lung cancer. Suggestions? Have light headed and pins and needles in arm and legs. MRI found arthritis in neck and pinched nerve. Suggest? Using isotroin-20 for pimples. Safe? Side effects? Is AC gym is good for my singing life? Feeling tired and drowsy. Having body pain, joint pain and shivering in leg. Suggest? Having chest pain, rapid heart beat, dizziness, head pain and weaknesses through legs. Feeling tired and lethargic. Treatment? Diagnosed with high BP after having transient ischemic attack. On Coveram. Experiencing edema, mostly in leg,lightheaded and weight gain. Advise? Had a tuberculin skin test. Looks like a bubble. Raised and hurting. Advise? Having migraine in right temporal area. Frontal headache occurs then focuses on right temporal area. Taking Sumitriptan. Advise? Having acne on face and has formed red bulge. Suggest the treatment? Hands are numb and heavy while sleeping. On healthy diet. Cause? Having leg pain and unable to sleep. What to do? Pregnant and detected with high TSH level. On medication. Is it safe to continue with pregnancy? Will it harm the baby? Treated for typhoid. Had an accident and took antibiotics. HIV test result was non reactive. Antibiotics will affect the result? Had cat scratch fever. Getting itchy patches on different parts of body. having bump underside of penis and sore throat. Suggest the cure? How many days after pregnancy can get back to normal routine? What are the findings from the blood test and liver function test? Is it normal? After using isotroin lips are getting dry. Treatment? What does the lab reports mean? When is the best time to eat fruits? Could I apply clearcele ointment for acne? Pain in spine, lower back, neck and concussions. Taking demerol. Advise? Changed from dxedrine to dextroamphedamine. Having cataplectic attacks. Suggest the cure? Having candida tropicalis in the mouth. Could I ask a doctor? Pain in right knee. Taking antibiotics for cough. Would knee pad be helpful? No bowel symptoms after lumbar fusion. Could compression be detected on MRI? Fetish towards buttocks. Doing anal masturbation periodically. Advise? Was late on menstrual period, had blood clots followed by heavy flow. Underlying cause? Suffer from depression. Take risparidon. Help? Have peripheral neuropathy. Is there any medicine for this? Eight year child diagnosed with ADD. What can be done? On Xarelto. Any reaction with use of Viagra? Can I take ovitrelle 250mcg instead of HCG for weight loss? Have low back pain. Blister like thing pops out when lift heavy weight and have foul odor. Suggest? Loosing sexual desire. What can be done? On steroids for treatment of Focal Segmental Glomeruloscelrosis. What are the possible side effects? Prescribed Elavil. Gained weight. Feeling depressed. Reason for weight gain? Had brain hemorrhage. Declared brain dead. On ventilator. Other vital organs working. Suggest? Blood pressure reading 140/70. Suffer with high anxiety. Advice? Diabetic. Getting fear attack. Any way to prevent such attacks? Had laparoscopic hysterectomy surgery. Had terrible pschotic reaction to droperidole. Given endone for pain. Suggest? Have red rashes near groin and inside thighs. Burning sensation and flaking skin. Suggested Lobate-gm Cream and Ebernet. Help? Urinalysis shows 10,000- 50,000 cfu/ml e coli. Need antibiotics? Cannot urinate. Referred to kidney specialist. Help? Noticed spot on pancreases. Have chronic back pain. Prostate removed about 10 years ago due to prostate cancer. Suggestions? Had complete hysterectomy. Can I still be postmenopausal? Or could it have anything to do with my Thyroid? What are the risks of having surgery on a broken bone in foot, when I ahve aortic aneurism? Have severe back pain right below my mid back. Feel hard lumps when pain. Using Butrans pain patch and tramadol for pain. Help? Has red patches on his penis after sex. Feels very itchy. What can be done? Have fibromyalgia and recently had bad side effects from cipro. Prescribed Lyrica and Prednisone. Which one is more effective? Has complete hysterectomy and salpingo-oopherectomy. Noticed small amounts of urine. And sometimes sheer dark brown colour. Guide? Had indulged in oral sex. Licked vagina. Chances of HIV infection? Have genital herpes, Will this just stay as small pimple like bumps? Or they will burst? Noticed bumps. Having fever and headache. Is this a symptom of herpes? Reports show Motility 50%, Testicular Cells 0/1 and Count 30.0 x 10,000,000. Can I make my wife pregnant? No periods from 6 months. Now getting cramps and noticed spotting. Feeling tenderness in breast. Suggest? Got back pain. On medication mood stabilizers and anti depressant. Taking valium. Suggestions? Has low neutrophil count. Smear test are negative for blasts and also indicate mature cell production. Should I worry? Hypertension patient and mild diabetic. Taking Xirtum H, clopitab 75 and Rozavel F. Having severe headache. Remedy? Smoke 10 cigarettes per day. Suffer hands shaking and lack of sleep. Noticed decreased testosterone levels. Suggest? Do not have mustache or beard. What to do? Can sperm travel through two layers clothing? Complaints of smell all over and also outside. Feeling thirsty. Havig dry tongue. Suffer sinus. cure? Woke up with back pain. Remedy? Had cold, cough and sore throat. Suffer diarrhea. Prescribed Z&D syrup and Econorm. Suggestions? Suffering from cold, cough and chest congestion. Suggest suitable treatment? Noticed sores on tongue, gums, and roof of mouth. Lymphnode in neck swollen. Started after oral sex. What can this be? Pregnant. Have slight bleeding. Normal? MRI of sacrum and coccyx showed white shadow behind the uterus. Does this indicate a cyst or tumor? Have heavy clot bleeding and lots of pain. How can I get a pro bono hysterectomy? Feeling sick, took flu medicines. Had chills, fever and body aches. What can this be? Is there any urine drug test that differentiates between methadone and heroin? Having pain in the rib cage after bending into the washing machine. Suffer pain. Remedy? Suffer from PCO, diabetes and Sjogerens. Having pain in thighs and suffer palpitations. What to do? Drug test showed negative for five drugs. What to do? Having vertigo and ringing in ears. Vomited several times. Had sinus surgery. What are the other test I should undergo? Have constipation problem. Having belching and bloating of stomach. What can be done? Blood pressure is 150/104 and heart rate 70. Taking olmetec and Amlodipine. Suggest? Over weight. Playing volley ball on beach. Suggestions? Experiencing extreme fatigue, headache and feeling sick. Suggest medication? Child has double ear infection, on Azithromycin. Have fever and cold hands. Gave Clariton and tylenol. Further? Having a lumpectomy, smoker but cannot admit. What else can be done? Diagnosed with Lyme disease, heard of Heart White protocol Treatment. Suggest? Pregnant, US showed low lying posterior. History of miscarriage. Was positive for APTT and APLA, started Heparin Having uncomfortable ejaculations, sperm is too thick and little. No pain and issues with painful or frequent urination. Experienced urgency and frequency. Tried Flomax without improvement. Recommended prostate be paired down to smaller size. Suggest? Swam in salted swimming pool, have open wounds. Can tetanus survive in pool water and transfer to wound? Swam in salted swimming pool, have open wounds. Can tetanus survive in pool and transfer to wound? Extensive rashes, red blotches irritating and discomforting. Taking codeine phosphate for osteoporosis pain. Have pulmonary fibrosis and hernia Suffering from bronchitis and experiencing pain in my left abdomen area when coughing. Suggest? Suggest alternate medicine to tramodol with same effect? Have invention in upper right arm. Slight pain that increases with certain movements. Suggest? Mouth is dry and diagnosed with dry eye. Have low cortisol. Had Raynaud's, hypothyroid and migraine. Cause? On roaccutane, can i do mud mask and use different dead sea products to control oil? Diagnosed with COPD. Suffer anxiety. Both related? Get numbness in shoulder area and when riding bike both arms and hands go numb. Cause?
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