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Have pain in foot especially when lift up from floor. What could it be? Bone scan shows bone cancer. Suggest Does hemochromatosis cause liver problems? Penis size is too small. How to increase it? What is the cure for blood clot in brain? Have spinal stenosis, herniated and bulging disks. No relief from percocet. What to do? Have lost tonsil, need to regenerate them by stem cell. How to do it? Scheduled for dental work. What alternative can be taken for clindamycin as it caused indigestion? What could be the cause for fatigued and painful wet cough? Have pain in hip to groin. On prednisone, dilaudid and etorolac, but no relief. What is permanent cure? Suggest homeopathic medicine for psoriasis on hands and right ankle Had swallowed quarter coin accidentally. Should I be worried? Feeling full after eating small amount of food. What should I do? Having lower back pain with tickling and pulsating sensation. What could be the cause? Child had head injury. Developed little bump but is normal. Should I worry? Suffer from tendonitis. On medication for BP, cholesterol and Gout. Gets muscle cramps while sleeping. Is it side effect? Trying for baby. Done semen analysis. Am I fertile? Have abdominal pain radiating to groin and abdominal bruising. CT Scan and ultrasound normal. What could it be? Have gastric issue resulting in stomach bloating. How to reduce it? Is there any treatment for compulsive lying? What is the treatment for sore back? What causes water coming from ear? Getting blood drops from nose after eating spicy food. What is the cause? Have fever and feel lightheaded. Abdomen and back is swollen. Normal liver function. What could be the cause? What could be tha cause for spiting, shaking fingers or repeating activities? What is the permanent cure for erection problem? What could be the cause of low blood pressure? Have desire to have sex but do not get erection. What could it be? Have Marfan's syndrome with grinding joints slipping out of socket. What to do? After sexual exposure HIV test negative. Took Oraquick home test. How reliable is it? Does taking celexa and gabapentin have side effect on male sperm? Child has re-occurring red swollen area below collar bone. Drained pus after scratching MRI scan shows Lumbar spondylosis. Suggest Pregnant, have low lying placenta and fibroid. Is it safe to travel by train? Is diarrhea a side effect of prednisone? Is there any homeopathic medicine to reduce swelling on legs? Advised rosuvastatin and fenofibrate for high cholesterol. What are the side effects? Is it normal to have nevo on leg? How can I improve my learning from day to day experiences? Will doing masturbation effect day to day life? Antifungals do not help for white spots in back of throat. What to do? Have had rib cage pain and itchiness. Had elevated liver enzymes. What could be the cause? Had sex encounter. Did oral sex and masturbation. Did put penis anally after ejaculation. Risks of HIV? What could be the cause of continuous rib pain? Will percocet and beer lead to death? Have Muscle atrophy. Had stomach injury with stomach pain. Given injection. What causes butt pain? Have UTI which fully doesnt got recovered. Can I take ciplox? Will smoking hash affect the test result? What treatment do you suggest for nausea and back pain? Taking micronor and period just started. Want to delay next period. What medicine to take? What cause itchiness on back side of legs and above ankles? Can I buy tramadol without a prescription? Diagnosed with GERD. Having nausea, loss of appetite. Prescribed Protonix which did not help. Will Nexium help? Pregnant. Have reduced fetal movement. Is it normal? Pregnant and haven't gained any weight instead have lost. Is it normal during second trimester? What is the treatment for torn disc and how to overcome psychiatric problems? Had mucous in stool. Have urgency to go to toilet. Suggest treatment for hemmoroid and diverticulitis Planning for a baby. What precautions to follow before planning? Suffering from knee pain while taking stairs and lifting heavy objects. What is the cause? What is the cause and treatment for herpes? Have wisdom tooth that has come behind last tooth. The skin in between got stuck. What to do? Can HIV be transferred by sharing food? Can bulging disk in cervial spine cause lack of saliva, dry mouth and numb throat? Can balanitis cause swelling of the testicles? Having ear pain while swallowing. Feel something in throat and clogged sinus. What is the cause? Can high TSH and low testosterone causes erection problem? Have been prescribed Oosure and Ovigyn after USG. Will it affect in conceiving? What is the cause for reg vaginal spot? Is trimix safe to use after expiry for Ed? Have itching all over body with red patches. What could it be? What is the reason for throbbing vein on head without headache? Taking Percocet with Tylenol after knee replacement. Has COPD, no appetite, diarrhea and low BP. What to do? What organs would cause daily lower back pain on both sides of the spine? Given prednisone for chronic cough, came back after stopping it. Is it related to acid reflux? Having swallowing saliva problem. Told to have nasal bone growth. What treatment to follow? Having chills and shivering without fever. What could be the cause? Have rough skin under head of penis. Do masturbation frequently. How to make it normal? What is the cause of sexual urge fluctuations? Having axillary lymph enlarged and feel tenderness when pressed. Could this be cancer? What is the permanent cure for frequent bowel movement apart from taking imodium? Can jolt to the neck causing bulging disc results in loss of salivation and dry mouth? Child is having green colored stool with abdomen cramps and sore throat. What could be the cause? Child has symptoms of herpangina, fever, poor sleep and appetite. Red and bleeding gums. What to do? Prescribed oral progesterone and vivelle dot for intense hot flashes, vaginal dryness and moodiness. Suggestions Could rash in forehead and low grade infection in tooth be related? Have white accumulation near penis and scratching it regularly. Can it be related to diabetes? Suffering from pallido ponto nigral degeneration caused by mutation on chromosome. What is the treatment? Will slight signs of early Emphysema lead to cancer? TG antibodies was positive and getting frequent sore throat. Should I go for thyroid hormone therapy? Have migraine and get weird smell. are they correlated? Should I concern about mild hip joint pain and discomfort while sitting on right buttocks? Can drinking alcohol during early pregnancy effect baby? Will dianette cause hair fall and acne problems? What causes pins and needles in throat with dryness and numbness? Is it safe to give amitriptyline and xanax for severe pain in neck that is radiating till head? Should I be worried about small nodular calcified lesion without perifocal edema in right temporal lobe? Having milky white urine at the beginning. Pain in testicles near anus. What could be causing this? Are there any ways to get rid of varicose veins? Child is passing stool frequently after feed. What could it be? Under peritoneal dialysis and has cough. Prescribed fluticasone which caused swollen nose. What can be given? Should I refrain from sex due to erection problem? While trying to sleep heart starts racing and get bitter taste. Is it related to surgery? Is it dangerous to have moderate hiatal hernia? What is the cause for frequent shooting pain in calf? How to treat erection problem when all tests are normal? Can rashes and swelling on face be indications of rosacea? Ultrasound showing left ovarian simple cyst and prescribed with duphaston. What causes delay in periods? After taking mtp kit complete had very light bleeding which stopped. Am I still pregnant? Suggest medicine for treating neck pain? Have been taking restyl everyday. How to taper it off? What is the suggested medication for cough during pregnancy? Having foot pain only while walking and driving. What to do? Have back problem and want to reduce weight. How to do it? What is the treatment for headache and painful eyes? What could be the reason for spotting after taking mercilon? Suggest the diet and medicine to be taken to increase vitamin b12 level How to treat problem of knee pain? After eating stomach is bloated and get rumbling sound with discomfort chest. What is it? Suffering from block cuts in eyes. Have black out and headache. What could it be? What is the cause of no fetal heart growth during pregnancy leading to abortion? Suffering from cystic acne on back after swimming. Is it a allergic reaction due to pollutant? Child diagnosed with G6PD. What special care and precaution needs to be taken? Suffering from dementia and taking florinef for neurocardiogenic syncope. Am I suffering from CML? What are the further tests to be taken after being diagnosed with ovarian cyst through USG? What causes pins and needles with swollen leg after partial ACL tear and cartilage damage? Reports show VDRL negative and TPHA positive. can I plan for a baby? Has slightly low neutrophil count in CBC. Should I be concerned? Should I worry about HIV infection after having protected sex with a bar girl? Got infected with typhoid and getting hair loss. How to prevent this? Suggest suitable diagnosis for stomach infection and pain in legs Can bleeding gum or throat be a sign of cancer? Allergic to bumble bee stings. Can I eat raw honey? Child has severe rashes near anal. Is it simila to piles? Scan report showed fetal pole was "irregular shaped". What does this mean? What is the reason for experiencing frequent strong unwanted nighttime erections? Have red spots and blotches on penis with burning sensation. What is it? Have pale yellow stool after gall bladder surgery. Should I be concerned? Woke up sweating, fever, chills and diarrhea. Advise Should I be worried about pain in lungs after exposure to spray paint fumes? Had cold wet sweat, leg ache, burning stomach and diarrhea. Can I take penicillin? Have Blood Spotting From Penis. What could be the cause? Noticed black color stool after taking zinnat. Suggest Should I take immunoglobulin after completing vaccination for rabies? Suffering from cough. Taken cough syrup but not cured completely. What medicine to take? Getting feelings of dizziness and light headed. Taking Irbesartan and Allopurinol. What to do? Does emergency contraceptive pills cause bleeding? Is Xenosoul and Menotropin IVF-M injection are the right medicines prescribed for irregular periods? Had unprotected sex during periods. Had bleeding. Have delayed periods. Is this pregnancy? I had unprotected sex with my wife on 20th October Had itchiness and spots on scrotum after wearing old brief. What is it? What is the treatment for running bowels and blood in urine? Given eno and Razo D tablet for bulky stomach. Passed away after having foam in mouth. What is the problem? Have swollen pubic bone, distended stomach, knee swollen and joints ache. On cymbalta. What could be the cause? Tried Eucerin and Sarna for itchy rash all over body. How to get relief? PAP smear test showed moderate to severe dysplasia. What does this mean? What are the chances of getting pregnant with follicular study showing endometrial thickness 7.5mm? How long is it safe to wait for decayed molar removal when on alendronate? What could be the cause for sharp pain in abdomen? Has Diabetes, high BP and feeling heaviness in jaw. What to do? MRI of knee showed occult displaced fracture. What is it and what is the treatment? What is the treatment for constipation for 14 month old baby? Child's feet swells after exercise. Elevation helps to go down. What could be the cause? What causes child's feet to swell after exercise and goes down with elevation? Have constant flatulence. How to treat this? On prednisone and Voltaren. Have metallic taste in mouth. How to get rid of it? What is the cure for spotting that was noticed after falling of mirena? Is hair fall related to losing calcium during breastfeeding? Is tiredness a symptom of hypothyroidism? What food items should be avoided? Having itching on outer labia, unusual discharge and odor. Is this due to STD? Is it possible to have localized mast cell activation disorder which results in systemic mast cell degranulation? Feel weakness, bloating and dizziness. Should I be worried about the low WBC? Having chills. Urine culture showed E coli. Took Amikacin and Norflox. How to treat chills? Having heart fluttering and heart burning. Is this GERD? Had cut between thumb and index finger. Have sore throat. Should I take tetanus for infection? MRI findings show posterior disc bulges at L5-S1 and L4-5 levels. Suggestions MRI report says Dessicated diffuse disc bulge with focal central disc protrusion at L4-L5 level. Advise Specify the exact test to be taken to rule out possible yeast infection? Suffering from depression. Prescribed with Reben-DSR and Zaptra. should I continue medication? Had cut in hand. Have difficulty swallowing and sore throat. Should I go for tetanus? Had cut in hand. Have difficulty swallowing and stiffness in jaw. Could this be tetanus? How accurate is the spatula test in detecting tetanus? Are profuse sweating and severe joint pain symptoms of hypothyroidism? What to do if Tac gel is put by mistake in urethra instead of K-Y jelly? Had pimples and left with dark marks. What to apply to clear pimple marks? Stool routine report shows mucus present and stool cultures shows Ecoli, heavy growth. What is the cure? What could be the cause for sudden vibration of the body during sleep? How to treat pins and needles in the throat accompanied by dryness and numbness? Does rashes on body indicate first stage of HIV infection? Child complaining of severe stomach pain. How to ease the pain? how to get rid of stitch scar on nose? Suffering from kidney staghorn problem. What is the best treatment? Can I use benzoyl peroxide gel bp, nodaxin gel, benzoyl gel and azifast for pimples? Blood work, Liver enzymes and Ferritin normal. USG showed fatty liver. Will alcohol consumption be dangerous? During coming out of anesthesia, noticed sweating and blood pressure 219/108. what is the cause? What could be the reason for tripping frequently and losing balance on right leg? Could breast pain, lower abdominal pain and stomach pain be indications of pregnancy? Lost weight after viral fever, do smoking. How to gain weight back? What to do if developed heat boil in neck after shaving? Have had full blood count. What does reports indicate? How to reduce the fat and balance my food?
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