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What to do when partner starts laughing during foreplay resulting in loosing sex mood? Should i be worried about getting vibration sensation on stomach? How to get rid of stye on eye which is coming in between my vision? Is there any relation between delayed periods, brown discharge and milky discharge from breast? Do I need to workout with my weight and blood pressure? MRI showing right centrum semi ovale show lacunae T2 hyper intense foci ischaemic foci. What does it mean? Does frequent severe headaches indicate possible migraine problem? What causes severe back aches,stomach issues,heart palpitations and dehydration? Is it normal to notice blood in seminal fluid? Does strong taste sensitivity cause soreness and burning in tongue? Is it safe to indulge in sexual activity when chicken pox boils have recovered and fallen? What could be the reason for increase in TSI levels post thyroidectomy? Is 70 million sperm count with 40% motility is good enough for conception? Is it normal to spit small amount of blood from throat after vomiting? Should I be concerned about being overweight with lumps under skin? What causes pain and bleeding following rectal surgery for hemorrhoidectomy? How to recover back my memory after masturbation? How many anti rabies injections should be taken after a dog scratch? Is the hard movable lump under my ear cancerous? Is it normal to have sweating in neck area and face during night? Could intake of mixed beetroot,celery,carrot and cucumber juice cause blood in stool? Will beets, carrot and celery have an impact on stool color? Suggest the treatment for diarrhea What does 'Pus cells-occasional in urine' report mean? What psychological reasons cause irritability,non-cooperation,stickiness during medical treatment? Will blockage in right sinus and heaviness in face cause a raised skull? What medicine should I take for stomach burning apart from somac? What causes pain,burning and occasional itching the anus? What are the causes for squishy sound in joints? What is the remedy for intense sharp pain and spasm reactions in achilles tendon area? What is the treatment for vitiligo over lips in children? What type of doctor should I consult for constant heaviness in head? What are the reasons for itching in vagina? Is there any permanent solution for thyroid problem? Suggest treatment for itching and pain caused due to internal piles What else can I give with tylenol medicine for my child suffering from fever? What causes cold arms and fingers? What could be the cause for burning sensation in breast from back of nipples? Should I be concerned about chest pain with normal BP? What does coughing green jelly like mucous, body aches and sinus drainage lead to? What is the best way to treat swelling and pain caused by bee stunk? Is there any effect of citralka used for urine infection on pregnancy? What could be the cause of bad smell coming from testicles? Does non reactive status in two consecutive HIV test assure negative HIV? How to overcome the issue of ulcer and stomach pain with good diet? Getting panic attack for taking Pristiq and nebivolol Is there any thing wrong in my test report? What is the treatment for big, red, itchy and dry skin patch on face? Suggest a solution for chewing food with decay in gums What is the remedy of red rashes on skin after using shikakai? What are the reasons for not conceiving even after unprotected sex? What is the treatment for squamous cell carcinoma on the bridge of nose? What is the treatment for to reduce hairfall due to male pattern baldness? How to lower the constant mild high fasting blood sugar? Is there any relation between itching of eyes and sneeze? Can a skin tag grow on lower abdomen just below my C section line? How to get relief from indigestion, bloating, gastric issue and acid reflux? What could a painful, small lump in right chest be? What is recommended for child with puffy red eyes but no pain? What could be the reason for experiencing soreness in tonsils after pushing food from fingers? What is the best diet that helps to gain weight? Can missed period be a indication of pregnancy? Why does Potassium levels go down and how can it be brought up? What causes Paraphimosis and is it a serious condition? What causes severe constipation and what is the remedy? What causes redness and blisters over the glans penis and could it be symptoms for herpes? How long does it take for appendicitis to rupture? Should I worried about the findings from liver function test while suffering from invasive breast cancer? Can i take ibuprofen with sertraline? Does HIV test report showing index value 0.13 mean positive? Should I be worried about the findings of HIV and viral load test? What causes fluid emmision from lower leg? What do you mean "Heterogenous liver echotexture c/w mild fatty infiltration" in an ultrasound report? Will there be any complications of switching the schedules of taking Metoprolo and Lisinopril? Is it safe to take kinalog injection for inflamed tonsils? Suggest medicine to prepone mensturial cycle What is the treatment for chronic constipation and will holy tea help this condition? Could I resume back to sports and gym after ACL reconstruction surgery on right knee? What are the reasons for low HB count and frequent UTI\s? Is there any specific diet to control hairfall? Is acidity a reason for getting burps without having food? Is alamine drip safe for the baby during pregnancy? What are the chances of having an UTI with negative nitrites in urine? Does benadryl syrup cure dry cough and throat infection? Suggest the medication for a newborn suffering from cold and dry cough How can simple obesity be treated to gain normal weight? What is the possibility of getting HPV through physical contact? What causes burning sensation in penis during urination and what is the treatment? What medicine will help me to relieve pain from arthritis and fibromyalgia? How can sexual obsession be treated? Is it unusual to have pink skin after a shower? What causes sharp pain through lower colon while passing stool? Will I recover from shoulder and neck pain after fusion of C-4 and C-7? What is the treatment for painful tender bumps on scalp? What are the tips to avoid redness and irritation in eyes due to long computer exposure? Is there any modern procedure that can extract large stones from salivary glands? What causes disturbed sleep? What does brain chronic ischemia mean? What are reasons for chest and back pain while breathing? What are the underlying causes for losing sensation in index finger after an injury? What causes burning sensation during urination? Is it advisable to go for colonoscopy while diagnosed with hernia? What are the possible causes for sagging breasts? Unable to bend due to tightness in the back of knees. What could be the problem? Is it normal if there is blood in urine but no pain when having kidney stone? How to overcome negative thoughts and concentrate on exams? Does prolonged usage of minoxidil cause hairfall problem? What is the treatment for Epidermoid cyst on scrotum? Is it safe to use jock itch powder for fungal skin infection on penis? What causes miscarriage and what precautions should be taken to avoid it? What causes continuous buring sensation in anus while having constipation? What kind of diet should I have to reduce my weight? Will ruptural injections help in natural conception? What causes fuller breast and sensitive nipples post menopause with history of breast cancer? What causes dark patches under penis head? Xray showing inflamed intestine. What could be the reason for absence in bowel movements? Does negative pregnancy test after delayed period confirm nagative chances? Accidentally water entered into vagina. Will it cause any problem? Is it safe to use creamdite for passing motion? What are the chances of conception with a motile sperm count of 45%? Experiencing tightness below chest and upper abdomen and constantly belching after meals What causes pain in testicles? What is the best acute treatment for an occasional alcohol overdose? What causes uncontrolled jerks and shakes while on medication? What causes rash along with respiratory symptoms and fever in a child? Lost voice due to meninges in the brain and advised to go for spinal tap. How serious is my condition? Is there a risk of Pulmonary Carcinosarcoma in a chain smoker? How long will it take to recover from chest infection and cough due to clotting in brain? Does smoking marijuana cause discolorations and dark circles on face? What is the treatment for premature ventricular contractions with indigestion? What could be the source of excessive sweating day and night? Will continuous growing lymph nodes in lungs cause lymphoma? What MRI results confirm cancer and what kind of hysterectomy should be done for ovarian cancer? Can Gas be the cause of excessive pains all day in lower abdomen? Could enlarged prostate be the reason for hematuria with urine retention? How serious is it to have urinary tract infection with reduced kidney function? What is the duration for first sperm production while undergoing treatment for Spermatogenesis? Is it normal to have increased HCG level after a frozen embryo transfer? How to cure hepatomegaly with moderate fatty infiltration? Does amoxicillin and clavulanate with potassium cause hives? What are the chances of getting pregnant after taking postinor 2 ? What causes blood in urine when urine test came negative for blood and infection? What does 'Localized spill of contrast observed into the pelvic cavity on left side' mean? What causes burning,tingling and numbness under the feet in an arthritis patient after malaria? Should I be worried about stomach pain, loose stools, nausea, blood in stools and vomiting? What are the findings and required treatment from the kidney function test, liver function test and urine examination? Does low hemoglobin cause palpitations,tension in eyes,neck and is it related to under active thyroid? Should I have another HSV blood test to determine the cause for red spots on penis and burning in urethra? Is it necessary to undergo treatment for tiny 3 mm kidney stone? Are the findings of scattered white matter foci in MRI of brain is that of MS? What causes white froth in throat, sore mouth, bowel gas and stomach pain? What is the cause for severe anorectal spasms following a bowel movement while suffering from thrombosed hemorrhoid? Should tracheotomy be done after recovery from infections in Parkinsons patient? How long will it take for ciprofloxacin to treat bronchial infection? Will not pulling back foreskin will effect intercourse? Can I take Whey protein when on warfarin for multiple Pulmonary Embolism? What is the remedy for severe leg cramps during night? What does sudden vomiting, lower abdomen and back pain lead to? Is sudden dip in in sugar level in a high blood sugar patient matter of serious concern? What does my chest X-ray results hyperinflation and apical capping mean? What are the findings from the estimated glomerular filtration rate? What is the treatment for greying and thinning of hair? Is it safe to take sertraline and amitriptyline for severe GAD and depression? What causes itchy rash all over the body? What causes intermittent bubbling effect in lower chest below rib cage? Are skin rashes and skin bumps contagious? What to do for burning sensation underneath rib cage and acid reflux? Should I worry about clear thick gooey like discharge during pregnancy? Is it possible to have hair growth again after hair loss causing low density? Does reoccurring polyps with thickening of uterus cause cancer? Can Vdrl can remain positive even after having been treated successfully for Syphilis? Suggest some home remedies for intermittent pain in shoulder tendon Can constant cramps,bloating,and diarrhea be symptoms of abdominal or intestinal lymphoma? What does "contusion or nondisplaced fracture of the posterolateral aspect of the lateral tibial plateau" in a MRI report indicate? What are the reasons for severe cramps in pelvis? What could be the reason for prickly pin pain during sex with penetration? Can Hydrococodone keep you awake? What causes irregular menstrual cycle? What causes premature ejaculation and what is its treatment? Is it normal to have intercourse while taking fertyl tablet? Should I take long acting antibiotic for sinus infection with dark green sputum from nose? What causes change in the pattern and amount of bleeding during periods? What is the proper approach for having sexual fantasies? Should I be worried about having constant nose bleeds? What causes bald patches on chin? Do I risk any infection while having unprotected sex during periods? How to cure slow gut motility and constipation caused by low thyroid? Does enlarged lymph nodes pose a serious threat and do they disappear after treatment? Any chance of Hodgkin lympoma? Does sertraline cause lack of sleep and constant worry after a car accident? Should I be worried about a lump in my armpit? What could be the cause of sleeplessness at night resulting in depression? Does noticeable scoliosis years after original surgery be due to failure of the initial surgery? What is the treatment for complex lesion in spleen and parapelvic cyst? Suggest remedy to get rid of keratosis pilaris and have soft skin? Is it common to have complex lesion in spleen and left lower pole parapelvic cyst? Does Per ventricular and deep white matter hypo density due to ischemic changes demyelination cause multiple sclerosis? What is difference between blood test between high and low Parathyroid? What is the cause for numbness and tingling in finger tips and lips? Can I conceive normally with PCOS and fluctuations in hormone levels? What causes cervical lymph nodes and is it a serious condition? Give more insight regarding "Heterogenous liver echotexture c/w mild fatty infiltration"
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