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Is it safe to travel with IUI pregnancy? What happen with the overdose of nexito? What is the cause for swollen and sore lymph node after a crossfit workout? Should i be worried for hemangioma? What causes contnuous arm ache in mornings while taking medication for under active thyroid? Experiencing ear blockages, headache, nausea and balancing issues after an accident. What could have happened? Does miconizole nitrate and floucinolone acetonide ointment and betadine help in curing small cuts on foreskin? What is the cure for diarrhea? Should I be concerned about red spots around eye and eyelid after vomiting? Does Valparin cause vomiting and watery stools in children? What is the treatment for hypothyroidism? What causes severe abdominal pains with low blood sugar? Will giving milk be sufficient incase child refuses to eat anything else? What are the findings from the urine routine test? What could be the cause for sudden knee pain in child causing to limp? How long can I expect to recover after total colectomy? How to cure folicultis between eyes which is still painful and watery after taking antibiotics? What cause penis to bulged out in a child? What causes heartburn,excessive gas,back pain and cramping? Is it safe to change Prozac to Celexa? Can sudden chest pain while drinking water is due to dysphagia? Is it normal to have erection problem after taking Sudafed? Is there a safe, effective alternative to Viagra? What are the causes for itching in breast with clear discharge? What could be the cause for getting pain in testicles? What is the remedy to cure skin allery caused due to applying hair color? What are the common symptoms of OCD? What is the cure for post concussion symptoms and nausea with blurring peripheral vision? What causes pink colour blood mixed urine during pregnancy? What is the treatment for irregular bowel movements with constipation? Should I be concerned about orange urine after frequent bouts of acid reflux and vomiting? What causes sharp abdominal cramping after eating and small lump on side of neck? What diet should be followed to ensure potassium and sodium stay in the healthy range? How to ease growing pain under ribs and what is the treatment for rectal bleeding? What cause severe pain in right upper side of the belly radiating to the back? What is the treatment for pain and blood in stool long with tear on lining of colon? What is the cause for pain and soreness under breast? What should be done after accidental intake of glycomet 850 tablet by a baby? What should be done after accidental intake of glycomet 850 tablet by a baby?? What could be resons for sore and sharp pain in abdomen and tenderness under rib cage? Does 'Abnormal ECG,Sinus Rhythm,normal P axis,V-rate 50-99,Abnormal Q" suggest heart attack? Suffering from muscle twitching and pain in groin area. What is the cause? What is the cause and cure for sore throat, cough and cold, body pain and headache? How to cure swollen and painful veins after injury? What to do if child accidentally swallowed Glizid used for diabetes? What is the reason for swollen lower eyelid, painful to blink and ringing in ear? What to do for pain with deep breath after bruising on abdomen and rib cage? Suggest medicine for severe muscle pain around penis, testis, lower back and lower stomach Which among Siphen and FSH injection is better when trying to conceive with bilateral PCOD? Do I need tablets also apart from kojic acid and vitamin C for black spots on face? What causes discomfort after taking tachycardia? What is the treatment for shoulder pain and back pain? Why is my stool filled with white balls? What is the precautionary measures for pregnancy after miscarriage? What causes problem in seeing and reading even after cataract surgery in both eyes? How to cure swelling in stomach, heartburn, chest pain and breathing after meal? What is the treatment to cure Obsessive compulsive disorder? What causes decrease muscle strength in legs? What precaustions should be taken for healthy baby after being tested positive for Ureaplasma? Are readings of ovulation monitoring normal with problem of irregular periods? Suggest medicine for nose bleeding in children What to do if diagnosed with mild hypothyroid in pregnancy? What is the best way to avoid pimples on the face? What is best treatment for runny nose, cough, sore throat, and headache? What causes swollen liver after removing Gall bladder? Was diagnosed with cystocoele. What to do if there is another lump within cystocoele? What causes pvc's and can hyperthyroid lead to pvc's? What could be the cause for severe abdominal muscle spasms? Is severe pain in flanks related to kidney failure? Grandson always has a habit of twirling hair. How to get rid of it? What is the cause for severe abdominal pain and diarrhea with orange gel like substance? What could be the cause of green stool in infant? What can be done to restore the normal texture of the skin? How to increase the weight in two year old? What causes hyperactivity in childern and how can it be dealt with? When can I undergo the tests for HSV while suffering from vesicular eruption? Is it safe to have elective surgery for bunion while breastfeeding child? Suggest medicine and home remedies for treating hair fall problem Does GERD or LPR cause swelling in lymph nodes while having acid reflux? When is the best time to take Antopral when suffering from severe GERD? What are the physical and psychological health alterations aggravating irritable bowel syndrome? How maintain healthy digestive system? Can irregular contraceptive pills intake cause pregnant anytime? Is blood pressure varying from 120/80 to 145/90 normal? What are the exercises for HIP and breast? Does application of bag balm cause loss of sleep and body temperature symptoms? What is the window period for HSV infection, IgG and IgM testing? What does blood lines under the skin indicate? Does Minoxidil causes erectile dysfunction or other sexual problems? Lab results show RBC-3.45, HGB-99, HCT 29. Does this indicate any permanent damage to bone marrow? What is the cure for pain in wrists and thumbs due to working on computers? Is polycystic kidney disease inherited? What is the reason for uncontrolled shakiness with weakness in both arms and legs? Ultrasound showed endometrail fluid postmenopausal, bleeding, pelvic cramping and little discharge. Does this indicate cancer? Ultrasound indicated endometrial fluid, postmenopausal bleeding and pelvic cramping. Does this indicate cancer? Does white pill with imprint M367 cause nausea and vomiting? What are the findings from MRI of cervical spine? What could be the cause for fainting and cold sweats? Having hard balls like things in scrotum. What can this be? What causes movable lumps on jaw line? Can drug test after six months of taking marijuana come positive? What is the reason for sudden weakness, shakiness in hands and legs and upset stomach? What is the cure for blocked sinus and sensations in face? Woke up with solid lump around the bottom of the jaw. Should I be concerned? Can a CT colonography show colon tumor mestses? What are the supplements to be taken for HPV? What is the reason for hot and swollen ear with sores which oozes liquid? What is the cure for pain and swelling from knee to foot? What causes muscle cramps,abdominal pain,back pain along with Irritable bowel syndrome? Child unable to sit due to injections given for muscular dystrophy. What is the solution? How to get rid of red, itchy and dry skin patch on face? What is the treatment to get relief from intercostal muscle strain? What causes sharp pain and bleeding while passing stool? Can CSF Leak be treated in ayurveda and how is the treatment done? What is the right dosage of mucolite+maxtra drops for a baby suffering from cold and cough? Scan report showing gravid uterus shows a single intrauterine gestational sac. Is this a good sign? What is the remedy for fluctuating blood pressure between high and normal? Is it dangerous to remove infusion pump? What causes strong and rhythmic contraction under the ribs? Toe feels numb after nail fell off due to brown spot. Suggest What is the remedy for swelling in upper eye lid? Suggest medication for dark spots on face, saggy skin and dark skin What is the solution for burning, itching and pain in buttocks and legs? How much potassium and sodium should I consume daily to maintain serum potassium and sodium in normal range? What causes burning sensation in right side of head? What could be the reason for getting urine smell? Having enlarged spleen and suffering from hives. What should I do? Is multiple meningioma the reason for facial numbness on left and doubling the dosage of amitriptyline? What are the herbal remedies for enlarged prostate? What causes gas,white tissue like stool after colonoscopy? What could cause soreness in chest and excessive mucous in throat? What is the cure for internal shaking or muscle movements? No improvement with benadryl for hives on neck after laser treatment. What to do? How to deal with side effects of medicine taken for headaches and hypertension pressure? What is the remedy for acne on face and painful swollen cysts all over body after taking birth control pills? How to reduce chest pain with discomfort while climbing stairs? How to treat problem of iron deficiency causing weakness in limbs when on thyroid medicine? What is the medication for bacterial infection on thumb? Having big bump in ear after using artificial ear ring. What should I do? What is the remedy and solution to reduce the hair fall problem? What is the suggested medication for getting sound sleep with insomnia? What causes enlarged lymph in neck and is it a serious concern? Suggest suitable treatment for diarrhea with stinging pain in stomach Need second opinion regarding surgery with reference to the breast biopsy and mammography What causes pain in the peins shaft due to a hard lump on it? What are the underlying causes for fatty liver, IBS and shortness of breath? Can just touching the penis lead to pregnancy? Does complexion of baby depend on mother,father or the grand parents? What are the possible causes for blood in stool? What causes irritable bowel syndrome and abdominal pain? Does sinus problem cause heaviness in head and tingling in left hand? Suggest remedy for dull and tanned skin with pimple? What should be done to treat headaches and dizziness? Will flagyl help in curing tonsil stones and mucus in back of throat? What are the causes and treatment for viral cough? Taking advair, levothyroxin and dilizen for COPD. Why am I having blurred vision and slight balance problems? What does the test result "Hypoechoic splenic lesion, complex cyst versus hemangioma" mean? Is it necessary to take blood Pressure medicine when having diabetes? Is it normal to have swelling and burning in ear in cold environment? What causes spontaneous occurrence of swelling of Penis,lips and eyelids in a child? What could sudden cold with sweating lead to? Is it advisable to take Metamucil along with Miralax to get relief from constipation? What medicine can I take along with cytotec for stomach pain with blood? Taking Simvastation and Amlodipine Besylate. Having erection and ejaculation problems. Suggestions What is the remedy for shaking due to extreme cold? Will solpaden taken in empty stomach cause indigestion problems? What could cause blue veins on chest that hurt,burn and ache? Why am I felling nauseous, dizzy and smelling urine after skipping period with copper IUD? What causes severe itching in vulval area and thick skin on labia? Should I seek medical attention for back pain around spine area and weakness, numbness in legs? Suggest instant relief to get rid of swollen pimple on forehead Is it normal to get stretch marks around the buttox area during puberty? How to reduce fluid across forehead due to indented area caused by a fall? What causes hoarseness of voice and difficulty in taking breath with conditon of orthostatic hypotension? What could cause pulsating feeling above knee/lower thigh area? How long does it take for appendicitis to rupture? Suggest suitable remedy to ease pain How much should be the medicine dosage for heart conditions? Is it normal to have a microalbumin level of 2153 mg/l? What is the remedy to relive pain form bulging and herniated disc? Is there any danger of getting infection after touching a worm? How to ease stabbing pain while walking post appendectomy? What are differential diagnoses from endoscopy?. Could small painful lump on butt be cancer? What causes hurting in right eye after a fall? What causes swollen finger with snapping early in the morning? What is the permanent cure for persistent celery green nasal discharge? Could the side effects of taking herbalife cause stiffness in neck,shoulder and leg? Does the HIV test indicate any abnormality? What causes breathing problem and recurrent high fever? What is the ideal duration of consuming alcohol after rabies vaccination? What causes stomach pain after skipping period? Does increase from 0.05 to 0.13 in HIV mean possibility of positive HIV? What is the right way to use vaginal dialator after hysterectomy done for uterine cancer? Why am I experiencing numbness in upper lip while suffering from bronchitis and sinusitis? What is the permanent solution to ease pain in sacral and gluteal areas? Suggest medicine for migraine headache apart from taking paracetamol? Suggest treatment to increase sperm count What is the treatment to get rid of pimples and dark spots? What causes green vaginal discharge when result negative for yeast infection, gonorrhea and chlamydia? What causes throat infection and blood in sputum when on azithromycin? Can valtrex be taken before ACDF and P triple fusion?
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