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What are the chances of pregnancy after having unprotected sex during non ovulation days? What causes swollen tonsils and polyp on tonsils? What causes swollen lips and burning sensation in nose? What causes recurring swollen itchy blisters on penis skin? What causes tingling and numbness in body after smoking up weed? What causes protruding sore on arch of foot? Can i take placida for depression and digestive disorders? What causes large painful lump form on shin with normal x-ray? What causes collapse of small segment of lung? Suggest treatment for consumption of harpic toilet washing detergent Suggest treatment for severe anxiety What causes pain under breast after fractured lungs? What causes spitting up of bloody mucus? How does one recognize a mental illness or a highly functioning alcoholic with rage issues? Can Alex-P and Domstal be given for fever to a child? When does BP go down after getting off of Benadryl? Can i continue taking stairs with congestive heart failure? Suggest alternatve of Diaoxin for treatment of arrhytmia What causes severe pain on one side from last 6 months? Is zopidem and lamotrigine considered as an opiate? What causes clear discharge from scalp? What causes night sweats with vomiting and cold chills? Can buspirone help in curing ulcer? What causes small white line and feeling of scratch on roof of mouth? What causes lower leg pain inspite of having statins and meloxicam? What causes painless papule which ruptured to form a small painless ulcer on penis shaft? What causes loss in sense of taste? Suggest alternative to cement used in knee replacment surgery What causes bloating, gas, stomach gurgling and weight loss? What causes sharp pain right around the point where the achilles meets the bone? What causes joint pains, hair loss, tingling sensation and muscle ache? Suggest treatment for headache caused by lorazepam What causes palpitations,heaviness in chest and numbness on face? What causes redness of testicles? What causes high TSH level? Does hCG levels be used to detect the progression of pregnancy? What is the effect of accutane on bone age? What should blood CEA levels be when suffering from bowel cancer? What causes strong fishy smell coming from anus? Suggest treatment for poorly controlled blood pressure What causes anal bleeding? What does a bump on penis indicate? Is Armour Thyroid intake safe for hypothyroidism treatment? What causes appetite loss and abdominal bloating after taking Losartan? Can changing the brand of birth control pills cause slight hormonal imbalance? What causes left side sharp stabbing pain under rib cage? What causes swollen ankles and foot pain? What causes difficulty in penetration of penis into vagina? Can hCG hormone be detectable throughout the pregnancy? Suggest treatment for night falls Is pregnancy possible after subcervical hysterectomy? WHat causes pain in kees,upper arm and shoulders? What are the chances of HIV and other STDs with no oral and vaginal sex? Do Nifedipine and Levothyroxine cause thinning of blood? Suggest treatment for back muscle strain after a bike ride What causes redness and itching sensation around anal opening? What causes excessive sweating and shortness of breath while exercising? Suggest treatment for hepatitis C What causes stomach bloating and tiredness? Suggest treatment for osteoarthritis of knee What causes lower stomach pain, excessive cold sweats, bloating, and gas? What casues leaky gut syndrome when suffering from hypothyroidism? Can i take gratin Li together with kadian? What causes delay in periods after having I pill? What causes severe headache in morning? How can i taper off from pain medicines without any side effects? What causes transient numbness in the penile area after wearing a tight pant? What causes fatigue? What causes elevated ESR and low BMI with sore throat, fatigue and headache? Should i skip swimming inspite of having high BP? What causes feeling cold to the bone? What causes prominent veins,rapid pulse and burning in feets and hands? What causes acute pain in upper right abdomen? Suggest treatment for moderate fatty liver disease What does spinal tap showing abnormal cells indicate? Does raised uric acid level cause hypertension? Are rapid home tests for HIV reliable? What causes brown stools with gas? What causes darkening of skin after using hhsone cream? What causes acid reflux, difficulty in breathing with pressure on lungs? Suggest medicines to postpone my periods Suggest treatment persistent sore throat What causes pain in right calf when i sit? What does psuedoaneurysm mean? What causes weakness and tiredness with adequate amount of sleep? Suggest treatment for PACS and PVCs Does Lipitor cause nails thickening and splitting? Suggest treatment for depression and insecurity feeling What is the substance that is injected into arm for bone scan? What causes cold, nasal congestion and ammonia smell in nose with green mucus discharge? How to wean off Hydrochlorothiazide? What causes occasional vaginal bleeding after C-section delivery? What does low testosterone levels indicate? What causes hip pain and a mass outside the hip? What does Vitamax injection contain? What is the dosage of regesterone to post pone periods? What does this ECG report showing moderate right precordial repolarization indicate? Suggest treatment for hematoma in anus area What are the side effects of dapxetine and tadalafil? What causes dry mouth and swallowing difficulty after Tb treatment? What does fasting blood sugar level of 107 mean? What causes tremors in hands? Suggest treatment for depression and anxiety What causes lower abdominal pain while passing urine? What causes lower abdominal pain while passing urine? What causes nausea and vomiting before periods? What causes raised bump on penis head? Suggest treatment for delusion What causes red splotchiness around a wart on chin? What causes recurrent episodes of flashes of light which increase with anxiety? What causes derangement of periods after taking emergency contraceptives? What causes itching in anus after eating sweets? What causes headache and metallic taste in mouth after having TDAP vaccine? Suggest treatment for low hemoglobin level Suggest treatment for scalp pimples Can i use foreverclean to lose weight? What causes cushing's syndrome? What causes difficulty in walking and pain in leg? What causes high pulse rate? What causes redness on penis? What causes painful swollen stiff hands? Suggest effective pain medication What causes severe pain in left side of abdomen and back left side? What causes sleeplessness inspite of using ambien? What causes heart palpitations, dizziness, nausea and numb right arm? What causes swollen lacrimal caruncle in eye? How can i stop premenstrual bleeding? How to stop menstrual bleeding? What causes weakness, pain and tingling in legs and buttocks? What causes UTI? What causes acute muscle pain around the shoulders and neck? What causes weakness and tiredness when suffering from anemia? What does dark brown vaginal discharge indicate? Suggest treatment for weight loss What causes recurring bladder infections? What does "high CPK-278 and Squamous Epithelial Cells" indicate? What causes elevated LDL level? Suggest treatment for renal and kidney failure? Suggest treatment for sore throat and nasal congestion Suggest treatment for melanoma Does indigestion cause PVC's? Is thickening in lungs same as water in lungs? Is pregnancy possible after unprotected sex during non ovulation days? What causes headaches when suffering from high BP? What causes burning sensation while urination? Suggest treatment for elevated liver enzymes when suffering from hyperthyroidism What causes headache with sore neck and flu? Suggest treatment for barrett's esophagus What causes severe abdominal cramp and bloody stool? What does a lump in inner thigh indicate? What causes abdominal pain with tenderness and burping? What causes body tremors and difficulty in finding words? How long Nasonex be taken after radiofrequency ablation of nasal turbinates? Does HIV test result at 6 month after exposure show accurate results? Can HIV test result change after 6 months? How does growth hormone affect various organs in body? Can a polyp look look like a peritonsillar abcess? Is there possibility of HIV transmission through rectal or anal sex? Suggest treatment for allergic reaction in scrotum caused by Fluorouracil What causes back pain,tiredness,constipation and breast change? Suggest treatment for headache caused by an injury How does masturbation help in sexual well being? Are hot baths safe after ovulation? What causes bruises after scratching any part of the body? What kind of shoes should I use while walking or jogging? What causes lower abdomen and back pain with bleeding after taking I pill? Suggest treatment for severe depression and sleeping disorder Can exposure to a chicken pox affected cause shingles? Suggest treatment for diarrhoea caused after taking Amoxicillin What causes medium to loose stool consistency? Suggest treatment for overdose of Restly Does GERD cause chest pain over heart? Suggest treatment for severe neuropathic pain caused after a stroke What causes pain in center of the chest? Suggest treatment for recurring skin rash over the legs Suggest treatment for liver cirrhosis and hepatitis C What causes body chills,vomiting and headaches? Suggest treatment for swelling and numbness in leg after bug bite Should Ofloxacin be given for loose motions in an infant? Suggest treatment for weak bones and compression of vertrbrae What causes stinging pain during urination? Can carodid artery blockage influence walking? What causes blood in urine? Suggest treatment for antidepressant induced mania What causes pressure in jaw and cheeks? Suggest treatment for rheumatoid arthritis with ulcerative colitis What causes heavy menstrual bleeding? What does brown vaginal discharge in pregnancy indicate? What causes menstrual bleeding during perimenopause? What does cylindrical power of 0.75 in eyes indicate? Do body building supplements have any side effects? Can diabetes or high BP medications cause increase in white blood counts? Suggest treatment for muscle strain and spasm on neck Is Azithral intake safe for children? Suggest treatment to alleviate benign prostatic hyperplasia What causes heaviness in head and nose? What are side effects of dianorm and Istamet? What causes red and brown patches on back and folds of body? Suggest treatment for lymph node tuberculosis in pregnancy What are the symptoms of kidney damage?
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