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How to get rid of Saphris side effects without stopping its intake? What causes inter menstrual bleeding and pain after urination? What causes numbness and tingling on fingers with pain in thumb? Is sexual intercourse possible while on treatment for a cat bite? Is human height affected by bone loss? What is the cause and treatment for cocydynia? Can double dose of Augmentum cause any side effects? Suggest alternative of Glycomet and PPG MET for diabetes management What is the cause and treatment for low hemoglobin level? What food items should be avoided during pregnancy? Suggest treatment for tooth pain What causes abdominal pain with trouble urinating and constipation? What causes fainting feeling during pregnancy? Does Effexor withdrawal cause headache,green stool,nausea and appetite loss? Suggest treatment for allergic skin reaction Suggest treatment for granuloma in brain Suggest treatment for neck pain caused after an injury How to terminate unwanted pregnancy? What is the effect of chronic bladder hypertrophy on kidney function? Suggest treatment for back pain Suggest treatment for upper respiratory tract infection What causes all over body pain when suffering from ITP? Is surgery or radiation a better treatment for atypical carcinoid lung cancer? What causes severe pain in hip bone? What causes hot flashes while having a Mirena IUD insert? Suggest treatment for pain relief What causes flatulence? Can getting more than two doses of chicken pox vaccine cause any side effects? Suggest treatment for recurrent cold and wheezing in children What causes stomach cramps on bending? Suggest treatment for severe pain in knees and hips while having titanium rod implants What causes body chills with fatigue and pain left calf and right thigh? Suggest treatment for panic attacks Suggest treatment for severe muscle spasms How to control masturbation addiction? Suggest treatment for headache,fatigue and body aches after black fly bites How long should Ativan be taken for treatment of anxiety? Is prolonged intake of Prozac safe? Suggest treatment for oily discharge from scalp Does low estrogen cause skin problems on heels and palms? What causes fever after an accident? What causes fever two days after an accident? What causes profuse sweating while on high blood pressure treatment? Suggest treatment to control blood sugar level without medicine Suggest a diet plan for quick recovery from typhoid What causes drowsiness before and after taking lunch? What does "several focal T2 signal abnormalities within the subcortial white matter" mean? What is the cause and treatment for dissecting cellulitis of the scalp? What does elevated GGT level indicate? What causes severe abdominal pain after taking Hifnac,Bet avert and Gravel Astor? What causes red and raised itchy skin rash? What causes small bright streaks in eyes? Why is Rocephin and Keflex prescribed for abnormality in urine? What is the cause and treatment for throat infection? Suggest treatment for burning sensation in testicles due to an allergic reaction What causes numbness with pins and needle sensation on feet and hand? Suggest treatment for erectile dysfunction What does "multiple areas of deep white matter T2/FLAIR hyperintensity" in an MRI mean? Suggest treatment for headache and nausea caused after a head injury What causes a tender spot on penis head during a sexual intercourse? What is the cause and treatment for recurring hemorrhoids? Suggest treatment for fungal infection over penis What complications would occur if surgery is not done for malignancy? Suggest treatment for cold and throat infection Is pregnancy possible after using Mifty kit after unprotected sex? What causes breathing difficulty after using Ketoconazole cream? What causes cold everyday in the morning? Suggest treatment for diarrhea in an infant Suggest treatment for astigmatism Do Mifepristone and Misoprostol cause vomiting? What causes hives on neck when suffering from fatty liver? What if adjuvant chemotherapy is not taken for dukes c1 colon cancer? What causes difficulty in maintaining balance while on blood pressure medication? Suggest treatment for severe pain due to muscle sprain Is Stovas a safe drug? What causes dizziness and weakness while taking Doxazosin and Candesartan Cilexetil? What causes lower abdominal pain,itching on body and testicles after unprotected sex? What does a large lump in the groin area indicate? What causes poor sleep in children? Can Plan B and I pill be taken together? Can an emergency contraceptive pill be taken with plan B? What is the cause and treatment for bowel blowouts? Suggest treatment for pain in scrotum and difficulty in ejaculation What are the side effects of Carbidopa levodopa? Suggest treatment for anxiety Suggest treatment for pain due to fibromyalgia Suggest treatment for itching and burning on upper arm What causes right sided body pain under the rib cage while coughing? What causes tingling in hand? Suggest treatment for severe pain due to fibromyalgia How to avoid unwanted pregnancy after unprotected sex? Suggest treatment for urinary tract infection What causes extreme pain in upper stomach and lower abdomen? What causes false positive for on a drug screen for Marijuana? Suggest treatment for lichen planus Suggest treatment for haemorrhoids management Can having unprotected sex few days before periods, result in pregnancy? Are magnetics safe to help in wound care? Suggest treatment for thin skin and hair loss What causes dizziness and anxiety after taking Accuretic? What causes chronic pain in lower abdomen and feet after a tummy tuck? How to safely withdraw from Clonotril? What are the symptoms of brain meningitis? Suggest treatment for irritable bowel syndrome How to terminate unwanted pregnancy? What causes painful periods,nausea,cramping and backaches after stopping Paxil? What causes prostate cancer? Suggest treatment for swelling and pain in leg when suffering from diabetes type2 What causes delayed periods? Suggest treatment for chronic constipation Can Aleva tablet be taken for a long time? What causes burning and painful skin eruptions when suffering from herpes? What are chances of miscarriage from amniocentesis? What causes stomach ailments when suffering from recurrent depressive disorder? Is HIV PCR test result after 7 weeks of exposure,conclusive? What causes chest pain and palpitations? What should be done for endometrial thickness of 26mm? What causes absence of periods after stopping Micronor? What does low red blood cell count and raised RDW indicate? What causes enlarged liver size? What does "1.3 cm long interhemispheric Lipoma in the frontal region of brain" indicate? What causes gross hematuria? What causes constant numbness on fingers? What does my ECG report results indicate? Suggest treatment for hair loss due to hard water What causes bowel incontinence in children? Suggest treatment for swelling and itching in the vagina What does my blood work results indicate? What is the cause and treatment for minerelocorticoid deficiency? What causes stomach ache and bleeding after using an abortion kit? What does "mildly thickened anterior mitral valve leaflet" mean? What causes itchy and flaky eyelids and lips? What causes high blood pressure? What causes dizziness and loss of balance? What causes tingling in the hands following vomiting? What are the symptoms of sciatica? Does Calvepen interfere with morning after pill? Does Fluconazole affect male fertility? Suggest diet to be followed when suffering from hiatus hernia Can Levothyroxine be taken with Atenolol and Perindopril in the morning? Suggest treatment for anxiety disorder Suggest treatment for diastasis recti What causes low blood pressure? What causes drop in cd4 after taking Duovir-N? What causes slight bump above a c section scar in pregnancy? What causes bitter taste in mouth with burning during bowel movement? What causes extreme pain in elbows after removal of cast put for torn tendon? Why do I feel light headed with feeling of fast heart rate? What causes dizziness? What causes itchy rashes on upper thigh,forearms and neck? What causes white patch on soft palate filled with fluid? Does chronic alcoholism impact cognitive functioning? How to reduce fat around the stomach? What causes sudden behavioral change in a person? What causes extremely high ionized calcium? What causes warm sensation on foot with tingling and twitching? What causes pain in inner thighs? Can Pantodac be taken in the evening? Suggest treatment for pain from sciatica and spinal compression What does "Extra-axial CSF spaces are mildly prominent" mean? What causes elevated BUN and creatinine levels? What causes pain and swelling in the ear? What causes dizziness and a pulsating feeling in tongue? How to calculate the conception date? Suggest treatment for infertility Suggest treatment for tinnitus causing sleeping difficulty How is HIV transmitted after a sexual encounter? What causes small white bumps on penis? How to avoid chicken pox scars? What causes severe body itching after stopping Montair intake? Is flying safe for a hdgkin's lymphoma patient? Does an upper lip tie cause any complication in an infant? For how long does chickenpox remain infectious? Suggest treatment for itchy scalp during chicken pox How to prevent recurrence of calcium oxalate stone formation in kidney? What causes stomach ache and pain in groin? What causes stomach aches after prolonged use of Dexona Menabol and Practin? What causes black spotting and delayed periods after unprotected sex? What does a lump under the skin on forehead indicate? Can digestive issues cause high BP? How is hepatitis A transmitted? Suggest treatment for alopecia areata and telogenic effluvium Suggest Prednisone dosage What causes red and itchy rashes on penis? How to test for HIV? Is Marvelon effective in delaying periods? What causes nausea,headaches and dizziness after an EMG procedure? What causes excessive sleepiness in the elderly? What causes blurred vision with deep bone pain? What causes stomach bloating? Can Xanax be taken before a full hysterectomy? Suggest treatment for raspy voice in an infant What causes itching on body and the anus with muscle aches? What causes pain in neck and left arm after a heart attack? Suggest treatment for blocked and non functioning right kidney What causes heavy and prolonged vaginal bleeding after an abortion? Is enlarged spleen symptom of leukemia? Suggest treatment for pimple like blisters on lower lip What causes chest pain after quitting smoking? Suggest treatment for stage 4 alcoholic cirrhosis with ascites and varices
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