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Reddish purple stain on leg,laser surgery,varicose vein,cellulitis Vomiting,blood in vomit,nosebleed,dizziness Recurrent viral illnesses, pain in neck, groin, chest, fatigue, pain, burning sensation in skin, swelling, redness, breast pain Narrow spinal canal,lumbar laminectomy,MRI,stenosis,nerve pain in elbow.Surgery? Root canal,antibiotics,sharp pain in jaw.Nerve damaged? Do I need to take Enalapril continuously? Fatty liver,hepatomegaly,Liv 52 tablets.Diet? Red pimple on belly,cheek and hand,white heads Is it normal to have ringing and pressure in the ear after removing tonsils? Normal T3T4TSH,discontinued elthroxin PCOS,birth control,intercourse with condom.Pregnant? Can skin shedding be cured? Cyst in left nipple,yellow painful discharge,mammogram,history of sugar and blood pressure Weight gain,exercise,tiredness,lack of protein Severe indigestion, gas formation, enlarged abdomen, tiredness, pain in legs. Cure ? Sun burn on ears,pus filled blisters,boil What is idiopathic hyposomnia? Dizziness post flight, eye catacts, narrow ear canals, ED, hearing loss. Cause of dizziness ? Why do my children have skin lumps and dry skin? Dental implants,extraction of bone,ear pain,X-ray Why have I been prescribed Mifegest? Daily exercising, Abglider, lift weights, flabby stomach. Tummy tuck the only option for weight loss ? Do steroids cause lumps in the armpit? What do the reading mean in urine catecholomine test of child ? Stomach pain, severe bitter taste, endoscopy, gastric ulcers, without H.Pylori, on aciphex, sucralfate, CT scan, mild mesenteric panniculitis, diarrhea. Suggest. B-6 vitamin,25 mg metoprolol.Can take together? What disease do I have if I get constant diarrhea with fever? Is a painful lump in my scrotum due to a sexually transmitted disease? Is a sudden back pain due to a disc bulge? Urine test, pain while urinating, no pain post urination. Causes ? How do i get rid of swollen nose,numbness in lip after consuming cocaine ? Small bump on penis,waxy discharge.STD? Grommet, ear infections with discharge, wax in ears. Olive oil the treatment option ? What are the red fluid filled marks on my body? Pregnant,pimples on chin,sore,infected,Dettol High cholesterol, weight loss, exercise, glucose level high. Medication required ? Edontic procedure,root canal,tooth pain,blood pressure,constipation.abscess Can parasites live in the scrotal sac? What is causing crawling sensations on my skin? Sore tongue,irritation.Treatment? shall i get worried of red eye post cataract surgery ? Does a left sided focal seizure since 3 days need immediate attention ? How can a hard painful lump behind left ear be treated ? Pink discharge from navel after heavy workout, pulse 120 How can i get remedy for frequent loose bowel movements ? What could be the possible cause of sore tummy, mild fever, dry cough and runny nose in 2.5 year old ? Masturbation,erection problem,premature ejaculation Can irregular periods, abdominal pains and weight gain cause depression and mood swings ? Can any treatment be done for itching around groins? How to recover from withdrawal symptoms of Oleanz 5 mg? Hormonal problems, gynecomastia, low testosterone. Klinefelter's syndrome? How can the bruised sternum and GERD be treated? Can glyco-a and fadeout cause iritated torn skin ? Is it normal to have mild bleeding in urine and abdominal discomfort 2 weeks post surgical removal of cervical polyp ? What can be pea sized lump with pus in cliotoris ? Flu,sore throat,cough,sinus,night sweats,fever,aching legs,had blood cancer,normal MRI How is systemic infection treated ? Does smoking marijuana have any ill effect post surgical treatment of pulmonary embolism ? Giddiness, vomiting, ringing in ear, teeth clenching, taken Cortimax Can the dark spots on the penis be lightened? How can abdominal varices be treated ? What causes acanthosis nigricans ? Can a sip of orange juice cause blockage in throat making breathing difficult ? Is there a chance for STD after intercourse with a just delivered women? Does a pea sized lump on right bicep need any immediate care ? Swollen vagina,smelly discharge,spots on penis,no pain or itch Pain in liver area, back pain, dizziness, nausea, high cholesterol. Treatment ? Should chemotherapy be given to a person in final stage of nasopharngeal cancer ? Cough, fever, antibiotics, chest infection, Prednisone, Ventolin, no tobacco smoke Does Toradol IV for intestinal inflammation cause side effects on vagina and anal area ? Vaginal atrophy,breast cancer,red,itchy spots on labia majora,hydrocortisone How to control the increasing mouth ulcers? How is lactose intolerance and GERD treated ? Lower back pain, overweight, difficulty walking, stiff shoulders and knees Does Monistat cause intermittent cramps on lower stomach, white and brown discharge ? Dry dark patch on buttocks, UC remission. Cause and treatment? How to increase height? 30 weeks pregnant, short femur, dwarfing baby, Down's syndrome negative What is the cause and treatment for spontaneous vomiting ,numb feeling in head and clammy skin ? What is Trans Urethral Resection of Prostrate ? What could be the cause clear yellow liquid running from nose, headache and pain in jaw ? Food poisoning, stomach flu, severe abdominal pain, itchy skin. Causes ? Itch after eating,knee pain.Sugar problem? Fall from stairs, lower back pain, leg pain, urine incontinence. Treatment ? Nearsight +3, Farsight +1.5, watersports prevents contact lens or glass. Solution? Does Levaquin and Flagyl have any side effects causing burning in upper back and tingling in arms ? Hepatitis B,vaccines.Treatment? How can rashes all over the body, developed after taking cremaffin and protosedyl onitment, be treated with history of allergy to sulphur drugs ? Unprotected sex, ipill ECP, bleeding after 15 minutes. Chances of pregnancy ? Miscarriage, vomiting, stomach ulcers, taken Nexium, Bentyl, painful sneezing How can a patient suffering from Insulin resistance syndrome, panic attacks and hypothyroid lose weight ? Delayed period,bleeding,stomach ache Is LASIK treatment good for eyes? How can Gallstone be treated in a Hepatitis E patient ? Is it normal to have persistent dry cough post hospitalization for bronchiolitis in 6 month old infant ? Varicocele on left side.Surgery or embolization? Missed period, dark blood discharge, stomach ache, uncomfortable, angry, mood change Why do I have consistent heart palpitations while trying to sleep which reduce with Advil ? Smoked fake weed, sleeplessness, dizziness, weakness, fast heartbeat, pressure in head Is there any effective solution for neuropathic pain developed post chemotherapy ? How can sperm motilitiy be improved with no sign of improvement inspite of taking drugs ? Dry tongue,burning,soreness.Diet and medicines? How can dark under eye circles be treated ? How is nerve compression and irritation treated ? Herpes, PAP results negative for HIV, chlamydia, hepatitis, malignancy negative What is the treatment for ant bite ? Nordette contraceptive pills,unprotected sex,emergency contraceptive How is hydrocele treated ? What is the treatment for acne ? What are the complications after root canal surgery ? Arm and chest pain, bypass surgery, taken morphine and nitro Weight gain,vomiting,distorted vision,contraceptive implant,bleeding,clear cervical smear and STI red spots on leg, blood in semen, unprotected sex. STD or cancer? How to determine sex of the baby in the ultrasound scan ? What causes heart angina ? Enlarged blood cells due to antifungal medication. Griseofulvin caused pain? Diabetic,damaged kidneys,dialysis,high bp What is transient ischemia ? HIV, cirrhosis, no alcohol, count 270. Liver transplant? Nutrition plan? How to remove clots inside the uterus ? Diet change,good fats, gym, loss of erection, low sex drive. What are the causes for repeated spells of dizziness ? How is swelling and bump on the head treated ? Regular gym, protein diet, chest pain after consuming protein product Scrotum swelling due to rectal cancer surgery? How is Balanoposthitis treated ? Baby measurements, abnormal values, dwarfism. Treatment ? Can letrozole be used while planning to conceive ? Anterior Listhesis,spondylolysis,disc bulge,thecal sac indentation,foraminal stenosis.Surgery? Does thyroid problems in the mother affect the baby ? Lump between collar bone, weight gain, hair fall, bloating, joint pain Is any medicine available to avoid car sickness for an infant ? How is testicle trauma treated ? How are ADHD and memory loss treated in children ? Accidentally taken two Microgynon 30 pills Lump in scrotum sack,painful How is premature ejaculation treated ? Mouth and skin contact with vaginal fluids, hugging, kissing. HIV? How is melasma treated ? Blood test result, mild neutropenia, WCC in reference range. Cause of concern ? When is fetal heart beat detectable ? How is chronic diarrhea and cramps treated ? How is sinusitis treated ? Rash on upper lip,swollen lips Medical abortion, bleeding for 6 weeks. Cause of concern ? What does clear discharge from penis indicate ? Tingling, itching, dry, rough, oozing lips. Reaction from sunscreen? What is brain stem injury and does in cause urine incontinence ? Can Tetralysal cause skin rash ? Normal TSH level, symptoms of low thyroid disease. More tests? Raised BP, swollen testicle, no pain Liver problem due to Winstrol What is duodenal ulcer ? Accident,stitches on face,scars,hair fall Head bumped against wall, big lump, tenderness, numbness. Normal or serious symptoms ? How is fungal infection on the penis treated ? What causes pain during ejaculation in men ? What causes lack of sensitivity in tongue post removal of wisdom teeth ? How does one lower cholesterol levels ? Stress, hearing unknown voices at night, sleeplessness How is pain due to acid peptic disease treated ? Plaquenil,vitreous detachment.Side effect? What causes chest vibrations ? Late onset seizure, taken Eptoin. Problem due to sudden stopping? How is burning sensation on penis treated ? How good is instaflex for treating osteoarthritis? ECG test,mild abnormality,sleep problem,cold Pimples on lip, no pain, dryness, chapping, spreading. Medication? How is hepatitis B infection treated ? Pain on left lateral calf,obese,bilateral knee.Cause? How is food allergy to eggs treated ? HTN, taken Norvasc, Approvel, Omega 3, iron, calcium. Weight loss reduces LVH? What causes bloody sputum while taking warfarin ? What is the difference between hemachromatosis and fibromyalgia ? Laceration on vagina.Accidental penetration? BP 180/156, pulse 148, jerking, anxiety, taken Sectral, Celexa. Pheochromocytoma? How is breast cancer treated ? Over dose, black outs, hallucinations, queasy stomach, face numbness, sleeplessness What causes moderate to severe chest pains ? Pregnancy test positive,termination,mifepristone,misoprostol What is physiogic prominence of the CFS canal? Diet,herbal life,Divalproex ER,vomiting,abdominal pain,bloating,weight gain Cut hand on tripping, dirt inside cut, cleaned well, travelling. Tetanus shot required ? Very high BP, exhausted, non smoker, regular exercise. Suggest. What is the likely cause and remedy for pain on left side of the neck while swallowing ? DTH injection, joint and leg pain, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus. Treatment ? Excessive masturbation.Medicine? Can someone with elevated WBC go on HCG diet ? Prozac 40 mg,50 mg tramadol.Ok together? PCOS side effects, excessive hair growth, hormonal imbalance. Insurance coverage ? Does reduced days in periods signify pregnancy ? Should I worry if my semen is yellowish in color after suffering from fever ? Does depo shot cause fatigue and depression ? 132 beats per minute heart beat, fever. Normal or heart related problems ? What is the reason for constant twitching and numbness in my upper lip ? Pepper spray, head pounding, tension headaches, nasal mucosa. Treatment ? Does CPAP use cause chronic mastoiditis ? What is the best sleeping position after an inguinal repair surgery ? Doctors in Vellore to treat Asthma patients Blood rush in ears, tension headache, hypertensive. Tinnitus or cervical spondylosis ?
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